They've Got Hillarys Emails And Getting Them Out

If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected. Jail time, baby!
You do realize it's 2020 and Hillary is not running for any office and nobody gives shit what she did 6 or 8 years ago.
You do realize that Hitlery may have cost this nation billions of loss dollars and/or revenue's via the stunt her and the Obama administration engaged in, but you say just forget about it eh, nothing to see here folks ?? This nation don't take kindly to coups, treason or any such thing as that, so no it won't be forgotten about that easy. Oh and your boy Biden was right there in the thick of it, so of course you want to play it down. They "the Obama administration", might go down as the most corrupt administration this nation has ever encountered in it's history.
If she had been elected, she certainly would not be downplaying a virus that has kill over 210,000 Americans and undermining almost every covid preventive method recommended by the CDC to reduce the spread of the virus. Trump mocked those that wore masks, laughed at social distancing, said people should be able to go to large gathering, and openly encouraged people to defy local and state authorities. Under Trump's leadership the US has a death toll relative to population 5 times what it should be. To say Trump is on the side of the virus is an understatement.
Oh nonsense........

1) banning foreign travel SLOWED down the spread of the disease allowing medical professionals and tHe US to develop treatments for the virus
2) the virus is going to spread regardless---the most anyone can do is SLOW it down--------allowing for the medical professionals and the US to develop treatments (which Trump already did).
3) this virus doesn't stop being a threat to the US until it is spread throughout most of the US creating herd immunity ------------with HOPES (because that is all that they are) that the virus doesn't do more long term damage to its victims
4) Proof is always in the Pudding ----------------------------and the pudding says that dem states and areas that locked down got hit hardest by both victims and in the economy. And the pudding is still cooking---while we in say republican ran florida were out getting the virus during the summer but oddly not dying from not really locking down----we were building up herd immunity and using the sun to weaken the virus load cutting the number of deaths.

The idiotic dem states who locked down to help the dems during the election to create chaos and fear in order to steal rights-----------will get hit the hardest this winter in both deaths and in the economy. The damn lib yankees know this and florida is already again packed with their people fleeing the libs lock downs up north.
The facts are the US has 4% of the world's population and 20% of the deaths and the US was the best prepared nation in the world to deal with a pandemic according to John Hopkins. Based on population the 210,000 deaths should be less than 42,000. That might seem crazy but when you consider that the one most factor important factor in fighting an epidemic is how well the country complies with measures to reduce transmission then it's not crazy at all. The only way you get compliance is leadership from the top down. Instead of the president mocking people wearing mask in his rallies he should be encouraging it by word and example. There should be public service ads on TV and internet sites pushing the cdc recommendations. There should be signs in windows of stores and yes there should some penalties for those that flagrantly violate the rules.

One of the worse things to come out all this is the nihilists belief that nothing should be done just wait for herd immunity. Considering how low participation rates are for vaccinations in this country it could be years before reaching heard immunity and deaths could reach well over a million.

And no the virus is not going to spread regardless of what is done. South Korea and Japan are good examples how successful a nation can be if the people just follow the rules. South Korea with a population of 60 million has 348 deaths over the last 7 months. They had 2 deaths yesterday. The US had 908. How did they do it? The government used extensive testing/contact tracing/quarantining as recommended by the CDC. While Donald Trump was proclaiming the virus was the flu last Feb and mockingly those that disagreed, South Korea was distributing tens of thousands of test kits, sending troops all over the country to start testing/contact tracing/quarantining. Today deaths are very rare and there are only a few cases but the people are still wearing masks and they are testing/contact tracing every breakout. Except for isolated cases all schools and business are functioning as normal and their unemployment rate is about half of ours.

Japan with a population 124 million has had 1616 deaths in last 7 months. They had a very different approach than South Korea. The Prime Minster told the people to use quarantining and social distancing and they did. No one told them they had to wear a mask but only a few days after the prime ask people to beat virus on the streets of Tokyo there almost no uncovered faces. Japan business and schools are open as usually with exceptions. The unemployment rate is 1/3 what is in the US.

The proof is in pudding; preventive measures do work but only if the public follows them but that will never happen without the support of the president.
Preventative measures do not work long term..we are seeing this now in the scandavanian countries-----those that locked down avoided having their deaths in the beginning---but the virus has mutated now spreading to get those people that it couldn't touch before. The countries that didn't lock down, had most of their deaths in the beginning (You know the people who had other issues and were destined to die)........their deaths have mellow out and they now have partial herd immunity. Winter is coming, playing with the summer exposure period that weakens the virus may have yet prove to be the worse mistake possible. Humans, most are social animals, they aren't able to handle long periods of isolation mentally. Locking down takes it toll. Killing the economy harms the people more than the virus as it kills jobs, income, and supply chains. The lock downs take their tolls. Locking down medical, prevents good medical care and prevention for other diseases, the lock down takes a heavy toll. You will never ever be able to lock the down the world enough to stop this disease.

You can not lock people down long term---we are seeing the result in Florida and Texas and other places--the yankees are moving south and west in mass------New York already will never recover from the damage done.

