Things fall apart for Team Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Things fall apart for Team Biden

The private texts are becoming public
30 May 2024 ~~ By Ben Domenech

Welcome to Thunderdome. Democrats had a plan for 2024, a plan that they executed very well at the beginning. They would unleash a barrage of legal challenges on Donald Trump, designed to render him unacceptable to all but the hardcore Republican base whose support would still vault him to the nomination of a GOP contest where his only competition was really Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley. That plan succeeded perfectly, perhaps even faster than they wanted, given that the candidates never really had time to tear each other down. Step one: a major success.
Step two: use these assorted legal challenges to weigh down the Trump campaign with legal costs and distractions that pull him all over the country with hearings and pleadings and requirements to show up before various courts. This was at least a partial success, at first. But then came the collapse of the Fani Willis situation, the sustained appeals for delays and — most embarrassingly — the utter rejection of the attempt to remove Trump from the ballot, advocated for nearly universally by a set of dull-witted Democratic officials who couldn’t reckon with the consequences of their own actions. But hey, he’s still distracted, he’s still off the campaign trail, he’s still burning money on lawyers instead of ads… so step two: a middling success.
Voters Don't Care About Trump Verdict
One way or the other, they’ve baked it in.
The NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist national poll showed 67 percent of registered voters nationally wouldn’t be swayed by a guilty verdict against Trump, while 15 percent said it would make them more likely to vote for him. Another 17 percent said a guilty verdict would make them less likely to vote for Trump…
Among Republicans surveyed in the poll, 25 percent said a guilty verdict would make them more likely to vote for the former president, while 10 percent said it would make them less likely to vote for him. Only 7 percent of Democrats said a guilty verdict would make them more likely to vote for Trump, and 27 percent said it would make them less likely to vote for Trump.
Among coveted independent voters, 15 percent said a guilty verdict would make them more likely to vote for Trump, and 11 percent said it would make them less likely. In contrast, 76 percent of all voters said a not-guilty verdict wouldn’t affect their votes.
One More Thing
The burgeoning RFK campaign handed in more than three times the necessary signatures to make the ballot in New York state this week and is creeping closer to the qualifications previously announced by CNN for their June 27 debate. These qualifications, which include making it to 15 percent in four quality national polls (RFK has already done this three times) and making it onto the ballot in enough states to win 270 electoral votes (he’s hovering around 200 at the moment) are obviously random and determined by CNN itself — but RFK is advancing the novel argument that these standards might amount to a contribution in-kind to the Trump and Biden campaigns if he is denied entry. It’s not an argument that’s likely to pass muster, but it is another reminder of how corrupt the old now-dead approach of the Commission on Presidential Debates was, as they set similar barriers in place without ever acknowledging them. And if RFK can’t make the June debate in time, he’ll absolutely qualify for the next scheduled debate at least on paper, which means… they’ll probably change the rules to keep him out. Defenders of Democracy, unite!

Factually, Biden has lost both the Black and Hispanic vote throughout Amerixa.
We've seen this happening on Social Media, in the streets and at the Rallys held by Trump. They are like everyone else tired of the high crime, High influx of illegal aliens, High Crime, Two-teired system of Justice, High Inflation and Higher Ttaxes imposed by Biden and his Neo-Marxist travelers.
Thereis no collapse of the Fani Willis situation. And yyur information from the Washingtop examinier is bs.

Then there is this:

Factually, Biden has lost both the Black and Hispanic vote throughout Amerixa.
We've seen this happening on Social Media, in the streets and at the Rallys held by Trump. They are like everyone else tired of the high crime, High influx of illegal aliens, High Crime, Two-teired system of Justice, High Inflation and Higher Ttaxes imposed by Biden and his Neo-Marxist travelers.

I don't now about hispanics, but this is not true among blacks. And your last 3 sentences are describing many things that are just not true at all.
Thereis no collapse of the Fani Willis situation. And yyur information from the Washingtop examinier is bs.

Then there is this:

Factually, Biden has lost both the Black and Hispanic vote throughout Amerixa.
We've seen this happening on Social Media, in the streets and at the Rallys held by Trump. They are like everyone else tired of the high crime, High influx of illegal aliens, High Crime, Two-teired system of Justice, High Inflation and Higher Ttaxes imposed by Biden and his Neo-Marxist travelers.

I don't now about hispanics, but this is not true among blacks. And your last 3 sentences are describing many things that are just not true at all.
How would you know, you’re not even black…
Thereis no collapse of the Fani Willis situation. And yyur information from the Washingtop examinier is bs.

Then there is this:

Factually, Biden has lost both the Black and Hispanic vote throughout Amerixa.
We've seen this happening on Social Media, in the streets and at the Rallys held by Trump. They are like everyone else tired of the high crime, High influx of illegal aliens, High Crime, Two-teired system of Justice, High Inflation and Higher Ttaxes imposed by Biden and his Neo-Marxist travelers.

I don't now about hispanics, but this is not true among blacks. And your last 3 sentences are describing many things that are just not true at all.

Biden doesn't have to lose "the Blacks". Just about, say, 20% of them. And I would say at this point, that's a done deal.

He just joined TikTok, which is very popular with a traditionally Dem crowd (young and minority). He has already MANY more followers than Biden.
First off I live in an solid red AO but I have yet to hear of anyone that says that due to the verdict they won't vote for Trump.....What I have heard from a handful of blacks is that they will be voting for Trump.

I know that at least two of them had Biden signs in their yard last go-round and Hillary signs before then.....These two are hard workers who co-own a paving company and do most of the residential/commercial paving in town.....All their workers are black so I expect they will go as their boss does.

That's one hell of an turn-around any way you look at it.....Hell even if they stay home it's a net gain. ;)
Black women stocking the shelves…

You ain’t black….

Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids…
First off I live in an solid red AO but I have yet to hear of anyone that says that due to the verdict they won't vote for Trump.....What I have heard from a handful of blacks is that they will be voting for Trump.

I know that at least two of them had Biden signs in their yard last go-round and Hillary signs before then.....These two are hard workers who co-own a paving company and do most of the residential/commercial paving in town.....All their workers are black so I expect they will go as their boss does.

That's one hell of a turn-around any way you look at it.....Hell even if they stay home it's a net gain. ;)
The absolute best result is if and when they turn against Tammany Hall in all the democrat cheating big cities
and you can prove this accusation?
Do I know the man personally? No, But if you pay attention, some in here say they know him from different sites, and they say his schtick is an act. I’ve never seen him deny that he’s not black. Plus, something’s off in his replies…

So, can I prove it? Depends on your standard of truth doesn’t it? Let’s just say, I’m highly skeptical…

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