This chart reveals the inhumanity of US drug prices compared to other countries

other countries don't have the same government regulations we do. This is why many drugs are tested overseas long before we can use them here.

Ok, and no one is talking about that either. Are you going to tell us why the cost is wrong, or justified or? Anything on topic?
are you going to tell us why drug companies should not be able to make a profit?

No I wont, because I never said it. So, now I know you have nothing....
the only thing you are proving is that you really have no clue what it takes and costs to bring a drug to market in the U.S due to government regulation and oversight.
If you knew that you most likely would understand why the cost is what it is.
research before you bitch.

I know so I asked you in your infinite wisdom to explain why the prices would be different here compared to others. I am waiting for you to bestow upon me your radiant wisdom...

But so far all Ive gotten is insults. Would you reveal your knowledge sir?

The cost of drugs are high because of Government involvement in HC. It's easily provable as it's well known and documented. I'd hope you would not have to ask for prof... I'd hope.
Ok, and no one is talking about that either. Are you going to tell us why the cost is wrong, or justified or? Anything on topic?
are you going to tell us why drug companies should not be able to make a profit?

No I wont, because I never said it. So, now I know you have nothing....
the only thing you are proving is that you really have no clue what it takes and costs to bring a drug to market in the U.S due to government regulation and oversight.
If you knew that you most likely would understand why the cost is what it is.
research before you bitch.

I know so I asked you in your infinite wisdom to explain why the prices would be different here compared to others. I am waiting for you to bestow upon me your radiant wisdom...

But so far all Ive gotten is insults. Would you reveal your knowledge sir?

The cost of drugs are high because of Government involvement in HC. It's easily provable as it's well known and documented. I'd hope you would not have to ask for prof... I'd hope.
Not all of that involvement is a bad thing.
if you go back to the Pure Food and drug Act of 1906 and follow through until today you would have to agree that at least some regulation can not be argued when it comes to these things.
are you going to tell us why drug companies should not be able to make a profit?

No I wont, because I never said it. So, now I know you have nothing....
the only thing you are proving is that you really have no clue what it takes and costs to bring a drug to market in the U.S due to government regulation and oversight.
If you knew that you most likely would understand why the cost is what it is.
research before you bitch.

I know so I asked you in your infinite wisdom to explain why the prices would be different here compared to others. I am waiting for you to bestow upon me your radiant wisdom...

But so far all Ive gotten is insults. Would you reveal your knowledge sir?

The cost of drugs are high because of Government involvement in HC. It's easily provable as it's well known and documented. I'd hope you would not have to ask for prof... I'd hope.
Not all of that involvement is a bad thing.
if you go back to the Pure Food and drug Act of 1906 and follow through until today you would have to agree that at least some regulation can not be argued when it comes to these things.

I see no point is debating how finding a few % of good to the 95% bad equals "lets dew et!"

So what if you can find slight amounts of good IN something so bad... That's like saying smoking is good because it kills a different cancer than it creates. I feel that if left to the markets we would have much safer food and drugs, prof?? Look at Amazon when you buy something, look at your phone, look at just about anything. When Government is not involved there is more information.

My point is, without Government there is a market to provide reviews and information of products. You might not like it, but the FDA can't even keep up and fails repeatedly. If I want to buy something the last place I ever think to look is a Government opinion. Same with you and ever single person you have ever known or met.
No I wont, because I never said it. So, now I know you have nothing....
the only thing you are proving is that you really have no clue what it takes and costs to bring a drug to market in the U.S due to government regulation and oversight.
If you knew that you most likely would understand why the cost is what it is.
research before you bitch.

I know so I asked you in your infinite wisdom to explain why the prices would be different here compared to others. I am waiting for you to bestow upon me your radiant wisdom...

But so far all Ive gotten is insults. Would you reveal your knowledge sir?

The cost of drugs are high because of Government involvement in HC. It's easily provable as it's well known and documented. I'd hope you would not have to ask for prof... I'd hope.
Not all of that involvement is a bad thing.
if you go back to the Pure Food and drug Act of 1906 and follow through until today you would have to agree that at least some regulation can not be argued when it comes to these things.

I see no point is debating how finding a few % of good to the 95% bad equals "lets dew et!"