Your statistics are wrong and you know it but chose to continue to be dishonest and spin nonsense. The Us does the most testing despite Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Italy and other places having people drop dead and their bodies piled up-----while China and others are known to flat out lie about the disease..............
If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected. Jail time, baby!
You do realize it's 2020 and Hillary is not running for any office and nobody gives shit what she did 6 or 8 years ago.
You do realize that Hitlery may have cost this nation billions of loss dollars and/or revenue's via the stunt her and the Obama administration engaged in, but you say just forget about it eh, nothing to see here folks ?? This nation don't take kindly to coups, treason or any such thing as that, so no it won't be forgotten about that easy. Oh and your boy Biden was right there in the thick of it, so of course you want to play it down. They "the Obama administration", might go down as the most corrupt administration this nation has ever encountered in it's history.
If she had been elected, she certainly would not be downplaying a virus that has kill over 210,000 Americans and undermining almost every covid preventive method recommended by the CDC . Trump mocked those that wore masks, laughed at social distancing, said people should be able to go to large gathering, and openly encouraged people to defy local and state authorities. Under Trump's leadership the US has a death toll relative to population 5 times what it should be. To say Trump has actively promoted the spread of the virus is an understatement.

Have you checked CDC website lately? Virus did not kill 210,000 Americans. Numbers are inflated and misreported.
If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected. Jail time, baby!
You do realize it's 2020 and Hillary is not running for any office and nobody gives shit what she did 6 or 8 years ago.
You do realize that Hitlery may have cost this nation billions of loss dollars and/or revenue's via the stunt her and the Obama administration engaged in, but you say just forget about it eh, nothing to see here folks ?? This nation don't take kindly to coups, treason or any such thing as that, so no it won't be forgotten about that easy. Oh and your boy Biden was right there in the thick of it, so of course you want to play it down. They "the Obama administration", might go down as the most corrupt administration this nation has ever encountered in it's history.
If she had been elected, she certainly would not be downplaying a virus that has kill over 210,000 Americans and undermining almost every covid preventive method recommended by the CDC to reduce the spread of the virus. Trump mocked those that wore masks, laughed at social distancing, said people should be able to go to large gathering, and openly encouraged people to defy local and state authorities. Under Trump's leadership the US has a death toll relative to population 5 times what it should be. To say Trump is on the side of the virus is an understatement.
Oh nonsense........

1) banning foreign travel SLOWED down the spread of the disease allowing medical professionals and tHe US to develop treatments for the virus
2) the virus is going to spread regardless---the most anyone can do is SLOW it down--------allowing for the medical professionals and the US to develop treatments (which Trump already did).
3) this virus doesn't stop being a threat to the US until it is spread throughout most of the US creating herd immunity ------------with HOPES (because that is all that they are) that the virus doesn't do more long term damage to its victims
4) Proof is always in the Pudding ----------------------------and the pudding says that dem states and areas that locked down got hit hardest by both victims and in the economy. And the pudding is still cooking---while we in say republican ran florida were out getting the virus during the summer but oddly not dying from not really locking down----we were building up herd immunity and using the sun to weaken the virus load cutting the number of deaths.

The idiotic dem states who locked down to help the dems during the election to create chaos and fear in order to steal rights-----------will get hit the hardest this winter in both deaths and in the economy. The damn lib yankees know this and florida is already again packed with their people fleeing the libs lock downs up north.
The facts are the US has 4% of the world's population and 20% of the deaths and the US was the best prepared nation in the world to deal with a pandemic according to John Hopkins. Based on population the 210,000 deaths should be less than 42,000. That might seem crazy but when you consider that the one most factor important factor in fighting an epidemic is how well the country complies with measures to reduce transmission then it's not crazy at all. The only way you get compliance is leadership from the top down. Instead of the president mocking people wearing mask in his rallies he should be encouraging it by word and example. There should be public service ads on TV and internet sites pushing the cdc recommendations. There should be signs in windows of stores and yes there should some penalties for those that flagrantly violate the rules.

One of the worse things to come out all this is the nihilists belief that nothing should be done just wait for herd immunity. Considering how low participation rates are for vaccinations in this country it could be years before reaching heard immunity and deaths could reach well over a million.

And no the virus is not going to spread regardless of what is done. South Korea and Japan are good examples how successful a nation can be if the people just follow the rules. South Korea with a population of 60 million has 348 deaths over the last 7 months. They had 2 deaths yesterday. The US had 908. How did they do it? The government used extensive testing/contact tracing/quarantining as recommended by the CDC. While Donald Trump was proclaiming the virus was the flu last Feb and mockingly those that disagreed, South Korea was distributing tens of thousands of test kits, sending troops all over the country to start testing/contact tracing/quarantining. Today deaths are very rare and there are only a few cases but the people are still wearing masks and they are testing/contact tracing every breakout. Except for isolated cases all schools and business are functioning as normal and their unemployment rate is about half of ours.

Japan with a population 124 million has had 1616 deaths in last 7 months. They had a very different approach than South Korea. The Prime Minster told the people to use quarantining and social distancing and they did. No one told them they had to wear a mask but only a few days after the prime ask people to beat virus on the streets of Tokyo there almost no uncovered faces. Japan business and schools are open as usually with exceptions. The unemployment rate is 1/3 what is in the US.

