Third Marysville Student dies.

If, in person, you are anything like how you are on these forums, I doubt you have many friends. And certainly damn few who own guns.

Well, in real life, I don't have to deal with so many racist, gun toting assholes who are full of so much hate, so no, I really don't have to be like this in real life.

I am not racist and was certainly not an asshole until you started calling names. I simply returned what you have done, in smaller amounts.
Oh, and one of the suicides you talked about was someone with a terminal disease. Not an issue. Mercy killings are not a tragedy.

Yeah. Except on a dry run, this guy sent a bullet flying through the parking lot of the condo complex I live in. Luckily, it didn't hit any of the kids who live here. Unfortunately, the cops didn't take his gun AFTER he lied to them about who fired the bullet. (He tried to claim someone fired in at him, but all the glass was on the outside.)

Perhaps no one has mentioned that they stopped a crime? Or perhaps, since you live in that shithole Chicago, the strict gun laws prevent law abiding citizens from owning them.

First, I live in a suburb where guns are perfectly legal.
Second, Chicago's gun laws are about as "strict" as the prostitution laws.
Third, Chicago is still much cooler than the backwaters where you guys live and you fly the Confederate Flag like that's something to be proud of.
Fourth- only 200 cases of self-defense homicide by civilians. Gun RARELY save lives.

Only 201 cases where someone died during a defensive use of a gun. That only proves that gun owners are not out to kill people. I does not prove how often guns are used to stop a crime or in self defense.

Chicago is much cooler? I've been to Chicago, and you can have it. I'll take Atlanta any day.
Only 201 cases where someone died during a defensive use of a gun. That only proves that gun owners are not out to kill people. I does not prove how often guns are used to stop a crime or in self defense.

No, it just proves it never happens.

You gun nuts acted like Zimmerman spiked the football. Can't believe that you wouldn't kill if presented with the same circumstances.
Only 201 cases where someone died during a defensive use of a gun. That only proves that gun owners are not out to kill people. I does not prove how often guns are used to stop a crime or in self defense.

No, it just proves it never happens.

You gun nuts acted like Zimmerman spiked the football. Can't believe that you wouldn't kill if presented with the same circumstances.
No what happen was you anti gun trolls were like a lynch mob most said wait until the evidence is given in court.
No what happen was you anti gun trolls were like a lynch mob most said wait until the evidence is given in court.

Oh, sorry, was Trayvon less dead after the evidence was given in court? Did the loveable little scamp pop out and say, "I"m not really dead."
irrelevant an emotional response is never base on facts.
Was Zimmerman defending his life when Trayvon went after Zimmerman's gun, yes he was.
irrelevant an emotional response is never base on facts.
Was Zimmerman defending his life when Trayvon went after Zimmerman's gun, yes he was.

If zimmerman had stayed in his car like the Police told him to, his "life' never would have been in danger from a teenager half his size.
The dispatcher at the beginning told zimmerman to keep an eye on the unknown individual. He did but when the person now known as tryvon martin started running the dispatcher advised zimmerman not to do that so zimmerman stopped at that pointy. It was then on his return trip to his truck tryvon jumped out at zimmerman.
Only 201 cases where someone died during a defensive use of a gun. That only proves that gun owners are not out to kill people. I does not prove how often guns are used to stop a crime or in self defense.

No, it just proves it never happens.

You gun nuts acted like Zimmerman spiked the football. Can't believe that you wouldn't kill if presented with the same circumstances.

Your claim that all gun owners are bloodthirsty killers is laughable. Apparently you don't know many.

Even the anti-gun groups recognize that there are far more than 201.
Only 201 cases where someone died during a defensive use of a gun. That only proves that gun owners are not out to kill people. I does not prove how often guns are used to stop a crime or in self defense.

No, it just proves it never happens.

You gun nuts acted like Zimmerman spiked the football. Can't believe that you wouldn't kill if presented with the same circumstances.

Your claim that all gun owners are bloodthirsty killers is laughable. Apparently you don't know many.

Even the anti-gun groups recognize that there are far more than 201.
Anti-gunners like Joe lose all credibility when they start the nasty name calling, the penis jokes, the claims that we all get off when tragedies like this occur.

I have no problem with an honest respectful discussion, even when I vehemently disagree with anti-gunners.
People like Joe just cause his opposition to dig in their heels, instead of digesting their argument.
Anti-gunners like Joe lose all credibility when they start the nasty name calling, the penis jokes, the claims that we all get off when tragedies like this occur.

I have no problem with an honest respectful discussion, even when I vehemently disagree with anti-gunners.
People like Joe just cause his opposition to dig in their heels, instead of digesting their argument.

Guy, you gun nuts aren't rational, so there's no point having rational conversations with you.

You accept that 32,000 gun deaths a year are a perfectly acceptable price for your fetish.
Anti-gunners like Joe lose all credibility when they start the nasty name calling, the penis jokes, the claims that we all get off when tragedies like this occur.

