Third Marysville Student dies.

Joe, it's one thing to discuss gun control measures, I can live with that discussion.
You however live in this illusion that guns are going to be rounded up and destroyed. What's the point in discussing something you'll never see ?

Guy, you gun fetishists live in a fantasy world where guns make you safer and compensate for your tiny dicks.

They don't.
Lol !! I love your insults Joe, they're really original !
So we make them illegal and they will just disappear?? Wow, why didn't we do that with drugs?

We blame the people who USE the guns.

Guns have to be manufactured. Point is, countries HAVE banned gun ownership. After which their crime rates went down and less people died.
Yeah, probably so, but we've decided to make guns legal and live with the risk.
Of course you would say that. Otherwise your entire argument is flushed down the toilet.

I never met a person once who saved his life with a gun.

I've known two suicides and one homicide victim with guns.

Statistically, if guns saving lives were a common thing, I'd know a lot more people who did that.
Well we have interacted many times so you know that is a lie. But I am willing to put your dishonesty aside. So congratulations you just did. Isn't this exciting? Even as an adult you can still have new experiences!
Of course you would say that. Otherwise your entire argument is flushed down the toilet.

I never met a person once who saved his life with a gun.

I've known two suicides and one homicide victim with guns.

Statistically, if guns saving lives were a common thing, I'd know a lot more people who did that.

Wow, so someone has been murdered since we have been talking about your lunatic gun views? Before it was just 3 suicides.

Oh, and one of the suicides you talked about was someone with a terminal disease. Not an issue. Mercy killings are not a tragedy.

Perhaps no one has mentioned that they stopped a crime? Or perhaps, since you live in that shithole Chicago, the strict gun laws prevent law abiding citizens from owning them.
Of course you would say that. Otherwise your entire argument is flushed down the toilet.

I never met a person once who saved his life with a gun.

I've known two suicides and one homicide victim with guns.

Statistically, if guns saving lives were a common thing, I'd know a lot more people who did that.

If, in person, you are anything like how you are on these forums, I doubt you have many friends. And certainly damn few who own guns.
Yeah, probably so, but we've decided to make guns legal and live with the risk.

Well, yeah, until we decide we really don't. Hence, we have the conversation and expose the gun fetishists lies.

Like "Guns make me safe".

Nope. A gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.


"I need my guns so I can overthrow the government."

Nope. The day the government comes for you, they'll win and your neighbors will cheer because you were scaring their children.


"A gun compensates for a tiny pecker!"

No, sorry, man, your pecker is still really small.
Oh, and one of the suicides you talked about was someone with a terminal disease. Not an issue. Mercy killings are not a tragedy.

Yeah. Except on a dry run, this guy sent a bullet flying through the parking lot of the condo complex I live in. Luckily, it didn't hit any of the kids who live here. Unfortunately, the cops didn't take his gun AFTER he lied to them about who fired the bullet. (He tried to claim someone fired in at him, but all the glass was on the outside.)

Perhaps no one has mentioned that they stopped a crime? Or perhaps, since you live in that shithole Chicago, the strict gun laws prevent law abiding citizens from owning them.

First, I live in a suburb where guns are perfectly legal.
Second, Chicago's gun laws are about as "strict" as the prostitution laws.
Third, Chicago is still much cooler than the backwaters where you guys live and you fly the Confederate Flag like that's something to be proud of.
Fourth- only 200 cases of self-defense homicide by civilians. Gun RARELY save lives.
Yeah, probably so, but we've decided to make guns legal and live with the risk.

Well, yeah, until we decide we really don't. Hence, we have the conversation and expose the gun fetishists lies.

Like "Guns make me safe".

Nope. A gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.


"I need my guns so I can overthrow the government."

Nope. The day the government comes for you, they'll win and your neighbors will cheer because you were scaring their children.


"A gun compensates for a tiny pecker!"

No, sorry, man, your pecker is still really small.
Lol ! Stop talking about my Johnson Joe, I don't swing in that direction.

Anyway, you can show me stats all day long, it's meaningless to me. I didn't buy my guns for protection anyway.
Yeah, probably so, but we've decided to make guns legal and live with the risk.

Well, yeah, until we decide we really don't. Hence, we have the conversation and expose the gun fetishists lies.

Like "Guns make me safe".

Nope. A gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.


"I need my guns so I can overthrow the government."

Nope. The day the government comes for you, they'll win and your neighbors will cheer because you were scaring their children.


"A gun compensates for a tiny pecker!"

No, sorry, man, your pecker is still really small.

Sorry, in order of posting:
Bogus and debunked claim.
They aren't coming for us and my neighbors love me being armed.
My pecker is more than big enough.

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