This Guy's Rant Sums it All Up

That's amusing...

Trump’s white evangelical Christian nationalist base just got orders from a top pro-Trump preacher: Biden won - pray for him. Biden is a Christian.

what is your deal with the election denial?
Dallas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress, one of the president’s top allies from the religious right movement, admitted the loss was a “bitter pill to swallow,” but agreed that Trump had lost to his Democratic challenger, reported The Dallas Morning News. Trump-loving megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress urges followers to accept Biden as president-elect
Give it up. When Trump loses the white religious right he’s lost half his base.
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The simple truth is we set up an election where fraud was baked into the cake and now the result is being questioned. Mail in voting is a disaster and you could see it coming a mile off but anyone who pointed out what a debacle it was going to create was labeled as someone who wanted to "suppress" the vote!

Mail in voting worked just fine.

It has for years.

So you actually believe that Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate for President EVER? Someone who was SO bad on the campaign stump that his handlers hid him for the better part of four months? Someone when he DID speak was so prone to utter gibberish at any time it became a running gag? Yet THAT guy got more votes than Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan?

Yes, actually, it's completely plausible.

Let's not forget, no one really thought Obama was going to lose in 2008, Bush had fucked up things so badly and McCain really didn't have a leg to stand on. Recession and War, more of the same? Voter participation dropped in 2012 and stayed level in 2016. This time, people had a reason to vote like their LIVES depended on it after Trump managed to kill more people than all the wars since WWII combined.

If anything is suspicious to me, it's that Trump got more votes than he did in 2016. I mean, I can see some mouth breather like you being so invested in their mistake they can't admit they were wrong, but someone making a whole new mistake?
"If anything is suspicious to me, it's that Trump got more votes than he did in 2016. I mean, I can see some mouth breather like you being so invested in their mistake they can't admit they were wrong, but someone making a whole new mistake?"

I feel the same way....some of the Florida returns are pretty suspicious. Neighboring counties around Duval County:

  1. Duval Biden 51-47
  2. Nassau Trump 72-26
  3. Baker Trump 85-14
  4. Clay Trump 68-31
  5. Bradford Trump 76-23
  6. Union Trump 82-17
  7. St Johns Trump 63-36

I can certainly believe that Biden lost all of those counties 2-7 but by those percentages? Seems odd.

Nothing odd at all, republicans knocked on more than 150 million doors, they had a good ground game. On the other hand, biden had no ground game at all. That's why minorities went for Trump in greater numbers than any republican in history.

And he still lost in a Biden landslide.

ROFLMAO, has the EC voted and no one told me?

Why would you vote for a guy who promised to give us the same tepid economy we endured for eight years of the Obama Administration over the guy that gave us historically good economic numbers?

again, Trump's economic numbers were worse than Obama. Trump will be the first President to leave office having posted a NET JOBS LOSS.

You think Biden is the answer to the pandemic? Because he wears a mask? You're an idiot, Joe! Biden's response to the pandemic will be to shut down the economy again. Trump's response to it was to push through vaccines in record time! THAT will be the answer to the pandemic...not hiding under the bed with Sleepy Joe!

Biden will be better because he'll listen to the scientists, he won't tell people to drink bleach and fish tank cleaner and shove a UV light up their ass like Trump did.

Yeah, you commies want to just shit can the Constitution, because it always gets in your way of one party rule. You seem to forget you lost two more State legislatures that you'd need to pass a constitutional amendment. There's also at least one commiecrat senator that says he won't vote for you commie agenda. Oh, you don't have the 2/3rds majority in either house of congress required to even pass a proposal to eliminate the EC. So feel free to continue to having your wet dreams, just remember to keep a tissue handy. LMAO

Guy, we can get rid of the EC without amending the Constitution. Just get enough states to sign on to the Interstate Compact. After this fucking fiasco, you'll see a lot of people want to sign on. Trump's attacks on election integrity will make it that much more attractive to sane folks.
Why would you vote for a guy who promised to give us the same tepid economy we endured for eight years of the Obama Administration over the guy that gave us historically good economic numbers?

again, Trump's economic numbers were worse than Obama. Trump will be the first President to leave office having posted a NET JOBS LOSS.

