They will not denounce the violence

You two just don't get it. The incident was funny because of Bush and his response and the way he was able to duck and the fact that they were just SHOES. If it had happened to his Dad, Clinton, or Obama it would not have been very funny. The adultery jokes are funny when they are about Clinton and not the others. Now do you get it??? Laughter is good for you.

I imagine the incident was funny to you because you despise George W. Bush. It would not be funny happening to somebody you don't despise whether or not they were able to duck the thrown shoes.

It wasn't funny to me because I don't despise George W. Bush despite the fact that I despised MANY of his policies and actions and non actions when he was president and feel that he betrayed his conservative roots. But I saw those shoes hurled at the President of the United States and our troops and all the good people who have invested or risked their blood and treasure to give that ungrateful Iraqi scum a safe, free, and prosperous country. Bush deserves much criticism for many things, but he did not deserve that from the Iraqi people.

It wouldn't be funny to me if it was any other American standing there either.

Alright, already. Geez, I'll bet you're a blast at parties. Straighten your halo and forget about it. :rolleyes:

Actually I'm generally welcome at parties. I get invited to them from time to time. I do pretty good stand up comedy so I must have some good instincts for what is funny, and I laugh a lot and enjoy a good joke as much as anybody.

And I don't mean to come across as a self-righeous prick here either, but I do take my country very seriously and I resent it highly when it is disrespected and despised after we have invested so much blood and treasure trying to help. I can laugh when that is ridiculed and exposed for what it is. But I cannot find any humor in the act itself.
I know you will never renouce the violence.

You see you actually like the violence Steph.

Exactly what violence are you referring to??

Did someone get beat up. Shot. Have his or her car run off the road??

The only person I have heard about suffering any real violence is Cantor. He had a window shot out at his campaign headquarters.

Ummm I think you need to read the news.

I apparantly read and listen to the news a hell of a lot more than you do.

I haven't heard of anyone suffering violence except for Cantor. Even that sounds dubious.

There were accusations of someone getting spit on. Is that violence in your eyes?? If it is then you apparantly have never seen or been involved in a a real knock down drag out fight. I have. Nothing I've seen or heard regarding this HC debate has even come close to that. Jeeze. Get real.
I imagine the incident was funny to you because you despise George W. Bush. It would not be funny happening to somebody you don't despise whether or not they were able to duck the thrown shoes.

It wasn't funny to me because I don't despise George W. Bush despite the fact that I despised MANY of his policies and actions and non actions when he was president and feel that he betrayed his conservative roots. But I saw those shoes hurled at the President of the United States and our troops and all the good people who have invested or risked their blood and treasure to give that ungrateful Iraqi scum a safe, free, and prosperous country. Bush deserves much criticism for many things, but he did not deserve that from the Iraqi people.

It wouldn't be funny to me if it was any other American standing there either.

Alright, already. Geez, I'll bet you're a blast at parties. Straighten your halo and forget about it. :rolleyes:

Actually I'm generally welcome at parties. I get invited to them from time to time. I do pretty good stand up comedy so I must have some good instincts for what is funny, and I laugh a lot and enjoy a good joke as much as anybody.

And I don't mean to come across as a self-righeous prick here either, but I do take my country very seriously and I resent it highly when it is disrespected and despised after we have invested so much blood and treasure trying to help. I can laugh when that is ridiculed and exposed for what it is. But I cannot find any humor in the act itself.

You didn't. I actually think you're nice. Your post just sounded a little preachy, that's all. And another thing I wanted to say is that sometimes I think we don't laugh so much at the person as we do the situation. That whole deal was hysterical to me. Like I said, the expression on his face, the way he ducked. The stupid fool that threw SHOES, and then couldn't even hit the backside of a barn. I just couldn't stop laughing.

