This board's political alignment seems to have changed since the election. What is yours?

Where are you politically from the choices below

  • Far left

  • Left

  • Center left

  • Center

  • Center right

  • Right

  • Far right

Results are only viewable after voting.
It seems there are way less Progs than there were before the election and even since the spring.

What is your political ideology that you lean, in general.

In general, of course many have crossover issues.

Both wings are damaged and locked in mortal combat. They are becoming irrelevant. Since the "Big Middle" is now LARGER than both of them put together.

That's why I can't answer your poll. Because this 2 directional Left/Right thinking is part of the disease. I'm NOT a "moderate". I'm a Libertarian. And we don't fit on a left/right chart. We are WAY right on economic/budget issues and WAY left on Civil Liberties. We're the ONLY PEOPLE who adamantly defend ALL of the Constitution and ALL of the Bill of Rights.

Doesn't mean we're middle of road kill. And the 3rd party and Independent options are GONNA get exercised. Because the "plan" of everyone voting only for "winners" --- is rapidly making losers out of ALL of us..

I disagree.

On one side there is the traditionalists who belief in the motto from many one and let's everyone live their own lives.

On the other side we have masked people using violence to suppress Constitutional liberties and attacking everything that offends them that day, from a person they disagree with to a statue to using words like "hope" or "tradition".

They are POLITICALLY IMPOTENT. Because they've ABANDONED the philosophy and principles that ALLOWED them to govern at one time.

The whole "left/right" alignment is meaningless, because they are CONSUMED by the quest to obtain power and retain it. The left will whine and meltdown to fascism. The spineless right will just pretend they are "leaders".

There are 535 people in Congress. Only FOUR OF THOSE -- have all the power. BECAUSE of the tyranny of 2 party control. No one can speak or fart without PERMISSION from the party bosses.

You can focus on what's happening in the streets. THAT is the "side show". You entire Representative Govt is melting away while you're distracted.
In addition, Kristallnacht was a side show at the time too. But now we know it was just a glimpse of what was coming.
and that is happening at our universities and main cities today. hmmmmmmm and they call others nazi.
It seems there are way less Progs than there were before the election and even since the spring.

What is your political ideology that you lean, in general.

In general, of course many have crossover issues.

What the hell is a "Prog" anyway? Far as I know that was a century ago.

I keep asking for that definition on this board from those who use it, and I have yet to get one. Other than the roughly 1890-1920 one I already know.

Pretty hard to take a position here if said positions can't be defined.
PBS uses the word to describe left of left. Like Sanders. Not a judgment, but I've noticed them using Prog that way.

I don't see that as a sufficient equation. As in quantifiable.

A "Progressive" as used a century ago meant part of a movement calling for accountable government, opposing entrenched corruption and dealing with the turbulence of the rapid industrialization/urbanization/immigration of that time, all of which were forefront issues.

I don't think anyone can argue that the political dynamics of 2017 are the same as those of 1917. One glaring contemporary contrast is the Lost Cause movement --- vibrant and erecting statues the same statues then that are under serious review now. So applying the same term to two different eras' sociopolitical environments is automatically problematic.

Then there's the distinction between "a Progressive" (capital P, the noun) and ""progressive" (small P, the adjective). The former was a proponent of the movement of a century ago, the latter is a generic adjective applied to anything at any time. Meaning a state of "progress". Not sure who doesn't value "progress" --- a Luddite? :dunno:

I think that's why I've never gotten a definition. Doesn't mean anything.
It seems there are way less Progs than there were before the election and even since the spring.

What is your political ideology that you lean, in general.

In general, of course many have crossover issues.
The conservative mods got caught up in the Trump hysteria and banned/discouraged liberals every chance they got. I was banned on election day for telling a mod that 4Chan is not a reliable source of information and pointing out they were violating board rules for linking to another forum.
Name one conservative moderator. I've yet to note any.
It seems there are way less Progs than there were before the election and even since the spring.

What is your political ideology that you lean, in general.

In general, of course many have crossover issues.

What the hell is a "Prog" anyway? Far as I know that was a century ago.

I keep asking for that definition on this board from those who use it, and I have yet to get one. Other than the roughly 1890-1920 one I already know.

Pretty hard to take a position here if said positions can't be defined.

New World Order, One World Government, Get rid of Congress and the Courts.

It's trying to happen now and there will be blood in the streets. Liberal blood.

Check out this site and see the murderous traitors who infiltrated the Government.

Liberal Motto: Where You Can't Legislate, Regulate!

"Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face." ~ Thomas Sowell

“A liberal doesn't care what you do as long as it is mandatory.” ~ Charles Krauthammer

Otherwise known, as obviously evident, as secular selective human reasoning: selective tolerance, selective diversity, selective "hate," selective discrimination, selective free speech, selective reporting and transparency, etc.

What defines a progressive liberal
It seems there are way less Progs than there were before the election and even since the spring.

What is your political ideology that you lean, in general.

In general, of course many have crossover issues.

What the hell is a "Prog" anyway? Far as I know that was a century ago.

Progressive. It's what Hillary and Bernie call themselves and you people these days, since the term "liberal" when applied to you induces fits of laughter among those possessing an educated and sound mind.

This is exactly what I mean by never getting a coherent definition. Exactly.

Legitimate definitions simply do not involve emotional bullshit. The only conclusion remaining is that this "Progressive", when not speaking of a social movement long in the past, is an emotional bullshit term.
It seems there are way less Progs than there were before the election and even since the spring.

What is your political ideology that you lean, in general.

In general, of course many have crossover issues.

What the hell is a "Prog" anyway? Far as I know that was a century ago.

Progressive. It's what Hillary and Bernie call themselves and you people these days, since the term "liberal" when applied to you induces fits of laughter among those possessing an educated and sound mind.

This is exactly what I mean by never getting a coherent definition. Exactly.

Legitimate definitions simply do not involve emotional bullshit. The only conclusion remaining is that this "Progressive", when not speaking of a social movement long in the past, is an emotional bullshit term.

Obama referred to himself as a progressive, his words from his mouth.
It seems there are way less Progs than there were before the election and even since the spring.

What is your political ideology that you lean, in general.

In general, of course many have crossover issues.

What the hell is a "Prog" anyway? Far as I know that was a century ago.

I keep asking for that definition on this board from those who use it, and I have yet to get one. Other than the roughly 1890-1920 one I already know.

Pretty hard to take a position here if said positions can't be defined.

New World Order, One World Government, Get rid of Congress and the Courts.

It's trying to happen now and there will be blood in the streets. Liberal blood.

Check out this site and see the murderous traitors who infiltrated the Government.




Liberal Motto: Where You Can't Legislate, Regulate!

"Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face." ~ Thomas Sowell

“A liberal doesn't care what you do as long as it is mandatory.” ~ Charles Krauthammer

Otherwise known, as obviously evident, as secular selective human reasoning: selective tolerance, selective diversity, selective "hate," selective discrimination, selective free speech, selective reporting and transparency, etc.

What defines a progressive liberal

""? :rofl:

No I mean some legitimate source. Like one that actually knows what the term "Liberal" means. Which is another term that those operating the Memory Hole would have us recycle to mean its own opposite.

Sorry, can't do that. :nono:

And btw your Krauthammer quote is fake. It's a real quote, but rendered as a joke. Hence the dubiquity of the source that purports to use it as real. Hate to break this to ya but not everything you can find on the internets is honest. Who knew.
Last edited:
It seems there are way less Progs than there were before the election and even since the spring.

What is your political ideology that you lean, in general.

In general, of course many have crossover issues.

What the hell is a "Prog" anyway? Far as I know that was a century ago.

Progressive. It's what Hillary and Bernie call themselves and you people these days, since the term "liberal" when applied to you induces fits of laughter among those possessing an educated and sound mind.

This is exactly what I mean by never getting a coherent definition. Exactly.

Legitimate definitions simply do not involve emotional bullshit. The only conclusion remaining is that this "Progressive", when not speaking of a social movement long in the past, is an emotional bullshit term.

Obama referred to himself as a progressive, his words from his mouth.

What part of "definition" is flying over so many heads here??

"________ " referred to himself/herself as a 'progressive" IS NOT A DEFINITION. :banghead:

Holy shit. I could refer to myself as the freaking Easter Bunny --- that doesn't define what "Easter Bunny" means.
It seems there are way less Progs than there were before the election and even since the spring.

What is your political ideology that you lean, in general.

In general, of course many have crossover issues.

Both wings are damaged and locked in mortal combat. They are becoming irrelevant. Since the "Big Middle" is now LARGER than both of them put together.

That's why I can't answer your poll. Because this 2 directional Left/Right thinking is part of the disease. I'm NOT a "moderate". I'm a Libertarian. And we don't fit on a left/right chart. We are WAY right on economic/budget issues and WAY left on Civil Liberties. We're the ONLY PEOPLE who adamantly defend ALL of the Constitution and ALL of the Bill of Rights.

Doesn't mean we're middle of road kill. And the 3rd party and Independent options are GONNA get exercised. Because the "plan" of everyone voting only for "winners" --- is rapidly making losers out of ALL of us..

I disagree.

