They've Got Hillarys Emails And Getting Them Out

If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected. Jail time, baby!
You do realize it's 2020 and Hillary is not running for any office and nobody gives shit what she did 6 or 8 years ago.
You do realize that Hitlery may have cost this nation billions of loss dollars and/or revenue's via the stunt her and the Obama administration engaged in, but you say just forget about it eh, nothing to see here folks ?? This nation don't take kindly to coups, treason or any such thing as that, so no it won't be forgotten about that easy. Oh and your boy Biden was right there in the thick of it, so of course you want to play it down. They "the Obama administration", might go down as the most corrupt administration this nation has ever encountered in it's history.
Hillary Clinton..LOL..nobody gives a shit about Hillary except Trumpists who don’t know what year it is.
Some people give a S. Those that have to look across the street 10 times before they even cross. Even on a 1 lane street.

THIS time you're going to get her thrown in prison.

For real this time.

I'm so serious. This time is the one.
It ought to get her thrown in prison, along with any other that was involved in the undermining of this countries political system.

Yea! It's definitely going to happen THIS time.

I believe it.

Clearly, this is the end of the line for HIllary. LOL

Its fun to see right wingers bringing this stuff up as if it is a game changer.
ashillary falls so will obama biden
THIS time you're going to get her thrown in prison.

For real this time.

I'm so serious. This time is the one.
It ought to get her thrown in prison, along with any other that was involved in the undermining of this countries political system.

Yea! It's definitely going to happen THIS time.

I believe it.

Clearly, this is the end of the line for HIllary. LOL

Its fun to see right wingers bringing this stuff up as if it is a game changer.
Domino Effect, should I explain the concept to you? :laughing0301:
I do believe the FBI lawyer that got indicted named a few names
The country is fighting with a pandemic, people are so behind on their bills they are being foreclosed on left and right, and the Congress can't put together a second stimulus bill since May to help stop the bleeding... yet in 2020 4 years since the last election Trump and his cabinet are still worried about publishing Hillary Clinton's emails. That is some dumb shit right there.
that's because the criminals went unpunished and Biden obama will have a visit from the hangman
If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected.
That's exactly what president Trump has done, politicized all of the agencies.....with even allegiance oaths to Trump, above law and the Constitution....using the DOJ like they are his and friends, personal defense lawyers.... how can you not see this...while pointing your finger elsewhere??? :dunno:
Watched the video and Pompeo is bullshitting. If he's got them, where are they? He's kissing Trump dick again and swallowing.
Thank about all the bad players who are awaiting a Biden presidency. Big time drug dealers/cartels, terrorist who hate this nation, and will use the weakness of the Democrats to exploit it yet again, people who want to use government power to shove their bullcrap down the American's throats, anti-law enforcement people, anti-Americanism, out of control abortions, open borders, TTP, the re-establishment of bad trade deals, bad negotiations with terrorist states in the world, unfair advantages given to those that don't deserve them, higher taxes, and on and on and on this page could be filled up. Oh and social media abusing it's power and influence without any regulatory action to stop them. This bullcrap has gone way to far in this country, and anyone that calls themselves American's need to put a stop to it. Letting known crooks just escape justice such as those who openly committed treason in a super coup attempt will come back to haunt this nation for years to come. If the justice dept fails to do it's job then it's over. We have lost this nation to the wolves. Anyone afterwards who allowed it to happen are pure pieces of crap is all I can say. So sit back knowing the stakes, and watch your nation go straight to hell. If you can live with it, then God help you is all I can say, because you have sold what's left of your souls.
If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected.
That's exactly what president Trump has done, politicized all of the agencies.....with even allegiance oaths to Trump, above law and the Constitution....using the DOJ like they are his and friends, personal defense lawyers.... how can you not see this...while pointing your finger elsewhere??? :dunno:

Goddamn Hillary Goddamn Clinton Is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn Something Because She Is Goddamn Hillary Godamn Clinton Goddammit.

Last I heard, Clinton is NOT running.

You and your senseless obsession with HRC is bordeline manic.
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If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected.
That's exactly what president Trump has done, politicized all of the agencies.....with even allegiance oaths to Trump, above law and the Constitution....using the DOJ like they are his and friends, personal defense lawyers.... how can you not see this...while pointing your finger elsewhere??? :dunno:

It is beyond ridiculous to accuse Trump of politicizing all federal agencies in view of what the Obama administration did over their 8 years. The allegiance oath to Trump is bullshit, he may want it but obviously has not gotten it. And to say the DOJ is being used after what they did to Trump is total hypocrisy. First of all, the Trump DOJ is NOT being used, I don't see them running investigations with zero evidence to start with, and I don't see them setting up any democrats with bogus interviews while trying to trap someone into saying something wrong.
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The country is fighting with a pandemic, people are so behind on their bills they are being foreclosed on left and right, and the Congress can't put together a second stimulus bill since May to help stop the bleeding... yet in 2020 4 years since the last election Trump and his cabinet are still worried about publishing Hillary Clinton's emails. That is some dumb shit right there.
You mean we should just allow the Clinton crime syndicate to get away with all of their crimes including taking bribes from the chinese that developed and released this virus that has killed so many? You are twisted.
Secondly, dippy---no one is being foreclosed on right now--------------come January this may change, but not right now.

You think that shit is in Hillary's emails? Jesus help us all if you are serious. No one is being foreclosed on right now? It won't matter come January because everyone will be so far behind on their bills they won't be able to catch up. Evictions and foreclosures will be at ALL-TIME record levels.

Hey we should look into Watergate some more! Let's waste more money!

There are lots of people REFUSING to pay their mortgages and rent and because to the virus relief nonsense--they can't be evicted out on their azzes..some of them can't because they lost their jobs while others are doing it because they can. The politicians have kicked this back till atleast January AFTER the election. I didn't make the rules--I wouldn't have done this and I didn't support this decision but both parties did it.

And sorry dear--but again I have been paying attention to WHAT was going on during clinton time as secretary---EVERYTHING I listed is what this stupid corrupt woman was up and doing and emailing back forth about not worrying about getting caught because she and bill figured out long ago the way to become Teflon against all crimes is to corrupt the judges and investigators (aka the Comey and MUELLER FBI)..............

Everything I posted about Hilliary and MORE is traceable via her emails, server, and bank accounts (including the clinton foundation which they have allowed her to close as she tries to bury the evidence there with time).
If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected.
That's exactly what president Trump has done, politicized all of the agencies.....with even allegiance oaths to Trump, above law and the Constitution....using the DOJ like they are his and friends, personal defense lawyers.... how can you not see this...while pointing your finger elsewhere??? :dunno:

Goddamn Hillary Goddamn Clinton Is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn Something Because She Is Goddamn Hillary Godamn Clinton Goddammit.

Last I heard, Clinton is NOT running.

You and your senseless obsession with HRC is bordeline manic.
Doesn't matter if she is running or not----it matters that she is a criminal and that she should not be above the law for her many crimes. It's rather sick that so many don't understand that corrupt pols should not be above the law.

Oh and fyi, Biden was never Obama's boy. Obama hated him----Obama only took him because he had to make a deal with the devil HILLARY to allow her to chose the Vp which was Biden. Biden even if he wins will not live long not locked up in a nursing home-----------the REAL candidate then is who? Odds would be Biden is a trojan horse for hilliary.
she hidden with Biden...

Engrish much?

The only Engrish that moron needs to understand, is that big word at the top of the page in all caps.


He just blew his whole narrative. These fuckwits are not real bright are they?

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