The proof is in pudding; preventive measures do work but only if the public follows them but that will never happen without the support of the president.
You keep wanting to force people to do this or to do that, when in fact it's only a certain percentage of the population that is in danger from the thing. We know who they are, as the data don't lie. But just like a good little Nazi you want compliance across the board in a gesture of looky, looky, we got everyone in lock step now. The problem is you learning bad things from crap like this, and then as always there goes another piece of our damned freedom if we let people like you take it from us. It's bad enough we're dealing with this virus, and it trying to change our way of life, but with the Demoncrats adding to the dam misery on top of it ?? Good grief is right.
Her corrupt Clinton F : enriched herself and her friends in the billions
She has this on her private computers and wanted all evidence wiped out
Bad news for the Clinton campaign.
Bad news for democrats, they will show that YOUR president WAS right all along. :auiqs.jpg:
what clinton emails are we talking about, do you know??? The emails they already had that judicial watch sued the State dept for and got and released a couple of years back?

Or the 33k emails that were allegedly bleach bit and gone 4ever, that were personal??

Show that our president was right all along about what, exactly???? :)

Hopefully it was the 33k that got deleted when they were under subpoena. When documents and emails are under federal subpoena its not up to Hillary to decide they were personal. Deleting evidence like that would be a crime for anyone else without the Clinton last name. It's known as destroying evidence.
If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected.
That's exactly what president Trump has done, politicized all of the agencies.....with even allegiance oaths to Trump, above law and the Constitution....using the DOJ like they are his and friends, personal defense lawyers.... how can you not see this...while pointing your finger elsewhere??? :dunno:

Goddamn Hillary Goddamn Clinton Is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn Something Because She Is Goddamn Hillary Godamn Clinton Goddammit.

Last I heard, Clinton is NOT running.

You and your senseless obsession with HRC is bordeline manic.
Doesn't matter if she is running or not----it matters that she is a criminal and that she should not be above the law for her many crimes. It's rather sick that so many don't understand that corrupt pols should not be above the law.

Oh and fyi, Biden was never Obama's boy. Obama hated him----Obama only took him because he had to make a deal with the devil HILLARY to allow her to chose the Vp which was Biden. Biden even if he wins will not live long not locked up in a nursing home-----------the REAL candidate then is who? Odds would be Biden is a trojan horse for hilliary.
The idea that Obama hated Biden came from republicans in 2016 election, when Obama endorse Clinton. The idea is that Obama's endorsement had driven a wedge between two. The facts are that Biden's son Beau who died in May of 2015 hit the VP really hard. Those close to him said he had great difficulty in just making it through his term in office and was not able to mount a campaign for President. Would Obama have endorse Biden over Clinton if he had run 2016? Obama worked closely with Clinton and they were personal friends. Would Obama have endorsed Biden had he been able run. Maybe, maybe not. However the idea that Biden and Obama hated each other is the same nonsense we heard in 2016. These two men worked together surprisingly well considering they were of separated by temperament, upbringing, outlook, and 19 years.
Some people have the idea that the Pres and VP work very closely together on a daily basis but the fact is the VP has his on job to do and his own staff. Often the two men will not see each for days. They rarely travel together, socialize, or campaign together. This coupled with fact that most VPs ran in the primary against the president leads people to think that these two don't like each other. For example it's widely circulated that FDR and Truman did get along or JFK and Johnson, Nixon and Agnew, etc... There probably is some truth in this belief but for most the president and vp's have had cordial relationship but not necessary close friends.

In 2008, The clintons could have caused more trouble for Obama..a negotiation took place among the things negotiated was that clinton had Obama take Biden (her lackey and who the Obama's hated) for Vp choices because Biden was old---and tired even then so the clintons felt that biden would not be a challenge to hilliary running in 2016. Biden just wants the money and bribes---he really doesn't care about being in charge. Hilliary cares about being in charge.....

These two men--Biden and Obama hate one another. Obama has made comments about biden that have come out as public------they aren't kind comments. The racist Obama's think Old Joe is an idiot which he is.........but I digress.
Your last sentence cast doubt on what you have written
If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected.
That's exactly what president Trump has done, politicized all of the agencies.....with even allegiance oaths to Trump, above law and the Constitution....using the DOJ like they are his and friends, personal defense lawyers.... how can you not see this...while pointing your finger elsewhere??? :dunno:

Goddamn Hillary Goddamn Clinton Is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn Something Because She Is Goddamn Hillary Godamn Clinton Goddammit.

Last I heard, Clinton is NOT running.

You and your senseless obsession with HRC is bordeline manic.
Doesn't matter if she is running or not----it matters that she is a criminal and that she should not be above the law for her many crimes. It's rather sick that so many don't understand that corrupt pols should not be above the law.