You think Biden is the answer to the pandemic? Because he wears a mask? You're an idiot, Joe! Biden's response to the pandemic will be to shut down the economy again. Trump's response to it was to push through vaccines in record time! THAT will be the answer to the pandemic...not hiding under the bed with Sleepy Joe!

Biden will be better because he'll listen to the scientists, he won't tell people to drink bleach and fish tank cleaner and shove a UV light up their ass like Trump did.

Yeah, you commies want to just shit can the Constitution, because it always gets in your way of one party rule. You seem to forget you lost two more State legislatures that you'd need to pass a constitutional amendment. There's also at least one commiecrat senator that says he won't vote for you commie agenda. Oh, you don't have the 2/3rds majority in either house of congress required to even pass a proposal to eliminate the EC. So feel free to continue to having your wet dreams, just remember to keep a tissue handy. LMAO

Guy, we can get rid of the EC without amending the Constitution. Just get enough states to sign on to the Interstate Compact. After this fucking fiasco, you'll see a lot of people want to sign on. Trump's attacks on election integrity will make it that much more attractive to sane folks.
Take away the awful numbers resulting from the Covid 19 pandemic...something that ravaged the entire world's economies and Donald Trump's economic numbers were historically good! Obama? His 8 years of economic malfeasance was only saved from being historically BAD by the gas and oil boom brought about by fracking...something Barry opposed!

Trump's reaction to the pandemic was to mobilize American industry to build so many ventilators we now supply the rest of the world with them! His reaction was to fast track vaccines so we now have them coming on line at a record amount of time! His reaction was to create more testing than any other nation in the world! Compare that to what Sleepy Joe and Barack did during the Swine Flu pandemic! They didn't do DIDDLY! The only reason hundreds of thousands of people didn't die during THAT was our elderly population had already been exposed to a variation of the Swine Flu! Biden will be as big an idiot when it comes to Covid as he is with everything else! He was always the dumbest man in the Senate. Now he's bringing that sheer stupidity to the Oval Office!
Take away the awful numbers resulting from the Covid 19 pandemic...something that ravaged the entire world's economies and Donald Trump's economic numbers were historically good!

Actually, they were shit before Covid. Weak GDP Growth, minor gains in employment at a time when we have more people retiring than entering the workforce...

Then he fucked up Covid, and that was pretty much it. It's why he's gone in a couple of months.
Why would you vote for a guy who promised to give us the same tepid economy we endured for eight years of the Obama Administration over the guy that gave us historically good economic numbers?

again, Trump's economic numbers were worse than Obama. Trump will be the first President to leave office having posted a NET JOBS LOSS.

You think Biden is the answer to the pandemic? Because he wears a mask? You're an idiot, Joe! Biden's response to the pandemic will be to shut down the economy again. Trump's response to it was to push through vaccines in record time! THAT will be the answer to the pandemic...not hiding under the bed with Sleepy Joe!

Biden will be better because he'll listen to the scientists, he won't tell people to drink bleach and fish tank cleaner and shove a UV light up their ass like Trump did.

Yeah, you commies want to just shit can the Constitution, because it always gets in your way of one party rule. You seem to forget you lost two more State legislatures that you'd need to pass a constitutional amendment. There's also at least one commiecrat senator that says he won't vote for you commie agenda. Oh, you don't have the 2/3rds majority in either house of congress required to even pass a proposal to eliminate the EC. So feel free to continue to having your wet dreams, just remember to keep a tissue handy. LMAO

Guy, we can get rid of the EC without amending the Constitution. Just get enough states to sign on to the Interstate Compact. After this fucking fiasco, you'll see a lot of people want to sign on. Trump's attacks on election integrity will make it that much more attractive to sane folks.

Yeah, you go for that. See how far it gets in practice. And it's you commies that are trying to remove all safeguards to ballot integrity.

Yeah, you go for that. See how far it gets in practice. And it's you commies that are trying to remove all safeguards to ballot integrity.

