This Guy's Rant Sums it All Up

Haven't even heard about the PA postal worker, I was talking about MI. So carry on fool.

"That’s because ballots in Michigan must have been received on Election Day in order to have been counted, state and local election officials told PolitiFact. The postmark date is not a factor.​

Unlike some states, postmarks don’t matter in Michigan "The information in that video is entirely false," said Tracy Wimmer, a spokesperson for the Michigan Department of State, in an email. "Michigan does not have a postmark deadline for ballots. It has a hard deadline — they must all be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day to count."​

"Changing postmarks on ballots yesterday would not have mattered," Wimmer said. "Any ballots in the post office yesterday means they were not already in the hands of a clerk Tuesday night and therefore would be rejected."​

Elections officials for Traverse City and the surrounding Grand Traverse County agreed.​

Stilll Stupid we see.
Haven't even heard about the PA postal worker, I was talking about MI. So carry on fool.


So, you trumpet your abject ignorance of the world as justification to call the OTHER guy the fool?

What an interesting concept.

Child, there's enough other shit in PA to mandate a revote, the BS postal worker is irrelevant.

Haven't even heard about the PA postal worker, I was talking about MI. So carry on fool.

"That’s because ballots in Michigan must have been received on Election Day in order to have been counted, state and local election officials told PolitiFact. The postmark date is not a factor.​

Unlike some states, postmarks don’t matter in Michigan "The information in that video is entirely false," said Tracy Wimmer, a spokesperson for the Michigan Department of State, in an email. "Michigan does not have a postmark deadline for ballots. It has a hard deadline — they must all be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day to count."​

"Changing postmarks on ballots yesterday would not have mattered," Wimmer said. "Any ballots in the post office yesterday means they were not already in the hands of a clerk Tuesday night and therefore would be rejected."​

Elections officials for Traverse City and the surrounding Grand Traverse County agreed.​

Stilll Stupid we see.

So you're saying PA and MI have the same laws?

Child, there's enough other shit in PA to mandate a revote, the BS postal worker is irrelevant.


Man, that would make you just about the oldest poster here, if you see me as a child.

....and right in time for the upcoming USMB Dead Pool, too!
Child, there's enough other shit in PA to mandate a revote, the BS postal worker is irrelevant.


Man, that would make you just about the oldest poster here, if you see me as a child.

....and right in time for the upcoming USMB Dead Pool, too!

When you stop acting like a child, perhaps I'll stop calling you one.

So you're saying PA and MI have the same laws?

no - I’m saying you are an idiot and a liar if you spread the lie that there was voter fraud by Post Office supervisors in Michigan and/or Pennsylvania in the election that Biden won a week ago. It’s impossible in Michigan as stated and the eyewitness to the alleged crime in Pennsylvania has admitted that he lied.
The simple truth is that Trump is being a sore loser c*nt. He lost fair and square. Get over it.
You mean, just like your side got over 2016? Sure...

Pretty sure Obama did not pull this Trump shit when it was quite obvious that HRC lost.

so why are you crybabies supporting doubting the asswhipping Biden/Harris put on TrumoO/whatshisface in PA Mi & Wi compared to 2916?
So you actually believe that Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate for President EVER? Someone who was SO bad on the campaign stump that his handlers hid him for the better part of four months? Someone when he DID speak was so prone to utter gibberish at any time it became a running gag? Yet THAT guy got more votes than Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan?

yes. Black and young and millions of first time voters came out in droves like never before to reject your racism, homophobia cruelty , lies, ignorance and right wing Christian hate and fear tactics of Trumpism.

Plus four years of Older ignorant white hater Americans either died off naturally and could not vote or were killed off by Trumpo’s incompetent handling of the C19 pandemic. Herman Cain comes to mind and a slew of right wing Trump Christians and their preachers who Super spread the disease in church gatherings could not vote because Trumpism killed them.
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The simple truth is that Trump is being a sore loser c*nt. He lost fair and square. Get over it.
You mean, just like your side got over 2016? Sure...

