"This election is illegitimate" - US Election Commission Chairman

Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

He's wrong.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

Not really. Everybody is just kind of laughing at you guys.

You said in 2016 Trump had no chance, leading into 2020 you repeated...until election day you posted maybe you were wrong...then around 10 PM all sorts of questionable things began happening. Now you're back to Trump has no chance.

Any reason you think you should be taken serious?

Think hard
We can only hope that the 70 million or so voters for Trump see the light sometime in the near future.

No, we can also hope that Democrats will pause to consider why 70 million people would rather vote for an unhinged assclown, than to give in to the Democrat's agenda. And then maybe adjust their agenda so isn't offensive to half the country.

You're asking ideologues to engage in critical thinking. Good luck with that.
hard to engage in critical thinking when the other side says they are laughing at your actions. (see post above this one).

these days people listen only to find a break in conversation so they can talk. not to understand. not to perhaps change their own views. but to prove the other side wrong at all costs. i can't imagine a more dangerous mindset than one so closed it can't see their own actions are exactly the same as what they laugh at the other side for doing.

just different reasons and motivations. actions the same.

you want to think critically enough to engage in talks of situations and philosophies without assigning them to todays names and activities? i've yet to see people truly talk about the foundations of our rights and how to hold those above all else. we're far more concerned with taking the rights away because xyz123 that we do in fact invent the reasons why we do that and demonize the other side to justify our own inability to "critically think". we are far too busy trying to remove the rights from other people but cry foul when that same criteria is held to us.

i want our rights and equal footing maintained. i don't see the left after that goal. i see them say THIS PERSON is abusing them so they must be removed and 1 by 1 take down any opposition for whatever reason they can drum up that day.

that thinking critically?

it's not something we do today because we're far too busy reacting emotionally and that's pretty much the polar opposite now isn't it?

we got a lot of emotion to put down before *any* of us can start to pretend either side is thinking all too critically.
we got a lot of emotion to put down before *any* of us can start to pretend either side is thinking all too critically.

Don't put me into your emotional generalizations. I think critically and have been doing so for many decades. Everybody on either side is not all alike, however Leftists are FAR more emotional and dishonest than the right. Our Founding Fathers were brilliant, righteous and brave men. They are what would be called today "right wing religious extremists."
But this moniker by the Left is meant to be an insult. The "extremism" is only relative to their socialist, welfare state, big government ignorance.

we got a lot of emotion to put down before *any* of us can start to pretend either side is thinking all too critically.

Don't put me into your emotional generalizations. I think critically and have been doing so for many decades. Everybody on either side is not all alike, however Leftists are FAR more emotional and dishonest than the right. Our Founding Fathers were brilliant, righteous and brave men. They are what would be called today "right wing religious extremists."
But this moniker by the Left is meant to be an insult. The "extremism" is only relative to their socialist, welfare state, big government ignorance.

when generalizing, it's all that can be done. if people wish to step out and do it and engage in that type of a conversation with me, great. im in and would love it.

but its hard for me to buy neutral "critical thinking" from you (which is what critical thinking really must be - neutral) when you have "democratinsanity" and "RacistLiberals" as sources.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

No one with an honest loyalty to this country gives any f~cks what any trump appointee thinks about anything. They are all worthless traitors for Russia.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

No one with an honest loyalty to this country gives any f~cks what any trump appointee thinks about anything. They are all worthless traitors for Russia.

Your hatefulness and vulgarity are typical of America-haters.
You are the latest Leftist addition to my Ignore List. Like the others on it, you are unable to post without subtracting from the sum total of human knowledge and morality.

ciao brutto
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

No one with an honest loyalty to this country gives any f~cks what any trump appointee thinks about anything. They are all worthless traitors for Russia.

Your hatefulness and vulgarity are typical of America-haters.
You are the latest Leftist addition to my Ignore List. Like the others on it, you are unable to post without subtracting from the sum total of human knowledge and morality.

ciao brutto
You Biden-hating rightards with your loony rightwing media, keep up the antics. You're all LOSERS! Sore losers! Stupid losers! Too dumb to even know that you're losing.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

No one with an honest loyalty to this country gives any f~cks what any trump appointee thinks about anything. They are all worthless traitors for Russia.
3 years looking nothing found to support this RUSSIA claim.

Yet you believe it.

Not even 2 weeks since the election you refuse to allow your side the same examination ability.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

No one with an honest loyalty to this country gives any f~cks what any trump appointee thinks about anything. They are all worthless traitors for Russia.

