This Encapsulates The Problem With Trump

On ABC he is saying, he is aware of it's existence

ABC: Have you seen it, and what did you make of it?

TRUMP: I have seen it.



If you asked me right now "have you seen the anti-Trump ad with the women?", I'd say, "Yes, I just saw it".

What I saw was the ad in the interview that you posted from GMA.

But I couldn't tell you what was in it if pressed for specifics, because I didn't watch the whole ad.
On ABC he is saying, he is aware of it's existence

ABC: Have you seen it, and what did you make of it?

TRUMP: I have seen it.


That's what you are trying to do right now.

"I have seen it" is unequivocal.

Only when you start from the biased position of looking for a discrepancy.

When you start from an open minded position, you can easily see that this was a little bit of nothing. A casual reference to "having seen" something as "yes, I know what it is that you are asking me about, go ahead with your question".

Hey, I get it. You don't like Trump and you want this to be a big deal. But it's not. Saying you were ducking from the sniper fire, or your helicopter was hit by an RPG, or that you 'did not have sexual relations with that woman'...those are big deals that cannot be explained away.

This is a inconsequential misunderstanding. Easily explained in a reasonable way that everyone can understand.

Trump lied about seeing an ad. The thing is, after his two versions, you can't tell which one is the truth. Did he see the attack ad, or not?

Now, you are probably thinking this is a small matter, no big fucking deal. But it is a big deal, and here's why.

Trump lies even when he doesn't have to! Even on the smallest things, when he stands nothing to gain by lying, he lies.

This means lying is Trump's default position. This means Trump is a pathological liar. He literally cannot stop himself from lying.

This means if you trust Donald Trump then you are an idiot. A Trump Chump.

Wow, yeah, he did make himself look really stupid.

I think I know what went on there. I don't think he meant to look like he was lying. In the first clip, I think what he meant was that he was aware that the ad existed.

But I don't think he still had time to watch when the second interview happened, and by then, everyone in the press had. It's clear they wanted to talk about it, and at that point he had to own up and say, hey, I'm ignorant of the production, direction, editing and exact content, etc. of the work.

How can you rebut what you are ignorant of?

Just my take on it.

It's pretty damning shit though. I'm surprised more people on the net haven't bothered to view it.

I like to see him explain.
Trump made his money by suckering chumps to lose their asses in his casinos. He didn't get rich from the rubes winning in his house.

Think about that.

He also suckered the chumps into attending his bogus "university".

He is literally a lying fraud.

Don't say you weren't warned.
Think that Trump will ever play golf on your golf course?

Trump made his money by suckering chumps to lose their asses in his casinos. He didn't get rich from the rubes winning in his house.

Think about that.

He also suckered the chumps into attending his bogus "university".

He is literally a lying fraud.

Don't say you weren't warned.

How did Clinto get rich?
Unbelieveable, libtards are mad at trump for lying after voting for the biggest liar of all time ....twice...:rofl:

Shouldn't conservatives be mad at Trump lying? After all we hated Clinton and Obama doing it. Were we wrong to be upset over them lying?

Trump lied about seeing an ad. The thing is, after his two versions, you can't tell which one is the truth. Did he see the attack ad, or not?

Now, you are probably thinking this is a small matter, no big fucking deal. But it is a big deal, and here's why.

Trump lies even when he doesn't have to! Even on the smallest things, when he stands nothing to gain by lying, he lies.

This means lying is Trump's default position. This means Trump is a pathological liar. He literally cannot stop himself from lying.

This means if you trust Donald Trump then you are an idiot. A Trump Chump.

Two words come to mid with Donald Trump: Asperger's Syndrome?
From experience, I never trust a clip that is cut off as fast as the ABC clip was. Got a video of that whole interview from ABC? For all I know, he is talking about a completely DIFFERENT ad in the first interview...a Romney ad...and he is was informed between interviews that that was not the ad they were referencing.

Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie are deep in the Liberal Media envelope, and you can't trust them without verifying everything.
Here is the whole interview from ABC. He is asked about the ad at 2:50.


Thanks. I ran down both interviews, and in my opinion, this is a big nothing.

He says virtually the same thing in both interviews, that he has seen the in, he is aware that it is out there and understands what the content is, who put it out and why.

NBC then pushes him about if he changing specifics, and he says he hasn't watched the ad.

Makes perfect sense.

I saw an anti Trump ad the other day and changed the channel. I did see it, but I didn't watch it.

Nitpicky desperation tempest in a teapot.

He blatantly contradicts Himself and that makes perfect sense?

Does integrity mean so little nowadays? If he can't be honest about this non important issue why the heck should we believe his policies?
He blatantly contradicts Himself and that makes perfect sense?

Does integrity mean so little nowadays? If he can't be honest about this non important issue why the heck should we believe his policies?

Only when you work from the biased position of looking for a discrepancy do you manage to create one.

When you start from an open minded position, you can easily see that this was a little bit of nothing. A casual reference to "having seen" something as "yes, I know what it is that you are asking me about, go ahead with your question".

Hey, I get it. You don't like Trump and you want this to be a big deal. But it's not. Saying you were ducking from the sniper fire, or your helicopter was hit by an RPG, or that you 'did not have sexual relations with that woman'...those are big deals that cannot be explained away.

This is a inconsequential misunderstanding. Easily explained in a reasonable way that everyone can understand.

(It's so nice when I can recycle a post instead of having to waste time writing a new one).
From experience, I never trust a clip that is cut off as fast as the ABC clip was. Got a video of that whole interview from ABC? For all I know, he is talking about a completely DIFFERENT ad in the first interview...a Romney ad...and he is was informed between interviews that that was not the ad they were referencing.

Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie are deep in the Liberal Media envelope, and you can't trust them without verifying everything.
Here is the whole interview from ABC. He is asked about the ad at 2:50.


Thanks. I ran down both interviews, and in my opinion, this is a big nothing.

He says virtually the same thing in both interviews, that he has seen the in, he is aware that it is out there and understands what the content is, who put it out and why.

NBC then pushes him about if he changing specifics, and he says he hasn't watched the ad.

Makes perfect sense.

I saw an anti Trump ad the other day and changed the channel. I did see it, but I didn't watch it.

Nitpicky desperation tempest in a teapot.

He blatantly contradicts Himself and that makes perfect sense?

Does integrity mean so little nowadays? If he can't be honest about this non important issue why the heck should we believe his policies?

Are you voting for Clinton, or Bernie? Did you vote for Obama?
He blatantly contradicts Himself and that makes perfect sense?

Does integrity mean so little nowadays? If he can't be honest about this non important issue why the heck should we believe his policies?

Only when you work from the biased position of looking for a discrepancy do you manage to create one.

When you start from an open minded position, you can easily see that this was a little bit of nothing. A casual reference to "having seen" something as "yes, I know what it is that you are asking me about, go ahead with your question".

Hey, I get it. You don't like Trump and you want this to be a big deal. But it's not. Saying you were ducking from the sniper fire, or your helicopter was hit by an RPG, or that you 'did not have sexual relations with that woman'...those are big deals that cannot be explained away.

This is a inconsequential misunderstanding. Easily explained in a reasonable way that everyone can understand.

(It's so nice when I can recycle a post instead of having to waste time writing a new one).

He said he had seen it and then said he hasn't. Those are mutually exclusive positions. No amount of mental gymnastics is going to change that. He lied. Period

Trump lied about seeing an ad. The thing is, after his two versions, you can't tell which one is the truth. Did he see the attack ad, or not?

Now, you are probably thinking this is a small matter, no big fucking deal. But it is a big deal, and here's why.

Trump lies even when he doesn't have to! Even on small matters, when he stands nothing to gain by lying, he lies.

This means lying is Trump's default position. This means Trump is a pathological liar.

This means if you trust Donald Trump then you are an idiot. A Trump Chump.

Trump is a billionaire you have the problems

From experience, I never trust a clip that is cut off as fast as the ABC clip was. Got a video of that whole interview from ABC? For all I know, he is talking about a completely DIFFERENT ad in the first interview...a Romney ad...and he is was informed between interviews that that was not the ad they were referencing.

Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie are deep in the Liberal Media envelope, and you can't trust them without verifying everything.
Here is the whole interview from ABC. He is asked about the ad at 2:50.


Thanks. I ran down both interviews, and in my opinion, this is a big nothing.

He says virtually the same thing in both interviews, that he has seen the in, he is aware that it is out there and understands what the content is, who put it out and why.

NBC then pushes him about if he changing specifics, and he says he hasn't watched the ad.

Makes perfect sense.

I saw an anti Trump ad the other day and changed the channel. I did see it, but I didn't watch it.

Nitpicky desperation tempest in a teapot.

He blatantly contradicts Himself and that makes perfect sense?

Does integrity mean so little nowadays? If he can't be honest about this non important issue why the heck should we believe his policies?

Are you voting for Clinton, or Bernie? Did you vote for Obama?

I'm voting to the on conservative remaining in this race. And that is Cruz.
From experience, I never trust a clip that is cut off as fast as the ABC clip was. Got a video of that whole interview from ABC? For all I know, he is talking about a completely DIFFERENT ad in the first interview...a Romney ad...and he is was informed between interviews that that was not the ad they were referencing.

Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie are deep in the Liberal Media envelope, and you can't trust them without verifying everything.
Here is the whole interview from ABC. He is asked about the ad at 2:50.


Thanks. I ran down both interviews, and in my opinion, this is a big nothing.

He says virtually the same thing in both interviews, that he has seen the in, he is aware that it is out there and understands what the content is, who put it out and why.

NBC then pushes him about if he changing specifics, and he says he hasn't watched the ad.

Makes perfect sense.

I saw an anti Trump ad the other day and changed the channel. I did see it, but I didn't watch it.

Nitpicky desperation tempest in a teapot.

He blatantly contradicts Himself and that makes perfect sense?

Does integrity mean so little nowadays? If he can't be honest about this non important issue why the heck should we believe his policies?

Are you voting for Clinton, or Bernie? Did you vote for Obama?

I'm voting to the on conservative remaining in this race. And that is Cruz.

What if Trump doesn't get the nomination?
He blatantly contradicts Himself and that makes perfect sense?

Does integrity mean so little nowadays? If he can't be honest about this non important issue why the heck should we believe his policies?

Only when you work from the biased position of looking for a discrepancy do you manage to create one.

When you start from an open minded position, you can easily see that this was a little bit of nothing. A casual reference to "having seen" something as "yes, I know what it is that you are asking me about, go ahead with your question".

Hey, I get it. You don't like Trump and you want this to be a big deal. But it's not. Saying you were ducking from the sniper fire, or your helicopter was hit by an RPG, or that you 'did not have sexual relations with that woman'...those are big deals that cannot be explained away.

This is a inconsequential misunderstanding. Easily explained in a reasonable way that everyone can understand.

(It's so nice when I can recycle a post instead of having to waste time writing a new one).

Just like Marco Rubio...

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