“This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision”


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011

President Trump has no small shortage of critics as to how he has handled the Coronavirus pandemic. He is President and is accountable ...... unlike the previous President who got a pass.

What have Democrats given US in response to coronavirus? Well, while many Americans needed the Government to act quickly, Democrats put the breaks on aid until they got their same-day voting among other non-essential provisions in the bill. And, not to beat up on Rep. Clyburn, he was just saying what Democrats are always thinking: “Never let a crisis go to waste” “Fundamental Transformation of America” “Restructure to fit our vision”.

Is this what Democrats are going to bring as an alternative???

Back to Rep. Clyburn, my response as a voting citizen is “Are things so bad that you cannot sell the American People on your vision to earn the right to implement that, instead, you are dependent on catastrophe and suffering?”
You are wrong about American's needed the government to act quickly.

They need the government to get the fuck out of the way.

However, it is already too late. The precedence has been set.

Americans have actively and willingly handed over the reins of their freedom -- in fact, they are out there actively demanding that government use force to violate Constitutional liberties -- to the government out of fear from what they are being told by an unelected and agenda-driven entity.

The Democrats are like little golems given a free shot at destroying America and are putting everything they have ever wanted in a bill and are using the deliberately ginned up fear of the American people to help them achieve it.

I give no pass to Trump either. He is signing the shit and helping them every step of the way.

Ameria. Land of sheeple. Willing to bleat at a moment's notice.
NOTHING says we gotta save Americans from this crisis like workforce diversity mandates!

Get on board people! Sheesh
Meanwhile, Trump arranges a free $500 billion to corporations. The Trump admin has gone hardcore socialist.

And the Trump cult loves Trump for that. They're all red to the bone.
Meanwhile, Trump arranges a free $500 billion to corporations. The Trump admin has gone hardcore socialist.

And the Trump cult loves Trump for that. They're all red to the bone.

Another critique of Trump yet whether you like it or not, aid to Corporations is more relative to needed economic stimulus vs. same day voting and green deals.
Meanwhile, Trump arranges a free $500 billion to corporations. The Trump admin has gone hardcore socialist.

And the Trump cult loves Trump for that. They're all red to the bone.

Great. Let confused Joe use that in the debates. Meanwhile, Trump will tell Americans how they stalled the bill with crap like wind and solar tax credits, and somehow expect plane manufacturers to reduce their carbon emission by 50%.

Yeah, Americans who are suffering now that will be informed of that, and will really win Joe a lot of votes.
“Never let a crisis go to waste”.

Dimsocialists are scum.
The Cloward-Piven strategy was one of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. That's what this hysteria is all about. All the democrats needed was the cooperation of one country to introduce that change. They found it in China.

Trump stands in their way.

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