They warned us in advance last time and now this ….


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.

Yep. They told us a long time prior to the COVID pandemic that it could or even that it would be coming. Most of us only saw that early warning long after the “pandemic” had already struck.

Now we get this news of a possibly worse pathogen? I’m pretty sure this time (if this kind of shit gets started again) more people will be anti-VAX and opposed to mandatory masks and disinclined to accept the word of our governmental health officials.

There is a big possible downside though. Like the Boy Who Cried Wolf; we may all be learning to disregard real warnings, too.
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Yep. They told us a long time prior to the COVID pandemic that it could or even that it would be coming. Most of us only saw that early warning long after the “pandemic” had already struck.

Now we get this news of a possibly worse pathogen? I’m pretty sure this time (if this kind of ahit gets started again) more people will be anti-VAX and opposed to mandatory masks and disinclined to accept the word of our governmental health officials.

There is a big possible downside though. Like the Boy Who Cried Wolf; we may all be learning to disregard real warnings, too.
The Dims are creating their next mail in ballot scam.

Yep. They told us a long time prior to the COVID pandemic that it could or even that it would be coming. Most of us only saw that early warning long after the “pandemic” had already struck.

Now we get this news of a possibly worse pathogen? I’m pretty sure this time (if this kind of ahit gets started again) more people will be anti-VAX and opposed to mandatory masks and disinclined to accept the word of our governmental health officials.

There is a big possible downside though. Like the Boy Who Cried Wolf; we may all be learning to disregard real warnings, too.
If I begin to see neighbors or other members of my family falling ill or dying, I might risk one of their vaccines. I will never again be stampeded by the lying scum media.

Yep. They told us a long time prior to the COVID pandemic that it could or even that it would be coming. Most of us only saw that early warning long after the “pandemic” had already struck.

Now we get this news of a possibly worse pathogen? I’m pretty sure this time (if this kind of shit gets started again) more people will be anti-VAX and opposed to mandatory masks and disinclined to accept the word of our governmental health officials.

There is a big possible downside though. Like the Boy Who Cried Wolf; we may all be learning to disregard real warnings, too.
Time for Biden to declare another emergency and take away people's rights for their own good.

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