Things are not always as they appear


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
So you believe that you have a right to pillage and pollute as you see fit and screw whatever happens to the environment the rest of us need to survive?
So you believe that you have a right to pillage and pollute as you see fit and screw whatever happens to the environment the rest of us need to survive?
Not at all I know the companies that do are trying to use some propaganda to cover their own filth. As I said the videos are nice. Pleasant as a matter of fact, just know who is trying to cover their own destructive ways. The companies behind ripping the planet to shreds are the ones who put the money up for the videos. Those companies are bunch of hypocrites who could care less about the human lives they reek havoc on or what they destroy on the planet. Read the link.
So you believe that you have a right to pillage and pollute as you see fit and screw whatever happens to the environment the rest of us need to survive?
Not at all I know the companies that do are trying to use some propaganda to cover their own filth. As I said the videos are nice. Pleasant as a matter of fact, just know who is trying to cover their own destructive ways. The companies behind ripping the planet to shreds are the ones who put the money up for the videos. Those companies are bunch of hypocrites who could care less about the human lives they reek havoc on or what they destroy on the planet. Read the link.

Ah, I stand corrected. Mea culpa, I only watched the video.

Yes, this has been a longstanding practice for polluting corporations to fund "studies" that hide their appalling damage to the environment.

Stopping them and holding them accountable can only be accomplished by the government of We the People. Our problem is that our elected representatives are bribed by these polluters.

Campaign finance reform that will put anyone offering and/or accepting these campaign contribution bribes behind bars for a minimum of 10 years is the place to start IMO.
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So you believe that you have a right to pillage and pollute as you see fit and screw whatever happens to the environment the rest of us need to survive?
Not at all I know the companies that do are trying to use some propaganda to cover their own filth. As I said the videos are nice. Pleasant as a matter of fact, just know who is trying to cover their own destructive ways. The companies behind ripping the planet to shreds are the ones who put the money up for the videos. Those companies are bunch of hypocrites who could care less about the human lives they reek havoc on or what they destroy on the planet. Read the link.

Ah, I stand corrected. Mea culpa, I only watched the video.

Yes, this has been a longstanding practice for polluting corporations to fund "studies" that hide their appalling damage to the environment.

Stopping them and holding them accountable can only be accomplished by the government of We the People. Our problem is that our elected representatives are bribed by these polluters.

Campaign finance reform that will put anyone offering and/or accepting these campaign contribution bribes behind bars for a minimum of 10 years is the place to start IMO.

PFFFT. You live in the fantasy of those hollywood cotton brains. The GOVT is your protector of the enviro? The same inept group that just acknowledged that VW totally scammed them for 10 years because their brainless procedures dont anticipate devious..? There are far more qualified people to monitor industry. Motor Trend and Car and Driver are smarter, nimbler cheaper and have MUCH better report and credibility with the public. For example.. Most enviros prefer The Nature Conservancy methods to the US BLM for another.

Spare me the hopeful fallacy of a competent and dedicated bureucratic protection of the enviro.. Afterall, that worked so well in E. GERMANY didnt it?
Flacaltenn, you are trying to take the blame off of VW for their criminal acts, and put it on the government. While the government definately has it's own problems, Hanford, ect., the majority of the superfund sites have been created by private corporations. Corporations that for the most part pay very little of the cleanup costs. That falls to us, the taxpayer. Without government, how do you propose to police these corporations? VW is a very good example of the kind of self policing the corporations do.

So VW found a way to cheat big time. And now we will have to pay more for more extensive tests on the automobile industry. And people like you will blame the government for the costs and not the automobile corporations. You have a blind spot in your political philosophy that you could run an eight lane super highway through.
VW's deception proves the government's efforts to protect the environment are worse than nothing? Is that what you're saying?
So you believe that you have a right to pillage and pollute as you see fit and screw whatever happens to the environment the rest of us need to survive?
Not at all I know the companies that do are trying to use some propaganda to cover their own filth. As I said the videos are nice. Pleasant as a matter of fact, just know who is trying to cover their own destructive ways. The companies behind ripping the planet to shreds are the ones who put the money up for the videos. Those companies are bunch of hypocrites who could care less about the human lives they reek havoc on or what they destroy on the planet. Read the link.

