Third Planned Parenthood Tape Drops

Of course I do, fetuses aren't the same as sentient, intelligent animals like dogs. Body parts can be used from someone in a vegetative state, your argument is a hunk of shit.

Of course they aren't the same as animals. They are unique to the human species. But we aren't talking about taking body parts from someone in a vegetative state, a non sequitur for sure. We are talking about taking parts from a "clump of cells" then magically dubbing them as viable human fetal tissue.

And furthermore, your position has been reduced to "your argument is a hunk of shit." Really now...?
You're argument relies on believing that a fetus is conscious/exhibits intelligence of any kind. Regardless, women will do what they want with their bodies, and you can't do shit about it, unless you want to forcefully cut open women to save the precious fetus.
You're argument relies on believing that a fetus is conscious/exhibits intelligence of any kind.

Your argument relies on selective application of viability. Intelligence was never really part of the equation, now was it?

Regardless, women will do what they want with their bodies, and you can't do shit about it, unless you want to forcefully cut open women to save the precious fetus.

Sure. Hand me a scalpel and I'll get started.

That's the thing. It isn't their body once a new one starts forming inside of her.
You're argument relies on believing that a fetus is conscious/exhibits intelligence of any kind.

Your argument relies on selective application of viability. Intelligence was never really part of the equation, now was it?

Regardless, women will do what they want with their bodies, and you can't do shit about it, unless you want to forcefully cut open women to save the precious fetus.

Sure. Hand me a scalpel and I'll get started.

That's the thing. It isn't their body once a new one starts forming inside of her.
I truly hope you're not serious about the scalpel part, that actually bothers me, since we're talking about selective application... Will you take the same measures of holding a women against her will if she was raped? What about morning after pills? You're an idiot.
I truly hope you're not serious about the scalpel part, that actually bothers me, since we're talking about selective application

No I'm not serious. I did that to get your attention.

I was merely mocking your whole absurd notion that I'm out to cut women open to save the fetus. Just what put that notion into your head anyway?

Will you take the same measures of holding a women against her will if she was raped? What about morning after pills? You're an idiot.

Well, women wouldn't be raped nearly as much if you liberals actually supported them having firearms. Whoops.

Secondly, I have no issue with the morning after pill.

So that makes you the idiot.
I truly hope you're not serious about the scalpel part, that actually bothers me, since we're talking about selective application

No I'm not serious. I did that to get your attention.

I was merely mocking your whole absurd notion that I'm out to cut women open to save the fetus. Just what put that notion into your head anyway?

Will you take the same measures of holding a women against her will if she was raped? What about morning after pills? You're an idiot.

Well, women wouldn't be raped nearly as much if you liberals actually supported them having firearms. Whoops.

Secondly, I have no issue with the morning after pill.

So that makes you the idiot.
You do realize i own multiple firearms and fully support gun ownership, tucking hack.
What premise? Are you talking about women being raped? Are you assuming rape will never happen if all women have guns?

If your premise was so important to defend, you wouldn't have been so easily drawn off topic. You are assigning emotions to my statements that aren't really there. I am not dumb enough to think anything of the sort.

If a woman makes the conscious decision to have unprotected sex with a man which results in a pregnancy, she should be made to carry the child to term.
What premise? Are you talking about women being raped? Are you assuming rape will never happen if all women have guns?

If your premise was so important to defend, you wouldn't have been so easily drawn off topic. You are assigning emotions to my statements that aren't really there. I am not dumb enough to think anything of the sort.

If a woman makes the conscious decision to have unprotected sex with a man which results in a pregnancy, she should be made to carry the child to term.
"Made" I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, regardless, what if the condom breaks? Incest? Failed BC pills? Financial troubles mid pregnancy?
What premise? Are you talking about women being raped? Are you assuming rape will never happen if all women have guns?

If your premise was so important to defend, you wouldn't have been so easily drawn off topic. You are assigning emotions to my statements that aren't really there. I am not dumb enough to think anything of the sort.

If a woman makes the conscious decision to have unprotected sex with a man which results in a pregnancy, she should be made to carry the child to term.
"Made" I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, regardless, what if the condom breaks? Incest? Failed BC pills? Financial troubles mid pregnancy?

Are you trying to catch me in something? Were you not reading the "makes the conscious decision to have unprotected sex" part? If she chose to pursue incestuous relations which gets her pregnant, no mercy. Failed BC pills? Sue the manufacturer, don't kill the baby. Financial troubles mid pregnancy? She should have thought about that before getting pregnant. Rectifying your finances shouldn't come at the price of an unborn child.
Defend this, dimocraps.

Here's the deal, morons. If PP is truly only defraying its 'costs' why do they charge more for a liver or a heart or a brain than they do for an arm or a leg?