So what if you can find slight amounts of good IN something so bad... That's like saying smoking is good because it kills a different cancer than it creates. I feel that if left to the markets we would have much safer food and drugs, prof?? Look at Amazon when you buy something, look at your phone, look at just about anything. When Government is not involved there is more information.

My point is, without Government there is a market to provide reviews and information of products. You might not like it, but the FDA can't even keep up and fails repeatedly. If I want to buy something the last place I ever think to look is a Government opinion. Same with you and ever single person you have ever known or met.
History both distant and relatively current, proves that the drug companies will not act in an ethical manner when it comes to testing their new products. As a matter of fact, this is why there is testing now done in Africa, or India for examples, there is no protection from the government that is in place.
Did you know that meat producers used to take the rancid meat and mix it in with the fresher meat so they could still sell it? if not for government intervention, they would most likely still be doing this. You might even still have the guy coming by in the wagon selling elixirs to fix what ails you if not for proper testing and labeling. You could even end up drinking a bottle of whiskey along with those opioid analgesics without even realizing you are heading for a bad time. (or a good time depending on perspective)
As far as the government being the last place you look for opinion, you might not be a correct as you think you are. without government oversight on drug companies, you would most likely not even have the warning label on medications.

As the following chart illustrates, drug prices in the US are up to 10 times higher than in numerous other developed countries. Data comes from the International Federation of Health Plans (IFHP) 2013 Comparative Price Report.

Heres one pill

Copaxone (for multiple sclerosis)

Over 400,000 people in the US have multiple sclerosis (MS), a debilitating condition that affects the body’s central nervous system. Copaxone — one of the drugs used to treat it — costs between $862 and $1,357 per month in Europe. But in the US, Copaxone costs between $3,900 and $4,018 each month, which is roughly the median monthly income in the US.

Now give us a comparison on how those other countries tort laws deal with ambulance chasing plaintiffs attorneys. And what the drug companies have to spend in annual court expenses in those countries.
In the republican Medicare pill Bill, the republicans banned us from negotiating bulk discounts, while ALL OTHER NATIONS negotiate discount rates for their drugs.

THIS is WHY we pay more....

ALL research and development costs are paid by Americans, in our prices, the rest of the world gets cheaper drugs on our backs...the drug companies make their profits on our backs too.

It's not right, nor fair to Americans when the rest of the world gets discounted drugs, while we pay for it.

This does need to change.
In the republican Medicare pill Bill, the republicans banned us from negotiating bulk discounts, while ALL OTHER NATIONS negotiate discount rates for their drugs.

THIS is WHY we pay more....

ALL research and development costs are paid by Americans, in our prices, the rest of the world gets cheaper drugs on our backs...the drug companies make their profits on our backs too.

It's not right, nor fair to Americans when the rest of the world gets discounted drugs, while we pay for it.

This does need to change.

link ??
In the republican Medicare pill Bill, the republicans banned us from negotiating bulk discounts, while ALL OTHER NATIONS negotiate discount rates for their drugs.

THIS is WHY we pay more....

ALL research and development costs are paid by Americans, in our prices, the rest of the world gets cheaper drugs on our backs...the drug companies make their profits on our backs too.

It's not right, nor fair to Americans when the rest of the world gets discounted drugs, while we pay for it.

This does need to change.

link ??

Bill to Let Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices Is Blocked
Published: April 18, 2007
WASHINGTON, April 18 — A pillar of the Democratic political program tumbled today when Republicans in the Senate blocked a proposal to allow Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for millions of older Americans, a practice now forbidden by law.

Democrats could not muster the 60 votes needed to take up the legislation in the face of staunch opposition from Republicans, who said that private insurers and their agents, known as pharmacy benefit managers, were already negotiating large discounts for Medicare beneficiaries.

Fifty-five senators, including 6 Republicans, supported a Democratic motion to limit debate and proceed to consideration of the bill, while 42 senators voted against it. Such motions require a three-fifths majority under Senate rules. Without a limit on debate, opponents can prevent legislation from ever coming to a vote.

The Senate had only a brief debate on the merits of the legislation, which is a high priority for the new Democratic majority in Congress.