Ah, I stand corrected. Mea culpa, I only watched the video.

Yes, this has been a longstanding practice for polluting corporations to fund "studies" that hide their appalling damage to the environment.

Stopping them and holding them accountable can only be accomplished by the government of We the People. Our problem is that our elected representatives are bribed by these polluters.

Campaign finance reform that will put anyone offering and/or accepting these campaign contribution bribes behind bars for a minimum of 10 years is the place to start IMO.

PFFFT. You live in the fantasy of those hollywood cotton brains. The GOVT is your protector of the enviro? The same inept group that just acknowledged that VW totally scammed them for 10 years because their brainless procedures dont anticipate devious..? There are far more qualified people to monitor industry. Motor Trend and Car and Driver are smarter, nimbler cheaper and have MUCH better report and credibility with the public. For example.. Most enviros prefer The Nature Conservancy methods to the US BLM for another.

Spare me the hopeful fallacy of a competent and dedicated bureucratic protection of the enviro.. Afterall, that worked so well in E. GERMANY didnt it?

Ah, the fallacy that the private sector does everything better than the government does!


The problem with the private sector is the lack of accountability. With the government of We the People when they screw up, and yes, they do, We the People hold them accountable.

There is no such thing as perfect government or perfect capitalism. It is fallacious to believe that one is superior to the other. It is utterly ludicrous to hand over 100% of the responsibilities of government to the private sector unless you want a Libertarian Idiocracy.

Instead We the People just have to deal with reality which is that unfettered capitalism is as much of a failure as unfettered socialism AKA communism.

Somewhere between those two extremes there is a compromise between allowing capitalism to thrive and prosper while the government of We the People regulates corporations in order to deal with problems such as that which just occurred with VW.

VW is now going to be paying a very steep price, not only in fines and recalls but also in their share prices and their customer base.

That is how the system as we currently have it works. When some corporation decides to cheat they get away with it for a while and then it comes to light and they are held accountable.

That would never happen in your private sector Libertarian Idiocracy utopia because such things would just be considered to be just optimizing profits for shareholders.

We the People don't live in a perfect world but we do strive to form a more perfect union by learning from our failures and putting in place the means to identify them in the future.

Oh, and it is impossible for even the private sector to prevent things like this from happening. In fact the private sector is spying on you way more than the government does. The private sector knows when you enter a shopping mall and what you like to purchase and will send you a message telling you about some special in a store at the other end of the mall. The government of We the People really doesn't care to know anything like that kind of detail about you.

Now why are you content to let the private sector know what kinds of underwear you purchase but you get bent out of shape if the government of We the People fails to detect that a corporation was deceiving consumers?

Can we have a rational discussion on that topic?
awww c'mon D.T. I couldn't get past the 1st couple sentences. You have an deadly lack of self-preservation when you believe the "We the People" hold them accountable.

Who gets fired from the biggest fuck-ups in the news?

The roll-out for ObamaCare?
The latest EPA field trip to Colorado that released a 100 yr old pond of deadly toxins?
The guys/gals at the Pentagon who got $500M to train "friendly" insurgents in Syria and now they know of just FOUR remaining?
The folks at State that "misplaced" $30Bill in recovery funds for Iraq?
The lady who couldn't find Lois Lerner's hard drive who is NOW in charge of finding Hillary's email?

EVERY FUCKING TIME Bullwinkle.. The incompetence and arrogance and lack of accountibility is EPIC.. These clowns usually get promoted, bring in more money for the agency and are HEROES for the cover-up and lying to Congress.

On the other hand --- Car and Driver or Consumer Reports or Motor Trend knows a LOT more than the EPA about automobile design and testing.

Same deal with Underwriter's Laboratory and consumer product safety.. When THEY sign off on a product, their asses are directily in the line of fire.. Literally..

Who do you want inspecting elevators? An independent lab that does this as a speciality? Or 2 guys isolated in a big city bureaucracy who willl never get fired and can't get sued?

I'd look up there and see a testing lab stamp and feel 400% safer..
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