It costs NO MORE to ship 5 pounds of livers and hearts than it does to ship 5 pounds of legs and arms.

Same cryo-containers, same shipping method same -- Everything.

Supply and demand. It is the number one, top of the list arbiter of profit motives.

Third Planned Parenthood Video Released: “Huge Trafficking Of Fetal Tissues” From Aborted Babies…

I could have sworn Planned Parenthood’s Obamabot CEO swore they didn’t make money selling dead babies?

Via Washington Examiner:

A third Planned Parenthood video was released Tuesday morning that features a whistleblower who says her biomedical company would compensate Planned Parenthood clinics for fetal organs based on their condition and quality after being extracted from an abortion.

Holly O’Donnell is a former technician for California-based Stem Express, a company that contracts with abortion clinics for the tissue.

“The more valuable the tissue the more money you get, so if you can somehow procure a brain or a heart you’re going to get more money than just umbilical cord,” O’Donnell says in the video. “So I guess that’s incentive to try and get the hard stuff because they get more money.”

The footage shows medical professionals picking through trays of aborted fetal tissue for legs and other recognizable body parts. O’Donnell says that when she was asked to participate, she fainted. She also names Cate Dyer, the president and founder of Stem Express, saying Dyer makes “a lot of money.”

Some Quotes:

"They do get some kind of benefit."
"They wanted someone who can get the numbers up."
"For whatever we could procure, they would get a certain percentage. The main nurse was always trying to make sure we got our specimens. No one else really cared, but the main nurse did because she knew that Planned Parenthood was getting compensated."

"We were asked to procure certain tissues like brain, livers, thymus, pancreas, heart, lungs, and pretty much anything on the fetus. It's basically a huge trafficking of fetal tissues."

When I saw your parts list I wanted to puke. Back in the OLD days when I lifted I bought "parts" from rabbits to increase certain abilities. Dried Thymus is a standard with lifters.

Thymus - Search results

They are not using those parts for living replacements, they are using them to make vitamins.

What premise? Are you talking about women being raped? Are you assuming rape will never happen if all women have guns?

If your premise was so important to defend, you wouldn't have been so easily drawn off topic. You are assigning emotions to my statements that aren't really there. I am not dumb enough to think anything of the sort.

If a woman makes the conscious decision to have unprotected sex with a man which results in a pregnancy, she should be made to carry the child to term.
"Made" I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, regardless, what if the condom breaks? Incest? Failed BC pills? Financial troubles mid pregnancy?

Are you trying to catch me in something? Were you not reading the "makes the conscious decision to have unprotected sex" part? If she chose to pursue incestuous relations which gets her pregnant, no mercy. Failed BC pills? Sue the manufacturer, don't kill the baby. Financial troubles mid pregnancy? She should have thought about that before getting pregnant. Rectifying your finances shouldn't come at the price of an unborn child.
Oh man, please.. Please realize how ridiculous this is.
Oh man, please.. Please realize how ridiculous this is.

It isn't. If you don't want a child, exercise a little more forethought. Save yourself the gory proceedings. It is in the least bit ridiculous. If parental planning is really about planning, then plan on not getting pregnant until the time is right!
Oh man, please.. Please realize how ridiculous this is.

It isn't. If you don't want a child, exercise a little more forethought. Save yourself the gory proceedings. It is in the least bit ridiculous. If parental planning is really about planning, then plan on not getting pregnant until the time is right!
People do plan, and sometimes, SHIT HAPPENS.
Oh man, please.. Please realize how ridiculous this is.

It isn't. If you don't want a child, exercise a little more forethought. Save yourself the gory proceedings. It is in the least bit ridiculous. If parental planning is really about planning, then plan on not getting pregnant until the time is right!
Planned parenthood to me is staying zipped up until I am ready. It prevents unwanted children AND STD's.
Why haven't they given these videos to the local DA's and have those people arrested instead of appealing to emotionalism of the masses with selective releases of videos of callous shop talk?

Yeah, like dimocrap SCUM persecutors are going to bring charges.....

What kind of stupid are you?
The "retardican scum" have the majority in Congress - if there were charges to bring, they would be brought.

I am pro choice. But those vids are disgusting and very hard to justify. I think the left should acknowledge the obvious and renounce Planned Parenthood's practice of selling baby parts.

In addition, those callous doctors need some major sensitivity training. None of this makes Planned Parenthood, or by extension, the left look good. Best to just call it what it is....disgusting and horrible.

Precisely BECAUSE the charges being levied are so emotionally strong - I want facts, unedited transcripts and a chance to hear both sides before coming to judgement. I don't trust the source of the tapes for accuracy - they have their own agenda and one of them was involved in a debunked O'Keefe film. Let's call it what it is - as Snopes analyzed - "undetermined".
Would you look at yourself and your own arguments, trying to make some connection between viable body parts and a viable fetus?

