This black hate group is making white people bow down and kiss their boots

when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

View attachment 253735
Paranoid, much? What person of any color has sucker punched you or discriminated against you or anyone you know? What the hell are you crying about? Do you have any specific examples? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, remember the incredibly open racism of that day and age, going to an all-white school, having colored drinking fountains and bathrooms in public places, the State Fair having a special day for white kids and everybody else but black kids, and then a special day just for black kids. I saw our country, and even this state, get more liberal, slowly, and less racist, and most republicans were right there, promoting equal rights...but there was always a white racist portion of the south, and a little less so in other certain regions of the country, that never accepted equal rights and somehow believed others having the same rights as you somehow was punishing you. Like you do. You are a snowflake. I bet no black guy has sucker punched you, or denied you a job, or denied you a promotion, or anyone you know, but just the thought that maybe some black guy could is enough to upset your overly sensitive snowflake feelings, and you cry and cry today about imagined reverse racism that does not exist.
I got sucker punched by a black guy. I literally did nothing to him. It happened in high school. He got suspended and i had a giant hematoma on my head. I didnt find that to be a fair trade at all.
Okay, fair enough. Do you believe all black guys are as completely awful wastes of human skin as this guy? We all probably have been screwed over by someone in our life, either another person of our race, someone at work, maybe an employer or teacher, maybe some plumber or electrician charging you too much for a you now hate all plumbers, or all teachers, or all whatever for the actions of one?
when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

View attachment 253735
Paranoid, much? What person of any color has sucker punched you or discriminated against you or anyone you know? What the hell are you crying about? Do you have any specific examples? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, remember the incredibly open racism of that day and age, going to an all-white school, having colored drinking fountains and bathrooms in public places, the State Fair having a special day for white kids and everybody else but black kids, and then a special day just for black kids. I saw our country, and even this state, get more liberal, slowly, and less racist, and most republicans were right there, promoting equal rights...but there was always a white racist portion of the south, and a little less so in other certain regions of the country, that never accepted equal rights and somehow believed others having the same rights as you somehow was punishing you. Like you do. You are a snowflake. I bet no black guy has sucker punched you, or denied you a job, or denied you a promotion, or anyone you know, but just the thought that maybe some black guy could is enough to upset your overly sensitive snowflake feelings, and you cry and cry today about imagined reverse racism that does not exist.

"People of color" are not only encouraged, they are required to be proud of thier race, to be as racist about thier race as they want, to hyphenate thier "American" with whatever foreign shithole they washed up on shore from, and demand special treatment set asides because they are so fragile, and at risk from the white majority, sniffle and boo hoo.

Whites on the other hand are to be ashamed of thier race, they're to step aside and let a "person of color" have that job, that house, that white woman, because they've been put upon for so long by the white majority that it's payback time, and second class citizenry is what straight white males can expect these days every day in every way, unless they want to be gay.

That lane thier allowed and encouraged to be in, why, thiers many a "person of color" who gets it on the "down low", who'd love to get that BJ from the white guy, and not just the kissing of the feet as payback for those "300 years of oppression".

Something along those lines is what the person you are responding to was talking about, you as a likely "person of color" conveniently overlooked all of it.

So where is all of this occurring? It hasn't occurred in any neighborhood in which I've lived, and hasn't been appeared in any of the thousands of discrimination cases I've read in years covering anti-discrimination laws as a legal journalist.

BTW: please cut this crap out about any man being "entitled" to a "white woman" or a woman of any other race. No woman is a piece of meat to be traded by sickos. No woman is property. Shame on you.

I never said women were peices of meat to be traded, I only mentioned how white women with black men is something they do to get back at whitey.
Wow...I feel sorry for how stupid and racist you are. Just because you are upset white women will not touch you with a 10' pole is no reason for you to think you know how every woman thinks or acts and it has something to do with rejecting you. You are just a stupid sexist person. What race you are has nothing to do with it.
when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

