Third SpaceX rocket explodes. Many will be killed in space. We must focus on Earth and the people here. Space exploration is a death sentence.!

A third spacex rocket has exploded on the launch pad. We must focus on the people here on Earth. Space has nothing but death waiting for humans who venture into its void.Your thoughts

There were numerous failures in the NASA moon program too but they didn't give up.
A third spacex rocket has exploded on the launch pad. We must focus on the people here on Earth. Space has nothing but death waiting for humans who venture into its void.Your thoughts
Fire has killed millions since its discovery--maybe we should ban it, raw, contaminated food and no heat was so much better for mankind. Hide your head in the sand. Moron.
A third spacex rocket has exploded on the launch pad. We must focus on the people here on Earth. Space has nothing but death waiting for humans who venture into its void.Your thoughts

OH NO! A third Spaniard ship has failed to return from exploring the deep ocean! Man was not meant to be on the water! Monsters be out there! The Spanish should just stay home and forget about ever discovering the New World!

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Ships and ocean travel were considered extremely dangerous in the middle ages, and many thought there was nothing but death waiting for humans who venture into its void.
A third spacex rocket has exploded on the launch pad. We must focus on the people here on Earth. Space has nothing but death waiting for humans who venture into its void.Your thoughts
Life is a death sentence...... Or do you think you're getting out of it alive?
A third spacex rocket has exploded on the launch pad. We must focus on the people here on Earth. Space has nothing but death waiting for humans who venture into its void.Your thoughts
They don't need a manned mission to Mars.
The risk of a Mars trip being a one way mission is too high.
It only takes one mistake to make it a fatal mission.
They can do almost anything with Rovers now.
Rovers are dramatically cheaper and safer.
We should have more satellites orbiting Mars and the Moon to study them.
Maybe we should have satellites orbiting all of the other planets to study them also.

Independent report concludes 2033 human Mars mission is not feasible - SpaceNews
From Radiation to Isolation: 5 Big Risks for Mars Astronauts (Videos) | Space
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well 52nd what do you think?....did they answer your questions?.....maybe you should try Brazil....
Plenty of people lost their lives sailing in wooden ships to The New World, America.

Our species has a ingrained desire to explore and conquer. Otherwise we would be living in caves.

Plus there is absolutely no question that one day the earth will be hit by an asteroid that will case a mass extinction.

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