This is a dilemma.

You guys have been bellowing about the rise in gun violence for some time and rightly so.
Biden has taken it up and says he will do something.
What you if he starts confiscating weapons, imposing tighter restrictions on applicants and the ban on assault type guns etc.

Where do you stand on this?

It would be no surprise.

Democraps have long been on the side of subhuman criminal shit, against the side of human beings. They do not even try to hide it, as they once did.

And the sole purpose and intended effect of attempts by the Democraps to strip Americans of our right to keep and bear arms is to make human beings into easier and safer prey for subhuman criminal shit.

Back in the old days, when the Democraps cared more about not being so obvious about being pro-criminal they took up “gun control” as a cause so that they could point to that as an argument against accusations that they were “soft on crime”, while supporting policies that were, in fact, beneficial to criminals.
Don't utter one word about democrats causing rising gun violence but simultaneously wanting to keep your guns for which you have No use.

Why not.

It is the hard, undeniable truth.

Democtraps are on the side of subhuman criminal shit, against the side of actual human beings.

Democraps promote policies which have the undeniable intent and effect of increasing crime; of making human beings less safe from the predations of subhuman criminal shit.

And Democraps oppose the right of human beings to possess weapons with which to defend ourselves from subhuman criminal shit.

Our desire to keep our guns does not, in any way, support the pro-criminal bullshit that you and your kind promote.

It is you and your kind who offer the strongest argument as to why we human beings need to protect our right to keep and bear arms.

Go fuck yourself, all of you.
Now you are being irrational and lying.

Only one way to be sure ... make sure you come by late at night ... and wear dark clothing.

The same old tyranny threats that have never happened.

Wow. Your ignorance of history is disgusting.

I mean, that is how fascist Germany literally got started, by issuing HEALTH PASSES, and confiscating the arms of people it thought were a threat to it's rule. :rolleyes:


Nazi Germany gesundheitspass (health pass)

The parallel between COVID vaccine passports and Nazi Germany​

". . . . In 1940s Germany, the Main Office for Public Health of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party issued a health passport known as the gesundheitspass (health card. bill of health. health pass) to allegedly track the health of the German people. In reality, these passports became one of the many tools used by the Nazi Party to identify and weed out non-Aryans.

While we haven’t seen anything like the atrocities that occurred in Nazi Germany — at least, not yet — there are striking parallels between how Hitler used health passes to control the Jews and how our government wants to use COVID passports to control Americans.

Government constantly assures us that COVID vaccine passports will protect our private information, but the reality is that they will make the names, phone numbers, and locations of people easily available to the government — in real-time if digital — and that will give government everything it needs to eventually create a “social credit system.”

Tech industry experts tell us that the digital platform used to support vaccine passports is the same platform used in China’s “social credit system.“ Some of the areas tracked in real time by China are (via New Horizons):

  • Medical history
  • Social media posts and internet search history
  • Bank accounts and credit cards
  • Residence, employment, and criminal history
  • Relationships and religious activities
  • Political activity
Once obtained, this information is fed to a central database to create a “social credit score” used to reward or punish citizens. Those with a high score are able to participate freely in society while those with a low score are prohibited from traveling, borrowing money, keep a job, or even get their children into school.

Government and the technocrats working to push COVID vaccine passports claim they can completely protect privacy, but as we know all-too-well post-9/11, protecting privacy is secondary to government’s insatiable need for power over our daily lives — a reality made worse in the age of COVID tyranny we find ourselves living in.

This means that despite government assurances that COVID vaccine passports will only be used to track compliance, they can easily be used to create a China-styled social credit system since they both use the same platform.

Biden continues to claim that vaccine passport mandates are off the table, but a division within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Federal Health IT Coordinating Council) recently predicted that “vaccine credentials” will become a “de facto requirement” to participate in ordinary activities.

“From a Federal perspective, vaccines and vaccine credentials are matters of individual choice — there is no mandate for either. However, current trends suggest that vaccine credentials could nevertheless become a market-imposed de facto requirement for an individual’s return to day-to-day activities.” (emphasis mine)


Naomi Wolf - Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever​

Naomi Wolf reconsiders the 2nd Amendment at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum 2014​

You guys have been bellowing about the rise in gun violence for some time and rightly so.
Biden has taken it up and says he will do something.
What you if he starts confiscating weapons, imposing tighter restrictions on applicants and the ban on assault type guns etc.

Where do you stand on this?
That this is as ignorant as it is ridiculous.

Presidents don’t have the authority to ‘confiscate’ weapons, impose tighter restrictions, or ‘ban’ firearms.

Of course, that won’t stop dishonest conservatives from lying about it anyway.
Wow. Your ignorance of history is disgusting.

I mean, that is how fascist Germany literally got started, by issuing HEALTH PASSES, and confiscating the arms of people it thought were a threat to it's rule. :rolleyes:


Nazi Germany gesundheitspass (health pass)

The parallel between COVID vaccine passports and Nazi Germany​

". . . . In 1940s Germany, the Main Office for Public Health of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party issued a health passport known as the gesundheitspass (health card. bill of health. health pass) to allegedly track the health of the German people. In reality, these passports became one of the many tools used by the Nazi Party to identify and weed out non-Aryans.

While we haven’t seen anything like the atrocities that occurred in Nazi Germany — at least, not yet — there are striking parallels between how Hitler used health passes to control the Jews and how our government wants to use COVID passports to control Americans.