I laugh when people fall (as long as they don't get hurt). When I fall I can't get up because I'm usually laughing too hard. Guess my sense of humor is different. I liked Jerry Ford so much, yet I died laughing when I saw him fall constantly!! Poor thing!!! I couldn't help it. :lol:
Alright, already. Geez, I'll bet you're a blast at parties. Straighten your halo and forget about it. :rolleyes:

Actually I'm generally welcome at parties. I get invited to them from time to time. I do pretty good stand up comedy so I must have some good instincts for what is funny, and I laugh a lot and enjoy a good joke as much as anybody.

And I don't mean to come across as a self-righeous prick here either, but I do take my country very seriously and I resent it highly when it is disrespected and despised after we have invested so much blood and treasure trying to help. I can laugh when that is ridiculed and exposed for what it is. But I cannot find any humor in the act itself.

You didn't. I actually think you're nice. Your post just sounded a little preachy, that's all. And another thing I wanted to say is that sometimes I think we don't laugh so much at the person as we do the situation. That whole deal was hysterical to me. Like I said, the expression on his face, the way he ducked. The stupid fool that threw SHOES, and then couldn't even hit the backside of a barn. I just couldn't stop laughing.

I laugh when people fall (as long as they don't get hurt). When I fall I can't get up because I'm usually laughing too hard. Guess my sense of humor is different. I liked Jerry Ford so much, yet I died laughing when I saw him fall constantly!! Poor thing!!! I couldn't help it. :lol:

There was an episode of the Mary Tyler Moore show many years ago when she and other members of the news room attended a funeral of a mutual friend. Something happened there--for the life of me I can't remember what--but she got tickled and was unable to control her laughter. Her reaction was totally inappropriate and offensive to many around her. But I could relate.

So I'll chalk up your reaction to the shoe throwing incident as the same kind of scenario. And I do appreciate that some people do find the humor and absurdity in everyday life that is missed by the more humorless.

I have had too many friends and loved ones killed, injured, and/or in danger of their lives in Iraq and other places to find much humor in all that; and I still rankle when I think of how some laugh at the USA being mocked and intentionally insulted such as in the shoe throwing incident.

But I can understand that if you are outside that point of reference, you could see the situation as funny.

So, olive branch extended.

OK , its clear they are not going to denounce the violence.

They will say its our fault for .....well......electing the people they dont like.

Now its up to the sane people in this country to deside HOW we will deal in a country with their escalating violence and hate.

I suggest we stand tall and never allow ourselves to fear them.

Frum said the other day "we thougth Fox worked for us but it seems we work for Fox".

Even this con has learned the truth about where this violence is being fanned from.

What is it Fox is trying to accomplish and why?

Don't blame Fox. They are a media company, just like the rest of them, and they cater to a specific group of people, just like the rest of them, who pays their bills, just like the rest of them. No different. If those people didn't exist in great enough numbers to attract commercial interests they would gone in another direction. There are those who want to believe that we are the source of all that is ill in the world and there are those who believe we are its salvation and many in between. Each media outlet choose's what sector of society they want to cater to and builds out. This is the result of the TV news not just reporting on the news but instead inserting their opinions to make it juicier, more marketable. I don't even bother watching any of them now because they are all slanted and not worthy of being called news providers.
Okay let's steer this....ah.....did too--did not.....debate in a more focused directon:

Tea partiers condemn harassment

Tea party leaders quickly denounced slurs reportedly directed at House Democrats during Washington rallies before Sunday’s vote, pointing out they were not representative of most tea partiers.

Tea party organizers across the country are condemning the harassment and threats of violence against House Democrats who voted in favor of the health care overhaul that passed the House Sunday.

Though individual tea partiers — and many Republicans — have distanced themselves from the threats and deemed them unaffiliated with the movement, the condemnations mark a more forceful response and indicate a keen awareness of the damage that being linked to them could do to the tea party brand. There hasn't been any hard evidence that the reported harassment is linked to the tea party movement, but Democrats have tried to draw the link between the harassment and the sometimes-inflammatory rhetoric that tea partiers and Republicans deployed in opposing the health care overhaul.