Pretty sure Obama did not pull this Trump shit when it was quite obvious that HRC lost.

so why are you crybabies supporting doubting the asswhipping Biden/Harris put on TrumoO/whatshisface in PA Mi & Wi compared to 2916?
So you actually believe that Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate for President EVER? Someone who was SO bad on the campaign stump that his handlers hid him for the better part of four months? Someone when he DID speak was so prone to utter gibberish at any time it became a running gag? Yet THAT guy got more votes than Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan?

yes. Black and young and millions of first time voters came out in droves like never before to reject your racism, homophobia cruelty , lies, ignorance and right wing Christian hate and fear tactics of Trumpism.

Plus four years of Older ignorant white hater Americans either died off naturally and could not vote or were killed off by Trumpo’s incompetent handling of the C19 pandemic. Herman Cain comes to mind and a slew of right wing Trump Christians and their preachers who Super spread the disease in church gatherings could not vote because Trumpism killed them.
Herman Caine is an old white guy?
The simple truth is we set up an election where fraud was baked into the cake and now the result is being questioned. Mail in voting is a disaster and you could see it coming a mile off but anyone who pointed out what a debacle it was going to create was labeled as someone who wanted to "suppress" the vote!

Mail in voting worked just fine.

It has for years.

So you actually believe that Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate for President EVER? Someone who was SO bad on the campaign stump that his handlers hid him for the better part of four months? Someone when he DID speak was so prone to utter gibberish at any time it became a running gag? Yet THAT guy got more votes than Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan?

Yes, actually, it's completely plausible.

Let's not forget, no one really thought Obama was going to lose in 2008, Bush had fucked up things so badly and McCain really didn't have a leg to stand on. Recession and War, more of the same? Voter participation dropped in 2012 and stayed level in 2016. This time, people had a reason to vote like their LIVES depended on it after Trump managed to kill more people than all the wars since WWII combined.

If anything is suspicious to me, it's that Trump got more votes than he did in 2016. I mean, I can see some mouth breather like you being so invested in their mistake they can't admit they were wrong, but someone making a whole new mistake?
Glad we know what the disease was all about. Why after Trump cut off travel from China then all of a sudden the EU with praise from the marxist Pope allowed thousands of infected refugees to flow into Italy and the rest of Europe in order to overwhelm America.

To force tbe MAIL IN VOTE fraud.
The simple truth is we set up an election where fraud was baked into the cake and now the result is being questioned. Mail in voting is a disaster and you could see it coming a mile off but anyone who pointed out what a debacle it was going to create was labeled as someone who wanted to "suppress" the vote!

Mail in voting worked just fine.

It has for years.

So you actually believe that Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate for President EVER? Someone who was SO bad on the campaign stump that his handlers hid him for the better part of four months? Someone when he DID speak was so prone to utter gibberish at any time it became a running gag? Yet THAT guy got more votes than Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan?

Yes, actually, it's completely plausible.

Let's not forget, no one really thought Obama was going to lose in 2008, Bush had fucked up things so badly and McCain really didn't have a leg to stand on. Recession and War, more of the same? Voter participation dropped in 2012 and stayed level in 2016. This time, people had a reason to vote like their LIVES depended on it after Trump managed to kill more people than all the wars since WWII combined.

If anything is suspicious to me, it's that Trump got more votes than he did in 2016. I mean, I can see some mouth breather like you being so invested in their mistake they can't admit they were wrong, but someone making a whole new mistake?
"If anything is suspicious to me, it's that Trump got more votes than he did in 2016. I mean, I can see some mouth breather like you being so invested in their mistake they can't admit they were wrong, but someone making a whole new mistake?"

I feel the same way....some of the Florida returns are pretty suspicious. Neighboring counties around Duval County:

  1. Duval Biden 51-47
  2. Nassau Trump 72-26
  3. Baker Trump 85-14
  4. Clay Trump 68-31
  5. Bradford Trump 76-23
  6. Union Trump 82-17
  7. St Johns Trump 63-36

I can certainly believe that Biden lost all of those counties 2-7 but by those percentages? Seems odd.
The simple truth is that Trump is being a sore loser c*nt. He lost fair and square. Get over it.
You mean, just like your side got over 2016? Sure...

Pretty sure Obama did not pull this Trump shit when it was quite obvious that HRC lost.

so why are you crybabies supporting doubting the asswhipping Biden/Harris put on TrumoO/whatshisface in PA Mi & Wi compared to 2916?
So you actually believe that Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate for President EVER? Someone who was SO bad on the campaign stump that his handlers hid him for the better part of four months? Someone when he DID speak was so prone to utter gibberish at any time it became a running gag? Yet THAT guy got more votes than Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan?

