They shot off their own teeny weenies

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You do realize, that if you disagree with a teaper...they tend to have knee jerk reactions, lie, and manufacturer your opinions for you. I get your point, it makes sense...the children will play semantics...just realize that.

Ad they're dishonest cowards.

[MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] and [MENTION=42777]DigitalDrifter[/MENTION] both read more into my words than I actually wrote. They are wrong and they lied about me.

Don't expect either of them to admit it though.

You do have to admit...your post was poorly worded to give that impression. You clarified, that is good enough for me...but a you did give these teapers a little ammunition.

Good luck with this one...pretty soon, more teapers will join in and assault and insult you. I suggest you respond in dumb, repeat the same thing over and over, and never make a point.

She/he blatantly lied. She/he clearly posted a comment, then denied it.

As far as whether she/he is female, I would have to go back and dig through her/his posts where she/he made reference.
I remember a post probably a few months back where it was revealed. Problem is, at this point she/he has lost a lot of credibility, so I really wouldn't know what to believe at this point.
So you said this:

And then when another member made this comment:

You then responded with this:

So what's the deal here, are you going to deny what's right in front of all of our faces ?

You gonna post where I wrote
He also said that a gun has only one use.. To kill people...

Post a link to where I wrote that.

Will you please read the post again. I didn't say you wrote that particular comment, "Flacaltenn" did when they caught you in a lie.

Where is the lie?

EXACTLY where did I write " ... people"?

I did not and there's no way you twist this around to say I did.

How much do I have to dumb this down for you?
Ad they're dishonest cowards.

[MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] and [MENTION=42777]DigitalDrifter[/MENTION] both read more into my words than I actually wrote. They are wrong and they lied about me.

Don't expect either of them to admit it though.

You do have to admit...your post was poorly worded to give that impression. You clarified, that is good enough for me...but a you did give these teapers a little ammunition.

Good luck with this one...pretty soon, more teapers will join in and assault and insult you. I suggest you respond in dumb, repeat the same thing over and over, and never make a point.

She/he blatantly lied. She/he clearly posted a comment, then denied it.

As far as whether she/he is female, I would have to go back and dig through her/his posts where she/he made reference.
I remember a post probably a few months back where it was revealed. Problem is, at this point she/he has lost a lot of credibility, so I really wouldn't know what to believe at this point.

Post a link to that "blatant lie".

Hint: my original statement is post #27.
wake me when it's over.
Come on now, stop trying to twist this. When you say guns are made for killing, you know it's always going to be taken that it's human life that is being discussed.
You also earlier had the nerve to claim it's the rw'ers here who turn a gun into something sexual, when it's you in fact who always brings up penises when a gun thread comes along.
Come on now, stop trying to twist this. When you say guns are made for killing, you know it's always going to be taken that it's human life that is being discussed.

Don't tell me what I think because you do not know.

It never occurred to me that anyone would believe that guns are used ONLY to kill humans. That's a DUMB thing to believe and DUMB to say.

The FACT here is that YOU and flacaltenn made a mistake and then tried to hide your mistake with lies.

You are still trying to hide behind lies. It is YOU who is twisting what I really wrote to mean something completely different.
boys and their toys..I always found boobies funner to play with...

But you can't holster one of those...

And who ever saw a guy holding one of those up while defending his second amendment rights?

You are the one who brings up dicks EVERY fucking gun thread !!

My gawd what fucking gall you have !

Not true but I can't help it that you don't know the difference.

OMG I honestly believe you are delusional !

How in the hell can you possibly say this when you bring up dicks in all the gun threads ?

You have complete went off the rails !!

Absolutely amazing !

If there is one thing that Puddly Pillowbite knows and loves, it's dick.
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Not true but I can't help it that you don't know the difference.

OMG I honestly believe you are delusional !

How in the hell can you possibly say this when you bring up dicks in all the gun threads ?

You have complete went off the rails !!

Absolutely amazing !

If there is one thing that Puddly Pillowbite knows and loves, it's dick.

FINALLY, a low information, ignorant, anti-education, RW who gets something right.

Come on now, stop trying to twist this. When you say guns are made for killing, you know it's always going to be taken that it's human life that is being discussed.

Don't tell me what I think because you do not know.

It never occurred to me that anyone would believe that guns are used ONLY to kill humans. That's a DUMB thing to believe and DUMB to say.

The FACT here is that YOU and flacaltenn made a mistake and then tried to hide your mistake with lies.

You are still trying to hide behind lies. It is YOU who is twisting what I really wrote to mean something completely different.

