Think of the Children! Biden White House Bans Religious Easter Eggs From Art Contest

Easter eggs are NOT religious. In any way shape or form. They are pagan fertility festival symbols that the pagans insisted on celebrating at Easter time.

Real Christians LOATHE these pagan symbols which have nothing to do with Jesus or the Resurrection.

I love how Democrat atheists and agnostics see themselves as experts in religion, as well as everything else. Funny stuff.
I love how Democrat atheists and agnostics see themselves as experts in religion, as well as everything else. Funny stuff.

I am neither an agnostic nor an atheist. I am a Presbyterian Elder and a retire Sunday School teacher.

I am NOT any kind of expert in religion, but a know more than the liars and hate mongers on this board who call themselves “Christians” while hating on immigrants and non-Christians.

That what you do to the least among you, you also do to me.
Moving the goalposts every time you get your ass handed to you on a plate makes you just look desperate and flailing.

Your post reads that you have rights and tranny’s junk and fuck them. You’re going to continue attacking and bullying others because YOU HAVE RIGHTS.

You are literally trying to bully me in this forum. Reminding you of Jesus’ commandments is now “religious bigotry”.

Once again, you continue to accuse others of everything that you’re doing. You can’t bully me, intimidate me, or threaten me.

I suggest you give up while you’re behind, but you don’t seem to be that smart

Another of your failed attempts to sidestep and retreat from a failed attempt at argument. You retreat to defensively avoiding the fact of attempts by trannies to bully and intimidate with laws that compel speech on others. Fortunately, we have a 1st Amendment that protects me and others from your attempts at bullying.

If your tender sensibilities are offended because you think I'm bullying you, you have the option to cease responding. See how that works? This is a public message board. Not everyone is going to agree with you. You can hope to hurl your usual insults and use your religion as a bloody truncheon but I would make the point that your angry and repellant proselytizing does more harm than good.

No one bullied, intimidated or threatened you. That's just an emotionally charged claim. It's just flailing around because you don't like being confronted with the history of your posting. Your anger derives from your inability to present a coherent argument.

Your martyr syndrome is a failed tactic. Your first amendment rights are not being infringed and you're not going to infringe on mine.
I can only tax myself when tasked with a burden
You slap somebody and they do nothing. And you do it for many years. They keep accepting it. You laugh and you take the pain you may experience and give it back. Civilizations come and go. Buttigieg has a plastic tit device with an infant sucking on it.
You slap somebody and they do nothing. And you do it for many years. They keep accepting it. You laugh and you take the pain you may experience and give it back. Civilizations come and go. Buttigieg has a plastic tit device with an infant sucking on it.
Some can adjust others sublimate.
Some can adjust others sublimate.
Things end. You trust your demands are becoming the norm for total existence. Return Pax Americans and build a vehicle that cost at least a few times more than in China.
I’m sure that gay and transgender themed eggs will be totally acceptable though. The last I heard Easter was a religious holiday.


Trannies ask you to use preferred pronouns. How cruel!!!! And if you don’t???? They won’t like you.

How are YOU harmed????? How is this “bullying”? Being asked to accept people as they are.

What does ANY of this cost you???? how is being required to treat other people decently and with respect is bullying YOU????

Treating others the way you would want to be treated is Jesus’ first commandment.

Time to stop saying you’re a Christian and start acting like one.
Time for you to understand that any sex outside of G-d's design is sin, and must be called out as such.
Another of your failed attempts to sidestep and retreat from a failed attempt at argument. You retreat to defensively avoiding the fact of attempts by trannies to bully and intimidate with laws that compel speech on others. Fortunately, we have a 1st Amendment that protects me and others from your attempts at bullying.

If your tender sensibilities are offended because you think I'm bullying you, you have the option to cease responding. See how that works? This is a public message board. Not everyone is going to agree with you. You can hope to hurl your usual insults and use your religion as a bloody truncheon but I would make the point that your angry and repellant proselytizing does more harm than good.

No one bullied, intimidated or threatened you. That's just an emotionally charged claim. It's just flailing around because you don't like being confronted with the history of your posting. Your anger derives from your inability to present a coherent argument.

Your martyr syndrome is a failed tactic. Your first amendment rights are not being infringed and you're not going to infringe on mine.

I see you’ve calmed yourself so your not sounding like a deranged lunatic. But you’’re still evading all of my questions and trying to make this about me.

Why do you hate trans gendered people so very much? Why are you so triggered at the idea of treating them with respect?

You keep posting about your rights. You’re willing to strip all rights from trans people to make sure that you don’t have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, but you haven’t told us why you feel so fucking uncomfortable about treating transgendered people well.

What is it about you that makes you feel so insecure and bullied by having to be polite?
I see you’ve calmed yourself so your not sounding like a deranged lunatic. But you’’re still evading all of my questions and trying to make this about me.

Why do you hate trans gendered people so very much? Why are you so triggered at the idea of treating them with respect?

You keep posting about your rights. You’re willing to strip all rights from trans people to make sure that you don’t have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, but you haven’t told us why you feel so fucking uncomfortable about treating transgendered people well.

What is it about you that makes you feel so insecure and bullied by having to be polite?

I see you backed off on the juvenile name-calling that litters all your posts.

Further, I see you're unable and unwilling to address the tranny bullying that involves attempts to suppress the right to free speech as they attempt to assert an entitlement that compels certain speech. So yes, I post about my Constitutional rights. You find it offensive that I have a right to be free from compelled speech, that I have a right to be free from bullying. You have a right to be offended. Be as offended as you wish.

What is it about you that causes you to feel so insecure about the rights of others to be free from bullying? Is it a basic sense of entitlement that you presume others must accept your entitlement?
Time for you to understand that any sex outside of G-d's design is sin, and must be called out as such.

Time for you to understand. God didn’t say that at all. God said adultery was a sin. That is the ONLY sex act he said was a sin.

I see you backed off on the juvenile name-calling that litters all your posts.

Further, I see you're unable and unwilling to address the tranny bullying that involves attempts to suppress the right to free speech as they attempt to assert an entitlement that compels certain speech. So yes, I post about my Constitutional rights. You find it offensive that I have a right to be free from compelled speech, that I have a right to be free from bullying. You have a right to be offended. Be as offended as you wish.

What is it about you that causes you to feel so insecure about the rights of others to be free from bullying? Is it a basic sense of entitlement that you presume others must accept your entitlement?

Your entire post is a projection of your assinine attitudes of fear and loathing of trans people. You’re trying to characterize this as a free-speech issue but it’s not.

It’s whether you care to conduct yourself as a decent human being and treat others with respect. Since you don’t respect yourself, you don’t respect others.

If you want to referred to as a flip doodle, I’m good with that. It costs me NOTHING to do it. Doesn’t harm my right to the freedom of speech to refer to you as a flip doodle if that’s what you choose. I may think you’re not quite right, but my right to freedom of speech is not impugned in the slightest.

I don’t look for things to piss me off. There are enough real issues in the world that need our time and attention. What someone asks you to call them is not one of them.

This is not a free-speech issue. It’s a common decency issue.

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