Government constantly assures us that COVID vaccine passports will protect our private information, but the reality is that they will make the names, phone numbers, and locations of people easily available to the government — in real-time if digital — and that will give government everything it needs to eventually create a “social credit system.”

Tech industry experts tell us that the digital platform used to support vaccine passports is the same platform used in China’s “social credit system.“ Some of the areas tracked in real time by China are (via New Horizons):

  • Medical history
  • Social media posts and internet search history
  • Bank accounts and credit cards
  • Residence, employment, and criminal history
  • Relationships and religious activities
  • Political activity
Once obtained, this information is fed to a central database to create a “social credit score” used to reward or punish citizens. Those with a high score are able to participate freely in society while those with a low score are prohibited from traveling, borrowing money, keep a job, or even get their children into school.

Government and the technocrats working to push COVID vaccine passports claim they can completely protect privacy, but as we know all-too-well post-9/11, protecting privacy is secondary to government’s insatiable need for power over our daily lives — a reality made worse in the age of COVID tyranny we find ourselves living in.

This means that despite government assurances that COVID vaccine passports will only be used to track compliance, they can easily be used to create a China-styled social credit system since they both use the same platform.

Biden continues to claim that vaccine passport mandates are off the table, but a division within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Federal Health IT Coordinating Council) recently predicted that “vaccine credentials” will become a “de facto requirement” to participate in ordinary activities.

They are either amazingly ignorant, or fascists at heart.
That this is as ignorant as it is ridiculous.

Presidents don’t have the authority to ‘confiscate’ weapons, impose tighter restrictions, or ‘ban’ firearms.

Of course, that won’t stop dishonest conservatives from lying about it anyway.

They don't have the ability to impose vaccine mandates either, yet here they are.

You guys have been bellowing about the rise in gun violence for some time and rightly so.
Biden has taken it up and says he will do something.
What you if he starts confiscating weapons, imposing tighter restrictions on applicants and the ban on assault type guns etc.

Where do you stand on this?

You are why we have the Second amendment written down in our Bill of Rights… doesnt grant or create the Right… exists outside of the Constitution…..but it does give idiots like you a chance to see it in writing.
If wannabe tyrants such as Colin Norris get their way with the Second Amendment, you can be certain that the First Amendment is next. They're already trying to chip away at it, but nothing like they will do if they strip the people of the ability to resist by force of arms.

Anyone who is familiar with Colin Norris' body of work on this forum, tell me that you don't think that if it was in his power, he'd have government burning down churches and criminally-prosecuting people for holding and expressing religious beliefs, or engaging in religious practices.

You guys have been bellowing about the rise in gun violence for some time and rightly so.
Biden has taken it up and says he will do something.
What you if he starts confiscating weapons, imposing tighter restrictions on applicants and the ban on assault type guns etc.

Where do you stand on this?

Most of the violence comes from gang warfare.

I doubt they bought any of their guns legally.

You'll never lower gun deaths unless you target gang warfare.
You guys have been bellowing about the rise in gun violence for some time and rightly so.
Biden has taken it up and says he will do something.
What you if he starts confiscating weapons, imposing tighter restrictions on applicants and the ban on assault type guns etc.

Where do you stand on this?
Like all rational, thinking people , I stand firmliy against the unnecessary and ineffective restrictions Biden (read: all anti-gun loons) seeks to place on the exercise of the right to keep an dbear arms by the law abiding.
Most of the violence comes from gang warfare.

I doubt they bought any of their guns legally.

You'll never lower gun deaths unless you target gang warfare.
Did it ever enter your head there are too many guns available to them? Most Rambos have about six and never use them. They get stolen and they sell them to crims etc.
Did it ever enter your head there are too many guns available to them? Most Rambos have about six and never use them. They get stolen and they sell them to crims etc.

Did it ever enter into your head that the world is awash in guns? Bad people NEVER have a problem getting them.


So all you do is disarm the law abiding and make it easier for bad people to do bad things.
You guys have been bellowing about the rise in gun violence for some time and rightly so.
Biden has taken it up and says he will do something.
What you if he starts confiscating weapons, imposing tighter restrictions on applicants and the ban on assault type guns etc.

Where do you stand on this?

So confiscate the guns of the law abiding and still allow those who break current gun laws to keep their guns and stay on the street. That will reduce crime? Where do you stand on this?
That this is as ignorant as it is ridiculous.

Presidents don’t have the authority to ‘confiscate’ weapons, impose tighter restrictions, or ‘ban’ firearms.

Of course, that won’t stop dishonest conservatives from lying about it anyway.
And neither does Congress. I'm glad you finally agree that banning guns is unconstitutional.
So confiscate the guns of the law abiding and still allow those who break current gun laws to keep their guns and stay on the street. That will reduce crime? Where do you stand on this?
No. Take the bloody lot of them. You as an average law abiding citizen don't need a gun. You've been brainwashed into thinking it's for protection when you've never been attacked. You rarely go hunting if at all. There is no tyranny even after Obama was elected and now Biden, you've still done nothing.
It's your total misinterpretation of the 2nd and the tough guy image.

It will stop nut jobs slaughtering kids like Sandy hook even if you do regard it as the price to pay for your pop guns.

YOU should be able to ascertain my stance on guns.

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