Yes..he did. And if your savior actually did the job he was elected to do, he'd be re-elected right now.
But he's a carnival barking fraud. What does that say about you? :)
You honestly believe that babbling idiot...someone that NOBODY on the Democratic side was excited about...a guy that's run for President so many times he'd become a punchline as a think THAT guy got more votes than any candidate in the history of the United States? That's amusing...
The simple truth is we set up an election where fraud was baked into the cake and now the result is being questioned. Mail in voting is a disaster and you could see it coming a mile off but anyone who pointed out what a debacle it was going to create was labeled as someone who wanted to "suppress" the vote!

Mail in voting worked just fine.

It has for years.

So you actually believe that Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate for President EVER? Someone who was SO bad on the campaign stump that his handlers hid him for the better part of four months? Someone when he DID speak was so prone to utter gibberish at any time it became a running gag? Yet THAT guy got more votes than Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan?

Yes, actually, it's completely plausible.

Let's not forget, no one really thought Obama was going to lose in 2008, Bush had fucked up things so badly and McCain really didn't have a leg to stand on. Recession and War, more of the same? Voter participation dropped in 2012 and stayed level in 2016. This time, people had a reason to vote like their LIVES depended on it after Trump managed to kill more people than all the wars since WWII combined.

If anything is suspicious to me, it's that Trump got more votes than he did in 2016. I mean, I can see some mouth breather like you being so invested in their mistake they can't admit they were wrong, but someone making a whole new mistake?
"If anything is suspicious to me, it's that Trump got more votes than he did in 2016. I mean, I can see some mouth breather like you being so invested in their mistake they can't admit they were wrong, but someone making a whole new mistake?"

I feel the same way....some of the Florida returns are pretty suspicious. Neighboring counties around Duval County:

  1. Duval Biden 51-47
  2. Nassau Trump 72-26
  3. Baker Trump 85-14
  4. Clay Trump 68-31
  5. Bradford Trump 76-23
  6. Union Trump 82-17
  7. St Johns Trump 63-36

I can certainly believe that Biden lost all of those counties 2-7 but by those percentages? Seems odd.
As someone that lives in Florida I can tell you the only suspicious thing about the vote count here is that it wasn't far greater for Trump than it was! Trump CRUSHED Biden in the Hispanic vote in the Miami area. Cuban Americans went for Trump in historic numbers. So did blacks.
The simple truth is we set up an election where fraud was baked into the cake and now the result is being questioned. Mail in voting is a disaster and you could see it coming a mile off but anyone who pointed out what a debacle it was going to create was labeled as someone who wanted to "suppress" the vote!

Mail in voting worked just fine.

It has for years.

So you actually believe that Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate for President EVER? Someone who was SO bad on the campaign stump that his handlers hid him for the better part of four months? Someone when he DID speak was so prone to utter gibberish at any time it became a running gag? Yet THAT guy got more votes than Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan?

Yes, actually, it's completely plausible.

Let's not forget, no one really thought Obama was going to lose in 2008, Bush had fucked up things so badly and McCain really didn't have a leg to stand on. Recession and War, more of the same? Voter participation dropped in 2012 and stayed level in 2016. This time, people had a reason to vote like their LIVES depended on it after Trump managed to kill more people than all the wars since WWII combined.

If anything is suspicious to me, it's that Trump got more votes than he did in 2016. I mean, I can see some mouth breather like you being so invested in their mistake they can't admit they were wrong, but someone making a whole new mistake?
Why would you vote for a guy who promised to give us the same tepid economy we endured for eight years of the Obama Administration over the guy that gave us historically good economic numbers?
You think Biden is the answer to the pandemic? Because he wears a mask? You're an idiot, Joe! Biden's response to the pandemic will be to shut down the economy again. Trump's response to it was to push through vaccines in record time! THAT will be the answer to the pandemic...not hiding under the bed with Sleepy Joe!
Child, there's enough other shit in PA to mandate a revote, the BS postal worker is irrelevant.

Nope, there really isn't.

I think what this election proves is why the Electoral College needs to go.

