They Should Take This Poll.Who's Economy Was It During The Obama Years? Bush, Or Obama.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
So Obama is taking credit for the Trump economy? but wait a second, weren't Liberals/Democrats blaming Bush for the eight year depression from 2009 to 2016?,,every time we had downturns, bad economic news, it was Bush's fault, every time the DOW went down 500 to 1000 points, again it was Bush, and now we have Obama claiming that todays booming economy started when he became President?
Get My Point?
i wonder whos economy it was when the DOW crashed to about 6600 in 2009
i wonder whos economy it was when the DOW crashed to about 6600 in 2009

It went from 14000 to 8000 under Bush between late 2007 and early 2009 when he left office. It continued falling to 6600 that you speak of over the next 6 weeks or so.

Between Bush and Obama, who do you think gets the blame?
well according to Pelosi, we were losing about 100 Million jobs a month, so I guess it was Bush's economy, and here we are about 10 years later and now 2009/2010 are all of a sudden Obama's economy?
So Obama is taking credit for the Trump economy? but wait a second, weren't Liberals/Democrats blaming Bush for the eight year depression from 2009 to 2016?,,every time we had downturns, bad economic news, it was Bush's fault, every time the DOW went down 500 to 1000 points, again it was Bush, and now we have Obama claiming that todays booming economy started when he became President?
Get My Point?

It was a severe recession not a depression. The fact is that the economy started growing under Obama. That is a historical fact. Neither Trump nor Obama deserve credit for the economy growing. Under Trump, manufacturing is in a recession thanks to Trump's trade wars yet the economy is growing at the same rate it grew under Obama and Trump. However if Trump wants to claim credit for the economy then so can Obama.
Bush started the turmoil and Obama passed Obama care which is what he was more worried about. He owned the economy from 2008-2016.
if things were so great under Obama, then how come he could never hit 20,000 DOW?
if things were so great under Obama, then how come he could never hit 20,000 DOW?
Even though his deep state fed buds were pumping $80,000,000,000 a MONTH into the stock market calling it QUANTITATIVE EASING... he STILL couldn't do it.

Well... ya... everything that America hating muslim kenyan dog turd did was ANTI AMERICAN, and it sunk our economy into the toilet.

This Would Be Obama's Economy
If Trump Hadn't Started Repealing Obama Regulations And Executive Orders
On The Day Trump Was Sworn Into Office
No XL Pipeline Under Obama
No Working Class Child Tax Credit Under Obama

Trump Obama.jpeg

Obama Blamed His Economy On Bush As Late As 2014
-- Democrats Pass The Buck By Nature
And Wants To Take Credit For Trump's "Magic Wand"
-- Because Democrats Are Thieves By Nature

trump wand.jpg
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