This Guy's Rant Sums it All Up

"The only nonviolent solution" to government oppression and statist/authoritarian erosion of your rights was "THE VOTE." And they just TOOK IT AWAY FROM YOU!!!

actually there is a correct non-violent traditional American patriotic solution:

Accept the will of the American people and STFU if you cant give the change in direction that has been legally chosen by the majority of Americans and the Electoral College.

Quite peaceful.
Wait... weren't you part of the group that after Hillary wanted the Electoral College to be disbanded?
Also weren't you part of the group that wants police defunded?
Also weren't you part of the group that want to tear down the border walls and encourage ILLEGAL Immigration?
Also weren't you part of the group that want a Federal law that we all must wear masks, regardless of area, age, etc?
Bottom line, weren't you part of the group that wants to encourage racism, poverty and lawlessness?
Glad I'm 77 years old but feel bad for my granddaughter with people like you around. Sad.. those of us that are law-abiding will protect your right to life but you want to remove my rights to freedom. SAD!
I just want to be assured of ballot integrity, I see you commies don't care about that. If you were you wouldn't be trying to eliminate the safeguards.

You guys were claiming there was no integrity before a single vote was cast.

Yep, because mass mailing to everyone on defective registration lists creates an atmosphere for fraud. Then you had nazi palousey trying to eliminate voter ID, signature verifications and instituting ballot harvesting nationwide. Add to that more than 300 law suits filed by commie lawyers all over the country trying to illegally force States to violate their own election laws and some were successful because of willing commie SOSs and others by corrupt judges that can't seem to read the Constitution. So you're right the election was corrupted before the first vote was cast and everyone fucking knows it.

A blizzard of snowflakery from vacant headed morons who have lived in an alternate reality for far too long.

Isn't it possible, meh most probable, that yet another fair American election happened and your boy got fewer votes?

When his approval rating MEVER broke the 50% mark by EVERY METRIC, why can't you folks simmer down and accept the fact Trump was far too polarizing to ever win a majority?

A day will dawn when you sober up, grow up and realize you were wrong all along. I understand you feel neutered, forgotten and disenfranchised. But the human vessel you selected to right all those perceived wrongs is a deeply flawed human being.

He lacks maturity, empathy, grace and class. His appeal is roughly the same as a professional wrestler. Not a leader and certainly not a leader in times of national distress.

So here you are. Sitting by the ditch, plucking thorns from the soles of your feet and wondering how it went so terribly wrong. Have a moment of catharsis. But stop telling us it was the fault of others.

The fault, dear Brutus, is in our stars.
Yep, because mass mailing to everyone on defective registration lists creates an atmosphere for fraud. Then you had nazi palousey trying to eliminate voter ID, signature verifications and instituting ballot harvesting nationwide. Add to that more than 300 law suits filed by commie lawyers all over the country trying to illegally force States to violate their own election laws and some were successful because of willing commie SOSs and others by corrupt judges that can't seem to read the Constitution. So you're right the election was corrupted before the first vote was cast and everyone fucking knows it.

Actually, there's nothing in the constitution that limits the ability to vote. If anything, the 15th, 17th, 19th, 23rd and 26th Amendments were specifically designed to expand the franchise and make it easier to vote.

So let's be honest, you are upset poor people and people of color voted in greater numbers this time, and voted your orange piece of human filth out. Please don't pretend you care about "election integrity".

We rejected you. Deal with it.

If you fucks put half the effort in to trying to win people over you put into trying to keep them from voting, you might even win some elections honestly.
Yep, because mass mailing to everyone on defective registration lists creates an atmosphere for fraud. Then you had nazi palousey trying to eliminate voter ID, signature verifications and instituting ballot harvesting nationwide. Add to that more than 300 law suits filed by commie lawyers all over the country trying to illegally force States to violate their own election laws and some were successful because of willing commie SOSs and others by corrupt judges that can't seem to read the Constitution. So you're right the election was corrupted before the first vote was cast and everyone fucking knows it.

Actually, there's nothing in the constitution that limits the ability to vote. If anything, the 15th, 17th, 19th, 23rd and 26th Amendments were specifically designed to expand the franchise and make it easier to vote.

So let's be honest, you are upset poor people and people of color voted in greater numbers this time, and voted your orange piece of human filth out. Please don't pretend you care about "election integrity".

We rejected you. Deal with it.

If you fucks put half the effort in to trying to win people over you put into trying to keep them from voting, you might even win some elections honestly.

Wow, deflection. How commie of you. Why don't you address what I actually said instead of spewing your commie talking points?