The organizers of some major Florida tea party groups, for instance, on Thursday morning released an open letter to Congress and President Barack Obama declaring they “stand in stark opposition to any person using derogatory characterizations, threats of violence, or disparaging terms toward members of Congress or the President.”

The letter calls the tea parties “a peaceful movement” and says its leaders denounce “all forms of violence” and “support all efforts to bring [any perpetrators] to justice and have encouraged full cooperation within our movement and have asked for the same from the members of Congress who have laid such claims.”

The letter is signed by leaders of two statewide tea party coalitions, the state chapter of the Washington-based FreedomWorks and local and regional tea party groups in Tampa, Orlando, Miami, Deerfield Beach and Viera, among others.

Brendan Steinhauser, who helps organize local tea parties around the country for FreedomWorks, issued a statement Thursday declaring “Political violence is both immoral and ineffective, and will only set the movement back.” He said he is "reminding all grassroots leaders that it's important to focus our efforts on peaceful, political efforts like protests, office visits, letters, petitions and of course, voting.”

However, he also urged caution in attributing violence or threats of violence to tea party activists.

“We must remember that the folks committing these acts are small in number, extreme in their methods and not yet proven to be members of our movement,” he said. “But we ust be diligent in denouncing all acts of political violence and racism, when they occur.”

A coalition of Colorado tea party groups expressed similar sentiments in a Thursday morning press release.

The release said “Tea party and similar groups across Colorado are saddened tonight to hear of threats made upon Democratic lawmakers in response to the passing their recent health insurance reform legislation, specifically … Rep. Betsy Markey,” a Colorado Democrat.

Markey’s office notified police it received a phone call Saturday in which the caller told a staffer "You better hope I don't run into you in a dark alley with a club, a knife or a gun."

The Colorado tea party release emphasizes “it does not appear that these threats stemmed from those within Colorado's tea party movement.” But it adds “organizers and members alike are firmly denouncing any acts of intimidation or threat. Statewide, Tea Party leadership has encouraged disappointed members to get involved in the political process rather than dwell on the passage of the health care bill.”
Read more here:
Tea partiers condemn harassment - Kenneth P. Vogel and Jake Sherman -
Actually I'm generally welcome at parties. I get invited to them from time to time. I do pretty good stand up comedy so I must have some good instincts for what is funny, and I laugh a lot and enjoy a good joke as much as anybody.

And I don't mean to come across as a self-righeous prick here either, but I do take my country very seriously and I resent it highly when it is disrespected and despised after we have invested so much blood and treasure trying to help. I can laugh when that is ridiculed and exposed for what it is. But I cannot find any humor in the act itself.

You didn't. I actually think you're nice. Your post just sounded a little preachy, that's all. And another thing I wanted to say is that sometimes I think we don't laugh so much at the person as we do the situation. That whole deal was hysterical to me. Like I said, the expression on his face, the way he ducked. The stupid fool that threw SHOES, and then couldn't even hit the backside of a barn. I just couldn't stop laughing.

I laugh when people fall (as long as they don't get hurt). When I fall I can't get up because I'm usually laughing too hard. Guess my sense of humor is different. I liked Jerry Ford so much, yet I died laughing when I saw him fall constantly!! Poor thing!!! I couldn't help it. :lol:

There was an episode of the Mary Tyler Moore show many years ago when she and other members of the news room attended a funeral of a mutual friend. Something happened there--for the life of me I can't remember what--but she got tickled and was unable to control her laughter. Her reaction was totally inappropriate and offensive to many around her. But I could relate.

So I'll chalk up your reaction to the shoe throwing incident as the same kind of scenario. And I do appreciate that some people do find the humor and absurdity in everyday life that is missed by the more humorless.

I have had too many friends and loved ones killed, injured, and/or in danger of their lives in Iraq and other places to find much humor in all that; and I still rankle when I think of how some laugh at the USA being mocked and intentionally insulted such as in the shoe throwing incident.

But I can understand that if you are outside that point of reference, you could see the situation as funny.

So, olive branch extended.