Guy, the EC isn't a good system. The fact that Biden CLEARLY WON BY 5 MILLION VOTES, but Trump is still trying to scam his way over a few hundred thousand votes in three states is a broken system.

Ballot integrity, meaning, Those Damned Darkies get to Vote. You knew you shouldn't have gotten rid of poll taxes and literacy tests.
Yeah, you go for that. See how far it gets in practice. And it's you commies that are trying to remove all safeguards to ballot integrity.

Guy, the EC isn't a good system. The fact that Biden CLEARLY WON BY 5 MILLION VOTES, but Trump is still trying to scam his way over a few hundred thousand votes in three states is a broken system.

Ballot integrity, meaning, Those Damned Darkies get to Vote. You knew you shouldn't have gotten rid of poll taxes and literacy tests.

STFU racist, those "Damned Darkies", as you put it, are just as capable of following the laws as any other citizen. And to think otherwise makes you a bigot of the first order. You commies always try to excuse lawlessness when you think you benefit from it.

STFU racist, those "Damned Darkies", as you put it, are just as capable of following the laws as any other citizen. And to think otherwise makes you a bigot of the first order. You commies always try to excuse lawlessness when you think you benefit from it.

No laws were broken... they exercised their right to vote... that's what pisses you off.
STFU racist, those "Damned Darkies", as you put it, are just as capable of following the laws as any other citizen. And to think otherwise makes you a bigot of the first order. You commies always try to excuse lawlessness when you think you benefit from it.

No laws were broken... they exercised their right to vote... that's what pisses you off.

Really? An appetite court just threw out a batch of PA mail in votes where the folks failed to provide ID required by law. The votes received after election day will likely be throw out as well. Also there were Secs of State that entered into consent decrees illegally, only State legislatures have the authority to alter State election laws and procedures, not Secs of State or the courts. Many law were broken, you commies just refuse to admit it.

Fuck off, there nothing fair and square about States ignoring their own election laws, or the post office back dating post marks.

or the post office back dating post marks.

You are a conned, ignorant duped by Trump fool.

This little Trump deviant asshole needs to be locked up. Did you donate?
Hopkins has now signed an affidavit recanting his false claims, which the House Oversight Committee noted in a Twitter thread. GOP donors paid USPS ‘whistleblower’ $136,000 for election fraud allegations — that he just recanted

Do you feel stupid yet? You should.
Raw Sewage is agitprop shit....Hopkins has posted videos calling the "recanted" stories outright lies.
Hopkins has posted videos calling the "recanted" stories outright lies.

Hopkins word means nothing - there was no backdating and only two ballets from the facility in question were dated November 3, if and only if, the postal supervisor actually instructed workers to backdate November 4 ballots to November 3.

Nine were dated November 4 from that facility.

No election fraud here you idiot.

Veritas found a postal worker dupe to lie about a crime of backdating two out of eleven ballots and the liar didn’t witness any crime.

and stupid Trump voters paid the dupe of Veritas $136,000 for two ballots of potential fraud that may have been votes for Trump anyway. -who knows.

Stupid Republicans paid $68, 000 each for two Alleged tampered votes.

my god when do you idiots just give up ?

Pennsylvania Postal Worker Waffles on Election Fraud Claim
By Saranac Hale Spencer
Posted on November 12, 2020
  • Quick Take
A postal worker in Erie, Pennsylvania, claimed that his superiors were backdating postmarks on ballots, then told federal investigators that he didn’t actually know that — and then went back to his original position. Despite the flimsiness of the claim, President Donald Trump and his supporters have used it in their effort to blame widespread election fraud for his electoral defeat.
Full Story
A postal worker in Erie, Pennsylvania, who claimed that his superiors were backdating the postmarks on ballots received after Election Day recanted his allegation, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform announced on Nov. 10, citing information from the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General.
But Richard Hopkins, the mail carrier who made the allegation, later said that he hasn’t recanted.
His claim was that two days after the election, he heard the Erie postmaster say to a supervisor that they had “messed up” by failing to backdate the postmark on a ballot that arrived after Nov. 3 at the Erie postal facility.

