This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)

The thing Norway doesn't have is decent weather...

The weather can get very bad in the Winter, the Summers are nice though but crucially what Norway doesn't have are SJWs and even the Opposition Labour Party are more Centrist, Norway doesn't do Leftism.
It would be difficult what with all the fjords...

Especially if you're a liberal, anything that resembles work is difficult.
You wanna come on out some day with this liberal and lay some bricks or maybe some big heavy stones, or lightweight blacks? Nothing sweeter than getting paid to workout..

Why in the world would I go out there, doing the same thing here. Except maybe the lightweight blacks...I'm surprised you managed to get Obama to do anything.
Criminals deprive their victims of their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
So then the totality of freedom in a nation must be reduced by removing the life liberty and pursuit of happiness of perpetrators. The more perpetrators removed from society the less freedom there is. The Russians were right to be envious of the way Americans believed their own propaganda.
America is becoming a second world country.

How would you know, tard? You've never even been out of this country. I've been all over the world and I can assure you the U.S. is anything but.

Does Mexico count? I've been there a few times and from what I've seen, I don't want my country to be like Mexico. I suppose that's the rationale for Democrats wanting so many of them to come here.
Well the senoritas are friendly and the fines are low..

Yeah, stop paying those senoritas and find out how friendly they are.
The one i'm married to? She'd throw me out in a heartbeat...

I'm sure all of them would do the same.
...Norway ranked the No. 1...
Yeah... it's easy... when you've been hunkered down under the American Shield throughout the Cold War and leaning on them for any serious national defense.

Really amazing, how much you can do, when you're not forced to sink tons of money into your own Defense, even in the face of Aggressive Communism during the Cold War.

There is no need for Norway to waste money on defence in 2017 considering nobody is going to invade Norway.
Ever heard of the Russian Fleet?

Any clue where it's based?

Any clue what countries the fleet has to pass through on its way to the North Sea and the Atlantic beyond?

And, as an example of control of the outlets of the Baltic, and a related invasion of Norway within Living Memory...

Operation Weserübung - Wikipedia

But... thank you for playing, nonetheless.
Norway has been under the NATO (American) umbrella since its founding. They have the luxury of spending their military dollars on social benefits for their nearly pure white population.
Criminals deprive their victims of their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
So then the totality of freedom in a nation must be reduced by removing the life liberty and pursuit of happiness of perpetrators. The Russians were right to be envious of the way Americans believed their own propaganda.

Our own U.S. Constitution allows for that and provides for due process. Why do you think a person loses his or her right to own a firearm, their right to vote or run for public office, or even to forfeit their own life in cases of treason or murder?

Russia has no such document.
The thing Norway doesn't have is decent weather...

The weather can get very bad in the Winter, the Summers are nice though but crucially what Norway doesn't have are SJWs and even the Opposition Labour Party are more Centrist, Norway doesn't do Leftism.
It would be difficult what with all the fjords...

Especially if you're a liberal, anything that resembles work is difficult.
You wanna come on out some day with this liberal and lay some bricks or maybe some big heavy stones, or lightweight blacks? Nothing sweeter than getting paid to workout..

Why in the world would I go out there, doing the same thing here. Except maybe the lightweight blacks...I'm surprised you managed to get Obama to do anything.
We had a ton of mustard to pay with..
Enforce our anti-trust laws...We want competition right?
Rebuild our unions around the interest of the workers? Demand better pay and a larger portion of that pie.
Raise tariffs on all outsourcers to favor our businesses here at home.
Educate our children!!! Look at one of the top 5 educational systems on earth and adopt it.
Get them interested in science, tech and doing great things.

This is the road map to success. Rewarding the traitors that have stabbed us in the back is the last thing we should do.

Something similar to this is what we need.

There's a reason why FDR, LBJ, Kennedy and TR are our best presidents.

LBJ? He is consistently rated as one of the worst!

Then Navy has even stooped low enough to name a ship after him. It will probably be welded to the pier.
By who?
The aggregate rating of 19 presidential polls places LBJ as #10. The highest rating is #8 and the lowest rating is #18.
Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia
Enforce our anti-trust laws...We want competition right?
Rebuild our unions around the interest of the workers? Demand better pay and a larger portion of that pie.
Raise tariffs on all outsourcers to favor our businesses here at home.
Educate our children!!! Look at one of the top 5 educational systems on earth and adopt it.
Get them interested in science, tech and doing great things.

This is the road map to success. Rewarding the traitors that have stabbed us in the back is the last thing we should do.

Something similar to this is what we need.

There's a reason why FDR, LBJ, Kennedy and TR are our best presidents.

LBJ? He is consistently rated as one of the worst!

Then Navy has even stooped low enough to name a ship after him. It will probably be welded to the pier.
By who?
The aggregate rating of 19 presidential polls places LBJ as #10. The highest rating is #8 and the lowest rating is #18.
Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

Bizarro, how can LBJ be ranked No. 10 when he got you into the Vietnam War quagmire, I think that would be considered a disaster and a failure, so it's weird he'd be ranked No. 10.
This argument gets used by right wingers all the time. It's fucking infantile.

It's basic common sense... If you don't like where you'r lick g you have three useful optiond:

1. Sit down. Shut up. Deal with it.
2. Take up arms to change the situation.
3. Leave.

Leftists aren't capable of 1 or 2 so offer them option 3.

Or how about trying to change the situation in a sensible manner? It never, ever occurred to you that people can actually use their fucking brains to make things better? Not the American way? The American way is to do things in the most fucked up stupid way possible?
OK, why don't you suggest a way?

What does white America have to do and how much of a change will it be to make things better?

Well, I have made lots of suggestions on this forum and others will have their own views.

Firstly, Proportional Representation so THE PEOPLE take charge of government again and different people's views get taken into account rather than this partisan bullshit where two parties are pretending to "listen" to the people, when in fact they're telling the people what to think so they can get them to choose between two parties.

With PR you'd have at the very least 6 parties or coalitions that represent different people's thinkings. But in the US Communists and center leftists share the same corrupt party that doesn't represent any of them.
Or how about trying to change the situation in a sensible manner? It never, ever occurred to you that people can actually use their fucking brains to make things better? Not the American way? The American way is to do things in the most fucked up stupid way possible?

The American Way died with Abraham Lincoln when he decided thzt the Federal Government was more important thsn the document and ideals that created it.

Simplified history.

But hey, doesn't surprise me that you'd support traitors.
Our own U.S. Constitution allows for that and provides for due process.
Yes, the removal of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The more that's done the less free is a country. The USA does it the most of any country. As though anything in the Constitution means 'freedom'.
They have the luxury of spending their military dollars on social benefits for their nearly pure white population.
No racism here, massa, no sirree.

If someone commented:

"Nigeria has the luxury of spending their military dollars on social benefits for their pure Black population."

Would that or would that not be considered racist?

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