On one side there is the traditionalists who belief in the motto from many one and let's everyone live their own lives.

On the other side we have masked people using violence to suppress Constitutional liberties and attacking everything that offends them that day, from a person they disagree with to a statue to using words like "hope" or "tradition".

They are POLITICALLY IMPOTENT. Because they've ABANDONED the philosophy and principles that ALLOWED them to govern at one time.

The whole "left/right" alignment is meaningless, because they are CONSUMED by the quest to obtain power and retain it. The left will whine and meltdown to fascism. The spineless right will just pretend they are "leaders".

There are 535 people in Congress. Only FOUR OF THOSE -- have all the power. BECAUSE of the tyranny of 2 party control. No one can speak or fart without PERMISSION from the party bosses.

You can focus on what's happening in the streets. THAT is the "side show". You entire Representative Govt is melting away while you're distracted.


It's worse than that. Even the bureaucracy at the local levels have caught the bug and wish to retain the status quo or position of power by refusing to really listen to the citizens they should represent.

It's all about the power and money that's in it for them.


It seems there are way less Progs than there were before the election and even since the spring.

What is your political ideology that you lean, in general.

In general, of course many have crossover issues.

What the hell is a "Prog" anyway? Far as I know that was a century ago.

Progressive. It's what Hillary and Bernie call themselves and you people these days, since the term "liberal" when applied to you induces fits of laughter among those possessing an educated and sound mind.

This is exactly what I mean by never getting a coherent definition. Exactly.

Legitimate definitions simply do not involve emotional bullshit. The only conclusion remaining is that this "Progressive", when not speaking of a social movement long in the past, is an emotional bullshit term.

Obama referred to himself as a progressive, his words from his mouth.

What part of "definition" is flying over so many heads here??

"________ " referred to himself/herself as a 'progressive" IS NOT A DEFINITION. :banghead:

Holy shit. I could refer to myself as the freaking Easter Bunny --- that doesn't define what "Easter Bunny" means.

You need a definition for Obama? The self described progressive is a lying lawless thug puke liberal scumbag who defends illegals even while they kill, rape, assault thousands of American citizens. There you have your definition.
It seems there are way less Progs than there were before the election and even since the spring.

What is your political ideology that you lean, in general.

In general, of course many have crossover issues.

What the hell is a "Prog" anyway? Far as I know that was a century ago.

I keep asking for that definition on this board from those who use it, and I have yet to get one. Other than the roughly 1890-1920 one I already know.

Pretty hard to take a position here if said positions can't be defined.

New World Order, One World Government, Get rid of Congress and the Courts.

It's trying to happen now and there will be blood in the streets. Liberal blood.

Check out this site and see the murderous traitors who infiltrated the Government.




Liberal Motto: Where You Can't Legislate, Regulate!

"Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face." ~ Thomas Sowell

“A liberal doesn't care what you do as long as it is mandatory.” ~ Charles Krauthammer

Otherwise known, as obviously evident, as secular selective human reasoning: selective tolerance, selective diversity, selective "hate," selective discrimination, selective free speech, selective reporting and transparency, etc.

What defines a progressive liberal

""? :rofl:

No I mean some legitimate source. Like one that actually knows what the term "Liberal" means. Which is another term that those operating the Memory Hole would have us recycle to mean its own opposite.

Sorry, can't do that. :nono:

I don't argue with fools and the infirm. That site got all their information from the media and official documents. Progressives are out to destroy the country and fools like you are blind to it.
It seems there are way less Progs than there were before the election and even since the spring.

What is your political ideology that you lean, in general.

In general, of course many have crossover issues.

What the hell is a "Prog" anyway? Far as I know that was a century ago.

I keep asking for that definition on this board from those who use it, and I have yet to get one. Other than the roughly 1890-1920 one I already know.

Pretty hard to take a position here if said positions can't be defined.
PBS uses the word to describe left of left. Like Sanders. Not a judgment, but I've noticed them using Prog that way.

I don't see that as a sufficient equation. As in quantifiable.

A "Progressive" as used a century ago meant part of a movement calling for accountable government, opposing entrenched corruption and dealing with the turbulence of the rapid industrialization/urbanization/immigration of that time, all of which were forefront issues.

I don't think anyone can argue that the political dynamics of 2017 are the same as those of 1917. One glaring contemporary contrast is the Lost Cause movement --- vibrant and erecting statues the same statues then that are under serious review now. So applying the same term to two different eras' sociopolitical environments is automatically problematic.

