This Election Was Not Stolen, Do You Accept That Fact?

Oh Clap. You diseased twat, you.

if your media bitches tell you what to believe, well then praise Brandon, you BELIEVE. ! Amen and amen.
Keep believing that Trump won if it makes you feel better, asscrack.

I deal in facts, not Kraken bullshit or other nonsense that has been blown up the ass of knuckleheads like you who fall for it.
Conservatives are for "the rule of law?" :auiqs.jpg: Right, 400 voter suppression bills making laws that suppress minorities from voting is what you believe in. That has shit to do with laws and everything to do with cheating. That's what conservatives believe in. You folks aren't fooling anyone. Conservative my ass.
Documentation, sources, and authentication please.
Otherwise, just more loonie Leftist propaganda and "fake news".
Uh no…you don’t. We may have whined, cried, bitched and marched in pink pussy hats but we didn’t continue to claim fraud after exhausting all court challenges, we didn’t call election officials trying to force them to change the results and we absolutely didn’t form a mob and storm the Capital trying to get the certification stopped. You raised the bar significantly.
A few years of wasted taxpayer moneys and phony legal "investigations" into "Russian collusion to steal the election from Hillary" wasn't comparable ???

Delusion runs as deep as 'De Nile' ...

Try getting a grip on reality.
It's ok, Trumpsters. Only 3 more years of crying to go.


(Maybe more)
Another conservative trying to explain away his hatred of democracy.
Another Conservative sticking to the Constitution and the foundations of our nation rather than the restructuring and "fundamental change" you bolsheviks keep trying to establish.
Okay, redo;
Compilation of Vice President Joe Biden touching girls inappropriately live on CSPAN (RAW VIDEO & AUDIO) on January 6, 2015. Imagine what he does off camera.

Okay, redo;
Compilation of Vice President Joe Biden touching girls inappropriately live on CSPAN (RAW VIDEO & AUDIO) on January 6, 2015. Imagine what he does off camera.


“Grab em by the pussy”
Keep believing that Trump won if it makes you feel better, asscrack.

I deal in facts, not Kraken bullshit or other nonsense that has been blown up the ass of knuckleheads like you who fall for it.
Keep believing whatever you wish to believe, scumsucking asslicker.

You deal in lies and fantasy. So your word and posts are worthless. Go toss senile Brandon’s racist salad some more.
Keep believing whatever you wish to believe, scumsucking asslicker.

You deal in lies and fantasy. So your word and posts are worthless. Go toss senile Brandon’s racist salad some more.
Shouldn't you be crying yourself to sleep by now hugging a blankie & sucking your thumb over Trump losing?

Nitey nite.
Okay, redo;
Compilation of Vice President Joe Biden touching girls inappropriately live on CSPAN (RAW VIDEO & AUDIO) on January 6, 2015. Imagine what he does off camera.


Aww, poor sore loser. Cry again how we stole the election. Cheers!

Shouldn't you be crying yourself to sleep by now hugging a blankie & sucking your thumb over Trump losing?

Nitey nite.
No. Not at all. I do worry about the fate of our Republic because the senile shithead pedophile whose sals you gratefully beg to toss is such a danger to America. You know, the nation you hate.

So, you have leave to go fuck off now. Go.

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