This is a plebiscite on the Trump Boom

Soaring markets? Are you drunk this morning?

The DJI has gained less than 700 points in the last 11 months, that us worse than a malaise.

The S&P 500 has lost nearly 100 points in the last 11 months, that is worse than malaise.

The NASDAQ has gained less than 200 points in the last 11 months, now that might be malaise.

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Why the 11 month cherry picking?

That is when the new year started, seems a reasonable landmark.

We could use 22 Jan as the starting point, the day Trump leveled his first tariffs, all the markets are way down since that day

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It would be 10 months, really.

I would say it’s better to look at since Trump took office, especially because the prediction from the left was the economy crashing.

Yeah, they were wrong, who cares.

I am a “what have you done for me lately” sort of guy. Trump had a nice bump due to the unknown factor, but that has faded and now the markets are treading water at best.

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We should all care, because that was a reason they were saying to not vote for Trump.

We should care because if people continue to listen to people who don’t know what they fuck they are talking about, we will repeat the mistakes.

The economy is doing well. Fucking period.

It is doing well, not great and not shitty.

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Why the 11 month cherry picking?

That is when the new year started, seems a reasonable landmark.

We could use 22 Jan as the starting point, the day Trump leveled his first tariffs, all the markets are way down since that day

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It would be 10 months, really.

I would say it’s better to look at since Trump took office, especially because the prediction from the left was the economy crashing.

Yeah, they were wrong, who cares.

I am a “what have you done for me lately” sort of guy. Trump had a nice bump due to the unknown factor, but that has faded and now the markets are treading water at best.

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We should all care, because that was a reason they were saying to not vote for Trump.

We should care because if people continue to listen to people who don’t know what they fuck they are talking about, we will repeat the mistakes.

The economy is doing well. Fucking period.

It is doing well, not great and not shitty.

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Yes, exactly. That’s why I chose that word.

That’s why Pubs should be running on immigration, not the economy.

Tax cuts are only of interest to those who actually pay taxes.

The Dimm BASE doesn’t pay taxes. They want very high taxes.
Why the 11 month cherry picking?

That is when the new year started, seems a reasonable landmark.

We could use 22 Jan as the starting point, the day Trump leveled his first tariffs, all the markets are way down since that day

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It would be 10 months, really.

I would say it’s better to look at since Trump took office, especially because the prediction from the left was the economy crashing.

Yeah, they were wrong, who cares.

I am a “what have you done for me lately” sort of guy. Trump had a nice bump due to the unknown factor, but that has faded and now the markets are treading water at best.

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We should all care, because that was a reason they were saying to not vote for Trump.

We should care because if people continue to listen to people who don’t know what they fuck they are talking about, we will repeat the mistakes.

The economy is doing well. Fucking period.

It is doing well, not great and not shitty.

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A lot of people want a return to shitty, however.

These are the descendants of the undertakers who complained about the end of the Black Death in the 14th Century.
Do the American people approve of soaring markets and plummeting unemployment rates, particularly for minorities?

Yes, that’s why Obama was so popular when he left office...but also because he wasn’t a pathologically lying, narrowly self-serving A.D.D riddled swine.

Obama was not popular.

That is what we call a counter factual.

60% aproval for Obama by definition means he was popular.

Reality seems tough for rightwingers to deal with, so you guys keep making up alt-facts.
Obama is such a fucking tool, “Remember who started it!”

He is trying to take credit for the economy doing well.
Do the American people approve of soaring markets and plummeting unemployment rates, particularly for minorities?

Or do they want a return to Obama Era Malaise, when America's best days were behind us?

I know what I want, and I know how I will vote, but its really up to the people as they are sealed in the voting cubicle. If they want a government tied up in deadlock, not getting things done by Congress, an economy being flushed down the toilet, they will vote Democrat and we'll get impeachments and investigations, and IMHO, a guaranteed Trump reelection in 2020 as people will blame the Democrats rightfully if the D's win and things go south.

Soaring markets? Are you drunk this morning?

The DJI has gained less than 700 points in the last 11 months, that us worse than a malaise.

The S&P 500 has lost nearly 100 points in the last 11 months, that is worse than malaise.

The NASDAQ has gained less than 200 points in the last 11 months, now that might be malaise.

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and even worse - my own portfolio is less than it used to be!!!!
That is when the new year started, seems a reasonable landmark.

We could use 22 Jan as the starting point, the day Trump leveled his first tariffs, all the markets are way down since that day

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It would be 10 months, really.

I would say it’s better to look at since Trump took office, especially because the prediction from the left was the economy crashing.

Yeah, they were wrong, who cares.