Republicans framed the issue as a choice between government-run health care and a benefit managed by the private sector. The drug benefit is delivered and administered by private insurers, under contract to Medicare.

Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas, denounced the bill as “a step down the road to a single-payer, government-run health care system.”

Democrats said they were merely trying to untie the hands of the secretary of health and human services, so he could negotiate on behalf of 43 million Medicare beneficiaries.

“The Department of Veterans Affairs is able to negotiate for lower-priced drugs,” said the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada. “H.M.O.’s can negotiate. Wal-Mart can negotiate. Why in the world shouldn’t Medicare be able to do that?”

The 2003 Medicare law prohibits Medicare from negotiating drug prices, setting prices or establishing a uniform list of covered drugs, known as a formulary.

Mr. Reid said the Democrats fell short today because of “the power of the insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry” and their close ties to Republicans in Congress.

I changed out the quote and put in a link....
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In the republican Medicare pill Bill, the republicans banned us from negotiating bulk discounts, while ALL OTHER NATIONS negotiate discount rates for their drugs.

THIS is WHY we pay more....

ALL research and development costs are paid by Americans, in our prices, the rest of the world gets cheaper drugs on our backs...the drug companies make their profits on our backs too.

It's not right, nor fair to Americans when the rest of the world gets discounted drugs, while we pay for it.

This does need to change.

link ??
here's another link on it....with more info....
In the republican Medicare pill Bill, the republicans banned us from negotiating bulk discounts, while ALL OTHER NATIONS negotiate discount rates for their drugs.

THIS is WHY we pay more....

ALL research and development costs are paid by Americans, in our prices, the rest of the world gets cheaper drugs on our backs...the drug companies make their profits on our backs too.

It's not right, nor fair to Americans when the rest of the world gets discounted drugs, while we pay for it.

This does need to change.

link ??
here's another link on it....with more info....

Disgusting. All of these politicians are bought and paid for by lobbyists. That law should be amended with 100% YES votes in the house and senate.
I understand that they do need to have funds for research and lawsuits but seems like people are getting rich from others who are sick..
We should be able to buy anywhere in the world , right now it is against the law.
In the republican Medicare pill Bill, the republicans banned us from negotiating bulk discounts, while ALL OTHER NATIONS negotiate discount rates for their drugs.

THIS is WHY we pay more....

ALL research and development costs are paid by Americans, in our prices, the rest of the world gets cheaper drugs on our backs...the drug companies make their profits on our backs too.

It's not right, nor fair to Americans when the rest of the world gets discounted drugs, while we pay for it.

This does need to change.

link ??
here's another link on it....with more info....

Disgusting. All of these politicians are bought and paid for by lobbyists. That law should be amended with 100% YES votes in the house and senate.
I agree! If it's not one being bought for one thing it's another being bought for another thing! This law should be amended, it really should...for goodness sake, we have 15 million MORE Seniors, than Canada has as a population for their entire Nation, newborns to seniors.

We should be able to negotiate a bulk discount for them.....Canada's prices are nearly 10 times less than ours for the same drugs, the exact same drugs... this is just wrong, wrong, wrong!
I wonder what it actually costs to develop, test and bring a new drug to market.
anyone have a guess?
in todays dollars.
I wonder what it actually costs to develop, test and bring a new drug to market.
anyone have a guess?
in todays dollars.
My guess is probably less than what they spend on Advertising/Marketing.....

When I get a chance I'll google it, the info's gotta be out there.
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I wonder what it actually costs to develop, test and bring a new drug to market.
anyone have a guess?
in todays dollars.
My guess is probably less than what they spend on Advertising.....

When I get a chance I'll google it, the info's gotta be out there.
I do actually have that info, including what is spent on advertising. bringing the drug to market is actually a much greater cost, and the advertising although huge (really huge) is usually not spent until they get final approval from the FDA, ( known as Permission to Market under its patented name.
in 2011 the average cost developing a new drug from conception to market was around 1.5 billion dollars. ( figure based on data spanning 1998 ~ 2002, converted to 2011 dollars.
But you have to consider that even after that drug is approved there are still costs involved with monitoring the drug for longer term side effects. So the research cost may go down, but it will never completely go away.

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