This country ranks No. 1 for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (its not America)

Conservatives sure love to make laws against the poor and throw people in prison over every tiny fucking things...But'hell, a healthcare system that serves all, educated population and workers protections are somehow a bad thing to these animals.
ADMIRAL? on retirement or separation or institutionalization? was it I who signed your
commitment papers?

So, you can't respond by apologizing for your error?

Dumb ass!
states contain COUNTIES-------countries vs countries is a type. some dysphasias are based on short circuits in the
left fronto-tempero parietal area---(in the majority of people---
very few right fronto-temporo-parietal area) A larger number of persons who are LEFT HANDED like me-----are RIGHT hemisphere dominant. But I am left Hemisphere dominant.
You are ANENCEPHALIC. (a very rare congenital anomaly)

Still trying to pass off your inability to read as being my fault? Dumb ass!

"APOLOGIZE"? did I hurt someone?

Never mind, dumb ass! You have embarrassed yourself enough.

I feel fine-----not even red cheeked ---I blush easily
Maybe it's low blood pressure?

I have high blood pressure
Conservatives sure love to make laws against the poor and throw people in prison over every tiny fucking things...But'hell, a healthcare system that serves all, educated population and workers protections are somehow a bad thing to these animals.

"Conservatives sure love to make laws against the poor and throw people in prison over every tiny fucking things"

There are people who are poor and there are people who remain poor because of laziness, also I don't think people get thrown into prison for "every tiny fucking thing"

I add Matthew that in the Leftist SJW run State of California look what they want to put people into prison for:




Also this Leftist Maniac who is responsible for the above legislation he is a total piece of work, so he wants not only to put people in prison for not calling a biological man a woman, he also wants to endanger the people of California to both HIV and sex offenders by taking them off the sex offenders registry:


California Law Allows Jail For Using Wrong Gender Pronoun
Face it, America is the freest nation on earth.
While having the highest prison population. Dayamn, gotta get me some of that freedom.
To quote the theme song from Baretta, "Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time!"
How can one be free without a high prison population? Can't be done. The higher the prison population the freer the nation.

There are too many people in prison that shouldn't be in prison, that's why prisons are overcrowded.

I think prisons should only be for people who are a danger to society, armed robbery, rapists, paedophiles, drug dealers, arsonists, murderers....of course I think that ALL rapists, paedophiles, drug dealers and murderers should be executed, but that's for a different thread.

So people who have not paid a fine or have stolen some food, what are minor crimes that are not a danger to society, these people should not be in prison, some type of community service would be better instead of sending them to prison.
Our own U.S. Constitution allows for that and provides for due process.
Yes, the removal of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The more that's done the less free is a country. The USA does it the most of any country. As though anything in the Constitution means 'freedom'.

Let's just see how "free" you are while murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and car-jackers are allowed to enjoy their freedom from incarceration.
I would not willingly live in Norway or anywhere in socialist Europe, it's a continent of people who's best years are behind them and they've given up on being anything but mediocre.
o people who have not paid a fine or have stolen some food, what are minor crimes that are not a danger to society, these people should not be in prison, some type of community service would be better instead of sending them to prison
THAT is the Biblical way. They used jail very little. The offences you mentioned were capital crimes. Rapists, murderers and kidnappers were executed. Thieves became indentured servants until the debt was repaid. We have let our prison system get out of control, but you're right. It is the Left that creates these laws that put everyone thru our prison system.
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Norway has no Democrats to fuck it up

Norway is extremely left wing, far more than this country.

Norway has just re elected the Right-Wing Government for another four year term, there is no Left Wing in Norway, even the Opposition Labour Party are Centrist.

Actually you being fanatically anti-Nationalist would probably incorrectly call the Norwegian Government Fascist considering the Coalition is the Conservatives and the Right-Wing Nationalists.
Simply pointing out two truths. 98% white, and without the need to invest heavily in their own defense.

You see "racism" where none exists.
Except where you've made an argument where race seems important to the point.
Actually, I think you need to look up the definition of traitor.

The Founding Document gave/gives significant autonomy to the Ststes and less power to the Federal Government. Mister Lincoln and his supporrters felt they could snd should use the Federal Government to overrule the positions of Southern States.

That sounds far more like treason to me than asserting one's right to peaceably leave an alliance which no longer serves their best interests
Norway has no Democrats to fuck it up

Norway is extremely left wing, far more than this country.

Norway has just re elected the Right-Wing Government for another four year term, there is no Left Wing in Norway, even the Opposition Labour Party are Centrist.

Actually you being fanatically anti-Nationalist would probably incorrectly call the Norwegian Government Fascist considering the Coalition is the Conservatives and the Right-Wing Nationalists.

Norway's "center" is far to the left of ours.

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