Many aspects of Hopkins’ claim are unclear — from its shaky underpinnings to whether or not it has been recanted — but we’ll lay out what we know since President Donald Trump and his supporters are using it in their effort to blame widespread voter fraud for Trump’s defeat in the election.
Among those promoting the claim is Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, who pledged on Nov. 7 to request that the Department of Justice investigate Hopkins’ claim.

The Trump campaign also cited Hopkins’ claim in a federal lawsuit filed Nov. 9 aimed at blocking Pennsylvania from certifying its election results. President-elect Joe Biden holds a more than 53,000-vote lead in the state, according to the unofficial vote tally so far.
And Trump retweeted Hopkins’ video denying that he had recanted, calling him a “brave patriot” on Nov. 10.
But the claim is flimsy.
Hopkins first made the allegation anonymously in a video with James O’Keefe, founder of the conservative activist organization Project Veritas, on Nov. 5. Hopkins provided no evidence to support his allegation beyond repeating a conversation he claimed to have overheard. Erie Postmaster Robert Weisenbach, who was targeted in the allegation, told O’Keefe on a phone call included in the original video that the allegation was “untrue.”
So, initially, the claim amounted to one man’s word against another’s.
But evidence has mounted since then that weighs against Hopkins’ account.
On Nov. 10, the Erie Times-News reviewed129 mail-in ballot envelopes that were postmarked Nov. 3, which was Election Day, but arrived at the Erie County Board of Elections after that. Election officials oversaw the review, according to the newspaper. Of those 129 ballots, only two were processed through the Erie facility, the newspaper reported.
“A bulk of the ballots were processed at various [postal service] locations across the state and the country, from places as far west as Tacoma, Washington, and as far south as Florida,” the newspaper reported. Those voters were registered in Erie County, but were out of town for any number of reasons, including for work or college.
“Not only did the Erie Times-News review find that only two late-arriving ballots processed at the Erie postal facility have a Nov. 3 postmark,” the story said, “but it also found that nine late ballots processed in Erie were postmarked Nov. 4 or later.”
Further undercutting Hopkins’ claim is audio from the interview conducted with him by postal investigators after the initial Project Veritas video. Hopkins secretly recorded the interview (he revealed to the agents that he had been recording it at the end), and Project Veritas posted it on YouTube.
The recording lasts for about two hours and features two postal investigators who talk through Hopkins’ claim with him.
Hopkins’ allegation rests largely on a conversation he said that he overheard in a common area at the Erie postal facility on Nov. 5 between two of his superiors.
Referring to Weisenbach, the postmaster, Hopkins said in the original Project Veritas video, “I heard him say to the supervisor that they messed up yesterday… and he told the supervisor they had postmarked one of the ballots the fourth instead of the third, because they were supposed to put them for the third.”
But in the interview with investigators, Hopkins said, “I didn’t specifically hear the whole story. I just heard a part of it and I could’ve missed a lot of it. … My mind probably added the rest.”
At one point, the investigators, who conducted the interview at the Erie facility, took Hopkins to the area where he said the conversation had happened, but he was unable to hear the investigator speaking at the same distance that Hopkins would have been from Weisenbach.
Hopkins said that the words he actually heard were: “ballots picked up on the fourth … one of them was marked the fourth and the rest were the third.”
He said that he never heard the word “backdate” and repeatedly acknowledged that he made assumptions about the meaning of the words he overheard.
Agapi Doulaveris, spokeswoman for the U.S. Postal Service inspector general’s office, told us by email the office doesn’t comment on ongoing investigations, so we don’t know if Hopkins made any other statements in the interview about withdrawing or amending his claim. But we do know that in the audio of the interview, posted by Project Veritas, Hopkins revised his claim and no longer stood by his initial assertion.
After that, though, he changed his mind, again, and flipped back to his original accusation. Hopkins appeared in another video with O’Keefe, posted on Nov. 11, in which he reported being put on unpaid leave from the Postal Service and said of the investigators, “They were grilling the hell out of me. … I feel like I just got played.”
In the audio recording of the interview with investigators, though, Hopkins said that he understood that his participation was voluntary and repeatedly confirmed that he was comfortable with participating. At one point, he told the investigators that he understood signing a statement that reflected his revised version of what he heard “will save my ass.”
It’s also worth noting that Hopkins’ claim was very similar to another accusation promoted by Project Veritas.
This fact check is available at IFCN’s 2020 US Elections FactChat #Chatbot on WhatsApp. Click here for more.
House Committee on Oversight and Reform (@OversightDems). “BREAKING NEWS: Erie, Pa. #USPS whistleblower completely RECANTED his allegations of a supervisor tampering with mail-in ballots after being questioned by investigators, according to IG.” Twitter. 10 Nov 2020.
Project Veritas. “USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins: ‘I DID NOT RECANT.’” YouTube. 10 Nov 2020.
Ruiz, Michael. “Graham says Judiciary Committee will probe ‘all credible allegations of voting irregularities.’” Fox News. 8 Nov 2020.
Federal Prosecution of Election Offenses — Eighth Edition.” Department of Justice. Dec 2017.
Donald J. Trump for President v. Boockvar. 4:20-cv-02078. Complaint. U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. 9 Nov 2020.
Trump, Donald (@realDonaldTrump). “A brave patriot. More & more people are stepping forward to expose this Rigged Election!” Twitter. 10 Nov 2020.
Project Veritas. “Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Exposes Anti-Trump Postmaster’s Illegal Order To Back-Date Ballots.” YouTube. 5 Nov 2020.
Rink, Matthew. “Only 2 ballots that arrived late and had Nov. 3 postmark came from Erie postal facility.” Erie Times-News. 10 Nov 2020.
Pennsylvania Democratic Party v. Boockvar. No. 133 MM 2020. Supreme Court of Pennsylvania — Middle District. 8 Sep 2020.
Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar. No. 20A84. U.S. Supreme Court. 6 Nov 2020.
Project Veritas. “RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents.” YouTube. 11 Nov 2020.
Doulaveris, Agapi. Spokesman, U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General. Email to 11 Nov 2020.
Project Veritas. “USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Gives New Interview Detailing Coercion Tactics Used By Fed Agents.” YouTube. 11 Nov 2020.

