"This Ain't Your Mother's Marijuana"

Maybe. My reaction was born from my love of dogs. I just wouldn't do it, can't say that it's crossed my mind... at least not since high school... Okay... I'll back off my suggestion of merciless flogging...

Hey, don't get me wrong, I love animals of all sorts. Had dogs all through my childhood, and if I had a place that would allow me to have one now, I'd probably have a dog instead of 2 cats.

Incidentally, a neighbor of mine has a dog that likes to have smoke blown in their face.

And, if the animal is coming up and asking for it, I don't see any harm in letting them try it once to see if they like it.
What a fucking IDIOT you are!
Humans make a conscious decision to inhale dope smoke into their lungs. Pets do not!
So it's also OK to put alcohol in your pet's water dish because YOU think the pet enjoys getting pissed? Same thing asshole!
Fucking get a brain!
What you are doing is animal abuse.
There's not a vet in the world who would agree with you!

There are many vets around where I live that do approve giving them CBD with a tad of thc to calm anxious pets.
You can't make this stuff. We have about a quarter century of government warnings on cigarette smoking, hundreds of anti-smoking ads in your face, hollywood censoring cigarette smoking and second hand smoke health alerts. We have people shooting drugs in public and shitting on sidewalks but in the same cities they will slap the cuffs on you if you smoke a cigarette. You have to ask yourself why is marijuana tolerated but not cigarettes (and cigars)? Hollywood encourages and jokes about it and there is no effort by society to curb the smoking of noxious weeds containing virtually the same amount of toxic junk as tobacco with the added mental problems. Pot head movies might be parodies but they are close to the truth.

I an dry herb vape a little weed and there is no smoke at all.

I'm dire a dry herb vaporizer would work with tobacco as well. In fact I would recommend it as there is no inhaling of combustion byproducts that cause all the major health risks ad you could control the quality of the tobacco you smoke by buying the best unadulterated leaf possible
Maybe. My reaction was born from my love of dogs. I just wouldn't do it, can't say that it's crossed my mind... at least not since high school... Okay... I'll back off my suggestion of merciless flogging...

Hey, don't get me wrong, I love animals of all sorts. Had dogs all through my childhood, and if I had a place that would allow me to have one now, I'd probably have a dog instead of 2 cats.

Incidentally, a neighbor of mine has a dog that likes to have smoke blown in their face.

And, if the animal is coming up and asking for it, I don't see any harm in letting them try it once to see if they like it.
What a fucking IDIOT you are!
Humans make a conscious decision to inhale dope smoke into their lungs. Pets do not!
So it's also OK to put alcohol in your pet's water dish because YOU think the pet enjoys getting pissed? Same thing asshole!
Fucking get a brain!
What you are doing is animal abuse.
There's not a vet in the world who would agree with you!

There are many vets around where I live that do approve giving them CBD with a tad of thc to calm anxious pets.

I tried it

for a month

sadly. i'm still an asshole

And now for the facts:
In the sixties/seventies the THC level for street dope was about 3%.
For those of you who are truly ignorant the THC is found in the resin glands adhering to the underside of the leaves. The leaves themselves contain NO THC!!!!!!!!!
Today's THC level in the glands are about six times greater.
Smoking today's street dope is getting close to the effect 'hard drugs' has on the brain.
People who claim otherwise are lying to you.
Ever heard of hashish?
Would you like to learn what hashish is?
In fields growing dope plants people wearing leather aprons walk through the dope fields. The sticky resin glands on the underside of the dope plants stick to the leather aprons. The aprons get a buildup of sticky resin on them. The aprons are then scrapped off. What is scraped off is hashish. The hashish is usually put into a press and a brick or a LP shaped block is formed. Usually the press has a carved identifying motift on it so the buyer can know where the hashish came from.

The man speaks the truth. This stuff is no joke.

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I read on some site last night that a 20 year old in Wisconsin had been arrested yesterday, he and 10 employees were making black market vapes to the tune of 2000 to 3000 per day and selling them for $16.00 a piece. Have no way of verifying the article and haven't read it any where else.
There is only one entry for Pubmed search 'vitamin e vaping.'