I have no problem with an honest respectful discussion, even when I vehemently disagree with anti-gunners.
People like Joe just cause his opposition to dig in their heels, instead of digesting their argument.

Guy, you gun nuts aren't rational, so there's no point having rational conversations with you.

You accept that 32,000 gun deaths a year are a perfectly acceptable price for your fetish.

why should I sacrifice my rights so assholes like you can pretend you have done something to stop mostly suicides and felons killing other felons. I'd rather sacrifice gun haters
why should I sacrifice my rights so assholes like you can pretend you have done something to stop mostly suicides and felons killing other felons. I'd rather sacrifice gun haters

because again- 32,000 gun deaths a year is too many for you to compensate for a tiny dick.

Hire a hooker and have her lie to you. It would be cheaper.
why should I sacrifice my rights so assholes like you can pretend you have done something to stop mostly suicides and felons killing other felons. I'd rather sacrifice gun haters

because again- 32,000 gun deaths a year is too many for you to compensate for a tiny dick.

Hire a hooker and have her lie to you. It would be cheaper.

do you have fantasies about other men's penises or is the fact that you are a castrated coward make you yearn for something you have lost

I'd rather have assholes like you come and try to take the guns and see how the works out
Anti-gunners like Joe lose all credibility when they start the nasty name calling, the penis jokes, the claims that we all get off when tragedies like this occur.

I have no problem with an honest respectful discussion, even when I vehemently disagree with anti-gunners.
People like Joe just cause his opposition to dig in their heels, instead of digesting their argument.

Guy, you gun nuts aren't rational, so there's no point having rational conversations with you.

You accept that 32,000 gun deaths a year are a perfectly acceptable price for your fetish.

Not a single person on the threads you and I have argued on have celebrated the deaths of anyone (with the possible exception of criminals have murdered or raped). Yet you celebrate the deaths of two people (actually many more) that had committed no crimes. You, who haven't the balls to do anything yourself, celebrate someone else murdering them. So your claims to the high moral ground are laughable. You revel in the pain caused by someone else to someone else. You want to be a spectator though, and claim your hands are clean.

22,000 deaths by their own hand do not count. Your fantasies won't save them. Hundreds of thousands of lives saved by guns will not be lost to your bloodthirsty lust for control. The sad part is, you have even less control than those who were murdered. At least they were more than voyeurs.
do you have fantasies about other men's penises or is the fact that you are a castrated coward make you yearn for something you have lost

I'd rather have assholes like you come and try to take the guns and see how the works out

So would I. It'll be hilarious when the ATF frog-marches you out and melts down your guns.

Except that won't happen. You had a liberal in the white house and a super majority in congress, and not one piece of anti-gun legislation was passed. In fact, there were more states that went towards easing the restrictions on carry permits. You are losing.

Right now, in CT, there are tens of thousands of gun owners defying the state mandated gun registrations. And the state has not done a single thing.

Those redneck assholes lined up out in Nevada, pointed guns at federal agents, and dared them to do anything. Bundy is a jackass, but the feds didn't do shit.

Your sick fantasies are dreams that you see falling away. This is why you are so bitter. You are like the homophobes ranting about gay marriage while state after state recognizes it. Now you are just spewing hostilities.
Hire a hooker and have her lie to you. It would be cheaper.

You must have a lot of experience with that isn't healthy and those women are the victims of shouldn't be adding to their problems....
Gun extremists are as irrational as gun opponents, given the fact that guns will never be 'banned' in the United States, even if Heller/McDonald were overturned, just as abortion would continue if Roe/Casey were overturned.

Indeed, both issues are the same in that the Constitution prohibits either being 'banned.' The causes of gun deaths and abortion are complex and varied, where neither are subject to simple solutions, as both problems will require thoughtful, comprehensive remedies that come about as a result of co-operation and compromise, not conflict and acrimony in the political or judicial arenas.
Not a single person on the threads you and I have argued on have celebrated the deaths of anyone (with the possible exception of criminals have murdered or raped). Yet you celebrate the deaths of two people (actually many more) that had committed no crimes. You, who haven't the balls to do anything yourself, celebrate someone else murdering them. So your claims to the high moral ground are laughable. You revel in the pain caused by someone else to someone else. You want to be a spectator though, and claim your hands are clean.

22,000 deaths by their own hand do not count. Your fantasies won't save them. Hundreds of thousands of lives saved by guns will not be lost to your bloodthirsty lust for control. The sad part is, you have even less control than those who were murdered. At least they were more than voyeurs.

Yes, I'm sorry that you are upset Nazis and Cultists get killed when they defy the man.

Guns don't save lives. They take them. the NRA lies to you, but you want to be lied to. you want the illusion of control, but in fact, much like the tobacco industry telling people they look cool when they smoke, the gunindustry tells you guns make you safer when in fact a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member.

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