Oversight Committee

BREAKING NEWS: Erie, Pa. #USPS whistleblower completely RECANTED his allegations of a supervisor tampering with mail-in ballots after being questioned by investigators, according to IG.

Hopkins signed a sworn affidavit claiming that he personally witnessed a discussion between
and other employees in which they plotted to date late-arriving ballots with a November 3rd postmark and then forwarding them to the local election commission.

The accusation was promoted by Project Veritas and was mentioned by Senate Judiciary Chairman Republican Lindsey Graham, who vowed to open investigations into the accusation. Graham has not yet rescinded his call for hearings.
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The simple truth is that Trump is being a sore loser c*nt. He lost fair and square. Get over it.
You mean, just like your side got over 2016? Sure...

Pretty sure Obama did not pull this Trump shit when it was quite obvious that HRC lost.

so why are you crybabies supporting doubting the asswhipping Biden/Harris put on TrumoO/whatshisface in PA Mi & Wi compared to 2916?
So you actually believe that Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate for President EVER? Someone who was SO bad on the campaign stump that his handlers hid him for the better part of four months? Someone when he DID speak was so prone to utter gibberish at any time it became a running gag? Yet THAT guy got more votes than Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan?

Yes..he did. And if your savior actually did the job he was elected to do, he'd be re-elected right now.
But he's a carnival barking fraud. What does that say about you? :)
You honestly believe that babbling idiot...someone that NOBODY on the Democratic side was excited about...a guy that's run for President so many times he'd become a punchline as a think THAT guy got more votes than any candidate in the history of the United States? That's amusing...

He has just enough education to be dangerously stupid! And he has alot of Dimm company.
Fuck off, there nothing fair and square about States ignoring their own election laws, or the post office back dating post marks.

or the post office back dating post marks.