Mar 2019 Italy/New Zealand
Acute Effects of Heat-Not-Burn, Electronic Vaping, and Traditional Tobacco Combustion Cigarettes: The Sapienza University of Rome-Vascular Assessme... - PubMed - NCBI
'....Single use of any product led to an adverse impact on oxidative stress, antioxidant reserve, platelet function, flow-mediated dilation, and blood pressure....8-iso-prostaglandin F2alpha-III, and vitamin E.'

The antioxidant reserve, which would be vitamin E, is compromised. This may point to why there is a "supplement" of this antioxidant in black market vaping cartridges. In addition, the 8-iso-prostaglandin at first seemed suspicious as prostaglandin is related to vicia-bean poisoning (favism). Therefore, a pubmed search 'prostaglandin poisoning' went back to the first entry of 1970, which links to the induction of labor:

1970 British Medical Journal
Absence of antidiuresis during administration of prostaglandin F2 alpha. - PubMed - NCBI
'....Karim et al (1969) successfully induced labour with prostaglandin F2alpha.'

This is an interesting chemistry. Note that in the video above, most of the targets of this black market vaping are males around 19 years of age.
You know, there is something else about this whole thing that bothers me a bit........

Most of the people who have died have been young people in their teens and early 20's.

Now, we already know that the brain isn't fully developed in humans until around the age of 18 - 20 years old, and various things can adversely affect it if they are used before the brain is fully developed. Might explain why young people who smoke cannabis have the possibility of schizophrenia, while adults don't. But, with that being said, I wonder if the reason that these e cigarettes are having such an adverse effect on young people is because their lungs weren't fully developed, and the e vapor messed them up because of it?
You know, there is something else about this whole thing that bothers me a bit........

Most of the people who have died have been young people in their teens and early 20's.

Now, we already know that the brain isn't fully developed in humans until around the age of 18 - 20 years old, and various things can adversely affect it if they are used before the brain is fully developed. Might explain why young people who smoke cannabis have the possibility of schizophrenia, while adults don't. But, with that being said, I wonder if the reason that these e cigarettes are having such an adverse effect on young people is because their lungs weren't fully developed, and the e vapor messed them up because of it?
It's because young people are the ones vaping pot. They are the ones buying street merchant dab.
The government experts want to take a handful of deaths caused by vaping THC cut with vitamin K and use that to make all vaping by anyone illegal.
Most are males and the chemistry of vaping depletes vitamin E. Prostaglandin is a gender clue if not also a genomic clue common to these males, with age also a consideration due to psychotropic action on a not fully developed brain.
Where is the documentation for vitamin K laced THC causing deaths?
You know, there is a world of difference between a THC vape pen and the tobacco vapes.

The tobacco vapes will let you get HUGE amounts of vapor into your lungs, just watch some of the vape videos on the 'net or watch some of these people who are vaping around you expel large plumes of vapor.

My Openvape THC pen? When you start to inhale, a light comes on at the tip of it, and 5 sec. later it blinks and shuts off. Yes, you do get a decent hit off of it, but it is only about 1/10th of the amount of vapor that a tobacco vape gives you.
Post # 91 video mentions mixing, but does not say what type of pens linked to the 80%. What is the mean age and gender ratio of the remaining 20%? Is anyone over 25 years of age among the victims?
You know, there is something else about this whole thing that bothers me a bit........

Most of the people who have died have been young people in their teens and early 20's.

Now, we already know that the brain isn't fully developed in humans until around the age of 18 - 20 years old, and various things can adversely affect it if they are used before the brain is fully developed. Might explain why young people who smoke cannabis have the possibility of schizophrenia, while adults don't. But, with that being said, I wonder if the reason that these e cigarettes are having such an adverse effect on young people is because their lungs weren't fully developed, and the e vapor messed them up because of it?

The guy that died in Oregon was in his fifties.

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