This chart reveals the inhumanity of US drug prices compared to other countries

More socialist nonsense. Why do you leftist believe you are entitled to have everything given to you?

You do make a valid point. Too many truly believe they deserve or are entitled to everything. It's a huge problem these days.

So the topic is about higher drug prices and to you two fools that means that someone wants something for free?

Every topic is "The left believes..." with some crazy made up shit.

Do that Stephanie :dance:

As the following chart illustrates, drug prices in the US are up to 10 times higher than in numerous other developed countries. Data comes from the International Federation of Health Plans (IFHP) 2013 Comparative Price Report.

Heres one pill

Copaxone (for multiple sclerosis)

Over 400,000 people in the US have multiple sclerosis (MS), a debilitating condition that affects the body’s central nervous system. Copaxone — one of the drugs used to treat it — costs between $862 and $1,357 per month in Europe. But in the US, Copaxone costs between $3,900 and $4,018 each month, which is roughly the median monthly income in the US.

Sorry….actually creating the pill from 0 is expensive….10 million dollars and years of research. Manufacturing the pill costs pennies… you can make false comparisons to perpetuate a lie, which is what you lefties have to do to push your agenda….but the truth is the truth.

THe companies that actually create the pill from scratch…from developing the actual cure, then creating the pill for it, running it through years of clinical trials and getting it past the FDA…….of all the drugs they try to make, only a few actually make it to the store shelves..which means 100s of millions of dollars gone….for zero gain….so when they actually get through the gauntlet and get a pill that works, and is profitable…they have to recoup their losses.

Those other countries…just make the physical pill…about 10 cents…right?

So….try telling the truth.
What did I lie about dumbass. I pointed out that pill cost different prices and all you dummies are talking about R&D. Ok, a drug costs a lot to develop what does that have to do with the price difference?

Or the price of tea in china?
What did I lie about dumbass. I pointed out that pill cost different prices and all you dummies are talking about R&D. Ok, a drug costs a lot to develop what does that have to do with the price difference?

Or the price of tea in china?

Okay genius…..spending 10 million dollars…minimum, to make a cure and put it in a pill vs. making a 10 cent pill……… you still not see where the cost for that medicine comes from?

The company who spent 10 million dollars has to get 10 million dollars just to break even….and then to make more miracle cures they need to make a profit…..which means they need to make more than 10 million dollars on that pill.

The various national health services who just by the pill…..don't have to make a profit…they don't invent any cures….they just take tax money and buy the 10 cent pill….

What did I lie about dumbass. I pointed out that pill cost different prices and all you dummies are talking about R&D. Ok, a drug costs a lot to develop what does that have to do with the price difference?

Or the price of tea in china?

Damn....comparing stuff found in nature to a laboratory drug?....see Mathew >>>>>>>>>>

Science, infrastructure and R&D
What did I lie about dumbass. I pointed out that pill cost different prices and all you dummies are talking about R&D. Ok, a drug costs a lot to develop what does that have to do with the price difference?

Or the price of tea in china?

Okay genius…..spending 10 million dollars…minimum, to make a cure and put it in a pill vs. making a 10 cent pill……… you still not see where the cost for that medicine comes from?

The company who spent 10 million dollars has to get 10 million dollars just to break even….and then to make more miracle cures they need to make a profit…..which means they need to make more than 10 million dollars on that pill.

The various national health services who just by the pill…..don't have to make a profit…they don't invent any cures….they just take tax money and buy the 10 cent pill….


Now, that you've repeated yourself can you tell me why the
What did I lie about dumbass. I pointed out that pill cost different prices and all you dummies are talking about R&D. Ok, a drug costs a lot to develop what does that have to do with the price difference?

Or the price of tea in china?

Okay genius…..spending 10 million dollars…minimum, to make a cure and put it in a pill vs. making a 10 cent pill……… you still not see where the cost for that medicine comes from?

The company who spent 10 million dollars has to get 10 million dollars just to break even….and then to make more miracle cures they need to make a profit…..which means they need to make more than 10 million dollars on that pill.

The various national health services who just by the pill…..don't have to make a profit…they don't invent any cures….they just take tax money and buy the 10 cent pill….


So let me get this right. The companies cant make a profit in other countries so they have to over charge us in order to make a profit? Ok, that doesnt explain why people are buying old drugs and then up the price of an already established drug but I'm listening
More socialist nonsense. Why do you leftist believe you are entitled to have everything given to you?

You do make a valid point. Too many truly believe they deserve or are entitled to everything. It's a huge problem these days.

So the topic is about higher drug prices and to you two fools that means that someone wants something for free?

Every topic is "The left believes..." with some crazy made up shit.

Do that Stephanie :dance:

Just pointing out the current realities. Too many do truly beieve they deserve or are entitled to everything. They believe it's perfectly justifiable to steal from another Citizen to make them happy.