Thank you. :) I know exactly what episode you're talking about. Their friend was Chuckles The Clown and he was in a parade, dressed as a peanut. An elephant ate him. When they went to the funeral they all lost it. It was a great episode. :lol:
OK , its clear they are not going to denounce the violence.

They will say its our fault for .....well......electing the people they dont like.

Now its up to the sane people in this country to deside HOW we will deal in a country with their escalating violence and hate.

I suggest we stand tall and never allow ourselves to fear them.

Frum said the other day "we thougth Fox worked for us but it seems we work for Fox".

Even this con has learned the truth about where this violence is being fanned from.

What is it Fox is trying to accomplish and why?

Don't blame Fox. They are a media company, just like the rest of them, and they cater to a specific group of people, just like the rest of them, who pays their bills, just like the rest of them. No different. If those people didn't exist in great enough numbers to attract commercial interests they would gone in another direction. There are those who want to believe that we are the source of all that is ill in the world and there are those who believe we are its salvation and many in between. Each media outlet choose's what sector of society they want to cater to and builds out. This is the result of the TV news not just reporting on the news but instead inserting their opinions to make it juicier, more marketable. I don't even bother watching any of them now because they are all slanted and not worthy of being called news providers.

Fox believes in showing both sides of the story and for some reason they are the only news organization that is telling us about what Obama and the Democrats are up to which is the main reason their ratings are through the roof. It's not that they appeal to a specific group....unless you feel there are people that want to hear what's going on and people who don't.

Fox spends alot of time telling us about the stupidity of the left. Their habit of trying to remove God from our lives, their hypocrisy, something that CNN and NBC totally ignore.

Let's face it folks...if it weren't for Fox we wouldn't know that the White House has become an enemy to our strongest allies and a friend to our enemies. That Obama has so many friends that admire mass-murderers like Mao, and Che'. That every bill the Democrats pass isn't really intended on solving our problems but solidify their control over our lives. We have plenty to be worried about these days and it seems Fox is the only place to go on TV to tell us about it.
When was it you made the connection between violent speach and real harm?

It took a Democrat taking a bullet to the head to make you stop
When was it you made the connection between violent speach and real harm?

It took a Democrat taking a bullet to the head to make you stop

  1. Do you denounce the most recent violent rhetoric, hoffa's comments?
  2. Do you denounce the new "tea party zombies must die" video game that features prominent conservatives as zombies that you must shoot and kill?
You must live in an alternate universe. Conservatives have been saying for millennia that words matter and liberals said that words were just so much steam. Suddenly when it suited your convenience you did a bit of judo and went after us for violent words. (the dishonesty of claiming the nut job who shot the poor woman was conservative is a yet another digression)

You still don't say anything about Hoffa's remarks. Or chastise Synthaholic for his posts.

For you, a stating the obvious about is liberal is a nasty personal attack. violent profanity against a conservative is, for you, just cute.

And then you feign shock when we get upset about your sanctimonious duplicity.
We heard him didn't we? Jimmy (Goebels) Hoffa shouting "mein fueher we are your army". "We are ready to march at your orders and take out the sons of bitches". How can democrats defend it?
We heard him didn't we? Jimmy (Goebels) Hoffa shouting "mein fueher we are your army". "We are ready to march at your orders and take out the sons of bitches". How can democrats defend it?

The Voices told you that's what he said, didn't they? :doubt:

[ame=]James Hoffa 'Let's Take These Son of a Bitches Out Video' - YouTube[/ame]
OK , its clear they are not going to denounce the violence.

They will say its our fault for .....well......electing the people they dont like.

Now its up to the sane people in this country to deside HOW we will deal in a country with their escalating violence and hate.

I suggest we stand tall and never allow ourselves to fear them.

Frum said the other day "we thougth Fox worked for us but it seems we work for Fox".

Even this con has learned the truth about where this violence is being fanned from.

What is it Fox is trying to accomplish and why?

The THREAT can be more powerful than the EXECUTION, if we allow it to be.

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