This black hate group is making white people bow down and kiss their boots

when i was the catlick boys age
whats the kids name from Kentucky ?

I used to heckle them back
they hung out in times square

they dont bother me. pfft or even scare me
Today ITs the demonizing of white people by a large chunk of Self loathing white lefttards and their "allies" that has echos of Nazi Germany

My white brother
hes a little angrier at the end ...he doesn't wanna be friends with brown people anymore
but he pretty much nails it
how many thought we we're moving past it all ?

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Hello fellow 4c

This Black Hate Group is Making White People Kiss Their Boots to Show Remorse for Racism
This black HATE group is making white people bow down and kiss their boots

What is wronng with you lmfao, I so would never ever bow downn and kiss some fkrs feet, I'd say you cann fk off ......
These are your white Trump hating liberals folks they are the same all over the world. I would be damed if I'd kiss the feet of any mother............r!!! You leftist whites are really such pathetic cowards man. You should see how pathetic you are viewed as and you donn't have to kiss their feet you just have to be stupid enouggh to be a leftist anti american asshole. Why do or would you kiss anybody's feet you stupid fk. You are sayignyou are of a lesser person because you believe another race is superior to another you idiot!!

Did they make or ask? The picture says they asked. So they didn’t make anyone do anything.

Have you ever tasted black foot? Delicious.

You white devils here are deplorable
No woman is a piece of meat to be traded by sickos. No woman is property.


Your post is an example of what is wrong with this country; the childish level at which some Americans exist. Frankenvoter listed house and job, tangible things, and then added "white women" to the list, as if we were "things" to be fought over and claimed. You must not be aware that women who are sexually experienced were referred to as "damaged goods," but not men with the same level of sexual experience.

Apparently you cannot come up with a mature response. All you can do is play on your computer.

You also said the only reason people go into relationships is for emotional reasons.

Seriously my daughter is not out of her teens and even she knows better.
If not that, than what? An arranged marriage? Don't know who or what your supposed life partner is until a ceremony is held and the two of you get into bed together?

You're in your 60s, greek non-goddess. If you don't know all the reasons people get into relationships that are not, in fact, emotional, I'm not going to explain them to you. I already raised two children up thanks

Lysistrata was not a goddess, BTW. She was a character in a play by Aristophanes.
Are you for arranged marriages or for the future spouses choosing each other? I do know of two arranged marriages among Pakistanis and Indians that did work out. Here in the west, we usually choose whom we marry.

Are you for older men cruising for teenagers to "marry"? How about
stopping the grooming of young girls for "marriage"? How about supporting a universal legal age for marriage? Young people must be allowed to experience the world before they agree to marry another, so their consent is clear.
I got sucker punched by a black guy. I literally did nothing to him. It happened in high school. He got suspended and i had a giant hematoma on my head. I didnt find that to be a fair trade at all.

I have had three people try to sucker punch me and all three were white dudes. So what?

I did get jumped by three black guys outside the Minidome at Ft Hood, but I was drunk and they finally gave up and left. lol

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