Oh and fyi, Biden was never Obama's boy. Obama hated him----Obama only took him because he had to make a deal with the devil HILLARY to allow her to chose the Vp which was Biden. Biden even if he wins will not live long not locked up in a nursing home-----------the REAL candidate then is who? Odds would be Biden is a trojan horse for hilliary.
The idea that Obama hated Biden came from republicans in 2016 election, when Obama endorse Clinton. The idea is that Obama's endorsement had driven a wedge between two. The facts are that Biden's son Beau who died in May of 2015 hit the VP really hard. Those close to him said he had great difficulty in just making it through his term in office and was not able to mount a campaign for President. Would Obama have endorse Biden over Clinton if he had run 2016? Obama worked closely with Clinton and they were personal friends. Would Obama have endorsed Biden had he been able run. Maybe, maybe not. However the idea that Biden and Obama hated each other is the same nonsense we heard in 2016. These two men worked together surprisingly well considering they were of separated by temperament, upbringing, outlook, and 19 years.
Some people have the idea that the Pres and VP work very closely together on a daily basis but the fact is the VP has his on job to do and his own staff. Often the two men will not see each for days. They rarely travel together, socialize, or campaign together. This coupled with fact that most VPs ran in the primary against the president leads people to think that these two don't like each other. For example it's widely circulated that FDR and Truman did get along or JFK and Johnson, Nixon and Agnew, etc... There probably is some truth in this belief but for most the president and vp's have had cordial relationship but not necessary close friends.

In 2008, The clintons could have caused more trouble for Obama..a negotiation took place among the things negotiated was that clinton had Obama take Biden (her lackey and who the Obama's hated) for Vp choices because Biden was old---and tired even then so the clintons felt that biden would not be a challenge to hilliary running in 2016. Biden just wants the money and bribes---he really doesn't care about being in charge. Hilliary cares about being in charge.....

These two men--Biden and Obama hate one another. Obama has made comments about biden that have come out as public------they aren't kind comments. The racist Obama's think Old Joe is an idiot which he is.........but I digress.
Your last sentence cast doubt on what you have written

Why? It's true.
If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected. Jail time, baby!
You do realize it's 2020 and Hillary is not running for any office and nobody gives shit what she did 6 or 8 years ago.
You do realize that Hitlery may have cost this nation billions of loss dollars and/or revenue's via the stunt her and the Obama administration engaged in, but you say just forget about it eh, nothing to see here folks ?? This nation don't take kindly to coups, treason or any such thing as that, so no it won't be forgotten about that easy. Oh and your boy Biden was right there in the thick of it, so of course you want to play it down. They "the Obama administration", might go down as the most corrupt administration this nation has ever encountered in it's history.
If she had been elected, she certainly would not be downplaying a virus that has kill over 210,000 Americans and undermining almost every covid preventive method recommended by the CDC to reduce the spread of the virus. Trump mocked those that wore masks, laughed at social distancing, said people should be able to go to large gathering, and openly encouraged people to defy local and state authorities. Under Trump's leadership the US has a death toll relative to population 5 times what it should be. To say Trump is on the side of the virus is an understatement.
Oh nonsense........

1) banning foreign travel SLOWED down the spread of the disease allowing medical professionals and tHe US to develop treatments for the virus
2) the virus is going to spread regardless---the most anyone can do is SLOW it down--------allowing for the medical professionals and the US to develop treatments (which Trump already did).
3) this virus doesn't stop being a threat to the US until it is spread throughout most of the US creating herd immunity ------------with HOPES (because that is all that they are) that the virus doesn't do more long term damage to its victims
4) Proof is always in the Pudding ----------------------------and the pudding says that dem states and areas that locked down got hit hardest by both victims and in the economy. And the pudding is still cooking---while we in say republican ran florida were out getting the virus during the summer but oddly not dying from not really locking down----we were building up herd immunity and using the sun to weaken the virus load cutting the number of deaths.

The idiotic dem states who locked down to help the dems during the election to create chaos and fear in order to steal rights-----------will get hit the hardest this winter in both deaths and in the economy. The damn lib yankees know this and florida is already again packed with their people fleeing the libs lock downs up north.
The facts are the US has 4% of the world's population and 20% of the deaths and the US was the best prepared nation in the world to deal with a pandemic according to John Hopkins. Based on population the 210,000 deaths should be less than 42,000. That might seem crazy but when you consider that the one most factor important factor in fighting an epidemic is how well the country complies with measures to reduce transmission then it's not crazy at all. The only way you get compliance is leadership from the top down. Instead of the president mocking people wearing mask in his rallies he should be encouraging it by word and example. There should be public service ads on TV and internet sites pushing the cdc recommendations. There should be signs in windows of stores and yes there should some penalties for those that flagrantly violate the rules.

One of the worse things to come out all this is the nihilists belief that nothing should be done just wait for herd immunity. Considering how low participation rates are for vaccinations in this country it could be years before reaching heard immunity and deaths could reach well over a million.

And no the virus is not going to spread regardless of what is done. South Korea and Japan are good examples how successful a nation can be if the people just follow the rules. South Korea with a population of 60 million has 348 deaths over the last 7 months. They had 2 deaths yesterday. The US had 908. How did they do it? The government used extensive testing/contact tracing/quarantining as recommended by the CDC. While Donald Trump was proclaiming the virus was the flu last Feb and mockingly those that disagreed, South Korea was distributing tens of thousands of test kits, sending troops all over the country to start testing/contact tracing/quarantining. Today deaths are very rare and there are only a few cases but the people are still wearing masks and they are testing/contact tracing every breakout. Except for isolated cases all schools and business are functioning as normal and their unemployment rate is about half of ours.

