Think of the Children! Biden White House Bans Religious Easter Eggs From Art Contest

Time for you to understand. God didn’t say that at all. God said adultery was a sin. That is the ONLY sex act he said was a sin.

QUOTE="Hollie, post: 34197895, member: 37754"]
I see you backed off on the juvenile name-calling that litters all your posts.

Further, I see you're unable and unwilling to address the tranny bullying that involves attempts to suppress the right to free speech as they attempt to assert an entitlement that compels certain speech. So yes, I post about my Constitutional rights. You find it offensive that I have a right to be free from compelled speech, that I have a right to be free from bullying. You have a right to be offended. Be as offended as you wish.

What is it about you that causes you to feel so insecure about the rights of others to be free from bullying? Is it a basic sense of entitlement that you presume others must accept your entitlement?

Your entire post is a projection of your assinine attitudes of fear and loathing of trans people. You’re trying to characterize this as a free-speech issue but it’s not.

It’s whether you care to conduct yourself as a decent human being and treat others with respect. Since you don’t respect yourself, you don’t respect others.

This is not a free-speech issue. It’s a common decency issue.

Your tirades are just cut and paste reposts of earlier tirades.

You project hate and revulsion for everyone who doesn't bend and scrape at the altar of the tranny bully pulpit.

You demand that others respect your perceived entitlement to special privileges and dispensations. Your hurl your religion hoping to bully and intimidate. You behave like a petulant child when others assert their right to be free from compelled speech.

The world doesn't revolve around your feelings.
Time for you to understand. God didn’t say that at all. God said adultery was a sin. That is the ONLY sex act he said was a sin.

Your entire post is a projection of your assinine attitudes of fear and loathing of trans people. You’re trying to characterize this as a free-speech issue but it’s not.

It’s whether you care to conduct yourself as a decent human being and treat others with respect. Since you don’t respect yourself, you don’t respect others.

If you want to referred to as a flip doodle, I’m good with that. It costs me NOTHING to do it. Doesn’t harm my right to the freedom of speech to refer to you as a flip doodle if that’s what you choose. I may think you’re not quite right, but my right to freedom of speech is not impugned in the slightest.

I don’t look for things to piss me off. There are enough real issues in the world that need our time and attention. What someone asks you to call them is not one of them.

This is not a free-speech issue. It’s a common decency issue.
As is sex outside of marriage, homosexuality which He calls an abomination, polygamy , don't know Scripture nor are born again. In you current unsaved state, no amount of works can allow you to gain Heaven.
You, along with the rest of the deranged Left, will support them in their effort to legalize their sickness, just like shemales, homos, and other sexual freaks.
I'm not on the left dumbass, I just don't think Israhell should be supported with my tax dollars nor should we turn a blind eye to their war crimes
I’m sure that gay and transgender themed eggs will be totally acceptable though. The last I heard Easter was a religious holiday.

Thanks for the laughs. Yes, let's celebrate the Easter bunny but to hell with religion on Easter.
Then you support Israel's enemies.
I don't care about Palestine either, but if you care so damn much go sign up and fight or stfu but this what you're fighting for

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Easter eggs are NOT religious.

Yes and no. Today they aren't really, but they have religious roots and symbolize new life.

Another MAGA meltdown over a policy that pre-existed Biden’s term. Yes folks, this Easter Egg policy was also in effect under Trump.

Really? Well even if that's true you can be sure that no pride stuff was allowed either.

Easter just happened to fall on the same day this year, dupe.

You and I both know as well as everybody here that this was done on purpose.

Does anybody have any bleach that I can use for my eyes?
Why, just in this thread, you accused President Biden of declaring trans visibility day to coincide with Easter. Trans Visibility day has been held on March 31 since 2009. Biden had NOTHING to do with declaring it. I posted a link to prove it.

I’ve calmly posted rebuttals of your bullshit, linked to Breitbart, and my rebuttals come complete with links toc3d credible

Your response is to lose your shit completely and go crazy. You don’t fact check or Google before posting and then you rage at me for calling out your lies.

Grow up act like an adult for a change.
You produced nothing credible because you never do. All you have is the same regurgitated vomit you always spit up.

Much of the backlash began after Fox News published an article with the headline, “Religious-themed designs banned from White House Easter egg art contest,” citing a poster about the event that said religious symbols and themes are banned from submissions. Mr Trump shared the article on his social media platform, Truth Social — however, he did not comment on the article in his post.

The rule, however, began in 1978 under former president Jimmy Carter — and has remained in place ever since, including during Donald Trump’s administration.

American Egg Board forced to respond to Republican conspiracy theory about White House Easter event
Time for you to understand. God didn’t say that at all. God said adultery was a sin. That is the ONLY sex act he said was a sin.

"Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous." (Hebrews 13:4)
"But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband." (1 Corinthians 7:2)

Who do you think the sexually immoral are?

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