They still don’t get it...

Do even dems care about the names? I'm sure the money is welcome though.
Whenever Hollywood producers wonder why the movie business isn't doing better they could maybe think that the red state voters might be voting with their wallets. Adjusted for inflation, Hollywood's income has been trending downward since 1990. So tell the "stars" to keep bashing Trump...
Whenever Hollywood producers wonder why the movie business isn't doing better they could maybe think that the red state voters might be voting with their wallets. Adjusted for inflation, Hollywood's income has been trending downward since 1990. So tell the "stars" to keep bashing Trump...

That, and also the fact that Hollywood insists upon making ill-begotten prequels and sequels, remakes, crappy political-message films and simply very bad films that no one bothers with.

The "star" system died out in the 80s. Today's stars are hardly more than rude special effects and Autotune-supported cardboard cut-outs with little actual talent for anything.
Whenever Hollywood producers wonder why the movie business isn't doing better they could maybe think that the red state voters might be voting with their wallets. Adjusted for inflation, Hollywood's income has been trending downward since 1990. So tell the "stars" to keep bashing Trump...

That, and also the fact that Hollywood insists upon making ill-begotten prequels and sequels, remakes, crappy political-message films and simply very bad films that no one bothers with.

The "star" system died out in the 80s. Today's stars are hardly more than rude special effects and Autotune-supported cardboard cut-outs with little actual talent for anything.

Exactly right. My wife used to like to want to see non-violent movies with real movie stars and no political undertones or agendas.
We don't go to the movies anymore, why support people who oppose our political views?
Yeah --- I find I am less likely to download movies with "stars" who are obnoxious about their politics. It's like football with all the crime against tiny children and women that these players do --- I stopped watching football cold turkey a few years ago after a rash of horrific crimes by players, and it hasn't stopped yet.

Same with movies. If the players in movies are really bad people, why would I want to watch them?
Want to know how stupid these DemTards are? Here are two of their arguments


It’s all in your imagination all these accusations that we haven’t proved our accusations. We proved the accusations beyond any shadow of a doubt but we still need witnesses because you doubt our accusations which we proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

These people are nuts!


“People risked their lives to fight England so they can choose their own leaders.

Please remove Trump so The People cannot choose him as their leader.”

Essentially their arguments boil down to this:

“Democracy is at Stake! Trump is an imminent Existential Threat to The Republic

It’s urgent!

Sits on Articles for 33 days!

Please don’t make us run against Trump in the next election

Can’t you take him off the ballot?“

And then you can't help to notice them complain about Trump asking about Biden "asking" nothing else, and then ignoring the fact that Obama purchased Russian Propaganda from Putin and used that to order an Investigation and Spying on The Trump Campaign in order to interfere in the 2016 Elections!

Essentially They were saying:

"We want to exonerate Joe Biden for extorting the Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor investigating his son who works for corrupt Burisma.

We want to IMPEACH Donald Trump for daring to ask why Joe Biden extorted the Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor investigating his son who works for corrupt Burisma."

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