Thin blue line flags are not about supporting police officers but something more sinister.

Somebody named Matthew Chapman of "Raw Story's " interpretation of the opinion of somebody named Tim Murphy (of Mother Jones') opinion of blue Police flags? Are lefties so freaking desperate to avoid talking about real political issues?
werent these the same people a week ago, complaining that the police response to the Texas shooting was slow? Come on people either you want police or you dont...
This gesture is racist.

Loony Libs See Symbols and Signals Everywhere. They Think They Have the Decoder Ring.

And Trump's "You talking to me?" means he was going to assassinate a
candidate for President, as in Taxi Driver.

I usually see people with these flags that hate the government and everything this country stands for and they would rather overthrow the system of government we have and install trump as dictator.


Anyone who supports the police, fliies flags showing their support for the police, refuses to support defunding them, refuses to ambush them ...
refuaes to attempt to burn them alive like antifa / blm have done...

...are racist, white supremacist, anti-patriotic, seditious, coup-conspiring, enemies of the state.

Does that about sum up your opening thread post?


Let me guess, you also agree with THIS guy:


'This is a 'mostly peaceful' protest and community 'weenie roast' / 'marshmallow toasting' bonding event organized by Antifa & BLM.'

I usually see people with these flags that hate the government and everything this country stands for and they would rather overthrow the system of government we have and install trump as dictator.
Sorry, raw story is a far left wing spin site. I won’t even click on it, it is the same vein as Breitbart, if you have more main stream site, I’ll look at it, otherwise it is mainly BS.
Oops, still stuck on the same fallacy. Non sequitur.

I will give you some time to puzzle through it.
If someone says all lives matter and has to take a bunch of shit off of you assholes for saying so. The only conclusion that can be reached is, not all lives matter. All I’m asking you to do is list the ones that in fact, do not matter.

I usually see people with these flags that hate the government and everything this country stands for and they would rather overthrow the system of government we have and install trump as dictator.
Retarded Trump deranged leftist fool. ^^^
Yes, have your little hissy fit. Then go back to defending your fellow hillbilly insurrectionists. Rinse, repeat.
See, that's the funny thing about you retarded leftists.

I don't have to care about any hillbillies, I only have to keep you halfwit lefties away from my kids.

I couldn't care less about your outrage. I only care about mine.
If you have had a botched lobotomy, maybe.

So go ahead. You embarrass yourself.
I’m not sure asking how all lives matter should be embarrassing. There obviously must be a certain group of people who’s lives don’t matter that I should not have included. And for that reason I should be embarrassed. All I’m asking you to do is identify that group I should be embarrassed for including.
yes, because you are being dense and still don't understand what I am saying

You don't even understand what you are saying, frankly
Why can’t you just help my education level a bit by telling me which lives don’t matter? I’m here to be educated at the alter of FFI. Lay it on me. If all lives don’t matter someone, by definition, must be left out. I seriously need to know who to advance my woke creds.
Why can’t you just help my education level a bit by telling me which lives don’t matter?
Because you sound like an utter retard to ask such a moronic question. It also shows you suffer from the same mental deficiencies as the people who think "all lives matter" is a refutation of "black lives matter".

I think I covered this.
Because you sound like an utter retard to ask such a moronic question. It also shows you suffer from the same mental deficiencies as the people who think "all lives matter" is a refutation of "black lives matter".

I think I covered this.
So… only those lives matter. I’m not feeling all that retarded for asking who’s life doesn’t matter if only Black Lives Matter. All you have to do is tell me who’s life is less valuable than a black life. That’s it. Why can’t you do that?
So… only those lives matter. I’m not feeling all that retarded for asking who’s life doesn’t matter if only Black Lives Matter. All you have to do is tell me who’s life is less valuable than a black life. That’s it. Why can’t you do that?
Because if the retarded leftist looked in the mirror his head would explode.

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