This is everything in a nut shell, pay attention

Mueller's entire report was to find if the Russians and the Trump's in any way swayed our election, that's it. Trump showed his inexperience and his ignorance in the law and Mueller bought it.....those arrested and sentenced, did so for LYING TO THE CONGRESS AND MUELLER...LYING.

Now, that its over and we all know Trump did collude with Putin, it did not effect our election. SOMETHING ONLY THE CONSERVATIVES BOUGHT INTO. Everyone including myself after Hillary lost believed that Comey pretty much sunk her lead and that Hillary was a fucked up candidate.

Now with that being said, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL, TRUMP IS SLEEPING EASY AT NIGHT....this investigation has stripped the Trumps of their Teflon coating and has exposed the corrupt nature of their business's. This is not going away in any way shape or form, we know this, they know this and sooner or later the Trumps, all of them are going to prison, that is fact
We do not know that trump colluded with putin whether it effected the election or not

There is no evidence of collusion
Fact: Russia did in fact meddle in our election, that is an undeniable fact. What isn't so factual, is the part the Trump people played in all this. But one must ask, WHY SO MANY LIES, WHY SO MANY ATTEMPTS TO DISTRUPT COMEY, WHY THE LIES???????
Mueller's entire report was to find if the Russians and the Trump's in any way swayed our election, that's it. Trump showed his inexperience and his ignorance in the law and Mueller bought it.....those arrested and sentenced, did so for LYING TO THE CONGRESS AND MUELLER...LYING.

Now, that its over and we all know Trump did collude with Putin, it did not effect our election. SOMETHING ONLY THE CONSERVATIVES BOUGHT INTO. Everyone including myself after Hillary lost believed that Comey pretty much sunk her lead and that Hillary was a fucked up candidate.

Now with that being said, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL, TRUMP IS SLEEPING EASY AT NIGHT....this investigation has stripped the Trumps of their Teflon coating and has exposed the corrupt nature of their business's. This is not going away in any way shape or form, we know this, they know this and sooner or later the Trumps, all of them are going to prison, that is fact
We do not know that trump colluded with putin whether it effected the election or not

There is no evidence of collusion
Fact: Russia did in fact meddle in our election, that is an undeniable fact. What isn't so factual, is the part the Trump people played in all this. But one must ask, WHY SO MANY LIES, WHY SO MANY ATTEMPTS TO DISTRUPT COMEY, WHY THE LIES???????
Russia has been meddling in our politics since Stalin. BTW we do it and so does every other country that can afford it.
If in fact, Trump is sooo innocent, than lets release the full report and let the people see just how so innocent this corrupt pile of shit truly is.
If there were ever experts on corruption, you lefttards have to be at the top of the heap.
If Trump is so innocent, then why the lies and cover ups...if you can't answer that, than shut the hell up
If in fact, Trump is sooo innocent, than lets release the full report and let the people see just how so innocent this corrupt pile of shit truly is.
If there were ever experts on corruption, you lefttards have to be at the top of the heap.
If Trump is so innocent, then why the lies and cover ups...if you can't answer that, than shut the hell up
The truth can be a real bitch, huh?
There's a word that describes people like you who keep digging the hole you're in deeper and deeper. That word is masochist

  1. a person who derives sexual gratification from their own pain or humiliation.
    "the roles of masochist and mistress"
    • (in general use) a person who enjoys an activity that appears to be painful or tedious.
      "what kind of masochist would take part in such an experiment?"
If in fact, Trump is sooo innocent, than lets release the full report and let the people see just how so innocent this corrupt pile of shit truly is.
If there were ever experts on corruption, you lefttards have to be at the top of the heap.
If Trump is so innocent, then why the lies and cover ups...if you can't answer that, than shut the hell up

Because if we haven't committed a crime there are things we don't want to tell anybody, especially if they are liberal scum.
If in fact, Trump is sooo innocent, than lets release the full report and let the people see just how so innocent this corrupt pile of shit truly is.
If there were ever experts on corruption, you lefttards have to be at the top of the heap.
If Trump is so innocent, then why the lies and cover ups...if you can't answer that, than shut the hell up

:itsok: ^^^ :bye1:

Mueller's entire report was to find if the Russians and the Trump's in any way swayed our election, that's it. Trump showed his inexperience and his ignorance in the law and Mueller bought it.....those arrested and sentenced, did so for LYING TO THE CONGRESS AND MUELLER...LYING.

Now, that its over and we all know Trump did collude with Putin, it did not effect our election. SOMETHING ONLY THE CONSERVATIVES BOUGHT INTO. Everyone including myself after Hillary lost believed that Comey pretty much sunk her lead and that Hillary was a fucked up candidate.

Now with that being said, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL, TRUMP IS SLEEPING EASY AT NIGHT....this investigation has stripped the Trumps of their Teflon coating and has exposed the corrupt nature of their business's. This is not going away in any way shape or form, we know this, they know this and sooner or later the Trumps, all of them are going to prison, that is fact

You are one Dumb Ass Tard.......

You Tards tried to Frame Trump and its blown up in your faces..

Trump Is Stronger than ever and He is going to STOMP your libtarded asses in 20....

What has been stripped away is any semblance of credibility from your libtarded media

in all of its lying forms.

The cherry on top will be all of the corrupt libtarded deep state Mother Fluckers

on your side that will soon be going to prison......:fu:
If in fact, Trump is sooo innocent, than lets release the full report and let the people see just how so innocent this corrupt pile of shit truly is.

Because the full report contains classified information that they don't want dumbasses like you getting a hold of.

I don't need to see the full fucking report. I just want to know if Trump did it. If he didn't, great. I don't need to know all the fucking details of how they came to that conclusion.
OP, you're just a bit off on your title.

You should title this thread "This is everything from a nutcase, pay attention."

I've never been more proud of my president than I am today. His life just survived an investigation that had unlimited resources and unlimited time and he came out clean as a whistle.

Had they investigated Obama or Clinton this much they'd be in stripes.

OP, you're just a bit off.


FTFY. :)
Its no secret that Trump supporters are missing a few screws to the brain, its no secret that facts mean nothing to retarded white people and its no secret you loyal morons will defend the corrupt Russian loving clown to the why does anybody waste time responding to your comments, its like trying to get a dog shit smell off the shoe......waste of time

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