This is everything in a nut shell, pay attention

New York is waiting.

Is this the next "next time" in the "we will get him next time" series?

New York?? Don't make me laugh.

They are going to dig into every transaction his companies have made, or his foundations have made. Even if they don't find a real crime, they will certainly find some shady goings on.

The thing is you would find the same things investigating any other real estate company in NY, or rich person foundation found in NY.

Maybe Trump should move his base of operations to Florida and deprive NY of all that tax money he pays.

Of course Trump tower would still be there but his operations would be to Florida where he spends quite a bit of time anyway.

I'm sure my State, Florida, would appreciate the tax money.

I doubt NY will find anything. That's why Trump has lawyers.
Yeah...Cohen was quite the lawyer for donnie.
we all know Trump did collude with Putin

And yet...

"The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

You probably should have contacted Mueller with what your facts before he concluded his investigation...

Yep...stupid you..pretty accurate. The concrete around your brain is pretty impressive and obviously impenetrable.
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New York is waiting.

Is this the next "next time" in the "we will get him next time" series?

New York?? Don't make me laugh.

They are going to dig into every transaction his companies have made, or his foundations have made. Even if they don't find a real crime, they will certainly find some shady goings on.

The thing is you would find the same things investigating any other real estate company in NY, or rich person foundation found in NY.

Maybe Trump should move his base of operations to Florida and deprive NY of all that tax money he pays.

Of course Trump tower would still be there but his operations would be to Florida where he spends quite a bit of time anyway.

I'm sure my State, Florida, would appreciate the tax money.

I doubt NY will find anything. That's why Trump has lawyers.
Yeah...Cohen was quite the lawyer for donnie.

Cohen is in grave danger. His wife's Daddy is a dangerous man.... It seems he's been greenlighted for screwing around.

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Mueller's entire report was to find if the Russians and the Trump's in any way swayed our election, that's it. Trump showed his inexperience and his ignorance in the law and Mueller bought it.....those arrested and sentenced, did so for LYING TO THE CONGRESS AND MUELLER...LYING.

Now, that its over and we all know Trump did collude with Putin, it did not effect our election. SOMETHING ONLY THE CONSERVATIVES BOUGHT INTO. Everyone including myself after Hillary lost believed that Comey pretty much sunk her lead and that Hillary was a fucked up candidate.

Now with that being said, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL, TRUMP IS SLEEPING EASY AT NIGHT....this investigation has stripped the Trumps of their Teflon coating and has exposed the corrupt nature of their business's. This is not going away in any way shape or form, we know this, they know this and sooner or later the Trumps, all of them are going to prison, that is fact

Go fake a hate crime, loser....
Mueller's entire report was to find if the Russians and the Trump's in any way swayed our election, that's it. Trump showed his inexperience and his ignorance in the law and Mueller bought it.....those arrested and sentenced, did so for LYING TO THE CONGRESS AND MUELLER...LYING.

Now, that its over and we all know Trump did collude with Putin, it did not effect our election. SOMETHING ONLY THE CONSERVATIVES BOUGHT INTO. Everyone including myself after Hillary lost believed that Comey pretty much sunk her lead and that Hillary was a fucked up candidate.

Now with that being said, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL, TRUMP IS SLEEPING EASY AT NIGHT....this investigation has stripped the Trumps of their Teflon coating and has exposed the corrupt nature of their business's. This is not going away in any way shape or form, we know this, they know this and sooner or later the Trumps, all of them are going to prison, that is fact
I'll have to admit I'm really enjoying the meltdowns you Libs are having. This is among the best, one can easily imagine the crazed look in your eyes as you furiously type away, certain that you're "pwned" all the Trump supporters.

But bottom line, I honestly feel sorry for you. Unless you can overcome your TDS, you have no chance of becoming productive US citizens - and that's sad. It's going to be hard for you, but I really think some of you can get through this.

So now it's time for you to decide: Will you put this behind you and become an American, or will you persist as an Obstructionist? America will now move forward stronger than ever, with or without you. I encourage you to choose sanity.
Mueller's entire report was to find if the Russians and the Trump's in any way swayed our election, that's it. Trump showed his inexperience and his ignorance in the law and Mueller bought it.....those arrested and sentenced, did so for LYING TO THE CONGRESS AND MUELLER...LYING.

Now, that its over and we all know Trump did collude with Putin, it did not effect our election. SOMETHING ONLY THE CONSERVATIVES BOUGHT INTO. Everyone including myself after Hillary lost believed that Comey pretty much sunk her lead and that Hillary was a fucked up candidate.

Now with that being said, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL, TRUMP IS SLEEPING EASY AT NIGHT....this investigation has stripped the Trumps of their Teflon coating and has exposed the corrupt nature of their business's. This is not going away in any way shape or form, we know this, they know this and sooner or later the Trumps, all of them are going to prison, that is fact
I'll have to admit I'm really enjoying the meltdowns you Libs are having. This is among the best, one can easily imagine the crazed look in your eyes as you furiously type away, certain that you're "pwned" all the Trump supporters.