Yeah, you commies want to just shit can the Constitution, because it always gets in your way of one party rule. You seem to forget you lost two more State legislatures that you'd need to pass a constitutional amendment. There's also at least one commiecrat senator that says he won't vote for you commie agenda. Oh, you don't have the 2/3rds majority in either house of congress required to even pass a proposal to eliminate the EC. So feel free to continue to having your wet dreams, just remember to keep a tissue handy. LMAO

The simple truth is we set up an election where fraud was baked into the cake and now the result is being questioned. Mail in voting is a disaster and you could see it coming a mile off but anyone who pointed out what a debacle it was going to create was labeled as someone who wanted to "suppress" the vote!

Mail in voting worked just fine.

It has for years.

So you actually believe that Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate for President EVER? Someone who was SO bad on the campaign stump that his handlers hid him for the better part of four months? Someone when he DID speak was so prone to utter gibberish at any time it became a running gag? Yet THAT guy got more votes than Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan?

Yes, actually, it's completely plausible.

Let's not forget, no one really thought Obama was going to lose in 2008, Bush had fucked up things so badly and McCain really didn't have a leg to stand on. Recession and War, more of the same? Voter participation dropped in 2012 and stayed level in 2016. This time, people had a reason to vote like their LIVES depended on it after Trump managed to kill more people than all the wars since WWII combined.

If anything is suspicious to me, it's that Trump got more votes than he did in 2016. I mean, I can see some mouth breather like you being so invested in their mistake they can't admit they were wrong, but someone making a whole new mistake?
"If anything is suspicious to me, it's that Trump got more votes than he did in 2016. I mean, I can see some mouth breather like you being so invested in their mistake they can't admit they were wrong, but someone making a whole new mistake?"

I feel the same way....some of the Florida returns are pretty suspicious. Neighboring counties around Duval County:

  1. Duval Biden 51-47
  2. Nassau Trump 72-26
  3. Baker Trump 85-14
  4. Clay Trump 68-31
  5. Bradford Trump 76-23
  6. Union Trump 82-17
  7. St Johns Trump 63-36

I can certainly believe that Biden lost all of those counties 2-7 but by those percentages? Seems odd.

Nothing odd at all, republicans knocked on more than 150 million doors, they had a good ground game. On the other hand, biden had no ground game at all. That's why minorities went for Trump in greater numbers than any republican in history.

The simple truth is we set up an election where fraud was baked into the cake and now the result is being questioned. Mail in voting is a disaster and you could see it coming a mile off but anyone who pointed out what a debacle it was going to create was labeled as someone who wanted to "suppress" the vote!

Mail in voting worked just fine.

It has for years.

So you actually believe that Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate for President EVER? Someone who was SO bad on the campaign stump that his handlers hid him for the better part of four months? Someone when he DID speak was so prone to utter gibberish at any time it became a running gag? Yet THAT guy got more votes than Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan?

Yes, actually, it's completely plausible.

Let's not forget, no one really thought Obama was going to lose in 2008, Bush had fucked up things so badly and McCain really didn't have a leg to stand on. Recession and War, more of the same? Voter participation dropped in 2012 and stayed level in 2016. This time, people had a reason to vote like their LIVES depended on it after Trump managed to kill more people than all the wars since WWII combined.

If anything is suspicious to me, it's that Trump got more votes than he did in 2016. I mean, I can see some mouth breather like you being so invested in their mistake they can't admit they were wrong, but someone making a whole new mistake?
"If anything is suspicious to me, it's that Trump got more votes than he did in 2016. I mean, I can see some mouth breather like you being so invested in their mistake they can't admit they were wrong, but someone making a whole new mistake?"

I feel the same way....some of the Florida returns are pretty suspicious. Neighboring counties around Duval County:

  1. Duval Biden 51-47
  2. Nassau Trump 72-26
  3. Baker Trump 85-14
  4. Clay Trump 68-31
  5. Bradford Trump 76-23
  6. Union Trump 82-17
  7. St Johns Trump 63-36

I can certainly believe that Biden lost all of those counties 2-7 but by those percentages? Seems odd.

Nothing odd at all, republicans knocked on more than 150 million doors, they had a good ground game. On the other hand, biden had no ground game at all. That's why minorities went for Trump in greater numbers than any republican in history.

And he still lost in a Biden landslide.

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