You are a conned, ignorant duped by Trump fool.

This little Trump deviant asshole needs to be locked up. Did you donate?
Hopkins has now signed an affidavit recanting his false claims, which the House Oversight Committee noted in a Twitter thread. GOP donors paid USPS ‘whistleblower’ $136,000 for election fraud allegations — that he just recanted

Do you feel stupid yet? You should.
Raw Sewage is agitprop shit....Hopkins has posted videos calling the "recanted" stories outright lies.

It figures that raw sewage shitnozzled that lie.
It figures that raw sewage shitnozzled that lie.

That’s some fraud Veritas captured:

“only two late-arriving ballots processed at the Erie postal facility have a Nov. 3 postmark

“Not only did the Erie Times-News review find that only two late-arriving ballots processed at the Erie postal facility have a Nov. 3 postmark,” the story said, “but it also found that nine late ballots processed in Erie were postmarked Nov. 4 or later.”

Do you realize what an ignorant Sucker you are for defending this Veritas scam and the idiot who doesn’t really know what he overheard.
It figures that raw sewage shitnozzled that lie.

That’s some fraud Veritas captured:

“only two late-arriving ballots processed at the Erie postal facility have a Nov. 3 postmark

“Not only did the Erie Times-News review find that only two late-arriving ballots processed at the Erie postal facility have a Nov. 3 postmark,” the story said, “but it also found that nine late ballots processed in Erie were postmarked Nov. 4 or later.”

Do you realize what an ignorant Sucker you are for defending this Veritas scam and the idiot who doesn’t really know what he overheard.

I realize that you and your ilk are addicted to fake news.
I realize that you and your ilk are addicted to fake news.

what fake news?
Do you have proof that this is fake news?​

Not only did the Erie Times-News review find that only two late-arriving ballots processed at the Erie postal facility have a Nov. 3 postmark, but it also found that nine late ballots processed in Erie were postmarked Nov. 4 or later.​

All your whining is over the potential of two possible backdated votes. This Veritas scam made it all the way to POTUS lawsuits And Lindsey Graham Senate hearings.

And all you can do is cry fake news!

you are a liar - this is not fake news.
Really? An appetite court just threw out a batch of PA mail in votes where the folks failed to provide ID required by law. The votes received after election day will likely be throw out as well. Also there were Secs of State that entered into consent decrees illegally, only State legislatures have the authority to alter State election laws and procedures, not Secs of State or the courts. Many law were broken, you commies just refuse to admit it.

Less than 10K votes came in after election day.

Trump lost PA by 53,000 votes.

Look, guy, you lost... If you want to play along with Trump as he bilks you for millions more in pretend court cases, have at it..

But On Jan 20, it will be PRESIDENT BIDEN.
Really? An appetite court just threw out a batch of PA mail in votes where the folks failed to provide ID required by law. The votes received after election day will likely be throw out as well. Also there were Secs of State that entered into consent decrees illegally, only State legislatures have the authority to alter State election laws and procedures, not Secs of State or the courts. Many law were broken, you commies just refuse to admit it.

Less than 10K votes came in after election day.

Trump lost PA by 53,000 votes.

Look, guy, you lost... If you want to play along with Trump as he bilks you for millions more in pretend court cases, have at it..

But On Jan 20, it will be PRESIDENT BIDEN.

I just want to be assured of ballot integrity, I see you commies don't care about that. If you were you wouldn't be trying to eliminate the safeguards.

I realize that you and your ilk are addicted to fake news.

what fake news?
Do you have proof that this is fake news?​

Not only did the Erie Times-News review find that only two late-arriving ballots processed at the Erie postal facility have a Nov. 3 postmark, but it also found that nine late ballots processed in Erie were postmarked Nov. 4 or later.​

All your whining is over the potential of two possible backdated votes. This Veritas scam made it all the way to POTUS lawsuits And Lindsey Graham Senate hearings.

And all you can do is cry fake news!

you are a liar - this is not fake news.
Saw it on Newsweak....Must be legit! :rolleyes-41:

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