"This election is illegitimate" - US Election Commission Chairman

The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Clearly, if this election should by any chance go to the Left, the consequences will be severe.

The consequences are going to be severe either way. No matter how it turns out, half the country is going to think their vote was for nothing. No matter what the courts rule, and no matter what the recounts are, a whole lot of people will have zero confidence in our election process. And that ain't good. No matter who gets sworn in come Jan 20, half the country is going to believe his presidency is illegitimate.

Possibly, but as more and more Republicans accept the fact that Democracy is being destroyed by Trump and his fellow travelers, we may come out of this election into the light. We can only hope that the 70 million or so voters for Trump see the light sometime in the near future.

The United States of America has NEVER been a Democracy. it's part of what made it so great.
Yours are working feverishly to destroy that and install MOB RULE.
You have absolutely no clue how the Constitution protected your rights as well do you? What astounding short shortsightedness on your part.

Clearly, the Left wants to shred the Constitution by confiscating firearms. But you're ok with that one so no complaints.
Clearly the left censors the Right....but again, you're ok with that because your agenda is being propped up

Fools celebrate the loss of others rights, because it's only a matter of time until theirs are as well

Not to worry - Uncle Joe ain't grabbin' yer damn guns.
Censorship? Trump believes the media are the "enemy of the people" ..
He'd lock up or kill journalists who disagree with him if he could and you know it -
Very Stalin or Putinesque wouldn't you say?

But he didn't lock up any journalists neither did he tap journalists he suspected as did Obama..

The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Are you naive enough to believe Biden/Harris/Sanders/Warren/AOC/Omar care about you? They only care about keeping you on the plantation to which you blindly oblige.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

As long as they stay in Dem cities ,let them smoke each other. NHI.
The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies choose another path. I am not annoyed at all. I want 72 Million Trump voters to show Biden the same courtesy that filthy Dems showed Trump.
The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies choose another path. I am not annoyed at all. I want 72 Million Trump voters to show Biden the same courtesy that filthy Dems showed Trump.
Well said. Bravo.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies

Ya, I agree-- How about those goddam commies who pay you to post here !!!!!
As a friend I must tell you OH Wise One; , I heard on the grape vine the FBI has you on their watch list.
We know that the recounts will take a couple of weeks and the election is not official until next month so it's like there is no tomorrow. In the meantime we can expect silence from Trump and that is the gift...

Six days of sweet silence now, and I'll be just fine if I never hear the sound of his voice again. :D
Couldn't take the truth when he told it eh ???

Truth? Your Donald?? :rofl:

In comparison to the race baiting, lying, quid pro quo Briben, I'd say you lose this one.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

No one with an honest loyalty to this country gives any f~cks what any trump appointee thinks about anything. They are all worthless traitors for Russia.
3 years looking nothing found to support this RUSSIA claim.

Yet you believe it.

Not even 2 weeks since the election you refuse to allow your side the same examination ability.
Because there is something real here
Because he is part of the Trump administration, that has proven since Day #1 (“This was the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, both in person and around the globe.”) that blatant, obvious lies are inconsequential.

Let me help you. God knows you need it.
1. SO WHAT if it was not the largest audience! So WHAT!
Who was harmed? Nobody.
Here's a thought. Perhaps one of Trump's staff members TOLD him it was the largest audience. He wasn't necessarily lying. He was stating what he BELIEVED to be true, UNLIKE Norma McCorvey who
2. Testified under penalty of perjury that she "had been raped".
She was not. It was a bald faced lie that has resulted in the butchery of 90,000,000 unborn babies as a result of her very real and deadly lie.

Do you get it now?

Other malicious and deadly lies by you Democrats include:
"you're racists"
"you're fascists"
"you're stupid"
"you're anti-scientific"

Your lies kill thousands every year, in Chicago, in St. Louis, in Washington, D.C. and New York City and Los Angeles.

Now to my Ignore List you go with the other vile Leftists.
ciao brutto
The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies choose another path. I am not annoyed at all. I want 72 Million Trump voters to show Biden the same courtesy that filthy Dems showed Trump.

On election night. Bitch.
[QUOTE="LoneLaugher, post: 25911662, member: 32973"

On election night. Bitch.

That you are permitted to spew your hateful, vulgar venom unimpeded by "moderators" (sic) such as DontTazMeBro speaks volumes about this cesspool. You're sickening.
The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies choose another path. I am not annoyed at all. I want 72 Million Trump voters to show Biden the same courtesy that filthy Dems showed Trump.

On election night. Bitch.
Liar. They NEVER gave up. Do you forget the Re-Counts? The phony Russia crap? Impeachment over a Phone call? BLAMING Trump for Covid? All Democrats are rancid traitors.
The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies choose another path. I am not annoyed at all. I want 72 Million Trump voters to show Biden the same courtesy that filthy Dems showed Trump.

On election night. Bitch.
Liar. They NEVER gave up. Do you forget the Re-Counts? The phony Russia crap? Impeachment over a Phone call? BLAMING Trump for Covid? All Democrats are rancid traitors.
The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies choose another path. I am not annoyed at all. I want 72 Million Trump voters to show Biden the same courtesy that filthy Dems showed Trump.

On election night. Bitch.
Liar. They NEVER gave up. Do you forget the Re-Counts? The phony Russia crap? Impeachment over a Phone call? BLAMING Trump for Covid? All Democrats are rancid traitors.

Clinton conceded on election night. You’re a moron.

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