Things are looking promising for Hillary Clinton as thousands vote early

There should be no such nonsense as "voting early".

There is a VOTING DAY or there is no voting day.

Those who "need" early voting need also a sense of responsibility to set aside other stuff in favor of doing their patriotic duty on the day when all other responsible citizens doing theirs.

Absentee votes should cast their vote ON voting day.

In a federal election voting should be overseen by ONE federal authority, not 50 individual self important meddling states.

System rigged? Oh, YES it is.
wow, you're one of those BIG Federal government people, who would have thunk it?

Doesn't the constitution give the States control of the elections?

And Early voting is a GOOD THING and allows more citizens to vote, without losing pay or extreme hardship.

No one has counted the votes, what is being reported is more Democrats have sent in their absentee ballots at this time in the election than in 2012 and less republicans have returned their absentee ballots at this time in the election cycle of 2012....

It doesn't say all Dems voted for Hillary and all Repubs voted for Trump
The right's unwarranted fear and loathing of early voting comes as no surprise, as more Americans vote, the likelihood of a Republican loss increases.
Things are looking promising for Hillary Clinton as thousands vote early

"There are hints of good news for Hillary Clinton in key battleground states as millions of Americans vote early, according to a CNN analysis of the latest early voting statistics.

More than 3.3 million Americans have already voted. And among that group, Democrats have improved their position in North Carolina, Nevada, Arizona and even Utah compared to this point in 2012."
it was as low as 8 percent the other day
There should be no such nonsense as "voting early".

There is a VOTING DAY or there is no voting day.

Those who "need" early voting need also a sense of responsibility to set aside other stuff in favor of doing their patriotic duty on the day when all other responsible citizens doing theirs.

Absentee votes should cast their vote ON voting day.

In a federal election voting should be overseen by ONE federal authority, not 50 individual self important meddling states.

System rigged? Oh, YES it is.
Spoken like a true authoritarian conservative, and the typical conservative liar – as none of the states’ elections are ‘rigged.’
There should be no such nonsense as "voting early".

There is a VOTING DAY or there is no voting day.

Those who "need" early voting need also a sense of responsibility to set aside other stuff in favor of doing their patriotic duty on the day when all other responsible citizens doing theirs.

Absentee votes should cast their vote ON voting day.

In a federal election voting should be overseen by ONE federal authority, not 50 individual self important meddling states.

System rigged? Oh, YES it is.
wow, you're one of those BIG Federal government people, who would have thunk it?

Doesn't the constitution give the States control of the elections?

And Early voting is a GOOD THING and allows more citizens to vote, without losing pay or extreme hardship.

No one has counted the votes, what is being reported is more Democrats have sent in their absentee ballots at this time in the election than in 2012 and less republicans have returned their absentee ballots at this time in the election cycle of 2012....

It doesn't say all Dems voted for Hillary and all Repubs voted for Trump
i only love it when Trump touch me
Trump can't win. And he has only himself to blame. His message of doom & gloom might appeal to hardcore repubs in a really big way, but there's nowhere near enough of them to make a difference.

At this point the election is all but over.
There are more than I ever thought there would, many more than I could have imagined or guessed early on in this primary...election season...

True enough, but rather that build on all that during the general election by bringing in independents and the more conservative democrats, which he failed to do. He even managed to drive off some of the more moderate repubs that voted for him during the primary's. He's toast.
Trump can't win. And he has only himself to blame. His message of doom & gloom might appeal to hardcore repubs in a really big way, but there's nowhere near enough of them to make a difference.

At this point the election is all but over.
There are more than I ever thought there would, many more than I could have imagined or guessed early on in this primary...election season...

True enough, but rather that build on all that during the general election by bringing in independents and the more conservative democrats, which he failed to do. He even managed to drive off some of the more moderate repubs that voted for him during the primary's. He's toast.
There should be no such nonsense as "voting early".

There is a VOTING DAY or there is no voting day.

Those who "need" early voting need also a sense of responsibility to set aside other stuff in favor of doing their patriotic duty on the day when all other responsible citizens doing theirs.

Absentee votes should cast their vote ON voting day.

In a federal election voting should be overseen by ONE federal authority, not 50 individual self important meddling states.

