They’re not wrong. The financial incentives are so strong to go to California and New York, that most of Earth should move there.

This is great. The self described "sanctuary" cities that offered free food, housing, etc., to illegal immigrants are getting exactly what they asked for. Good for them. I hope they are happy.

  • California has the highest rate of poverty at 13.2% of any state in the U.S. (3-year average, 2020-22) and continues into 2023

Why because everything is so expensive

Yeah if your rich it is not a problem, if you have a good job its not a problem

McDonald burger in Houston is 1.65

Same burger in San Diego 3.79

Average cost in the US 2.54

Yeah you can probably he make more money in California then move to Texas
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This is great. The self described "sanctuary" cities that offered free food, housing, etc., to illegal immigrants are getting exactly what they asked for. Good for them. I hope they are happy.

I lived in NYC the majority of my life. It was a great place to live even through the Carter years, then it got bad. Giuliani came along and cleaned it up and Bloomberg began the undoing of the city those that have followed Democrats all have only made it worse.
The odors of garbage permeate the air on all the streets, vehicles double and triple park on busy streets, gangs roam freely day and night and crime is rampant.
I returned to NYC in Dec 2018 and was so disgusted with it, I vowed never to return....
Nw that's my personal opinion
If I were a bum, I'd go to the west coast and enjoy some California love. People are allowed to camp on city streets, crap right on the sidewalks, plenty of rich people with change to spare.

And the weather is great , too.

As Otis Redding sang, I would just be shitting on the dock of the bay.
This is great. The self described "sanctuary" cities that offered free food, housing, etc., to illegal immigrants are getting exactly what they asked for. Good for them. I hope they are happy.

Strange how they all know where they are going. Dont they have to figure that all out with US aauthorities at the checkpoint upon arrival?
If I were a bum, I'd go to the west coast and enjoy some California love. People are allowed to camp on city streets, crap right on the sidewalks, plenty of rich people with change to spare.

And the weather is great , too.

As Otis Redding sang, I would just be shitting on the dock of the bay.
Its better than NEW YORK. No love there
This is great. The self described "sanctuary" cities that offered free food, housing, etc., to illegal immigrants are getting exactly what they asked for. Good for them. I hope they are happy.

None of them say Ohio, yet the Bidumb admin sends them to a small down there and dumps them on them. He’s dumping these people all over the place destroying their towns and communities. Nobody in this town in Ohio has any use for these Haitian illegal aliens. They sure as hell aren’t bringing any prosperity with them. Pure destruction is what the democrats want.

None of them say Ohio, yet the Bidumb admin sends them to a small down there and dumps them on them. He’s dumping these people all over the place destroying their towns and communities. Nobody in this town in Ohio has any use for these Haitian illegal aliens. They sure as hell aren’t bringing any prosperity with them. Pure destruction is what the democrats want.

Yeah! and did they get a vote on that? and Trump is called the dictator and threat to democracy.
None of them say Ohio, yet the Bidumb admin sends them to a small down there and dumps them on them. He’s dumping these people all over the place destroying their towns and communities. Nobody in this town in Ohio has any use for these Haitian illegal aliens. They sure as hell aren’t bringing any prosperity with them. Pure destruction is what the democrats want.

Haitians in general are a rough bunch due to their environment. Throw them in with a bunch of american softies and we are asking for trouble. But just more ignorance from Biden and HArris. And I've even been involved with a Haiti charity. Ive done some things and tell you what.. there are good people BUT when the concept of what law and order is so different from one society to the next, one has to be pretty careful.

We all know how the gangs there assasinated their last president. they steal EVERYTHING that is donated to that country.. in that place you have to fight and steal to survive unless you are a farmer who gets left enough alone. When they come here they will be expecting handouts because they dont even havea. working economy over there anymore. that mindset becomes toxic. Its a complete mistake to settle them into some sort of "projects" they need to be on their own and forced to assimilate.

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