That being said, i agree these costs are absurd. But hey, it is a very cruel world. Most would rather make money than save lives. Many don't wanna acknowledge that, but it is the ugly reality.
One can't blame the drug companies for high prices. It costs a lot of money to tell every American citizen at least 20 times per month that they need to ask their doctor for some purple capsules for their acid reflux condition....
More socialist nonsense. Why do you leftist believe you are entitled to have everything given to you?

You do make a valid point. Too many truly believe they deserve or are entitled to everything. It's a huge problem these days.

So the topic is about higher drug prices and to you two fools that means that someone wants something for free?

Every topic is "The left believes..." with some crazy made up shit.

Do that Stephanie :dance:

How are you not wanting something for free? You apparently believe that these drugs cost too much. How much is too much, BTW? Obviously with you and your lefty buddies it ought not be determined by market forces or in any way whatsoever that would offend anyone's sensibilities regarding fairness.

Hell, if I could afford it I would get dick surgery to make my cock 4 ft. long. Unfortunately, my health insurance carrier (who I pay out of pocket, btw, without help from any employer or government subside) does not cover dick enhancement surgery. Thus, I would have to come (tee hee!) out of pocket for the surgery. This is not an economically prudent expense, so I do not do this.

The left has no objective basis against which to declare that a particular product is overpriced. Since your judgment is then arbitrary and capricious I think you have zero credibility on this issue. Moreover, there is not ANY SUCH THING as "over priced" in a free market economy. Rather, the market sets price. Obviously there is some degree of governmental intrusion into the market in the form of regulation; here purportedly justified by the importance to the public of the product. This too drives up the cost of the product. But if you are advocating price controls on drugs then you are in for some bad news.

Price controls result in a direct, short-term benefit to consumers, but ultimately will hurt them. They will dramatically cut margins to the point that it will not be profitable to product some products. Therefore, either these items will disappear from the market or they will be subsidized by the government, thereby increasing public spending and tax burdens. Personally, I do not want to pay for YOUR medicine. Being forced to pay for YOUR shit is the antithesis of FREEDOM. Does this mean that you will have to do without? Well buddy boy, if you do not make alternative provisions, then YES IT DOES!!! Get a fucking job that offers health and hospitalization coverage as part of the compensation package. Or, learn a lucrative skill or trade so that you can pay your own premiums.
More socialist nonsense. Why do you leftist believe you are entitled to have everything given to you?

You do make a valid point. Too many truly believe they deserve or are entitled to everything. It's a huge problem these days.

So the topic is about higher drug prices and to you two fools that means that someone wants something for free?

Every topic is "The left believes..." with some crazy made up shit.

Do that Stephanie :dance:

How are you not wanting something for free?

Simple! Because I didnt mention getting anything for any particular price dumb fucker
More socialist nonsense. Why do you leftist believe you are entitled to have everything given to you?

You do make a valid point. Too many truly believe they deserve or are entitled to everything. It's a huge problem these days.

So the topic is about higher drug prices and to you two fools that means that someone wants something for free?

Every topic is "The left believes..." with some crazy made up shit.

Do that Stephanie :dance:

How are you not wanting something for free? You apparently believe that these drugs cost too much. How much is too much, BTW? Obviously with you and your lefty buddies it ought not be determined by market forces or in any way whatsoever that would offend anyone's sensibilities regarding fairness.

Hell, if I could afford it I would get dick surgery to make my cock 4 ft. long. Unfortunately, my health insurance carrier (who I pay out of pocket, btw, without help from any employer or government subside) does not cover dick enhancement surgery. Thus, I would have to come (tee hee!) out of pocket for the surgery. This is not an economically prudent expense, so I do not do this.

The left has no objective basis against which to declare that a particular product is overpriced. Since your judgment is then arbitrary and capricious I think you have zero credibility on this issue. Moreover, there is not ANY SUCH THING as "over priced" in a free market economy. Rather, the market sets price. Obviously there is some degree of governmental intrusion into the market in the form of regulation; here purportedly justified by the importance to the public of the product. This too drives up the cost of the product. But if you are advocating price controls on drugs then you are in for some bad news.

Price controls result in a direct, short-term benefit to consumers, but ultimately will hurt them. They will dramatically cut margins to the point that it will not be profitable to product some products. Therefore, either these items will disappear from the market or they will be subsidized by the government, thereby increasing public spending and tax burdens. Personally, I do not want to pay for YOUR medicine. Being forced to pay for YOUR shit is the antithesis of FREEDOM. Does this mean that you will have to do without? Well buddy boy, if you do not make alternative provisions, then YES IT DOES!!! Get a fucking job that offers health and hospitalization coverage as part of the compensation package. Or, learn a lucrative skill or trade so that you can pay your own premiums.
You are actually very lucky.
the 4 ft dick is more of a burden then a blessing.
other countries don't have the same government regulations we do. This is why many drugs are tested overseas long before we can use them here.

