Think what American job producers could accomplish ...

"Just get the hell out of my way" John Galt to the government in Atlas Shrugged

we currently have a president that is preventing job growth in the private sector.

We have a president who learned from his communist father Frank Marshall Davis to "destroy from within".

If there are no jobs, the people HAVE to depend on Uncle Sugar.

and the media remains silent--------------------------Don't they understand that they will be silenced by a totalitarian regime? Are they that stupid? I think so.

They are beginning to turn from Barry - he has done enough. They are now turning their loving attention to Hillary "the murderer" Clinton. Barry is yesterdays news for the media.

There is never talk about jobs anymore by the media. Most have just given up and don't bother any longer. We have progressed beyond jobs now. We are in full socialist mode now - or as the TIME cover once read "WE ARE ALL SOCIALISTS NOW"
"Just get the hell out of my way" John Galt to the government in Atlas Shrugged

we currently have a president that is preventing job growth in the private sector.

We have a president who learned from his communist father Frank Marshall Davis to "destroy from within".

If there are no jobs, the people HAVE to depend on Uncle Sugar.

and the media remains silent--------------------------Don't they understand that they will be silenced by a totalitarian regime? Are they that stupid? I think so.

Yet there have been stories about this, you just don't get around much.
Not nearly as bad as the unethical procedures by those that hire illegals.

we agree, why hasn't the obama admin taken action against employers that hire illegals? Can you name one suit that Holder has filed against an employer for hiring illegals?

just Google, there are many.

Holder is the AG, he does not handle the illegals.That would be ICE or immigration agents. During the Oblama administration he has been fining companies known to hire illegals.

who do you think ICE works for?
We have a president who learned from his communist father Frank Marshall Davis to "destroy from within".

If there are no jobs, the people HAVE to depend on Uncle Sugar.

and the media remains silent--------------------------Don't they understand that they will be silenced by a totalitarian regime? Are they that stupid? I think so.

Yet there have been stories about this, you just don't get around much.

give us a couple of cites. post some news clips. give us some stats.

otherwise you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.
we agree, why hasn't the obama admin taken action against employers that hire illegals? Can you name one suit that Holder has filed against an employer for hiring illegals?

just Google, there are many.

Holder is the AG, he does not handle the illegals.That would be ICE or immigration agents. During the Oblama administration he has been fining companies known to hire illegals.

who do you think ICE works for?

Apparently the concept of "Chief Law Enforcement Officer" evades moon bat…...
"There is no question that the shutdown harmed our jobs market. The unemployment rate still ticked up," Obama said.

LOL. More jobs were created than predicted, throwing a wrench in Obama's prepared answer for the low job numbers he anticipated but he doesn't miss a beat -- he pivots straight to a groundless claim that there would have been still more jobs without the shutdown -- the shutdown his admin tried to make as painful as possible by sending guards to close down facilities which were permitted to stay open during past shutdowns.

Take the good news of more jobs and let it go, Mr. President. We're lucking out and getting growth in spite of your job-squelching policies.
"Just get the hell out of my way" John Galt to the government in Atlas Shrugged

we currently have a president that is preventing job growth in the private sector.

We have a president who learned from his communist father Frank Marshall Davis to "destroy from within".

If there are no jobs, the people HAVE to depend on Uncle Sugar.

Once people depend on Uncle Sugar the gravy train can come to a halt and Leninesque labor camps are born. The people who work in Uncle Mao's factories are dependent on the government, that's why they have to work in those factories.
and the media remains silent--------------------------Don't they understand that they will be silenced by a totalitarian regime? Are they that stupid? I think so.

Yet there have been stories about this, you just don't get around much.

give us a couple of cites. post some news clips. give us some stats.

otherwise you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

You can't search? Shoes wet?
"There is no question that the shutdown harmed our jobs market. The unemployment rate still ticked up," Obama said.

LOL. More jobs were created than predicted, throwing a wrench in Obama's prepared answer for the low job numbers he anticipated but he doesn't miss a beat -- he pivots straight to a groundless claim that there would have been still more jobs without the shutdown -- the shutdown his admin tried to make as painful as possible by sending guards to close down facilities which were permitted to stay open during past shutdowns.

Take the good news of more jobs and let it go, Mr. President. We're lucking out and getting growth in spite of your job-squelching policies.

They were open last time because it was partial shut down.
"Just get the hell out of my way" John Galt to the government in Atlas Shrugged

we currently have a president that is preventing job growth in the private sector.

We have a president who learned from his communist father Frank Marshall Davis to "destroy from within".

If there are no jobs, the people HAVE to depend on Uncle Sugar.

Once people depend on Uncle Sugar the gravy train can come to a halt and Leninesque labor camps are born. The people who work in Uncle Mao's factories are dependent on the government, that's why they have to work in those factories.

Really or is it the govt. relies on the people to work. there is a labor shortage in China. you need a job?
"There is no question that the shutdown harmed our jobs market. The unemployment rate still ticked up," Obama said.

LOL. More jobs were created than predicted, throwing a wrench in Obama's prepared answer for the low job numbers he anticipated but he doesn't miss a beat -- he pivots straight to a groundless claim that there would have been still more jobs without the shutdown -- the shutdown his admin tried to make as painful as possible by sending guards to close down facilities which were permitted to stay open during past shutdowns.

Take the good news of more jobs and let it go, Mr. President. We're lucking out and getting growth in spite of your job-squelching policies.

They were open last time because it was partial shut down.

I'm confused by that response. Business owners were allowed to keep working last time who were forced to close this time. This time was a partial shut down. What difference are you speaking of between this time and last time?

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