Think of the Children! Biden White House Bans Religious Easter Eggs From Art Contest

Yes and no. Today they aren't really, but they have religious roots and symbolize new life.

They have no Christian religious roots.

Really? Well even if that's true you can be sure that no pride stuff was allowed either.

Yes. Really. Google is your friend.

You and I both know as well as everybody here that this was done on purpose.
I doubt it. Biden is religious. Easter doesn’t fall on tbe same day each year. At worst it was an awkward moment of bad timing that gave rightist BDS’ers ammo for cries of anti-Christianity.

Does anybody have any bleach that I can use for my eyes?
Inject it. It’s what your Messiah recommends.
I’m sure that gay and transgender themed eggs will be totally acceptable though. The last I heard Easter was a religious holiday.

Now that is truly sad, and disturbing. But, it is not very surprising, given Biden's troubling record on religious freedom. This rule may predate Biden, but I suspect his enforcement of it is more energetic than that of previous administrations.

Allowing children to submit Easter eggs with religious symbols would not violate the separation of church and state. It would not constitute the establishment of any kind of an official federal religion or church.
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Now that is truly sad, and disturbing. But, it is not very surprising, given Biden's troubling record on religious freedom.

Allowing children to submit Easter eggs with religious symbols would not violate the separation of church and state. It would not constitute the establishment of any kind of an official federal religion or church.

The restriction has been in place since 1978.

American Egg Board forced to respond to Republican conspiracy theory about White House Easter event

Trump did nothing to rescind it.
They have no Christian religious roots.

Yes they do. It's all about the crucification and resurrection of Christ. The egg represents the empty tomb once it's cracked open and a long time ago people only use to paint eggs bright red to represent the blood of Christ. The egg also represents new life given to all those who believe in Him.
Yes they do. It's all about the crucification and resurrection of Christ. The egg represents the empty tomb once it's cracked open and a long time ago people only use to paint eggs bright red to represent the blood of Christ. The egg also represents new life given to all those who believe in Him.
The egg is a pagan symbol coopted (like many things) by Christianity as it spread through Europe.
The egg is a pagan symbol coopted (like many things) by Christianity as it spread through Europe.

So you're telling me that what I just told you was a lie? Google is your friend too you know.
Faux Not News and the Neo-GOP of Benedict Donald are in cahoots with the Father of all lies.

"But this year’s celebrations have been marred as Republican politicians and commentators falsely accused President Joe Biden’s administration of banning religious themes and symbols from the celebration’s art contest — failing to note that the policy has been in place during every administration for almost 50 years.

The rule, however, began in 1978 under former president Jimmy Carter — and has remained in place ever since, including during Donald Trump’s administration.

The Fox News article and subsequent reaction prompted Elizabeth Alexander, Communications Director for First Lady Jill Biden, to explain the rule had been in place for 45 years. Then, the American Egg Board — an organisation that helps facilitate the event — had to make their own statement clarifying the rule had been enforced by previous presidents.

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So you're telling me that what I just told you was a lie? Google is your friend too you know.

Well, it turns out Easter actually began as a pagan festival celebrating spring in the Northern Hemisphere, long before the advent of Christianity.

"In the first couple of centuries after Jesus's life, feast days in the new Christian church were attached to old pagan festivals," Professor Cusack said.

Many of the pagan customs associated with the celebration of spring eventually became absorbed within Christianity as symbols of the resurrection of Jesus.

"Eggs, as a symbol of new life, became a common people's explanation of the resurrection; after the chill of the winter months, nature was coming to life again," Professor Cusack said.

Well, it turns out Easter actually began as a pagan festival celebrating spring in the Northern Hemisphere, long before the advent of Christianity.

"In the first couple of centuries after Jesus's life, feast days in the new Christian church were attached to old pagan festivals," Professor Cusack said.

Many of the pagan customs associated with the celebration of spring eventually became absorbed within Christianity as symbols of the resurrection of Jesus.

"Eggs, as a symbol of new life, became a common people's explanation of the resurrection; after the chill of the winter months, nature was coming to life again," Professor Cusack said.

So then I guess we were both right.
Its kind of odd that a "catholic" like Biden would ban religous easter eggs. Its almost as if he has been faking his religion his entire career. :dunno:
You can have all the religious eggs you want at your own home. Our government has always been secular / separated from the Church. And that's the way it is.
View attachment 924874
Totally not a war on Christians happening at all
Thank God President Biden can chew gum and walk at the same time. "Obviously not to the Faux Flock o'course......"

"Jill and I send our warmest wishes to Christians around the world celebrating Easter Sunday. Easter reminds us of the power of hope and the promise of Christ’s Resurrection.

As we gather with loved ones, we remember Jesus’ sacrifice. We pray for one another and cherish the blessing of the dawn of new possibilities. And with wars and conflict taking a toll on innocent lives around the world, we renew our commitment to work for peace, security, and dignity for all people.

From our family to yours, happy Easter and may God bless you."
You can have all the religious eggs you want at your own home. Our government has always been secular / separated from the Church. And that's the way it is.
Then cancel Easter which is a sacred Christian holiday

Stop all the government workers from taking a day off with pay

Godless libs can worship satan or the neighborhood oak tree as they choose
Yes and no. Today they aren't really, but they have religious roots and symbolize new life.

Really? Well even if that's true you can be sure that no pride stuff allowed alig

You and I both know as well as everybody here that this was done on purpose.

Does anybody have any bleach that I can use for my eyes?
Done on purpose?
The stars were realigned to make the dates align?
You can stop the antisemitism now.

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