Then there's the distinction between "a Progressive" (capital P, the noun) and ""progressive" (small P, the adjective). The former was a proponent of the movement of a century ago, the latter is a generic adjective applied to anything at any time. Meaning a state of "progress". Not sure who doesn't value "progress" --- a Luddite? :dunno:

I think that's why I've never gotten a definition. Doesn't mean anything.
People here are very sensitive about labels. I'm just tellin ya how I've heard it being used. Warren. Sanders. The Alt Right of the Left, so to speak. It is not flung around so much as Alt Right, but it's accumulating a new connotation.
It seems there are way less Progs than there were before the election and even since the spring.

What is your political ideology that you lean, in general.

In general, of course many have crossover issues.

What the hell is a "Prog" anyway? Far as I know that was a century ago.

I keep asking for that definition on this board from those who use it, and I have yet to get one. Other than the roughly 1890-1920 one I already know.

Pretty hard to take a position here if said positions can't be defined.

New World Order, One World Government, Get rid of Congress and the Courts.

It's trying to happen now and there will be blood in the streets. Liberal blood.

Check out this site and see the murderous traitors who infiltrated the Government.




Liberal Motto: Where You Can't Legislate, Regulate!

"Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face." ~ Thomas Sowell

“A liberal doesn't care what you do as long as it is mandatory.” ~ Charles Krauthammer

Otherwise known, as obviously evident, as secular selective human reasoning: selective tolerance, selective diversity, selective "hate," selective discrimination, selective free speech, selective reporting and transparency, etc.

What defines a progressive liberal

""? :rofl:

No I mean some legitimate source. Like one that actually knows what the term "Liberal" means. Which is another term that those operating the Memory Hole would have us recycle to mean its own opposite.

Sorry, can't do that. :nono:

I don't argue with fools and the infirm. That site got all their information from the media and official documents. Progressives are out to destroy the country and fools like you are blind to it.
or part of it.
What the hell is a "Prog" anyway? Far as I know that was a century ago.

Progressive. It's what Hillary and Bernie call themselves and you people these days, since the term "liberal" when applied to you induces fits of laughter among those possessing an educated and sound mind.

This is exactly what I mean by never getting a coherent definition. Exactly.

Legitimate definitions simply do not involve emotional bullshit. The only conclusion remaining is that this "Progressive", when not speaking of a social movement long in the past, is an emotional bullshit term.

Obama referred to himself as a progressive, his words from his mouth.

What part of "definition" is flying over so many heads here??

"________ " referred to himself/herself as a 'progressive" IS NOT A DEFINITION. :banghead:

Holy shit. I could refer to myself as the freaking Easter Bunny --- that doesn't define what "Easter Bunny" means.

You need a definition for Obama? The self described progressive is a lying lawless thug puke liberal scumbag who defends illegals even while they kill, rape, assault thousands of American citizens. There you have your definition.
Well, there's certainly nothing emotional in that. LOL
Progressive. It's what Hillary and Bernie call themselves and you people these days, since the term "liberal" when applied to you induces fits of laughter among those possessing an educated and sound mind.

This is exactly what I mean by never getting a coherent definition. Exactly.

Legitimate definitions simply do not involve emotional bullshit. The only conclusion remaining is that this "Progressive", when not speaking of a social movement long in the past, is an emotional bullshit term.

Obama referred to himself as a progressive, his words from his mouth.

What part of "definition" is flying over so many heads here??

"________ " referred to himself/herself as a 'progressive" IS NOT A DEFINITION. :banghead:

Holy shit. I could refer to myself as the freaking Easter Bunny --- that doesn't define what "Easter Bunny" means.

You need a definition for Obama? The self described progressive is a lying lawless thug puke liberal scumbag who defends illegals even while they kill, rape, assault thousands of American citizens. There you have your definition.
Well, there's certainly nothing emotional in that. LOL
I agree.
Progressive. It's what Hillary and Bernie call themselves and you people these days, since the term "liberal" when applied to you induces fits of laughter among those possessing an educated and sound mind.

This is exactly what I mean by never getting a coherent definition. Exactly.

Legitimate definitions simply do not involve emotional bullshit. The only conclusion remaining is that this "Progressive", when not speaking of a social movement long in the past, is an emotional bullshit term.

Obama referred to himself as a progressive, his words from his mouth.

What part of "definition" is flying over so many heads here??

"________ " referred to himself/herself as a 'progressive" IS NOT A DEFINITION. :banghead:

Holy shit. I could refer to myself as the freaking Easter Bunny --- that doesn't define what "Easter Bunny" means.

You need a definition for Obama? The self described progressive is a lying lawless thug puke liberal scumbag who defends illegals even while they kill, rape, assault thousands of American citizens. There you have your definition.
Well, there's certainly nothing emotional in that. LOL

Just sit in the back lib and don't do a lot of talking while Trump cleans up your mess.

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