Japan with a population 124 million has had 1616 deaths in last 7 months. They had a very different approach than South Korea. The Prime Minster told the people to use quarantining and social distancing and they did. No one told them they had to wear a mask but only a few days after the prime ask people to beat virus on the streets of Tokyo there almost no uncovered faces. Japan business and schools are open as usually with exceptions. The unemployment rate is 1/3 what is in the US.

The proof is in pudding; preventive measures do work but only if the public follows them but that will never happen without the support of the president.
Preventative measures do not work long term..we are seeing this now in the scandavanian countries-----those that locked down avoided having their deaths in the beginning---but the virus has mutated now spreading to get those people that it couldn't touch before. The countries that didn't lock down, had most of their deaths in the beginning (You know the people who had other issues and were destined to die)........their deaths have mellow out and they now have partial herd immunity. Winter is coming, playing with the summer exposure period that weakens the virus may have yet prove to be the worse mistake possible. Humans, most are social animals, they aren't able to handle long periods of isolation mentally. Locking down takes it toll. Killing the economy harms the people more than the virus as it kills jobs, income, and supply chains. The lock downs take their tolls. Locking down medical, prevents good medical care and prevention for other diseases, the lock down takes a heavy toll. You will never ever be able to lock the down the world enough to stop this disease.

You can not lock people down long term---we are seeing the result in Florida and Texas and other places--the yankees are moving south and west in mass------New York already will never recover from the damage done.

Your statistics are wrong and you know it but chose to continue to be dishonest and spin nonsense. The Us does the most testing despite Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Italy and other places having people drop dead and their bodies piled up-----while China and others are known to flat out lie about the disease..............
Preventative measure used in the earliest stages of an epidemic can and do stop epidemics. This has been proven in this epidemic and others. Unfortunate, public compliance in the US has been poor at best. Trump did not stop travel from China, but limited it. That was a mistake but the bigger mistake was not shutting off travel from Europe. Although that was certainly indicated as was discussed by the Pandemic Response Team in February before the first major outbreak in the US, the political pressure from both Democrats and Republicans would have required real commitment by the president shutdown travel from Europe prior to the first major outbreak. Of course that was not going to happen because for Trump the virus was and would remain just the flu. By the time European travel was closed in late March, the virus had spread to 20 states making eradication very difficult. All that remained was using preventive methods to slow the transmission rate but unfortunately that was in conflict with the president re-election efforts and we all know how that worked out.

It's strange you up bring up testing in the US as if it was a great success. You seem to forget that testing was not even available in most of the outbreaks in March and early April when the epidemic was still in it's infancy. In fact, testing wasn't widely available till May when we were getting 20,000 to 25,000 new cases a day. Since contract tracing and quarantining was never well organized and haphazard at best, testing became primarily a medical diagnostic tool, and only partially effective in reducing the spread of the virus.
Even today, contract tracing is not very good and quarantining lacks enforcement. Thanks to Trump, the CDC provides only recommendations for individual in regard to quarantining. Thus most states never monitor quarantining.

The statistic are correct.
The US population is 4.2% of world population (328 million/7.73 Billion)
The US Covid deaths are 20.3% of world covid deaths (219,000 /1,080,000)
Thus the US has approximately 5 times the number of covid deaths compared all other nations.
Last edited:
If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected.
That's exactly what president Trump has done, politicized all of the agencies.....with even allegiance oaths to Trump, above law and the Constitution....using the DOJ like they are his and friends, personal defense lawyers.... how can you not see this...while pointing your finger elsewhere??? :dunno:

Goddamn Hillary Goddamn Clinton Is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn Something Because She Is Goddamn Hillary Godamn Clinton Goddammit.

Last I heard, Clinton is NOT running.

You and your senseless obsession with HRC is bordeline manic.
Doesn't matter if she is running or not----it matters that she is a criminal and that she should not be above the law for her many crimes. It's rather sick that so many don't understand that corrupt pols should not be above the law.

Oh and fyi, Biden was never Obama's boy. Obama hated him----Obama only took him because he had to make a deal with the devil HILLARY to allow her to chose the Vp which was Biden. Biden even if he wins will not live long not locked up in a nursing home-----------the REAL candidate then is who? Odds would be Biden is a trojan horse for hilliary.
The idea that Obama hated Biden came from republicans in 2016 election, when Obama endorse Clinton. The idea is that Obama's endorsement had driven a wedge between two. The facts are that Biden's son Beau who died in May of 2015 hit the VP really hard. Those close to him said he had great difficulty in just making it through his term in office and was not able to mount a campaign for President. Would Obama have endorse Biden over Clinton if he had run 2016? Obama worked closely with Clinton and they were personal friends. Would Obama have endorsed Biden had he been able run. Maybe, maybe not. However the idea that Biden and Obama hated each other is the same nonsense we heard in 2016. These two men worked together surprisingly well considering they were of separated by temperament, upbringing, outlook, and 19 years.
Some people have the idea that the Pres and VP work very closely together on a daily basis but the fact is the VP has his on job to do and his own staff. Often the two men will not see each for days. They rarely travel together, socialize, or campaign together. This coupled with fact that most VPs ran in the primary against the president leads people to think that these two don't like each other. For example it's widely circulated that FDR and Truman did get along or JFK and Johnson, Nixon and Agnew, etc... There probably is some truth in this belief but for most the president and vp's have had cordial relationship but not necessary close friends.