View attachment 253735
Paranoid, much? What person of any color has sucker punched you or discriminated against you or anyone you know? What the hell are you crying about? Do you have any specific examples? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, remember the incredibly open racism of that day and age, going to an all-white school, having colored drinking fountains and bathrooms in public places, the State Fair having a special day for white kids and everybody else but black kids, and then a special day just for black kids. I saw our country, and even this state, get more liberal, slowly, and less racist, and most republicans were right there, promoting equal rights...but there was always a white racist portion of the south, and a little less so in other certain regions of the country, that never accepted equal rights and somehow believed others having the same rights as you somehow was punishing you. Like you do. You are a snowflake. I bet no black guy has sucker punched you, or denied you a job, or denied you a promotion, or anyone you know, but just the thought that maybe some black guy could is enough to upset your overly sensitive snowflake feelings, and you cry and cry today about imagined reverse racism that does not exist.
I got sucker punched by a black guy. I literally did nothing to him. It happened in high school. He got suspended and i had a giant hematoma on my head. I didnt find that to be a fair trade at all.
Okay, fair enough. Do you believe all black guys are as completely awful wastes of human skin as this guy? We all probably have been screwed over by someone in our life, either another person of our race, someone at work, maybe an employer or teacher, maybe some plumber or electrician charging you too much for a you now hate all plumbers, or all teachers, or all whatever for the actions of one?

No, I've been in the Army and throughout my regular day I try and remember that it takes all flavors to make a team and that it's a disservice to the people who get up every day and do the right thing to lump them in with someone else doing something uncalled for, I as a white man am required to give that benefit of the doubt to "people of color", but they aren't required to give me any benefiut of the doubt.

I'm a racist by virtue of my skin color and it's up to me to prove I'm not, either by groveling and kissing the feet of some asshole on the sidewalk or spouting obligatory phrases about white opression and the need for whites to willingly take a back seat in all aspects of modern Amerika.

Thats what I'm talking about, that's why white racism is on the rise, we're already racist, it gets pointed out to us ever day in every way, every "news" article, every day there's another "person of color" with a tale of woe, and we're tired of it.
when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

View attachment 253735
Paranoid, much? What person of any color has sucker punched you or discriminated against you or anyone you know? What the hell are you crying about? Do you have any specific examples? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, remember the incredibly open racism of that day and age, going to an all-white school, having colored drinking fountains and bathrooms in public places, the State Fair having a special day for white kids and everybody else but black kids, and then a special day just for black kids. I saw our country, and even this state, get more liberal, slowly, and less racist, and most republicans were right there, promoting equal rights...but there was always a white racist portion of the south, and a little less so in other certain regions of the country, that never accepted equal rights and somehow believed others having the same rights as you somehow was punishing you. Like you do. You are a snowflake. I bet no black guy has sucker punched you, or denied you a job, or denied you a promotion, or anyone you know, but just the thought that maybe some black guy could is enough to upset your overly sensitive snowflake feelings, and you cry and cry today about imagined reverse racism that does not exist.

"People of color" are not only encouraged, they are required to be proud of thier race, to be as racist about thier race as they want, to hyphenate thier "American" with whatever foreign shithole they washed up on shore from, and demand special treatment set asides because they are so fragile, and at risk from the white majority, sniffle and boo hoo.

Whites on the other hand are to be ashamed of thier race, they're to step aside and let a "person of color" have that job, that house, that white woman, because they've been put upon for so long by the white majority that it's payback time, and second class citizenry is what straight white males can expect these days every day in every way, unless they want to be gay.

That lane thier allowed and encouraged to be in, why, thiers many a "person of color" who gets it on the "down low", who'd love to get that BJ from the white guy, and not just the kissing of the feet as payback for those "300 years of oppression".

Something along those lines is what the person you are responding to was talking about, you as a likely "person of color" conveniently overlooked all of it.

So where is all of this occurring? It hasn't occurred in any neighborhood in which I've lived, and hasn't been appeared in any of the thousands of discrimination cases I've read in years covering anti-discrimination laws as a legal journalist.

BTW: please cut this crap out about any man being "entitled" to a "white woman" or a woman of any other race. No woman is a piece of meat to be traded by sickos. No woman is property. Shame on you.

I never said women were peices of meat to be traded, I only mentioned how white women with black men is something they do to get back at whitey.

Nobody goes into a relationship to get back at a third party. Don't you know anything at all about the emotional make-up of human beings? Your's is an incredibly shallow thought.
At the end of the day kissing something that a person wears on their feet is better than something like a toilet seat for example.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Bowing down is where my line would be drawn. The Lord is the only person that I will ever do such a thing for.
God does not exist.
And your point is what exactly?