Wow, deflection. How commie of you. Why don't you address what I actually said instead of spewing your commie talking points?

No deflection at all. The vote was perfectly legal.... Trump lost. Deal with it.

Yeah, tell that to the guy that was on Laura Ingraham's program last night. He's been in TN for the last 14 months training for the Olympic wrestling team, yet he found out he supposedly voted in AZ, it was news to him. Makes you wonder how many others there were. So feel free to keep lying to yourself, you're the only one that is being convinced.

Yeah, tell that to the guy that was on Laura Ingraham's program last night. He's been in TN for the last 14 months training for the Olympic wrestling team, yet he found out he supposedly voted in AZ, it was news to him. Makes you wonder how many others there were. So feel free to keep lying to yourself, you're the only one that is being convinced.

I put him up there with people who claimed they were abducted by aliens.
Yeah, tell that to the guy that was on Laura Ingraham's program last night. He's been in TN for the last 14 months training for the Olympic wrestling team, yet he found out he supposedly voted in AZ, it was news to him. Makes you wonder how many others there were. So feel free to keep lying to yourself, you're the only one that is being convinced.

I put him up there with people who claimed they were abducted by aliens.

Of course you would, you, like all commies have zero intellectual honesty.

Of course you would, you, like all commies have zero intellectual honesty.

Anyone can get on Fox News and claim anything....

The people who claim they were abducted by aliens are equally sincere.

Of course you would, you, like all commies have zero intellectual honesty.

Anyone can get on Fox News and claim anything....

The people who claim they were abducted by aliens are equally sincere.

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Like I said, zero intellectual honesty, are you seriously trying to compare a report from a local station to a national network broadcast?

Fuck off, there nothing fair and square about States ignoring their own election laws, or the post office back dating post marks.

or the post office back dating post marks.

You are a conned, ignorant duped by Trump fool.

This little Trump deviant asshole needs to be locked up. Did you donate?
Hopkins has now signed an affidavit recanting his false claims, which the House Oversight Committee noted in a Twitter thread. GOP donors paid USPS ‘whistleblower’ $136,000 for election fraud allegations — that he just recanted

Do you feel stupid yet? You should.

What that person did was illegal.

It's illegal to take a bribe and to lie on an affidavit.

That person is looking at a lot of legal problems.

Warning: NSFW (language)

"The only nonviolent solution" to government oppression and statist/authoritarian erosion of your rights was "THE VOTE." And they just TOOK IT AWAY FROM YOU!!!

So, now what?

Good summary of what will happen.

When a long haired rocker makes much more sense than teachers and professors, I know I have lived through my nation going upside down.

I like this guy.
And morons like you can come into forums and act like an anus.

The chairman of the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) stated that he believes there is evidence of voter fraud and other alleged irregularities.

So some hack Trump supported claims this.... and we should just ignore the people in the states including Republicans, who said that it isn't true.

Got it.
Fuck off, there nothing fair and square about States ignoring their own election laws, or the post office back dating post marks.

or the post office back dating post marks.

You are a conned, ignorant duped by Trump fool.

This little Trump deviant asshole needs to be locked up. Did you donate?
Hopkins has now signed an affidavit recanting his false claims, which the House Oversight Committee noted in a Twitter thread. GOP donors paid USPS ‘whistleblower’ $136,000 for election fraud allegations — that he just recanted

Do you feel stupid yet? You should.

Haven't even heard about the PA postal worker, I was talking about MI. So carry on fool.

That guy recanted his claims.

"I didn't specifically overhear the whole story. I just heard a part of it," Hopkins said in the recording. "And I could have missed a lot of it."

"My mind probably added the rest. I understand that," he said at another point, adding: "All it is is hearsay, and that's the worst part."

When an agent asked Hopkins in the recording if he would still swear to the affidavit's claim that the postmaster "was back-dating ballots," he replied: "At this point? No."

I just want to be assured of ballot integrity, I see you commies don't care about that. If you were you wouldn't be trying to eliminate the safeguards.

You guys were claiming there was no integrity before a single vote was cast.

Yep, because mass mailing to everyone on defective registration lists creates an atmosphere for fraud. Then you had nazi palousey trying to eliminate voter ID, signature verifications and instituting ballot harvesting nationwide. Add to that more than 300 law suits filed by commie lawyers all over the country trying to illegally force States to violate their own election laws and some were successful because of willing commie SOSs and others by corrupt judges that can't seem to read the Constitution. So you're right the election was corrupted before the first vote was cast and everyone fucking knows it.

You're fucked in the head, con. Of the contested states, Nevada is the only one which mails out ballots to everyone on their rolls.

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