This Is Europa

Europe needs the hammer.............

You can't let them come in and take advantage of your compassion or those feeling sorry for them...........Make no mistake that they bring their culture and their faith with them, and they will use this through Diversity and Multiculturalism to try and change the Fabric of Europe to their culture...........They will use your Safety nets and break the piggy banks their, and then complain on how they are treated. They intend to immigrate domination by numbers to the Western world. The effects are already being seen.................

Our cultures are NOT COMPATIBLE...................

Europe...............needs to put out a No Vacancy sign and evict many that are there causing havoc.

Majority now have no compassion for them, only minority of the Pathological Altruistic Leftists have the compassion whilst HATING with INTENSITY actual people of Europa, these of course are Traitors.

Please keep eye on Austria and Hungary, our Governments, our Foreign Ministers, who are already discussing hardcore plan.
We have our own idiots here..........many post on these Obama brings them in not knowing who they really are.........Saying THEY have been VETTED..................How the hell can they do that when they come from a War torn country......................................

We are lucky.............we have an Ocean between us and them...........Europe doesn't.

You have Atlantic Ocean, but Obama just flying them into you, this is also your problem.
----------------------------- well , time to get busy Lucy , I am rooting for for you guys !!
------------------------- and that supposed majority Christian oughta start being Christian .

They are

they are showing the other cheek....... to the rapefugees....more more more

too pathetic for words.

You must be responding to someone I have on ignore, as your comments are stand alone ones.

However, you know, you need to not make these comments, because within six months actions will be taken to deal with situation.

And may I ask...

why would that be???

what miracle will come along within 6 months in Europa???


Do you wish for the destruction of Europa?

"what miracle will come along within 6 months in Europa???"

There are just things that nobody divulges in any public setting, especially not on Internet. To do so would be immensely careless and absolutely unforgivable.
Skye loves Europe and is always supportive about it. She would never want it's destruction. But, like many, she can't see how the mess can really be reversed.
Well that surprises me that Lucy would put Skye, of all people, on ignore! Geez.
The first thing we can do, is make it embarrassing or uncomfortable for women to wear veils in Europe. In fact, we need to make it uncomfortable for people to profess any religion besides Christianity. If we allow a different culture/religion to gain traction in Europe and more and more people of that culture arrive in Europe we risk losing everything. Look what the immigration of Jewish refugees did to Palestine. The Muslim and Christians of Palestine are now ruled by Jews. That could happen to us, only we will be ruled by Muslims.

In fact, we should create some sort incentive for Muslims to convert to Christianity. The Muslims in the lands they ruled, taxed non-Muslims and eventually many Christians (and Jews) converted to Islam to avoid the tax.

We certainly should not allow Muslims to have their own courts for marriage and other civil acts as they have in the UK.
Those who go to a host company are like guests that come to your home. They do not DEMAND anything and if they do, you toss them out on the curb. You live by the rules of the home. Period.
Europa is fucked let's face it.:mad-61:

No you WANT Europa to be fucked, it's what you have fantasy about, considering every comment you make is wishing for this with consistent defeatism.

Sorry that you're going to be disappointed.
She really doesn't.

But she makes comments like she does, they are all defeatist and negative about my Continent that I love. I wouldn't make such bad comments about her Continent of North America, even though Obama has made big mess, as the optimist the mess can be fixed, unless of course Hillary gets elected, then mess becomes worse.

But Skye makes many comments almost trashing my Continent, saying Europa is finished etc and this isn't appreciated and also disrespectful to millions of our peoples who are working to find solution to what Traitor Bitch Merkel has caused....MY own Government with Chancellor Faymann and Vice-Chancellor Mitterlehner along with wonderful Hungarian Government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban, now all working day and even the nights to formulate very crucial solutions.
Um...skye IS Europa. I think you made a mistake in reading her. Something you do tend to do from time to time even reading my posts.
Well that surprises me that Lucy would put Skye, of all people, on ignore! Geez.

I've had to put The Old School on ignore also, this unfortunate as though we politically differ, I like them.
Um...skye IS Europa. I think you made a mistake in reading her. Something you do tend to do from time to time even reading my posts.

How is Skye Europa? I make misreadings sometimes, I try and understand everything, but some things I don't translate easily.
I think she is in Austria. Or is it Australia? Whatever the case...Skye has always struck me as very European.
Um...skye IS Europa. I think you made a mistake in reading her. Something you do tend to do from time to time even reading my posts.

How is Skye Europa? I make misreadings sometimes, I try and understand everything, but some things I don't translate easily.

aww f**** off ....My God what a pest
nah.... only a joke Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds...:)
Switch yer avie, Skye. Xmas is over, lol.
And where are you again? I get the two countries mixed up.
Um...skye IS Europa. I think you made a mistake in reading her. Something you do tend to do from time to time even reading my posts.

I forgot? Is Skye the "hot one" who wants the Big Muslim live-in that Lucy posted about with Chick looking "satisfied"?
Um...skye IS Europa. I think you made a mistake in reading her. Something you do tend to do from time to time even reading my posts.

I forgot? Is Skye the "hot one" who wants the Big Muslim live-in that Lucy posted about with Chick looking "satisfied"?

Skye is gorgeous but I doubt if she wants a muslim to live in with her. She has a honey. He ain't muslim.;)

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