They were just Christians


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
No need to worry, they were just Christians. You know, the 290 Christians who died in the bombings in Sri Lanka? Yeah, no big deal. Not my problem. Muslims have more right to worship their faith than do bigoted Christians. We should be more kind and compassionate to worshipers of Islam due to their inclusivity...






Do I have your attention now? Good, because the above paragraph caused me intellectual pain to write. I wouldn't dream of having such a narrow minded attitude. But some here on this board and in America, who call themselves Liberals... who proclaim themselves to be kind, compassionate, and tolerant have such an attitude. Our mainstream media displays such an attitude.

Our Hollywood denizens who make millions and donate millions to liberal causes? Yep. Doing exactly what their PR agents tell them to.


None of those Christians who died in Sri Lanka matter to some liberals. I get it. But like Muslims, they are devoted to their faith. Neither deserve to be targeted because of what they believe. But who gets the most attention when they are slaughtered en masse?

Not Christians. It seems as if worshipers of any other religion on Earth are seemingly more deserving of attention when they are murdered than Christians are. That makes me sick to my stomach. What did Christianity do? Why is it scrutinized and ignored so often? What did Islam do? Why is it given so much leeway? And before anyone gets upset, I am the furthermost thing from being a religious bigot. I participated in Seder (Passover) this past weekend. I respect others who believe differently than I do.

I have known and made friends who are Muslims, Jews, Wiccans, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, etc. Religious affiliation doesn't stop the people I knew and made friends with from being human. So why? Why is Christianity bearing the brunt of human hatred? I'm sure there may be many answers to that question. Some of them might even be justified. But none of that should stop us from protesting and condemning the murder of, or showing solidarity with Christians who are slaughtered because of their faith. Or any other religion for that matter. Why can't we just treat all religions equally?

Our society could use a bit of consistency for a change. Perhaps it could start with us.
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So only the “far right” cares when brown people are killed in church.
Looks like the dead were mostly Romanists! I mean we Could detail the Romanist mission if we Must. However, I see little comparison, as we begin a detailed Study of Wilsonian Pontus! Yes I think There's Something Here! We could build a trolley light of civilization.
Republic of Pontus[edit]
The Republic of Pontus (Greek:, Dimokratía tou Pntou) was a proposed Pontic Greek state on the southern coast of the Black Sea. Its territory would have encompassed much of historical Pontus and today forms part of Turkey's Black Sea Region. The proposed state was discussed at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, but the Greek government of Eleftherios Venizelos feared the precarious position of such a state and so it was included instead in the larger proposed state of Wilsonian Armenia. Neither state came into existence and the Pontic Greek population was expelled from Turkey after 1922 and resettled in the Soviet Union or in Greek Macedonia. This state of affairs was later formally recognized as part of the population exchange between Greece and Turkey in 1923.

Main article: Black Sea Region
The Black Sea Region (Turkish: ) is one of Turkey's seven census-defined geographical regions.

Turkey Black Sea Region

Turkey Black Sea Region
Mentioned thrice in the New Testament, inhabitants of Pontus were some of the very first converts to Christianity. Acts 2:9 mentions them present in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost; Acts 18:2 mentions a Jewish tentmaker from Pontus, Aquila, who was then living in Corinth with his wife Priscilla, who had both converted to Christianity, and in 1 Peter 1:1, Peter the Apostle addresses the Pontians in his letter as the "elect" and "chosen ones".

As early as the First Council of Nicea, Trebizond had its own bishop.[9] Subsequently, the Bishop of Trebizond was subordinated to the Metropolitan Bishop of Poti.[9] Then during the 9th century, Trebizond itself became the seat of the Metropolitan Bishop of Lazica.[9]

Oh, he's taking notes! Horace underwood's taking notes, now.
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You do not want anger from the left, you want a hateful right-wing style race to the bottom.
No need to worry, they were just Christians. You know, the 290 Christians who died in the bombings in Sri Lanka? Yeah, no big deal. Not my problem. Muslims have more right to worship their faith than do bigoted Christians. We should be more kind and compassionate to worshipers of Islam due to their inclusivity...

Do I have your attention now? Good, because the above paragraph caused me intellectual pain to write. I wouldn't dream of having such a narrow minded attitude. But some here on this board and in America, who call themselves Liberals... who proclaim themselves to be kind, compassionate, and tolerant have such an attitude. Our mainstream media displays such an attitude.

Our Hollywood denizens who make millions and donate millions to liberal causes? Yep. Doing exactly what their PR agents tell them to.


None of those Christians who died in Sri Lanka matter to some liberals. I get it. But like Muslims, they are devoted to their faith. Neither deserve to be targeted because of what they believe. But who gets the most attention when they are slaughtered en masse?

