Third World News: Chicago Has 53% Literacy Rate, 2 Schools Names After Obamas

Generally speaking, Chicago Public Schools have had a reputation as a collection of ghetto-ized inner-city shitholes for several decades.

When my own kids were little, the wife and I considered moving from the suburbs and into the City of Chicago, in order to be closer to the higher-paying jobs.

After a little research about school systems and outcomes and administrations, we decided that the further away from Chicago we could get, the better, insofar as schools for our children were concerned.

And, years later, they're every bit the shit-holes that they were back then - reinforced by my undertaking a number of technical-support projects inside those same schools, over the past decade, giving me a fair amount of on-site time within some of those same schools, on the South, West and North sides of the City.

Send my kids to a Chicago Public School?

No freaking way.
Blacks score over 4 points less on the act and are on the bottom of every single test ever done. They're dumber than dogshit!
Chicago Has 53% Literacy Rate, 2 Schools Names After Obamas
Tell me what is wrong in this thread title??? And if it is incorrect, why would a smert white boi like you be chattering about being smerter than those ignant black folk...???
Generally speaking, Chicago Public Schools have had a reputation as a collection of ghetto-ized inner-city shitholes for several decades.

When my own kids were little, the wife and I considered moving from the suburbs and into the City of Chicago, in order to be closer to the higher-paying jobs.

After a little research about school systems and outcomes and administrations, we decided that the further away from Chicago we could get, the better, insofar as schools for our children were concerned.

And, years later, they're every bit the shit-holes that they were back then - reinforced by my undertaking a number of technical-support projects inside those same schools, over the past decade, giving me a fair amount of on-site time within some of those same schools, on the South, West and North sides of the City.

Send my kids to a Chicago Public School?

No freaking way.

Even when it was whites only living in the slums of Chicago, it was a blood bath ...
Generally speaking, Chicago Public Schools have had a reputation as a collection of ghetto-ized inner-city shitholes for several decades.

When my own kids were little, the wife and I considered moving from the suburbs and into the City of Chicago, in order to be closer to the higher-paying jobs.

After a little research about school systems and outcomes and administrations, we decided that the further away from Chicago we could get, the better, insofar as schools for our children were concerned.

And, years later, they're every bit the shit-holes that they were back then - reinforced by my undertaking a number of technical-support projects inside those same schools, over the past decade, giving me a fair amount of on-site time within some of those same schools, on the South, West and North sides of the City.

Send my kids to a Chicago Public School?

No freaking way.

You can safely assume that the schools are not going to be better for a good while.

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