In 2008, The clintons could have caused more trouble for Obama..a negotiation took place among the things negotiated was that clinton had Obama take Biden (her lackey and who the Obama's hated) for Vp choices because Biden was old---and tired even then so the clintons felt that biden would not be a challenge to hilliary running in 2016. Biden just wants the money and bribes---he really doesn't care about being in charge. Hilliary cares about being in charge.....

These two men--Biden and Obama hate one another. Obama has made comments about biden that have come out as public------they aren't kind comments. The racist Obama's think Old Joe is an idiot which he is.........but I digress.
Your last sentence cast doubt on what you have written

Why? It's true.
So you say
If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected.
That's exactly what president Trump has done, politicized all of the agencies.....with even allegiance oaths to Trump, above law and the Constitution....using the DOJ like they are his and friends, personal defense lawyers.... how can you not see this...while pointing your finger elsewhere??? :dunno:

Goddamn Hillary Goddamn Clinton Is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn Something Because She Is Goddamn Hillary Godamn Clinton Goddammit.

Last I heard, Clinton is NOT running.

You and your senseless obsession with HRC is bordeline manic.
Doesn't matter if she is running or not----it matters that she is a criminal and that she should not be above the law for her many crimes. It's rather sick that so many don't understand that corrupt pols should not be above the law.

Oh and fyi, Biden was never Obama's boy. Obama hated him----Obama only took him because he had to make a deal with the devil HILLARY to allow her to chose the Vp which was Biden. Biden even if he wins will not live long not locked up in a nursing home-----------the REAL candidate then is who? Odds would be Biden is a trojan horse for hilliary.
The idea that Obama hated Biden came from republicans in 2016 election, when Obama endorse Clinton. The idea is that Obama's endorsement had driven a wedge between two. The facts are that Biden's son Beau who died in May of 2015 hit the VP really hard. Those close to him said he had great difficulty in just making it through his term in office and was not able to mount a campaign for President. Would Obama have endorse Biden over Clinton if he had run 2016? Obama worked closely with Clinton and they were personal friends. Would Obama have endorsed Biden had he been able run. Maybe, maybe not. However the idea that Biden and Obama hated each other is the same nonsense we heard in 2016. These two men worked together surprisingly well considering they were of separated by temperament, upbringing, outlook, and 19 years.
Some people have the idea that the Pres and VP work very closely together on a daily basis but the fact is the VP has his on job to do and his own staff. Often the two men will not see each for days. They rarely travel together, socialize, or campaign together. This coupled with fact that most VPs ran in the primary against the president leads people to think that these two don't like each other. For example it's widely circulated that FDR and Truman did get along or JFK and Johnson, Nixon and Agnew, etc... There probably is some truth in this belief but for most the president and vp's have had cordial relationship but not necessary close friends.

In 2008, The clintons could have caused more trouble for Obama..a negotiation took place among the things negotiated was that clinton had Obama take Biden (her lackey and who the Obama's hated) for Vp choices because Biden was old---and tired even then so the clintons felt that biden would not be a challenge to hilliary running in 2016. Biden just wants the money and bribes---he really doesn't care about being in charge. Hilliary cares about being in charge.....

These two men--Biden and Obama hate one another. Obama has made comments about biden that have come out as public------they aren't kind comments. The racist Obama's think Old Joe is an idiot which he is.........but I digress.
Your last sentence cast doubt on what you have written

Why? It's true.

So far all you have said is with
If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected.
That's exactly what president Trump has done, politicized all of the agencies.....with even allegiance oaths to Trump, above law and the Constitution....using the DOJ like they are his and friends, personal defense lawyers.... how can you not see this...while pointing your finger elsewhere??? :dunno:

Goddamn Hillary Goddamn Clinton Is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn Something Because She Is Goddamn Hillary Godamn Clinton Goddammit.

Last I heard, Clinton is NOT running.

You and your senseless obsession with HRC is bordeline manic.
Doesn't matter if she is running or not----it matters that she is a criminal and that she should not be above the law for her many crimes. It's rather sick that so many don't understand that corrupt pols should not be above the law.