God bless you always!!!

when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

View attachment 253735
Paranoid, much? What person of any color has sucker punched you or discriminated against you or anyone you know? What the hell are you crying about? Do you have any specific examples? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, remember the incredibly open racism of that day and age, going to an all-white school, having colored drinking fountains and bathrooms in public places, the State Fair having a special day for white kids and everybody else but black kids, and then a special day just for black kids. I saw our country, and even this state, get more liberal, slowly, and less racist, and most republicans were right there, promoting equal rights...but there was always a white racist portion of the south, and a little less so in other certain regions of the country, that never accepted equal rights and somehow believed others having the same rights as you somehow was punishing you. Like you do. You are a snowflake. I bet no black guy has sucker punched you, or denied you a job, or denied you a promotion, or anyone you know, but just the thought that maybe some black guy could is enough to upset your overly sensitive snowflake feelings, and you cry and cry today about imagined reverse racism that does not exist.

"People of color" are not only encouraged, they are required to be proud of thier race, to be as racist about thier race as they want, to hyphenate thier "American" with whatever foreign shithole they washed up on shore from, and demand special treatment set asides because they are so fragile, and at risk from the white majority, sniffle and boo hoo.

Whites on the other hand are to be ashamed of thier race, they're to step aside and let a "person of color" have that job, that house, that white woman, because they've been put upon for so long by the white majority that it's payback time, and second class citizenry is what straight white males can expect these days every day in every way, unless they want to be gay.

That lane thier allowed and encouraged to be in, why, thiers many a "person of color" who gets it on the "down low", who'd love to get that BJ from the white guy, and not just the kissing of the feet as payback for those "300 years of oppression".

Something along those lines is what the person you are responding to was talking about, you as a likely "person of color" conveniently overlooked all of it.

So where is all of this occurring? It hasn't occurred in any neighborhood in which I've lived, and hasn't been appeared in any of the thousands of discrimination cases I've read in years covering anti-discrimination laws as a legal journalist.

BTW: please cut this crap out about any man being "entitled" to a "white woman" or a woman of any other race. No woman is a piece of meat to be traded by sickos. No woman is property. Shame on you.

I never said women were peices of meat to be traded, I only mentioned how white women with black men is something they do to get back at whitey.

Nobody goes into a relationship to get back at a third party. Don't you know anything at all about the emotional make-up of human beings? Your's is an incredibly shallow thought.

when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

View attachment 253735
Paranoid, much? What person of any color has sucker punched you or discriminated against you or anyone you know? What the hell are you crying about? Do you have any specific examples? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, remember the incredibly open racism of that day and age, going to an all-white school, having colored drinking fountains and bathrooms in public places, the State Fair having a special day for white kids and everybody else but black kids, and then a special day just for black kids. I saw our country, and even this state, get more liberal, slowly, and less racist, and most republicans were right there, promoting equal rights...but there was always a white racist portion of the south, and a little less so in other certain regions of the country, that never accepted equal rights and somehow believed others having the same rights as you somehow was punishing you. Like you do. You are a snowflake. I bet no black guy has sucker punched you, or denied you a job, or denied you a promotion, or anyone you know, but just the thought that maybe some black guy could is enough to upset your overly sensitive snowflake feelings, and you cry and cry today about imagined reverse racism that does not exist.
There are a lot of arrogant azzes. That is from every group. Bill Maher and others want a stock market collapse. We probably need it. It will reset what is foundation and thin out the herd.
when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

View attachment 253735
Paranoid, much? What person of any color has sucker punched you or discriminated against you or anyone you know? What the hell are you crying about? Do you have any specific examples? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, remember the incredibly open racism of that day and age, going to an all-white school, having colored drinking fountains and bathrooms in public places, the State Fair having a special day for white kids and everybody else but black kids, and then a special day just for black kids. I saw our country, and even this state, get more liberal, slowly, and less racist, and most republicans were right there, promoting equal rights...but there was always a white racist portion of the south, and a little less so in other certain regions of the country, that never accepted equal rights and somehow believed others having the same rights as you somehow was punishing you. Like you do. You are a snowflake. I bet no black guy has sucker punched you, or denied you a job, or denied you a promotion, or anyone you know, but just the thought that maybe some black guy could is enough to upset your overly sensitive snowflake feelings, and you cry and cry today about imagined reverse racism that does not exist.
I got sucker punched by a black guy. I literally did nothing to him. It happened in high school. He got suspended and i had a giant hematoma on my head. I didnt find that to be a fair trade at all.
Okay, fair enough. Do you believe all black guys are as completely awful wastes of human skin as this guy? We all probably have been screwed over by someone in our life, either another person of our race, someone at work, maybe an employer or teacher, maybe some plumber or electrician charging you too much for a you now hate all plumbers, or all teachers, or all whatever for the actions of one?
I agree with you, except that also applies to colored drinking fountains, slavery, etc. That stuff has nothing to do with me. I never enslaved anyone, yet i have to listen to people constantly rail against me and other white people as if we did. No one has the right to bitch to anyone alive, about shit that happened before we were born.