But bottom line, I honestly feel sorry for you. Unless you can overcome your TDS, you have no chance of becoming productive US citizens - and that's sad. It's going to be hard for you, but I really think some of you can get through this.

So now it's time for you to decide: Will you put this behind you and become an American, or will you persist as an Obstructionist? America will now move forward stronger than ever, with or without you. I encourage you to choose sanity.

I'm opening up a straitjacket store.
Democrats get a BOGO deal!!!
Mueller's entire report was to find if the Russians and the Trump's in any way swayed our election, that's it. Trump showed his inexperience and his ignorance in the law and Mueller bought it.....those arrested and sentenced, did so for LYING TO THE CONGRESS AND MUELLER...LYING.

Now, that its over and we all know Trump did collude with Putin, it did not effect our election. SOMETHING ONLY THE CONSERVATIVES BOUGHT INTO. Everyone including myself after Hillary lost believed that Comey pretty much sunk her lead and that Hillary was a fucked up candidate.

Now with that being said, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL, TRUMP IS SLEEPING EASY AT NIGHT....this investigation has stripped the Trumps of their Teflon coating and has exposed the corrupt nature of their business's. This is not going away in any way shape or form, we know this, they know this and sooner or later the Trumps, all of them are going to prison, that is fact
I'll have to admit I'm really enjoying the meltdowns you Libs are having. This is among the best, one can easily imagine the crazed look in your eyes as you furiously type away, certain that you're "pwned" all the Trump supporters.

But bottom line, I honestly feel sorry for you. Unless you can overcome your TDS, you have no chance of becoming productive US citizens - and that's sad. It's going to be hard for you, but I really think some of you can get through this.

So now it's time for you to decide: Will you put this behind you and become an American, or will you persist as an Obstructionist? America will now move forward stronger than ever, with or without you. I encourage you to choose sanity.

I'm opening up a straitjacket store.
Democrats get a BOGO deal!!!

They're pinning all their hopes and dreams on NY now thinking that it's not pardonable.
What they don't realize is that the Federal court system can intervene. Trump may not be able to pardon but misuse of prosecutorial venue is a federal crime...

POP! There goes another daydream.

we all know Trump did collude with Putin

And yet...

"The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

You probably should have contacted Mueller with what your facts before he concluded his investigation...

What the real investigation will discover?
The entire thing including the tower meetings were scripted by the DNC and the Clinton foundation. Maybe that's why Barr is keeping it close to home. You know what I think....I think it's a red cape rouse....g'head and demand the report....then be horrified at what it says you stupid ass Dems.

Mueller's entire report was to find if the Russians and the Trump's in any way swayed our election, that's it. Trump showed his inexperience and his ignorance in the law and Mueller bought it.....those arrested and sentenced, did so for LYING TO THE CONGRESS AND MUELLER...LYING.

Now, that its over and we all know Trump did collude with Putin, it did not effect our election. SOMETHING ONLY THE CONSERVATIVES BOUGHT INTO. Everyone including myself after Hillary lost believed that Comey pretty much sunk her lead and that Hillary was a fucked up candidate.

Now with that being said, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL, TRUMP IS SLEEPING EASY AT NIGHT....this investigation has stripped the Trumps of their Teflon coating and has exposed the corrupt nature of their business's. This is not going away in any way shape or form, we know this, they know this and sooner or later the Trumps, all of them are going to prison, that is fact
So this is what Trump derangement syndrome looks like. :21:

Agreed. We're interested in concrete facts, and your sloppy noodle spin doctor routine, isn't going to penetrate concrete facts... namely that you lost. There is no evidence of Russian collusion at all. That game is over, whether you admit it or not.
OP, you're just a bit off on your title.

You should title this thread "This is everything from a nutcase, pay attention."

I've never been more proud of my president than I am today. His life just survived an investigation that had unlimited resources and unlimited time and he came out clean as a whistle.

Had they investigated Obama or Clinton this much they'd be in stripes.
tig honey, why not take a break and forget about politics for a while. You spend so much time in negative, angry, stressful territory, with all that Cortizol coursing through your veins. It isn't good for you.
It's like drinking poison and expecting the other guy to die.
Let it go...
Mueller's entire report was to find if the Russians and the Trump's in any way swayed our election, that's it. Trump showed his inexperience and his ignorance in the law and Mueller bought it.....those arrested and sentenced, did so for LYING TO THE CONGRESS AND MUELLER...LYING.

Now, that its over and we all know Trump did collude with Putin, it did not effect our election. SOMETHING ONLY THE CONSERVATIVES BOUGHT INTO. Everyone including myself after Hillary lost believed that Comey pretty much sunk her lead and that Hillary was a fucked up candidate.

Now with that being said, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL, TRUMP IS SLEEPING EASY AT NIGHT....this investigation has stripped the Trumps of their Teflon coating and has exposed the corrupt nature of their business's. This is not going away in any way shape or form, we know this, they know this and sooner or later the Trumps, all of them are going to prison, that is fact
We do not know that trump colluded with putin whether it effected the election or not

There is no evidence of collusion
If in fact, Trump is sooo innocent, than lets release the full report and let the people see just how so innocent this corrupt pile of shit truly is.

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