Not Christians. It seems as if worshipers of any other religion on Earth are seemingly more deserving of attention when they are murdered than Christians are. That makes me sick to my stomach. What did Christianity do? Why is it scrutinized and ignored so often? What did Islam do? Why is it given so much leeway? And before anyone gets upset, I am the furthermost thing from being a religious bigot. I participated in Seder (Passover) this past weekend. I respect others who believe differently than I do.

I have known and made friends who are Muslims, Jews, Wiccans, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, etc. Religious affiliation doesn't stop the people I knew and made friends with from being human. So why? Why is Christianity bearing the brunt of human hatred? I'm sure there may be many answers to that question. Some of them might even be justified. But none of that should stop us from protesting and condemning the murder of, or showing solidarity with Christians who are slaughtered because of their faith. Or any other religion for that matter. Why can't we just treat all religions equally?

Our society could use a bit of consistency for a change. Perhaps it could start with us.
How about being FAIR with ALL people & born babies?

This is a STUPID comment:
“None of those Christians who died in Sri Lanka matter to some liberals.”

Liberals AND everyone else who has some empathy cares about the misfortunes of innocent others.

Do Cons care about the starving oppressed born babies & children in or outside the U.S., or only being hypocritical about abortion of the UNborn?
So only the “far right” cares when brown people are killed in church.
View attachment 257354

The fact there is no anger from The Left on Christians being attacked by Muslims is concerning.

Most of us understood already how the leftwingers behave....and of course the media goes along with them....look how quickly we forgot 9/11.

Despite all the horrors comitted by muslims the leftwingers, hollywood, and the msm will do their utmost to protect it is their sacred honor do so...well that might be understood if they were being slaughtered like Christians and having their mosques burnt down like the Christian Churches are.

Over 2000 Christian Churches burnt down in France and not one single mosque. What does that tell you?

If you point out some of the horrific attacks that have been carried out by islamic radicals a leftwinger will call you a bigot....just happened to me today...on this board.

And so it goes...and it will continue to go that way....France has little chance to resist successfully...they were duped long ago.....well that today despite all the terrorism in France in the last few years...the majority of the pop in France in a recent poll said they believe Islamic culture is compatible with French culture.
No need to worry, they were just Christians. You know, the 290 Christians who died in the bombings in Sri Lanka? Yeah, no big deal. Not my problem. Muslims have more right to worship their faith than do bigoted Christians. We should be more kind and compassionate to worshipers of Islam due to their inclusivity...

Do I have your attention now? Good, because the above paragraph caused me intellectual pain to write. I wouldn't dream of having such a narrow minded attitude. But some here on this board and in America, who call themselves Liberals... who proclaim themselves to be kind, compassionate, and tolerant have such an attitude. Our mainstream media displays such an attitude.

Our Hollywood denizens who make millions and donate millions to liberal causes? Yep. Doing exactly what their PR agents tell them to.


None of those Christians who died in Sri Lanka matter to some liberals. I get it. But like Muslims, they are devoted to their faith. Neither deserve to be targeted because of what they believe. But who gets the most attention when they are slaughtered en masse?

Not Christians. It seems as if worshipers of any other religion on Earth are seemingly more deserving of attention when they are murdered than Christians are. That makes me sick to my stomach. What did Christianity do? Why is it scrutinized and ignored so often? What did Islam do? Why is it given so much leeway? And before anyone gets upset, I am the furthermost thing from being a religious bigot. I participated in Seder (Passover) this past weekend. I respect others who believe differently than I do.

I have known and made friends who are Muslims, Jews, Wiccans, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, etc. Religious affiliation doesn't stop the people I knew and made friends with from being human. So why? Why is Christianity bearing the brunt of human hatred? I'm sure there may be many answers to that question. Some of them might even be justified. But none of that should stop us from protesting and condemning the murder of, or showing solidarity with Christians who are slaughtered because of their faith. Or any other religion for that matter. Why can't we just treat all religions equally?

Our society could use a bit of consistency for a change. Perhaps it could start with us.
How about being FAIR with ALL people & born babies?

This is a STUPID comment:
“None of those Christians who died in Sri Lanka matter to some liberals.”

Liberals AND everyone else who has some empathy cares about the misfortunes of innocent others.

Do Cons care about the starving oppressed born babies & children in or outside the U.S., or only being hypocritical about abortion of the UNborn?

Just like cannot say Christian.
No need to worry, they were just Christians. You know, the 290 Christians who died in the bombings in Sri Lanka? Yeah, no big deal. Not my problem. Muslims have more right to worship their faith than do bigoted Christians. We should be more kind and compassionate to worshipers of Islam due to their inclusivity...