Reverse racism against whites is simply racism, which absolutely exists. Its so acceptable in left leaning circles that they dont even try to hide it. They are encouraged to be as open as possible with anti white racism. Liberals ignore THAT racism and they sometimes even pat them on the back when they do it.
Last edited:
Paranoid, much? What person of any color has sucker punched you or discriminated against you or anyone you know? What the hell are you crying about? Do you have any specific examples? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, remember the incredibly open racism of that day and age, going to an all-white school, having colored drinking fountains and bathrooms in public places, the State Fair having a special day for white kids and everybody else but black kids, and then a special day just for black kids. I saw our country, and even this state, get more liberal, slowly, and less racist, and most republicans were right there, promoting equal rights...but there was always a white racist portion of the south, and a little less so in other certain regions of the country, that never accepted equal rights and somehow believed others having the same rights as you somehow was punishing you. Like you do. You are a snowflake. I bet no black guy has sucker punched you, or denied you a job, or denied you a promotion, or anyone you know, but just the thought that maybe some black guy could is enough to upset your overly sensitive snowflake feelings, and you cry and cry today about imagined reverse racism that does not exist.
paranoid? about what exactly ?

ya mean stuff like this ?

its not paranoia if they're actually spewin it.
DO sjws have any brain power at all ?
How does someone elses post from 4 chan turn into me getting suckered punched? and unlike another poster here they guy didn't literally mean sucker punched
i related to the him I'm just an x'r with his hand stretched out in friendship to everyone.
But today we're told that Martin Luther king Jr was wrong , you cant judge people by the content of their character because its now supposedly racist to be color blind .You have to judge them on the leftarded victims pecking order and give them special privileges ... as long as they stay on their masters plantation

.btw I grew up in Brooklyn and when i was younger traveled extensively for work ...even lived abroad for over a year.Dallas to me is a lily white bastion compared to NYC ...when you grew up it was probably mostly black white and Mexican...the Nigerians ,viet kong ,dot heads and a lot of central Americans didn't show up till later.

So you wanna give me lessons in """"Celebrating """"""diversity""" or something ?
nice try city if you can call Dallas a city :04:

the plumber was my cousin he never ripped me off when i had a tenant with a problem or needed work on a building :21:

OR mean people in life can be assholes and pricks ? they can wrong you? WOW i had no idea deep ...never experienced anything like that

cause of my white privilege

Jesus friggin Christ

we're doomed

you just topped last night winner who couldn't figure out that I may of had a clue that ""drunken bum"" wasn't a town in Germany where Marx was born

to be clear one more time ...cause left wingers are dense:
No one PHYSICALLY sucker punched the guy in the screen shot i posted , thats not my post I did not write it i even got it from a 3rd party ....not directly from 4chan .
Another poster on the thread well it seems HE did get sucker punched
No woman is a piece of meat to be traded by sickos. No woman is property.


Your post is an example of what is wrong with this country; the childish level at which some Americans exist. Frankenvoter listed house and job, tangible things, and then added "white women" to the list, as if we were "things" to be fought over and claimed. You must not be aware that women who are sexually experienced were referred to as "damaged goods," but not men with the same level of sexual experience.

Apparently you cannot come up with a mature response. All you can do is play on your computer.
No woman is a piece of meat to be traded by sickos. No woman is property.


Your post is an example of what is wrong with this country; the childish level at which some Americans exist. Frankenvoter listed house and job, tangible things, and then added "white women" to the list, as if we were "things" to be fought over and claimed. You must not be aware that women who are sexually experienced were referred to as "damaged goods," but not men with the same level of sexual experience.

Apparently you cannot come up with a mature response. All you can do is play on your computer.
It is not about what you spout. What it is as that today as many women age they are worthless because they only ph uk. Even if they have the good jobs preheating frozen dinners and in many cases seeing homes look austere and not loved is abysmal. Any downturn or disaster and they will be dealt with for survival. Its like you do not pay attention to parts of the world and in our nation to that. I type this tripe a lot. But I do not want to see people hurt including say Christians and gays. And we are slowly heading for something. We can improve things a bit without going to war against each other if we give in a bit.
No woman is a piece of meat to be traded by sickos. No woman is property.