System rigged? Oh, YES it is.
wow, you're one of those BIG Federal government people, who would have thunk it?

Doesn't the constitution give the States control of the elections?

And Early voting is a GOOD THING and allows more citizens to vote, without losing pay or extreme hardship.

No one has counted the votes, what is being reported is more Democrats have sent in their absentee ballots at this time in the election than in 2012 and less republicans have returned their absentee ballots at this time in the election cycle of 2012....

It doesn't say all Dems voted for Hillary and all Repubs voted for Trump
There should be no such nonsense as "voting early".

There is a VOTING DAY or there is no voting day.

Those who "need" early voting need also a sense of responsibility to set aside other stuff in favor of doing their patriotic duty on the day when all other responsible citizens doing theirs.

Absentee votes should cast their vote ON voting day.

In a federal election voting should be overseen by ONE federal authority, not 50 individual self important meddling states.

System rigged? Oh, YES it is.
wow, you're one of those BIG Federal government people, who would have thunk it?

Doesn't the constitution give the States control of the elections?

And Early voting is a GOOD THING and allows more citizens to vote, without losing pay or extreme hardship.

No one has counted the votes, what is being reported is more Democrats have sent in their absentee ballots at this time in the election than in 2012 and less republicans have returned their absentee ballots at this time in the election cycle of 2012....

It doesn't say all Dems voted for Hillary and all Repubs voted for Trump

If there is a need for constitutional change, this is it.

There bis absolutely NO NEED for individual states to run a FEDERAL election,

There is no need for different methods from state to state to compare validity. There is no need for more than an "X" marked by a pencil on A PIECE OF PAPER, known as a ballot.

When you have a system with lottery machines masquarading as voting booths, you can't help but have have rigged elections.
real talk. i think shes winning still

Clinton wins - America loses. There's your real talk.
If she`s half as good as Obama America will be just fine. No wars started with lies and a Dow that`s 11,000 points higher than where Gomer left it. We`re no longer losing 745,000 jobs a month either. Why are there so many crybabies in the GOP I wonder?

You know nothing about what the Founders created for us nor the damage Obama has done to our country. You're just farting out BS Liberal talking points.
real talk. i think shes winning still

Clinton wins - America loses. There's your real talk.
If she`s half as good as Obama America will be just fine. No wars started with lies and a Dow that`s 11,000 points higher than where Gomer left it. We`re no longer losing 745,000 jobs a month either. Why are there so many crybabies in the GOP I wonder?

You know nothing about what the Founders created for us nor the damage Obama has done to our country. You're just farting out BS Liberal talking points.
What damage? Everything is better unless of course you thought letting hijackers fly planes into our skyscrapers was a good thing.
Even vote by mail ballots aren't counted early.

Find out when your state counts mail in ballots.

Absentee Voting and Absentee Ballots on Election Day

This is what I mean by phony stories, fraud and fakery.
Who said they were counted early?
HILLARY Clinton’s campaign is increasingly preparing for the possibility that Donald Trump may never concede the presidential election should she win, a development that could enormously complicate the crucial early weeks of her preparations to take office.
Even vote by mail ballots aren't counted early.

Find out when your state counts mail in ballots.

Absentee Voting and Absentee Ballots on Election Day

This is what I mean by phony stories, fraud and fakery.
Who said they were counted early?
HILLARY Clinton’s campaign is increasingly preparing for the possibility that Donald Trump may never concede the presidential election should she win, a development that could enormously complicate the crucial early weeks of her preparations to take office.

Even vote by mail ballots aren't counted early.

Find out when your state counts mail in ballots.

Absentee Voting and Absentee Ballots on Election Day

This is what I mean by phony stories, fraud and fakery.
Who said they were counted early?
HILLARY Clinton’s campaign is increasingly preparing for the possibility that Donald Trump may never concede the presidential election should she win, a development that could enormously complicate the crucial early weeks of her preparations to take office.

we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end and beyond. We shall fight in Washington, we shall fight in the South, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the Western States and the desert, we shall defend our people and our ideals , whatever the cost may be. We shall fight in the forest, fields and mountains... we shall fight in the cities , and in the streets; we shall never surrender.

We are now planning to march on Washington to demand a honest election. Join us!

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