Third Marysville Student dies.

It's like the fucking bat-signal. Someone even JOKES about gun control, and Whinerborn is there like Batman!

LMAO!! You are really looking for insults this morning, aren't you? I post in a variety of threads. It seems you have posted in all the gun threads too.
Yeah, I guess if you totally ignore the 32,000 gun fatalities in this country, we don't have a gun problem.

There are 100 graves dug every day for the victims of gun violence, dude. It's avoiding them that's the problem.
Of those 100, how many are justified self defense shootings?

Of those 100, how many are gang-related?
I think if they had more time to think about it, and a gun wasn't available, they'd have probably lived.
Think again:


Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy

Guns are just one among numerous available deadly instruments. Thus, banning guns cannot reduce the amount of suicides. Such measures only reduce the number of suicides by firearms. Suicides committed in other ways increase to make up the difference. People do not commit suicide because they have guns available. They kill themselves for reasons they deem sufficient, and in the absence of firearms they just kill themselves in some other way.

Causes of suicide:

Owning a firearm doesn't increase the chance of suicide, and no owning a firearm doesn't lower the chance of suicide.
The gun grabbers are insane.

To believe that only the gov and criminals (one an the same) should have guns, is good for a society, shows a complete ignorance of history.

You mean all those other industrialized countries that are just as free as we are, have a fraction of our murder rates and crime rates?

Yup, Libertarian Crazy, it never gets old.
yawn another failed argument
He can always be counted on to make a failed argument.
Must be insane!

He is nuts.
Yeah, I guess if you totally ignore the 32,000 gun fatalities in this country, we don't have a gun problem.

There are 100 graves dug every day for the victims of gun violence, dude. It's avoiding them that's the problem.
Of those 100, how many are justified self defense shootings?

Of those 100, how many are gang-related?
Don't expect a normal answer, joe has his responses down to a T.
Of those 100, how many are justified self defense shootings?

Of those 100, how many are gang-related?

of the 32,000 gun deaths, only 201 are ruled "Self-Defense" by the police when civilians are the shooters.

"Gang-Related" is such an amorphous term that it doesn't even deserve argument.

And almost 70% of that number is self-inflicted, not someone attacking another person.
Don't expect a normal answer, joe has his responses down to a T.

I've actually answered this many times.

Self-Defense fatalities are so rare that they barely register.

most murder victims are killed by people they know.
Dude read what I said. I never said you would not answer
You reuse your talking points even though they have been debunked many times in as many years.
Of those 100, how many are justified self defense shootings?

Of those 100, how many are gang-related?

of the 32,000 gun deaths, only 201 are ruled "Self-Defense" by the police when civilians are the shooters.

"Gang-Related" is such an amorphous term that it doesn't even deserve argument.
I didn't see the link to your data.

I'll wait......
Don't expect a normal answer, joe has his responses down to a T.

I've actually answered this many times.

Self-Defense fatalities are so rare that they barely register.

most murder victims are killed by people they know.

So rare they barely register?? LMAO!!!

That is hilarious, since the number you use is still higher than the number of people killed in mass shootings by crazies. And yet, you demand we change teh gun laws because of these rare events.

And almost 70% of that number is self-inflicted, not someone attacking another person.

and if there wasn't a gun in the house that day, most of them wouldn't be dead.

That is your claim, but you have no evidence to show it is accurate. But I have numbers from other countries who introduced very strict gun laws, and they show quite the opposite.
Self-Defense fatalities are so rare that they barely register.

And you forgot about defensive use of a gun which didn't result in a death. Many times merly showing the gun stops the incident. I'll show you my links after you show me yours.

most murder victims are killed by people they know.
Time to ban knowing anyone, right?
Dude read what I said. I never said you would not answer
You reuse your talking points even though they have been debunked many times in as many years.

No, they really haven't. they just contradict your fantasies that your gun makes you safer and your pecker bigger.
dude you couldn't buy your way out of an open door much less contradict anything I say.
And you forgot about defensive use of a gun which didn't result in a death. Many times merly showing the gun stops the incident. I'll show you my links after you show me yours.

FBI mdash Expanded Homicide Data Table 15

Here you go, guy, from the FBI, no less.

201 self defense deaths by civilian shooters.

And sorry, no, given the way you gun nuts jizz on this board with the fantasies of all the people you just can't wait to fucking shoot, I find it hard to believe you show that much restraint.
The FBI says that the incidence of mass shootings is up.
Oh you like FBI crime stats? I like FBI crime stats, too.....

FBI Drops Truth-Bomb on Gun Control Advocates: Firearms Numbers at Record Levels & Violent Crime Decreases

Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence ( 2013 )


Sources used in the video:

Harvard Study: Gun Control Is Counterproductive

Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide?

A Review of International and Some Domestic Evidence.

Din B. Kates* and Gary Mauser**

The study, which just appeared in Volume 30, Number 2 of the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy (pp. 649-694), set out to answer the question in its title: "Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of International and Some Domestic Evidence." Contrary to conventional wisdom, and the sniffs of our more sophisticated and generally anti-gun counterparts across the pond, the answer is "no." And not just no, as in there is no correlation between gun ownership and violent crime, but an emphatic no, showing a negative correlation: as gun ownership increases, murder and suicide decreases.

The findings of two criminologists - Prof. Don Kates and Prof. Gary Mauser - in their exhaustive study of American and European gun laws and violence rates, are telling:

Nations with stringent anti-gun laws generally have substantially higher murder rates than those that do not. The study found that the nine European nations with the lowest rates of gun ownership (5,000 or fewer guns per 100,000 population) have a combined murder rate three times higher than that of the nine nations with the highest rates of gun ownership (at least 15,000 guns per 100,000 population)

EDITORIAL: Guns decrease murder rates

In Washington, the best defense is self-defense


More guns in law-abiding hands mean less crime. The District of Columbia proves the point.


Few who lived in Washington during the 1970s can forget the upswing in crime that started right after the ban was originally passed. In the five years before the 1977 ban, the murder rate fell from 37 to 27 murders per 100,000. In the five years after the gun ban went into effect, the murder rate rose back up to 35. One fact is particularly hard to ignore: D.C.'s murder rate fluctuated after 1976 but only once fell below what it was in 1976 before the ban. That aberration happened years later, in 1985.

This correlation between the D.C. gun ban and diminished safety was not a coincidence. Look at the Windy City. Immediately after Chicago banned handguns in 1982, the murder rate, which had been falling almost continually for a decade, started to rise. Chicago's murder rate rose relative to other large cities as well. The phenomenon of higher murder rates after gun bans are passed is not just limited to the United States. Every single time a country has passed a gun ban, its murder rate soared.



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