I am a “what have you done for me lately” sort of guy. Trump had a nice bump due to the unknown factor, but that has faded and now the markets are treading water at best.

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We should all care, because that was a reason they were saying to not vote for Trump.

We should care because if people continue to listen to people who don’t know what they fuck they are talking about, we will repeat the mistakes.

The economy is doing well. Fucking period.

It is doing well, not great and not shitty.

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A lot of people want a return to shitty, however.

These are the descendants of the undertakers who complained about the end of the Black Death in the 14th Century.

It is doing no different than it has for the last 6 year, 4 of which people like you called shitty

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Obama is such a fucking tool, “Remember who started it!”

He is trying to take credit for the economy doing well.

While he gets no credit, the economy has been doing well for the last 6 years

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I give him credit for adding $10trillion in debt to help the economy.

It’s like chopping off your leg to lose weight. You lost the weight, but to what end?
Obama is such a fucking tool, “Remember who started it!”

He is trying to take credit for the economy doing well.

While he gets no credit, the economy has been doing well for the last 6 years

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I give him credit for adding $10trillion in debt to help the economy.

It’s like chopping off your leg to lose weight. You lost the weight, but to what end?

Yet not a single word about Trump adding 1.27 in a single year during a “booming” economy.

I wonder why that

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"Corruption" is what we call it when political action is taken for the purpose of personal gain. A legislator agrees (usually informally) to vote a certain way in exchange for some personal favor.

But what about "voter corruption"? What do we call it when people vote a certain way because they expect or want some personal benefit to accrue to them?

People want "free" healthcare?
They want their student loans to be forgiven.
They want a generous welfare and "food stamp" program.
They want "free" lunches for their kids and "free" babysitting and after school programs.
They want "free" college tuitions.
They want a government job and vote for candidates who see "Government" as the solution to every problem, thus ensuring an endless expansion of government.
Public employees want endless raises, benefit increases, and generous pensions for a relatively short work career.
They want their relatives to be allowed to come to the country without restrictions.
They want no threats to their precious "right" to have a "convenience" abortion.

Do you see a pattern here?

The American Democrat party thrives on voter corruption. Keep promising the population free stuff and free benefits, and THEY WILL VOTE FOR YOU. And promise them that all the free stuff will be paid for by SOMEBODY ELSE. "If only The Rich would pay their fair share..." We hear it all the time. Who, exactly, are these "rich" people? It's never YOU; it's always someone else.

So if you are not looking for some free stuff from Government, and you just want the Government to do what the Constitution requires, you had better vote Republican, because millions and millions of Americans are voting to stick you with the bill for all that free stuff.
Do the American people approve of soaring markets and plummeting unemployment rates, particularly for minorities?

Yes, that’s why Obama was so popular when he left office...but also because he wasn’t a pathologically lying, narrowly self-serving A.D.D riddled swine.
Do you think 95% of MSM media reporting on BO was favorable, has something to do with his favorable ratings?

And besides, BO was clearly a pathological liar. It’s just that the DNCMSM never told you this fundamental fact.
Obama has never been called a pathological liar by a credible source. He has been accused of lying, but "pathological" is a medical and technical term.
Do the American people approve of soaring markets and plummeting unemployment rates, particularly for minorities?

Yes, that’s why Obama was so popular when he left office...but also because he wasn’t a pathologically lying, narrowly self-serving A.D.D riddled swine.
Do you think 95% of MSM media reporting on BO was favorable, has something to do with his favorable ratings?

And besides, BO was clearly a pathological liar. It’s just that the DNCMSM never told you this fundamental fact.
Obama has never been called a pathological liar by a credible source. He has been accused of lying, but "pathological" is a medical and technical term.

You sheep can bitch about the left wing media all you want, and they deserve it...but last night two of FoxNews biggest personalities were on stage as part of a political rally campaigning for a specific party...not even the MSM is that brazenly open about their total lack of objectivity.

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Do the American people approve of soaring markets and plummeting unemployment rates, particularly for minorities?

Yes, that’s why Obama was so popular when he left office...but also because he wasn’t a pathologically lying, narrowly self-serving A.D.D riddled swine.
Do you think 95% of MSM media reporting on BO was favorable, has something to do with his favorable ratings?

And besides, BO was clearly a pathological liar. It’s just that the DNCMSM never told you this fundamental fact.
Obama has never been called a pathological liar by a credible source. He has been accused of lying, but "pathological" is a medical and technical term.

You sheep can bitch about the left wing media all you want, and they deserve it...but last night two of FoxNews biggest personalities were on stage as part of a political rally campaigning for a specific party...not even the MSM is that brazenly open about their total lack of objectivity.