Your hatefulness and vulgarity are typical of America-haters.
You are the latest Leftist addition to my Ignore List. Like the others on it, you are unable to post without subtracting from the sum total of human knowledge and morality.

ciao brutto

The idiocy of the far-right, thinking that the blatherings of a trump appointee is in any way relevant to what actually happened. Only the most rabid Kool-Aid drinkers could be fooled by anyone appointed by the Grifter in Chief
Clearly, if this election should by any chance go to the Left, the consequences will be severe.

The consequences are going to be severe either way. No matter how it turns out, half the country is going to think their vote was for nothing. No matter what the courts rule, and no matter what the recounts are, a whole lot of people will have zero confidence in our election process. And that ain't good. No matter who gets sworn in come Jan 20, half the country is going to believe his presidency is illegitimate.

Possibly, but as more and more Republicans accept the fact that Democracy is being destroyed by Trump and his fellow travelers, we may come out of this election into the light. We can only hope that the 70 million or so voters for Trump see the light sometime in the near future.
As more and more republicans? WTH? Hun, Trump got MORE votes this time than last time------

The dem propaganda arm, called the media, did all they could to get america to hate Trump but given the vote numbers----they failed miserably. They only succeeding in saying the most weak minded and have ruin their own reputations in the process.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

No one with an honest loyalty to this country gives any f~cks what any trump appointee thinks about anything. They are all worthless traitors for Russia.
3 years looking nothing found to support this RUSSIA claim.

Yet you believe it.

Not even 2 weeks since the election you refuse to allow your side the same examination ability.

Mueller confirmed it in no uncertain terms. Unfortunately he said it in big enough words that trumpfisti weren't able to catch on

Untitled drawing - 2020-10-07T165248.907.png
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

No one with an honest loyalty to this country gives any f~cks what any trump appointee thinks about anything. They are all worthless traitors for Russia.
3 years looking nothing found to support this RUSSIA claim.

Yet you believe it.

Not even 2 weeks since the election you refuse to allow your side the same examination ability.

Mueller confirmed it in no uncertain terms. Unfortunately he said it in big enough words that trumpfisti weren't able to catch on

View attachment 415284
I rest my case.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

No one with an honest loyalty to this country gives any f~cks what any trump appointee thinks about anything. They are all worthless traitors for Russia.
3 years looking nothing found to support this RUSSIA claim.

Yet you believe it.

Not even 2 weeks since the election you refuse to allow your side the same examination ability.

Mueller confirmed it in no uncertain terms. Unfortunately he said it in big enough words that trumpfisti weren't able to catch on

View attachment 415284
I rest my case.

^ Case in point
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

No one with an honest loyalty to this country gives any f~cks what any trump appointee thinks about anything. They are all worthless traitors for Russia.
3 years looking nothing found to support this RUSSIA claim.

Yet you believe it.

Not even 2 weeks since the election you refuse to allow your side the same examination ability.

Mueller confirmed it in no uncertain terms. Unfortunately he said it in big enough words that trumpfisti weren't able to catch on

View attachment 415284
I rest my case.

^ Case in point
You still here?

Clearly, if this election should by any chance go to the Left, the consequences will be severe.

The consequences are going to be severe either way. No matter how it turns out, half the country is going to think their vote was for nothing. No matter what the courts rule, and no matter what the recounts are, a whole lot of people will have zero confidence in our election process. And that ain't good. No matter who gets sworn in come Jan 20, half the country is going to believe his presidency is illegitimate.

Possibly, but as more and more Republicans accept the fact that Democracy is being destroyed by Trump and his fellow travelers, we may come out of this election into the light. We can only hope that the 70 million or so voters for Trump see the light sometime in the near future.

The United States of America has NEVER been a Democracy. it's part of what made it so great.
Yours are working feverishly to destroy that and install MOB RULE.
You have absolutely no clue how the Constitution protected your rights as well do you? What astounding short shortsightedness on your part.

Clearly, the Left wants to shred the Constitution by confiscating firearms. But you're ok with that one so no complaints.
Clearly the left censors the Right....but again, you're ok with that because your agenda is being propped up

Fools celebrate the loss of others rights, because it's only a matter of time until theirs are as well

Not to worry - Uncle Joe ain't grabbin' yer damn guns.
Censorship? Trump believes the media are the "enemy of the people" ..
He'd lock up or kill journalists who disagree with him if he could and you know it -
Very Stalin or Putinesque wouldn't you say?

Woulda shoulda coulda....HE DIDN'T

meanwhile....Facebook and Twitter DID Censor Trump and many on the Right

So you fooked your own face again.

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Why would this person stick his neck out for an outcome that, if false, would come back to castrate him?

Because he is part of the Trump administration, that has proven since Day #1 (“This was the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, both in person and around the globe.”) that blatant, obvious lies are inconsequential.

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