Your post is an example of what is wrong with this country; the childish level at which some Americans exist. Frankenvoter listed house and job, tangible things, and then added "white women" to the list, as if we were "things" to be fought over and claimed. You must not be aware that women who are sexually experienced were referred to as "damaged goods," but not men with the same level of sexual experience.

Apparently you cannot come up with a mature response. All you can do is play on your computer.

You also said the only reason people go into relationships is for emotional reasons.

Seriously my daughter is not out of her teens and even she knows better.
No woman is a piece of meat to be traded by sickos. No woman is property.


Your post is an example of what is wrong with this country; the childish level at which some Americans exist. Frankenvoter listed house and job, tangible things, and then added "white women" to the list, as if we were "things" to be fought over and claimed. You must not be aware that women who are sexually experienced were referred to as "damaged goods," but not men with the same level of sexual experience.

Apparently you cannot come up with a mature response. All you can do is play on your computer.
It is not about what you spout. What it is as that today as many women age they are worthless because they only ph uk. Even if they have the good jobs preheating frozen dinners and in many cases seeing homes look austere and not loved is abysmal. Any downturn or disaster and they will be dealt with for survival. Its like you do not pay attention to parts of the world and in our nation to that. I type this tripe a lot. But I do not want to see people hurt including say Christians and gays. And we are slowly heading for something. We can improve things a bit without going to war against each other if we give in a bit.
Do you have a point to make? Your comment is gibberish. BTW: ever hear of the concepts of "love," "loyalty," and "cooperation"? I believe that heterosexuals can have great relationships based on these concepts, and I've seen it happen.

From what little I can garner from your gibberish, I think that you are most interested in power-tripping.
when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

View attachment 253735
Paranoid, much? What person of any color has sucker punched you or discriminated against you or anyone you know? What the hell are you crying about? Do you have any specific examples? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, remember the incredibly open racism of that day and age, going to an all-white school, having colored drinking fountains and bathrooms in public places, the State Fair having a special day for white kids and everybody else but black kids, and then a special day just for black kids. I saw our country, and even this state, get more liberal, slowly, and less racist, and most republicans were right there, promoting equal rights...but there was always a white racist portion of the south, and a little less so in other certain regions of the country, that never accepted equal rights and somehow believed others having the same rights as you somehow was punishing you. Like you do. You are a snowflake. I bet no black guy has sucker punched you, or denied you a job, or denied you a promotion, or anyone you know, but just the thought that maybe some black guy could is enough to upset your overly sensitive snowflake feelings, and you cry and cry today about imagined reverse racism that does not exist.
I got sucker punched by a black guy. I literally did nothing to him. It happened in high school. He got suspended and i had a giant hematoma on my head. I didnt find that to be a fair trade at all.
Okay, fair enough. Do you believe all black guys are as completely awful wastes of human skin as this guy? We all probably have been screwed over by someone in our life, either another person of our race, someone at work, maybe an employer or teacher, maybe some plumber or electrician charging you too much for a you now hate all plumbers, or all teachers, or all whatever for the actions of one?

No, I've been in the Army and throughout my regular day I try and remember that it takes all flavors to make a team and that it's a disservice to the people who get up every day and do the right thing to lump them in with someone else doing something uncalled for, I as a white man am required to give that benefit of the doubt to "people of color", but they aren't required to give me any benefiut of the doubt.

I'm a racist by virtue of my skin color and it's up to me to prove I'm not, either by groveling and kissing the feet of some asshole on the sidewalk or spouting obligatory phrases about white opression and the need for whites to willingly take a back seat in all aspects of modern Amerika.

Thats what I'm talking about, that's why white racism is on the rise, we're already racist, it gets pointed out to us ever day in every way, every "news" article, every day there's another "person of color" with a tale of woe, and we're tired of it.
Do you really believe that shit? You are living in snowflake white boy land, trying to imagine it is the white men in this society who are getting screwed over!! Especially if they are "Christian!" Do you see what a wimp you are to believe something that stupid? If white people, especially white males, especially white male "Christians," did not have a leg up on everybody else, especially if you take the last 100 years into consideration, how can you explain total morons like Trump and Gomer Bush and Gerald Ford and Reagan ever being president? There are better qualified women, blacks, latinos, muslims, jews, buddhists who could never rise to that level in this society...I assume you have a job...and yet you are spectacularly stupid and whiny. See how that works?
No woman is a piece of meat to be traded by sickos. No woman is property.