Oh baloney, no one is lying but you.

You said guns are made for one purpose to kill. You know damn well that's going to be taken as meaning "people".

Then when another poster commented that you said guns were only made for killing people, you blow your stack and act like that was the furthest thing from your mind.

All's you had to do was calmly say that you were talking about ALL life, but instead you made this bombastic comment:

I have NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER said that a gun's only use is "to kill people".*
As usual, the RWs try to side track the discussion with sexual innuendo. Or, the just try to change the subject to other causes of death.

Fact is, the purpose of guns is to kill.

That's it.


Those who wanna say they're made for target practice - bullshit. You practice on a target so you can kill with fewer shots.

The subject of this thread are the many so-called "accidental" killings done by idiots with guns.

If you can't address that subject, fuck off.

I believe in the second amendment. I believe we have the right to own guns and I believe we should be working to protect that right. But, the nutters don't agree. They think they should be able to kill anybody for any reason.

Everything from Skittles to loud music - to certain assholes, and you know who you are, none of that matters - all people are fair game to you idiots.

You little wannabes, you twerps who think owning a tin foil hat is the same as owning a gun, YOU are the worst enemies of the second amendment.

No one is going to read this post and assume you're also referencing animals.
Come on now, stop trying to twist this. When you say guns are made for killing, you know it's always going to be taken that it's human life that is being discussed.

Don't tell me what I think because you do not know.

It never occurred to me that anyone would believe that guns are used ONLY to kill humans. That's a DUMB thing to believe and DUMB to say.

The FACT here is that YOU and flacaltenn made a mistake and then tried to hide your mistake with lies.

You are still trying to hide behind lies. It is YOU who is twisting what I really wrote to mean something completely different.

Oh baloney, no one is lying but you.

You said guns are made for one purpose to kill. You know damn well that's going to be taken as meaning "people".

Then when another poster commented that you said guns were only made for killing people, you blow your stack and act like that was the furthest thing from your mind.

All's you had to do was calmly say that you were talking about ALL life, but instead you made this bombastic comment:

I have NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER said that a gun's only use is "to kill people".*

I'll repeat that I have never and would never say a "gun's only use is "to kill people". That would be incorrect and stupid.

flacaltenn jumped to an incorrect conclusion and you, the sheeple, piled on.

Either of you could have said you misunderstood. You could have admitted that you lack basic reading comprehension, but you're too chicken and too dishonest for that.

I stand by my original statement which, btw, includes an indirect reference to hunting:

... You practice on a target so you can kill with fewer shots. ..

Even if you didn't read it that way, there is no way you can say I said that a "gun's only use is "to kill people".
OMG I honestly believe you are delusional !

How in the hell can you possibly say this when you bring up dicks in all the gun threads ?

You have complete went off the rails !!

Absolutely amazing !

If there is one thing that Puddly Pillowbite knows and loves, it's dick.

FINALLY, a low information, ignorant, anti-education, RW who gets something right.


Wow, other than congrats, you got everything else totally wrong.
Don't tell me what I think because you do not know.

It never occurred to me that anyone would believe that guns are used ONLY to kill humans. That's a DUMB thing to believe and DUMB to say.

The FACT here is that YOU and flacaltenn made a mistake and then tried to hide your mistake with lies.

You are still trying to hide behind lies. It is YOU who is twisting what I really wrote to mean something completely different.

Oh baloney, no one is lying but you.

You said guns are made for one purpose to kill. You know damn well that's going to be taken as meaning "people".

Then when another poster commented that you said guns were only made for killing people, you blow your stack and act like that was the furthest thing from your mind.

All's you had to do was calmly say that you were talking about ALL life, but instead you made this bombastic comment:

I'll repeat that I have never and would never say a "gun's only use is "to kill people". That would be incorrect and stupid.

flacaltenn jumped to an incorrect conclusion and you, the sheeple, piled on.

Either of you could have said you misunderstood. You could have admitted that you lack basic reading comprehension, but you're too chicken and too dishonest for that.

I stand by my original statement which, btw, includes an indirect reference to hunting:

... You practice on a target so you can kill with fewer shots. ..

Even if you didn't read it that way, there is no way you can say I said that a "gun's only use is "to kill people".

Yet in that same post you said this:

I believe in the second amendment. I believe we have the right to own guns and I believe we should be working to protect that right. But, the nutters don't agree. They think they should be able to kill anybody for any reason.*

Everything from Skittles to loud music - to certain assholes, and you know who you are, none of that matters - all people are fair game to you idiots.*

Using the words "anybody" and "people are fair game" obviously is not referencing animals.