You are going to have to show us the US has more regulations about drugs than Yurp and Canada does.
In praises of the O/P for pointing out the absolute thievery perpetrated and perpetuated by US big pharmaceuticals.

Of course some right winger will actually "defend" the gouging simply.....well simply because they are either contrary by nature or simply stupid.

Here's a few other concomitant issues:

1. What is little know is that much of the preliminary research on many new drugs are either conducted or funded by the tax-payers' National Institute of Health; so, we taxpayers PAY for some of the preliminary research through our taxes, and then are forced to PAY through the nose once that initial research is turned over to greedy and unscrupulous big pharmas.

2. GWB, in order to pass his Medicare [DIS} Advantage in 2003, banned (as directed by big pharmas) for states to repatriate drugs from other countries.....making many folks who sneak into Canada or Mexico to buy the cheaper drugs into "outlaws."

3. Has anyone ever wondered WHY Medicare cannot negotiate with big pharmaceuticals (as the VA does) for cheaper prices for Medicare recipients?? How many of us actually know that there is an actual policy barring Medicare from doing this.......Who do you think helped promote such a policy???

That paper shows that regulations favor the drug companies in the US more than in Canada.

In the US, drug company patents last longer. Not only that, in Canada generic drugs are allowed even while a patent is in effect. Not so in the US, which has exclusivity protections for drug companies.

If you are given government protections which make you the exclusive seller of a drug, you can charge sky high prices.

So the claim drug prices are higher in the US because of regulations which hamper the drug companies is as bogus as it gets.
other countries don't have the same government regulations we do. This is why many drugs are tested overseas long before we can use them here.

You are going to have to show us the US has more regulations about drugs than Yurp and Canada does.
I have no obligation to show you anything, you should be able to do some research and figure it out all on your own.
I will say this however, when it comes to these things I'm willing to bet money that I have higher credentials for discussing it than you ever will.

That paper shows that regulations favor the drug companies in the US more than in Canada.

In the US, drug company patents last longer. Not only that, in Canada generic drugs are allowed even a patent is in effect. Not so in the US, which has exclusivity protections for drug companies.

So the claim drug prices are higher in the US because of regulations which hamper the drug companies is as bogus as it gets.
In your warped mind, you dont see a problem here?
Seniors are by far the biggest users of prescription drugs.

The idea that we should somehow find a way for our seniors to get all their drugs from Canada to save money is ridiculous. This would grossly skew that market.

We have more citizens over the age of 65 than the total population of Canada.

That paper shows that regulations favor the drug companies in the US more than in Canada.

In the US, drug company patents last longer. Not only that, in Canada generic drugs are allowed even a patent is in effect. Not so in the US, which has exclusivity protections for drug companies.

So the claim drug prices are higher in the US because of regulations which hamper the drug companies is as bogus as it gets.
In your warped mind, you dont see a problem here?
You claimed government regulations hampered US drug companies when in fact they give US companies a huge advantage.

That paper shows that regulations favor the drug companies in the US more than in Canada.

In the US, drug company patents last longer. Not only that, in Canada generic drugs are allowed even a patent is in effect. Not so in the US, which has exclusivity protections for drug companies.

So the claim drug prices are higher in the US because of regulations which hamper the drug companies is as bogus as it gets.
In your warped mind, you dont see a problem here?
You claimed government regulations hampered US drug companies when in fact they give US companies a huge advantage.
how does that one thing give U.S companies a huge advantage. other than allowing them to try to recover the cost of their research and development.
why should some crap company be allowed to reverse engineer a medication the day it comes out and be able to sell it for 1/10th the amount because they did not have to spend on bringing it to market in the first place.
are you honestly that big of an idiot or do you just post stupid shit to get a reaction

That paper shows that regulations favor the drug companies in the US more than in Canada.

In the US, drug company patents last longer. Not only that, in Canada generic drugs are allowed even a patent is in effect. Not so in the US, which has exclusivity protections for drug companies.

So the claim drug prices are higher in the US because of regulations which hamper the drug companies is as bogus as it gets.
In your warped mind, you dont see a problem here?
You claimed government regulations hampered US drug companies when in fact they give US companies a huge advantage.
how does that one thing give U.S companies a huge advantage. other than allowing them to try to recover the cost of their research and development.
why should some crap company be allowed to reverse engineer a medication the day it comes out and be able to sell it for 1/10th the amount because they did not have to spend on bringing it to market in the first place.
are you honestly that big of an idiot or do you just post stupid shit to get a reaction
How big a rube do you have to be to believe the price gouging is to recover R&D expenses?

I'm sure that is a part of it, but I am not so stupid as to believe that is the whole. It doesn't take 20 years to recoup R&D. Nowhere near that long.

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