For the body parts to be viable, what they make up as a whole must also be viable. Your logic is flawed.

Explain to me how an arm can survive on it's own, detached from the body.

Then, review what is logic and what is games with semantics.
The latest one is meaningless without a transcript and the knowledge of what was edited out (assuming it's much like the other). "Giving quotes for human fetal tissue" - what are the exact quotes said?

You really are reaching. You can't just plug your ears and hope it goes away. You are attempting to rationalize this behavior by attempting to contextualize what you're seeing on the video. Your behavior is most certainly easy to read.

Actually - I'm not "rationalizing" anything - I'm asking for rationality. Context matters. If you hear only one part of a conversation - don't you want to know what the other part was?

Let me show you how context matters. Here is an edited version of your quote:

"You really are ... rational... most certainly easy to read..."

Is that what you said?

I heard both sides of the conversation in the video. Not falling for your ginned up scenarios either.

How can you prove how this video is edited? Or is this just you denying and justifying what happened? Stop it. You really are making a fool of yourself.

You don't know that.

Can you prove that video is complete and unedited?

Where - specifically - are they saying body parts are being sold at a profit - I'd like to see that in the context of a conversation, not a partial quote. You can provide that can't you?
PP went around Threatening people. so if they weren't worried about this. they why?
CALL you reps. we want taxpayers monies defunded from them

Read the Letter Planned Parenthood Sent News Outlets Warning Them Not to Air Undercover Videos
Jul. 28, 2015 7:20pm

A regional branch of Planned Parenthood warned reporters in a new letter Monday against airing recent sting videos released by a group which purport to show the abortion provider’s employees discussing the sell of aborted fetus parts.

KVLY-TV in North Dakota published the letter from Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.

“CMP has used footage obtained through deceit and unlawful behavior, including possible violations of state recording laws, federal tax laws and falsified state identification. Then, they concoct wildly false stories through selective editing,” the letter alleged.

Image source: Mario Tama/Getty Images

“We expect this video will be no different in that regard; however, footage yet to come is expected to represent an extreme violation of patient privacy by including footage of post-abortion fetal tissue neither patients nor health care professionals authorized be filmed,” it added.

The letter was sent one day before the Center for Medical Progress released a third video, appearing to show Planned Parenthood workers standing by dead fetuses while talking about the price “per item.”

The letter concluded warning that “the material should not be aired.”

A representative for Planned Parenthood could not be reached for comment by TheBlaze.

Read the entire letter below via KVLY:

To: North Dakota Health and Political Reporters and Producers
From: Jen Aulwes, Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota
Date: July 27, 2015
Re: Center for Medical Progress Expected to Violate Patient Privacy

The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) is an extreme activist organization whose sole mission is to prevent women from accessing health care and to destroy Planned Parenthood. The board members of this group believe that abortion is “genocide,” and employ people who went to jail for attempting to bomb a women’s health clinic. They are also connected with the man who murdered abortion provider Dr. George Tiller.

CMP has used footage obtained through deceit and unlawful behavior, including possible violations of state recording laws, federal tax laws and falsified state identification. Then, they concoct wildly false stories through selective editing. We expect this video will be no different in that regard; however, footage yet to come is expected to represent an extreme violation of patient privacy by including footage of post-abortion fetal tissue neither patients nor health care professionals authorized be filmed.

When your network decides whether to consider this story newsworthy, or whether to use any of this footage at all, we urge you to keep this in mind: The extremists who entered Planned Parenthood labs under false pretenses violated research protocol, and, worse, violated the privacy of patients involved. Those patients’ privacy should not be further violated by having this footage shared by the media.(liars, no names of patients were released)

The storage and examination processes that CMP used to get this footage are medically necessary. It is necessary medical professionals ensure an abortion is complete so that patients do not get an infection. When tissue is donated for medical research, these steps are also necessary for the donations to be completed. It is also medically necessary that researchers evaluate the laboratory procedures of a medical provider for safety standards and best practices.

Some of the conversations and protocols that occur in medical settings and among professional peers can sound jarring when taken out of context. While this can be difficult to hear or watch, it should not be used as an excuse to defund Planned Parenthood.

CMP gained access to Planned Parenthood facilities under false pretenses and filmed without securing approval from the Planned Parenthood staff being filmed or the patients whose privacy is compromised by this secret videotaping. The material should not be aired.

Please contact me at 651-755-XXXX or [email protected] if you have any questions or need any more information.

(H/T: Truth Revolt)
all of it here:

Read the Letter Planned Parenthood Sent News Outlets Warning Them Not to Air Undercover Videos

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