Oh and fyi, Biden was never Obama's boy. Obama hated him----Obama only took him because he had to make a deal with the devil HILLARY to allow her to chose the Vp which was Biden. Biden even if he wins will not live long not locked up in a nursing home-----------the REAL candidate then is who? Odds would be Biden is a trojan horse for hilliary.
The idea that Obama hated Biden came from republicans in 2016 election, when Obama endorse Clinton. The idea is that Obama's endorsement had driven a wedge between two. The facts are that Biden's son Beau who died in May of 2015 hit the VP really hard. Those close to him said he had great difficulty in just making it through his term in office and was not able to mount a campaign for President. Would Obama have endorse Biden over Clinton if he had run 2016? Obama worked closely with Clinton and they were personal friends. Would Obama have endorsed Biden had he been able run. Maybe, maybe not. However the idea that Biden and Obama hated each other is the same nonsense we heard in 2016. These two men worked together surprisingly well considering they were of separated by temperament, upbringing, outlook, and 19 years.
Some people have the idea that the Pres and VP work very closely together on a daily basis but the fact is the VP has his on job to do and his own staff. Often the two men will not see each for days. They rarely travel together, socialize, or campaign together. This coupled with fact that most VPs ran in the primary against the president leads people to think that these two don't like each other. For example it's widely circulated that FDR and Truman did get along or JFK and Johnson, Nixon and Agnew, etc... There probably is some truth in this belief but for most the president and vp's have had cordial relationship but not necessary close friends.

In 2008, The clintons could have caused more trouble for Obama..a negotiation took place among the things negotiated was that clinton had Obama take Biden (her lackey and who the Obama's hated) for Vp choices because Biden was old---and tired even then so the clintons felt that biden would not be a challenge to hilliary running in 2016. Biden just wants the money and bribes---he really doesn't care about being in charge. Hilliary cares about being in charge.....

These two men--Biden and Obama hate one another. Obama has made comments about biden that have come out as public------they aren't kind comments. The racist Obama's think Old Joe is an idiot which he is.........but I digress.
Your last sentence cast doubt on what you have written

Why? It's true.

So far you have offered no proof, only conjecture/contention/supposition. But no real proof.

Did Mr. Obama support/endorse HRC (NOT MY CANDIDATE)....yes. Mr. Biden has just lost his son Beau and running for President was NOT high on list of things to do. You deliberately choose to ignore that.

This is all you Cons really have, manufactured conspiracy stories that have no basis in fact.
Bad news for the Clinton campaign.
Bad news for democrats, they will show that YOUR president WAS right all along. :auiqs.jpg:
what clinton emails are we talking about, do you know??? The emails they already had that judicial watch sued the State dept for and got and released a couple of years back?

Or the 33k emails that were allegedly bleach bit and gone 4ever, that were personal??

Show that our president was right all along about what, exactly???? :)

Hopefully it was the 33k that got deleted when they were under subpoena. When documents and emails are under federal subpoena its not up to Hillary to decide they were personal. Deleting evidence like that would be a crime for anyone else without the Clinton last name. It's known as destroying evidence.

Jeez, you guys are manic over emails. HRC is NOT in office. You have nothing.
If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected.
That's exactly what president Trump has done, politicized all of the agencies.....with even allegiance oaths to Trump, above law and the Constitution....using the DOJ like they are his and friends, personal defense lawyers.... how can you not see this...while pointing your finger elsewhere??? :dunno:

Goddamn Hillary Goddamn Clinton Is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn Something Because She Is Goddamn Hillary Godamn Clinton Goddammit.

Last I heard, Clinton is NOT running.

You and your senseless obsession with HRC is bordeline manic.
Doesn't matter if she is running or not----it matters that she is a criminal and that she should not be above the law for her many crimes. It's rather sick that so many don't understand that corrupt pols should not be above the law.

Oh and fyi, Biden was never Obama's boy. Obama hated him----Obama only took him because he had to make a deal with the devil HILLARY to allow her to chose the Vp which was Biden. Biden even if he wins will not live long not locked up in a nursing home-----------the REAL candidate then is who? Odds would be Biden is a trojan horse for hilliary.
The idea that Obama hated Biden came from republicans in 2016 election, when Obama endorse Clinton. The idea is that Obama's endorsement had driven a wedge between two. The facts are that Biden's son Beau who died in May of 2015 hit the VP really hard. Those close to him said he had great difficulty in just making it through his term in office and was not able to mount a campaign for President. Would Obama have endorse Biden over Clinton if he had run 2016? Obama worked closely with Clinton and they were personal friends. Would Obama have endorsed Biden had he been able run. Maybe, maybe not. However the idea that Biden and Obama hated each other is the same nonsense we heard in 2016. These two men worked together surprisingly well considering they were of separated by temperament, upbringing, outlook, and 19 years.
Some people have the idea that the Pres and VP work very closely together on a daily basis but the fact is the VP has his on job to do and his own staff. Often the two men will not see each for days. They rarely travel together, socialize, or campaign together. This coupled with fact that most VPs ran in the primary against the president leads people to think that these two don't like each other. For example it's widely circulated that FDR and Truman did get along or JFK and Johnson, Nixon and Agnew, etc... There probably is some truth in this belief but for most the president and vp's have had cordial relationship but not necessary close friends.

In 2008, The clintons could have caused more trouble for Obama..a negotiation took place among the things negotiated was that clinton had Obama take Biden (her lackey and who the Obama's hated) for Vp choices because Biden was old---and tired even then so the clintons felt that biden would not be a challenge to hilliary running in 2016. Biden just wants the money and bribes---he really doesn't care about being in charge. Hilliary cares about being in charge.....

These two men--Biden and Obama hate one another. Obama has made comments about biden that have come out as public------they aren't kind comments. The racist Obama's think Old Joe is an idiot which he is.........but I digress.
Your last sentence cast doubt on what you have written

Why? It's true.

