this blood is on Obama's hands

If we'd pulled out of afhan in 08, you'd bitch we surrenderd. If we upped spending on domestic programs to get votes for defense spending, you'd bitch we caved on the deficits. If global warming melts you're house you'll blame someone else.
The B-1 bomber has been a CAS platform since 2001. When did Allen West serve?

It was the Air Force which argued for the retirement of the A-10 since the vast majority of CAS missions were being performed by other platforms.
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Here’s what a former B-1 pilot, Jordan Thomas, a nonresident fellow at the Air Force Association’s Mitchell Institute, has to say about Close Air Support, especially to Sen. John McCain of Arizona. The Editor

Sen. McCain: B-1s Really Do CAS! « Breaking Defense - Defense industry news, analysis and commentary

The idea of a B-1 flying close air support would not comport with Senator McCain’s honorable experience in the military. For the first 10 years of my 23-year career as a B-1 pilot, I would have agreed with the senator.

By then, the A-10 was the go-to aircraft for CAS, even though it was originally designed as a tank killer. Like the B-1, the A-10 was not originally designed for CAS. However, the tragedy of 9/11 blew away everyone’s paradigm of warfighting. Drastic times called for rapid innovation. So, to get the most airpower to protect our ground troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, almost every attack aircraft in the US inventory — the F-15E, F-16, F-18, AH-64, AC-130, RPAs, B-52s and even the B-1B — become close air support assets. Their aircrews received extensive training in the challenging tactics, techniques and procedures demanded by the role of bombing or shooting the enemy as they closed with American troops.

The B-1 and B-52 communities learned from A-10 pilots and met face-to-face with Army Special Forces units and Air Force Special Tactic squadrons. B-1s and B-52s were integrated into the Army’s Air Warrior exercises to improve their skills. By 2003, CAS training for bomber crews had become standard. In 2008, the B-1 was certified to fly with the SNIPER Targeting Pod…similar to the one used by the A-10. Thanks to funding from Congress, this pod greatly increased the B-1 aircrews’ ability to differentiate hostile targets from friendlies and to increase their weapons’ accuracy. B-1s and B-52s now drop laser-guided bombs (LGBs) with fighter-like precision and continue to operate in theater.
Alex, What is Monday Morning Quarter Backing?

Monday morning quarter backing: n. That thing you self-righteous Democrats did to former President Bush and everyone in his administration for eight years straight.

What goes around comes around.
West was forced into retirement in 2003 after some bad conduct: U.S. officer fined for harsh interrogation tactics

The commanding general of the 4th Infantry Division on Friday accepted a U.S. military investigator's recommendation and ordered administrative action against Lt. Col. Allen West, who was accused of using improper methods to force information out of an Iraqi detainee.

West, 42, will be assigned to the rear detachment of the 4th Infantry Division awaiting the processing of his retirement request, the statement said.
Here’s what a former B-1 pilot, Jordan Thomas, a nonresident fellow at the Air Force Association’s Mitchell Institute, has to say about Close Air Support, especially to Sen. John McCain of Arizona. The Editor

Sen. McCain: B-1s Really Do CAS! « Breaking Defense - Defense industry news, analysis and commentary

The idea of a B-1 flying close air support would not comport with Senator McCain’s honorable experience in the military. For the first 10 years of my 23-year career as a B-1 pilot, I would have agreed with the senator.

By then, the A-10 was the go-to aircraft for CAS, even though it was originally designed as a tank killer. Like the B-1, the A-10 was not originally designed for CAS. However, the tragedy of 9/11 blew away everyone’s paradigm of warfighting. Drastic times called for rapid innovation. So, to get the most airpower to protect our ground troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, almost every attack aircraft in the US inventory — the F-15E, F-16, F-18, AH-64, AC-130, RPAs, B-52s and even the B-1B — become close air support assets. Their aircrews received extensive training in the challenging tactics, techniques and procedures demanded by the role of bombing or shooting the enemy as they closed with American troops.

The B-1 and B-52 communities learned from A-10 pilots and met face-to-face with Army Special Forces units and Air Force Special Tactic squadrons. B-1s and B-52s were integrated into the Army’s Air Warrior exercises to improve their skills. By 2003, CAS training for bomber crews had become standard. In 2008, the B-1 was certified to fly with the SNIPER Targeting Pod…similar to the one used by the A-10. Thanks to funding from Congress, this pod greatly increased the B-1 aircrews’ ability to differentiate hostile targets from friendlies and to increase their weapons’ accuracy. B-1s and B-52s now drop laser-guided bombs (LGBs) with fighter-like precision and continue to operate in theater.

So, once again, West is talking out of his ass.
Allen West with a now expired opinion about Bowe Bergdahl:

"...It got me thinking of others who seemingly do not deserve President Obama’s time or attention. In the military we live by a code that defines our commitment to each other, an undying devotion of “Leave no Man Behind.”


Then there is Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl still held by the Islamic terrorist Haqqani network, probably in Pakistan, in the same place where Osama Bin Laden was hiding.

This past POW/MIA national day of recognition, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reiterated a pledge to secure the young Army NCO being held captive, but have there been any actions?

Any time, attention, or even mention from the Commander-in-Chief? Nah, no camera highlights in it for him."


The way back machine delivers the LOLs. Bonus Alan West LOL. Bonus Gateway Pundit LOL.
Alex, What is Monday Morning Quarter Backing?

Monday morning quarter backing: n. That thing you self-righteous Democrats did to former President Bush and everyone in his administration for eight years straight.

What goes around comes around.

We told Bush every step of the way what not to do. Faggots like you didnt listen, now you wanna cry about it :lol:
Allen West with a now expired opinion about Bowe Bergdahl:

"...It got me thinking of others who seemingly do not deserve President Obama’s time or attention. In the military we live by a code that defines our commitment to each other, an undying devotion of “Leave no Man Behind.”


Then there is Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl still held by the Islamic terrorist Haqqani network, probably in Pakistan, in the same place where Osama Bin Laden was hiding.

This past POW/MIA national day of recognition, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reiterated a pledge to secure the young Army NCO being held captive, but have there been any actions?

Any time, attention, or even mention from the Commander-in-Chief? Nah, no camera highlights in it for him."


The way back machine delivers the LOLs. Bonus Alan West LOL. Bonus Gateway Pundit LOL.

Can't blame West for that opinion at that time. You see we were all like the President. Remember when he only found out about the IRS scandal on the news? Or when he only found out about the VA debacle on the news?

Well that's what happened to Allen West and millions of others over Bergdahl.

We only found about his alleged desertion on the news.:eusa_angel:

We only found out about Obama trading 5 top echelon Taliban leaders on the news.

We're just like the President was over those other scandals.
Alex, What is Monday Morning Quarter Backing?

Yeah yeah you hate West we get it. It doesn't matter who said it. It's not 1945. There is no reason for such a boneheaded thing to happen today. The only reason bombs should ever be dropped on our own soldiers is if a Broken Arrow is called.

Nearly all our presidents have had blood on their hands. This isn't new.

Well at least Obaqma is not locking up innocent Americans in interment camps like Presidents of old.......yet anyway.

So are we "progressing"? :badgrin:
Alex, What is Monday Morning Quarter Backing?

Monday morning quarter backing: n. That thing you self-righteous Democrats did to former President Bush and everyone in his administration for eight years straight.

What goes around comes around.

I don't call it monday morning quarter backing when you ask wht did he lie about WMD's .. we all knew why ...

But that is what presidents do, they lie.

That is why our veterans are dying in droves. The health care promised to them is a mere fantasy.

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