By the way, I don't buy your claim of believing in the second amendment. You want guns banned, period.
Oh baloney, no one is lying but you.

You said guns are made for one purpose to kill. You know damn well that's going to be taken as meaning "people".

Then when another poster commented that you said guns were only made for killing people, you blow your stack and act like that was the furthest thing from your mind.

All's you had to do was calmly say that you were talking about ALL life, but instead you made this bombastic comment:

I'll repeat that I have never and would never say a "gun's only use is "to kill people". That would be incorrect and stupid.

flacaltenn jumped to an incorrect conclusion and you, the sheeple, piled on.

Either of you could have said you misunderstood. You could have admitted that you lack basic reading comprehension, but you're too chicken and too dishonest for that.

I stand by my original statement which, btw, includes an indirect reference to hunting:

Even if you didn't read it that way, there is no way you can say I said that a "gun's only use is "to kill people".

Yet in that same post you said this:

I believe in the second amendment. I believe we have the right to own guns and I believe we should be working to protect that right. But, the nutters don't agree. They think they should be able to kill anybody for any reason.*

Everything from Skittles to loud music - to certain assholes, and you know who you are, none of that matters - all people are fair game to you idiots.*

Using the words "anybody" and "people are fair game" obviously is not referencing animals.

By the way, I don't buy your claim of believing in the second amendment. You want guns banned, period.

That's funny.

Pulling words and phrases out of unrelated posts somehow proves that you can't read.

Never mind what I write, never mind that I have never written about banning guns, you'll just make it up as you go along.

Okay ... well ... You said it, not me.

He also said that a gun has only one use.. To kill people...
That's very 2nd Amendment of him..

Good Fucking GAWD.

WHERE did I ever ever ever ever say THAT???????????????????????????????????

Learn to read and quit making ASSSSumptions.

That drama was all in vain your Luddlyness. I never reply to something somebody never said.. I know what you said.. Shame that you don't..

As usual, the RWs try to side track the discussion with sexual innuendo. Or, the just try to change the subject to other causes of death.

Fact is, the purpose of guns is to kill.

That's it.


Those who wanna say they're made for target practice - bullshit. You practice on a target so you can kill with fewer shots.

The subject of this thread are the many so-called "accidental" killings done by idiots with guns.

If you can't address that subject, fuck off.

How long have you had this memory issue? Is one page your limit now?


Both I and DigitalDrifter SHOWED YOU where you said that.. This is a copy of Post #59 or so.. APPARENTLY --- YOU CAN'T OR WON"T READ YOUR OWN THREAD.. The link to your quote and the quote is in the quotes above.. Don't miss it this time.

And your sudden dishonesty is appalling -- as is the FIVE MENTIONS with which you taunted me with into this response this morning. This is one of the worse examples I have EVER SEEN on USMB of a poster being a dishonest pain in the ass.. :eek:

XXXXXXX ...... if it's because you are certified leftist and expect to shout your way out of lying -- you're pretty much going to the top of my list of time-wasters..

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Good Fucking GAWD.

WHERE did I ever ever ever ever say THAT???????????????????????????????????

Learn to read and quit making ASSSSumptions.

That drama was all in vain your Luddlyness. I never reply to something somebody never said.. I know what you said.. Shame that you don't..

As usual, the RWs try to side track the discussion with sexual innuendo. Or, the just try to change the subject to other causes of death.

Fact is, the purpose of guns is to kill.

That's it.


Those who wanna say they're made for target practice - bullshit. You practice on a target so you can kill with fewer shots.

The subject of this thread are the many so-called "accidental" killings done by idiots with guns.

If you can't address that subject, fuck off.

How long have you had this memory issue? Is one page your limit now?


Both I and DigitalDrifter SHOWED YOU where you said that.. This is a copy of Post #59 or so.. APPARENTLY --- YOU CAN'T OR WON"T READ YOUR OWN THREAD..

And your sudden dishonesty is appalling -- as is the FIVE MENTIONS with which you taunted me with into this response this morning. This is one of the worse examples I have EVER SEEN on USMB of a poster being a dishonest pain in the ass.. :eek:

XXXXXXX ...... if it's because you are certified leftist and expect to shout your way out of lying -- you're pretty much going to the top of my list of time-wasters..

Its post #27.

I'm not going to retype my responses but it is YOU who (willfully?) misunderstood and used your own mistake as a reason to attack.

It is YOU who is dishonest.


Enough is enough.
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