So far all you have said is with
If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected.
That's exactly what president Trump has done, politicized all of the agencies.....with even allegiance oaths to Trump, above law and the Constitution....using the DOJ like they are his and friends, personal defense lawyers.... how can you not see this...while pointing your finger elsewhere??? :dunno:

Goddamn Hillary Goddamn Clinton Is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn Something Because She Is Goddamn Hillary Godamn Clinton Goddammit.

Last I heard, Clinton is NOT running.

You and your senseless obsession with HRC is bordeline manic.
Doesn't matter if she is running or not----it matters that she is a criminal and that she should not be above the law for her many crimes. It's rather sick that so many don't understand that corrupt pols should not be above the law.

Oh and fyi, Biden was never Obama's boy. Obama hated him----Obama only took him because he had to make a deal with the devil HILLARY to allow her to chose the Vp which was Biden. Biden even if he wins will not live long not locked up in a nursing home-----------the REAL candidate then is who? Odds would be Biden is a trojan horse for hilliary.
The idea that Obama hated Biden came from republicans in 2016 election, when Obama endorse Clinton. The idea is that Obama's endorsement had driven a wedge between two. The facts are that Biden's son Beau who died in May of 2015 hit the VP really hard. Those close to him said he had great difficulty in just making it through his term in office and was not able to mount a campaign for President. Would Obama have endorse Biden over Clinton if he had run 2016? Obama worked closely with Clinton and they were personal friends. Would Obama have endorsed Biden had he been able run. Maybe, maybe not. However the idea that Biden and Obama hated each other is the same nonsense we heard in 2016. These two men worked together surprisingly well considering they were of separated by temperament, upbringing, outlook, and 19 years.
Some people have the idea that the Pres and VP work very closely together on a daily basis but the fact is the VP has his on job to do and his own staff. Often the two men will not see each for days. They rarely travel together, socialize, or campaign together. This coupled with fact that most VPs ran in the primary against the president leads people to think that these two don't like each other. For example it's widely circulated that FDR and Truman did get along or JFK and Johnson, Nixon and Agnew, etc... There probably is some truth in this belief but for most the president and vp's have had cordial relationship but not necessary close friends.

In 2008, The clintons could have caused more trouble for Obama..a negotiation took place among the things negotiated was that clinton had Obama take Biden (her lackey and who the Obama's hated) for Vp choices because Biden was old---and tired even then so the clintons felt that biden would not be a challenge to hilliary running in 2016. Biden just wants the money and bribes---he really doesn't care about being in charge. Hilliary cares about being in charge.....

These two men--Biden and Obama hate one another. Obama has made comments about biden that have come out as public------they aren't kind comments. The racist Obama's think Old Joe is an idiot which he is.........but I digress.
Your last sentence cast doubt on what you have written

Why? It's true.

So far you have offered no proof, only conjecture/contention/supposition. But no real proof.

Did Mr. Obama support/endorse HRC (NOT MY CANDIDATE)....yes. Mr. Biden has just lost his son Beau and running for President was NOT high on list of things to do. You deliberately choose to ignore that.

This is all you Cons really have, manufactured conspiracy stories that have no basis in fact.

Bro open your fucking eyes and stop watching PMSDNC.

If Biden gets elected then all this Hillary stuff goes down the drain. Plus whatever they have on Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest off those fuckwads. Not to mention Obama and Biden. It'll be back to business as usual, politicizing and weaponizing all of our federal agencies.

Which is why the Dems are crazy scared if Trump is re-elected. Jail time, baby!
You do realize it's 2020 and Hillary is not running for any office and nobody gives shit what she did 6 or 8 years ago.
You do realize that Hitlery may have cost this nation billions of loss dollars and/or revenue's via the stunt her and the Obama administration engaged in, but you say just forget about it eh, nothing to see here folks ?? This nation don't take kindly to coups, treason or any such thing as that, so no it won't be forgotten about that easy. Oh and your boy Biden was right there in the thick of it, so of course you want to play it down. They "the Obama administration", might go down as the most corrupt administration this nation has ever encountered in it's history.
If she had been elected, she certainly would not be downplaying a virus that has kill over 210,000 Americans and undermining almost every covid preventive method recommended by the CDC . Trump mocked those that wore masks, laughed at social distancing, said people should be able to go to large gathering, and openly encouraged people to defy local and state authorities. Under Trump's leadership the US has a death toll relative to population 5 times what it should be. To say Trump has actively promoted the spread of the virus is an understatement.

Have you checked CDC website lately? Virus did not kill 210,000 Americans. Numbers are inflated and misreported.
No, there is delay of 2 to 3 week between time the states tabulate and release the state totals to the media and the time CDC receives and codes the data from the death certificates. The CDC website shows 200,499 covid deaths ending 10/3/20. Also the CDC includes only the 50 states and Puerto Rico. These numbers do not include the US military deaths, Federal Prisons, Veterans Hospitals, Guam, US Virgin Islands, and the Navajo Nation.
The most current numbers as released by the states, US possessions, and other US entities listed above is 219,686.

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