Do I have your attention now? Good, because the above paragraph caused me intellectual pain to write. I wouldn't dream of having such a narrow minded attitude. But some here on this board and in America, who call themselves Liberals... who proclaim themselves to be kind, compassionate, and tolerant have such an attitude. Our mainstream media displays such an attitude.

Our Hollywood denizens who make millions and donate millions to liberal causes? Yep. Doing exactly what their PR agents tell them to.


None of those Christians who died in Sri Lanka matter to some liberals. I get it. But like Muslims, they are devoted to their faith. Neither deserve to be targeted because of what they believe. But who gets the most attention when they are slaughtered en masse?

Not Christians. It seems as if worshipers of any other religion on Earth are seemingly more deserving of attention when they are murdered than Christians are. That makes me sick to my stomach. What did Christianity do? Why is it scrutinized and ignored so often? What did Islam do? Why is it given so much leeway? And before anyone gets upset, I am the furthermost thing from being a religious bigot. I participated in Seder (Passover) this past weekend. I respect others who believe differently than I do.

I have known and made friends who are Muslims, Jews, Wiccans, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, etc. Religious affiliation doesn't stop the people I knew and made friends with from being human. So why? Why is Christianity bearing the brunt of human hatred? I'm sure there may be many answers to that question. Some of them might even be justified. But none of that should stop us from protesting and condemning the murder of, or showing solidarity with Christians who are slaughtered because of their faith. Or any other religion for that matter. Why can't we just treat all religions equally?

Our society could use a bit of consistency for a change. Perhaps it could start with us.
How about being FAIR with ALL people & born babies?

This is a STUPID comment:
“None of those Christians who died in Sri Lanka matter to some liberals.”

Liberals AND everyone else who has some empathy cares about the misfortunes of innocent others.

Do Cons care about the starving oppressed born babies & children in or outside the U.S., or only being hypocritical about abortion of the UNborn?

Just like cannot say Christian.
Why should i discriminate among decent people?
I am not a bigot. Are you?
This is a STUPID comment:
“None of those Christians who died in Sri Lanka matter to some liberals.”

Is that all you have to say? I would love to have a serious debate with someone. Will it be you? Probably not.

Liberals AND everyone else who has some empathy cares about the misfortunes of innocent others.

Eh, no. If you need to proclaim it before the masses. No. You don't.

Do Cons care about the starving oppressed born babies & children in or outside the U.S., or only being hypocritical about abortion of the UNborn?

You probably don't care about either. If we adopt the far left definition of what is or isn't human, it would either be the fetus or newborn. Because both of them are reliant on the mother for support.

Your position reveals your own ignorance and hypocrisy.
I am not a bigot. Are you?

If you feel the need to proclaim this fact to all of us, the idea of you not being a bigot is... very unlikely.
Feel free to support your claim, if you dare.

The burden of proof is not mine to bear. Saying "I am not a bigot" and actually not being a bigot are two separate things entirely. This should be an extremely rudimentary concept to grasp for the likes of you.

Feel free to support your claim, if you dare.
I am not a bigot. Are you?
If you feel the need to proclaim this fact to all of us, the idea of you not being a bigot is... very unlikely.
Feel free to support your claim, if you dare.
The burden of proof is not mine to bear. Saying "I am not a bigot" and actually not being a bigot are two separate things entirely. This should be an extremely rudimentary concept to grasp for the likes of you.

Feel free to support your claim, if you dare.
You made a claim without any rational support:
the idea of you not being a bigot is... very unlikely.”
YOU make a claim, YOU need evidence.

I said i am not a bigot. I say that because i do not discriminate & vilify ANY group of people.
So, why is my claim “unlikely”?

Unlike you, i don’t differentiate between Christians OR other innocent religious groups.
You made a claim without any rational support:
the idea of you not being a bigot is... very unlikely.”
YOU make a claim, YOU need evidence.

You made the original claim of not being a bigot. So provide evidence to that effect. Or stop quoting me endlessly.

I said i am not a bigot. I say that because i do not discriminate & vilify ANY group of people.So, why is my claim “unlikely”?

Easy. Because anyone who has political biases or leanings discriminates. Even me. Discriminating is not confined to race or ethnic creed. In my case, the ability to discriminate means I can identify the differences between religions, and the similarities. The Muslims in Christchurch, or the Christians in Sri Lanka. All they were doing was expressing their faith. And they were murdered for it.

But only one got attention while the other was completely ignored.

So, why is your claim unlikely? Why am I calling you out on it?

Simply because if you have the slightest ability to differentiate between religions, that gives you a pathway to being bigoted.

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