Your post is an example of what is wrong with this country; the childish level at which some Americans exist. Frankenvoter listed house and job, tangible things, and then added "white women" to the list, as if we were "things" to be fought over and claimed. You must not be aware that women who are sexually experienced were referred to as "damaged goods," but not men with the same level of sexual experience.

Apparently you cannot come up with a mature response. All you can do is play on your computer.
It is not about what you spout. What it is as that today as many women age they are worthless because they only ph uk. Even if they have the good jobs preheating frozen dinners and in many cases seeing homes look austere and not loved is abysmal. Any downturn or disaster and they will be dealt with for survival. Its like you do not pay attention to parts of the world and in our nation to that. I type this tripe a lot. But I do not want to see people hurt including say Christians and gays. And we are slowly heading for something. We can improve things a bit without going to war against each other if we give in a bit.
Do you have a point to make? Your comment is gibberish. BTW: ever hear of the concepts of "love," "loyalty," and "cooperation"? I believe that heterosexuals can have great relationships based on these concepts, and I've seen it happen.

From what little I can garner from your gibberish, I think that you are most interested in power-tripping.
I do not want to pay anymore. You have Tom Hanks laughing. But he was laughing when Trump was running for President. Hetero marriage divorce is terrible today. The cheapest way to raise kids has been demolished. And even if you are married there is massive problems. Believe me. I am sorry. But as humans we have vanity. Tell me that we do not. There was a quote I read from a comedian who I do not remember..."The human body is a beautiful thing. Unfortunately it has a shelf life". So as a culture we are economically and socially affected from divorce, single parents, and the problems that come from that. Those costs are high. And growing higher. You spout the 1960's. And it is 2019. With a massive high tax state that now has a soft tyranny and it will get worse. Gibberish!
when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

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Paranoid, much? What person of any color has sucker punched you or discriminated against you or anyone you know? What the hell are you crying about? Do you have any specific examples? I grew up in Dallas, Texas, remember the incredibly open racism of that day and age, going to an all-white school, having colored drinking fountains and bathrooms in public places, the State Fair having a special day for white kids and everybody else but black kids, and then a special day just for black kids. I saw our country, and even this state, get more liberal, slowly, and less racist, and most republicans were right there, promoting equal rights...but there was always a white racist portion of the south, and a little less so in other certain regions of the country, that never accepted equal rights and somehow believed others having the same rights as you somehow was punishing you. Like you do. You are a snowflake. I bet no black guy has sucker punched you, or denied you a job, or denied you a promotion, or anyone you know, but just the thought that maybe some black guy could is enough to upset your overly sensitive snowflake feelings, and you cry and cry today about imagined reverse racism that does not exist.
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
blacks about 13% of the population -whites 67%
white on black murders - 229
black on white murders - 500
white supremacists murder less than 10 people per year
blacks murder 8 people every DAY
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
I made a black guy bow down to me the other day.. he was disrespectful towards me.. I confronted him. I told him he would get knocked out if he didn’t bow down and say sorry. After a few mins he did
No woman is a piece of meat to be traded by sickos. No woman is property.


Your post is an example of what is wrong with this country; the childish level at which some Americans exist. Frankenvoter listed house and job, tangible things, and then added "white women" to the list, as if we were "things" to be fought over and claimed. You must not be aware that women who are sexually experienced were referred to as "damaged goods," but not men with the same level of sexual experience.

Apparently you cannot come up with a mature response. All you can do is play on your computer.

You also said the only reason people go into relationships is for emotional reasons.

Seriously my daughter is not out of her teens and even she knows better.
If not that, than what? An arranged marriage? Don't know who or what your supposed life partner is until a ceremony is held and the two of you get into bed together?
No woman is a piece of meat to be traded by sickos. No woman is property.


Your post is an example of what is wrong with this country; the childish level at which some Americans exist. Frankenvoter listed house and job, tangible things, and then added "white women" to the list, as if we were "things" to be fought over and claimed. You must not be aware that women who are sexually experienced were referred to as "damaged goods," but not men with the same level of sexual experience.

Apparently you cannot come up with a mature response. All you can do is play on your computer.

You also said the only reason people go into relationships is for emotional reasons.

Seriously my daughter is not out of her teens and even she knows better.
If not that, than what? An arranged marriage? Don't know who or what your supposed life partner is until a ceremony is held and the two of you get into bed together?

You're in your 60s, greek non-goddess. If you don't know all the reasons people get into relationships that are not, in fact, emotional, I'm not going to explain them to you. I already raised two children up thanks

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