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How can you compare the DNCMSM to the right wing media? Seems to me one dwarfs the other.
Yes, that’s why Obama was so popular when he left office...but also because he wasn’t a pathologically lying, narrowly self-serving A.D.D riddled swine.
Do you think 95% of MSM media reporting on BO was favorable, has something to do with his favorable ratings?

And besides, BO was clearly a pathological liar. It’s just that the DNCMSM never told you this fundamental fact.
Obama has never been called a pathological liar by a credible source. He has been accused of lying, but "pathological" is a medical and technical term.

You sheep can bitch about the left wing media all you want, and they deserve it...but last night two of FoxNews biggest personalities were on stage as part of a political rally campaigning for a specific party...not even the MSM is that brazenly open about their total lack of objectivity.

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How can you compare the DNCMSM to the right wing media? Seems to me one dwarfs the other.

So that makes it ok for FoxNews to campaign for a specific party?

Fuck you sheep lack any logic at all

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Do the American people approve of soaring markets and plummeting unemployment rates, particularly for minorities?

Yes, that’s why Obama was so popular when he left office...but also because he wasn’t a pathologically lying, narrowly self-serving A.D.D riddled swine.
Do you think 95% of MSM media reporting on BO was favorable, has something to do with his favorable ratings?

And besides, BO was clearly a pathological liar. It’s just that the DNCMSM never told you this fundamental fact.
Obama has never been called a pathological liar by a credible source. He has been accused of lying, but "pathological" is a medical and technical term.

You sheep can bitch about the left wing media all you want, and they deserve it...but last night two of FoxNews biggest personalities were on stage as part of a political rally campaigning for a specific party...not even the MSM is that brazenly open about their total lack of objectivity.

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Yup, the MSM is not that brazenly open....until they get caught.
Do the American people approve of soaring markets and plummeting unemployment rates, particularly for minorities?

Yes, that’s why Obama was so popular when he left office...but also because he wasn’t a pathologically lying, narrowly self-serving A.D.D riddled swine.
Do you think 95% of MSM media reporting on BO was favorable, has something to do with his favorable ratings?

And besides, BO was clearly a pathological liar. It’s just that the DNCMSM never told you this fundamental fact.
Obama has never been called a pathological liar by a credible source. He has been accused of lying, but "pathological" is a medical and technical term.

You sheep can bitch about the left wing media all you want, and they deserve it...but last night two of FoxNews biggest personalities were on stage as part of a political rally campaigning for a specific party...not even the MSM is that brazenly open about their total lack of objectivity.

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The Maha Rushdie doesn't work for Fox. Hannity covered the event, but he didn't appear on stage with his President.
Yes, that’s why Obama was so popular when he left office...but also because he wasn’t a pathologically lying, narrowly self-serving A.D.D riddled swine.
Do you think 95% of MSM media reporting on BO was favorable, has something to do with his favorable ratings?

And besides, BO was clearly a pathological liar. It’s just that the DNCMSM never told you this fundamental fact.
Obama has never been called a pathological liar by a credible source. He has been accused of lying, but "pathological" is a medical and technical term.

You sheep can bitch about the left wing media all you want, and they deserve it...but last night two of FoxNews biggest personalities were on stage as part of a political rally campaigning for a specific party...not even the MSM is that brazenly open about their total lack of objectivity.

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The Maha Rushdie doesn't work for Fox. Hannity covered the event, but he didn't appear on stage with his President.

Wrong again...

'State Media': Twitter Users Mock Fox News As Hannity Campaigns With Trump

Hannity said he would not, but he did

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Do the American people approve of soaring markets and plummeting unemployment rates, particularly for minorities?

Yes, that’s why Obama was so popular when he left office...but also because he wasn’t a pathologically lying, narrowly self-serving A.D.D riddled swine.

Obama was not popular.

That is what we call a counter factual.

60% aproval for Obama by definition means he was popular.

Reality seems tough for rightwingers to deal with, so you guys keep making up alt-facts.

Obama was so popular that even after pleading with voters in 2016 to vote for Hillary and his legacy he got destroyed, oh wait :eusa_think:
Do the American people approve of soaring markets and plummeting unemployment rates, particularly for minorities?

Yes, that’s why Obama was so popular when he left office...but also because he wasn’t a pathologically lying, narrowly self-serving A.D.D riddled swine.

Obama was not popular.

That is what we call a counter factual.

60% aproval for Obama by definition means he was popular.

Reality seems tough for rightwingers to deal with, so you guys keep making up alt-facts.

Obama was so popular that even after pleading with voters in 2016 to vote for Hillary and his legacy he got destroyed, oh wait :eusa_think:

Obama is not Hillary...what don't you understand about that concept?

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