This is how Democrats see the African American community

LOL, get a life ........ Chicago is worse than Fallujah

You say this, but don't like it when your timidity is pointed out? That's inconsistent.

(smile) Like I said....., you run with that ;)

Run with what? You said you were scared, didn't you? Why take issue with it now? Are you or aren't you scared?

LOL, get a life ........ Chicago is worse than Fallujah

You say this, but don't like it when your timidity is pointed out? That's inconsistent.

(smile) Like I said ......, you run with that ;)

Not a matter of my "running" with anything. Just trying to see why you are so sensitive about being called timid when you keep saying things that are clearly indicative of fear, timidity, and both physical and mental weakness. None of that is your fault, but at least be honest about it.

LOL, get a life ........ Chicago is worse than Fallujah

You say this, but don't like it when your timidity is pointed out? That's inconsistent.

(smile) Like I said....., you run with that ;)

Run with what? You said you were scared, didn't you? Why take issue with it now? Are you or aren't you scared?

I called you out for the stupid thing you said and now you're upset? You're a kid on the internet, I'm a guy who is in no way concerned about his manhood. You're free to think and say of me anything you wish son, it in no way impacts me ;) Son, you're nothing, you've no experience, you've no life. All you have is this place.

Feel free to make any accusations, observations you'd like to. I'm good.

LOL, get a life ........ Chicago is worse than Fallujah

You say this, but don't like it when your timidity is pointed out? That's inconsistent.

(smile) Like I said....., you run with that ;)

Run with what? You said you were scared, didn't you? Why take issue with it now? Are you or aren't you scared?

I called you out for the stupid thing you said ....

And what would that be?
LOL, get a life ........ Chicago is worse than Fallujah

You say this, but don't like it when your timidity is pointed out? That's inconsistent.

(smile) Like I said....., you run with that ;)

Run with what? You said you were scared, didn't you? Why take issue with it now? Are you or aren't you scared?

I called you out for the stupid thing you said ....

And what would that be?

LOL, son? I have no need to answer any questions from you. Now you're playing stupid. I'll be fine. Not sure how I'll sleep knowing you think less of me but I'll try. Ok son?
LOL, get a life ........ Chicago is worse than Fallujah

You say this, but don't like it when your timidity is pointed out? That's inconsistent.

(smile) Like I said....., you run with that ;)

Run with what? You said you were scared, didn't you? Why take issue with it now? Are you or aren't you scared?

...You're a kid ...

Thank you!

What has happened over the past three years to age you so much?

What happened to me was many years ago, it's what allows me the wisdom to know when and where to push and when not to. More people die in Chicago on any given weekend than any of our people in all theatres we are involved globally. There are places where only stupid people go. The next time I get shot will be my last.
LOL, get a life ........ Chicago is worse than Fallujah

You say this, but don't like it when your timidity is pointed out? That's inconsistent.

(smile) Like I said....., you run with that ;)

Run with what? You said you were scared, didn't you? Why take issue with it now? Are you or aren't you scared?'ve no experience, you've no life....

Well now, I have to say that it is extremely likely I have much more diverse life experience than you, but who knows? As you say, it’s the internet.

It is indeed. No, you don't have any real life experience outside of the US. Hell kid, you don't even know the difference between timidity and experience.
You say this, but don't like it when your timidity is pointed out? That's inconsistent.

(smile) Like I said....., you run with that ;)

Run with what? You said you were scared, didn't you? Why take issue with it now? Are you or aren't you scared?

...You're a kid ...

Thank you!

What has happened over the past three years to age you so much?

What happened to me was many years ago, it's what allows me the wisdom to know when and where to push and when not to. More people die in Chicago on any given weekend than any of our people in all theatres we are involved globally. There are places where only stupid people go. The next time I get shot will be my last.

So, is Chicago completely empty of people?
(smile) Like I said....., you run with that ;)

Run with what? You said you were scared, didn't you? Why take issue with it now? Are you or aren't you scared?'ve no experience, you've no life....

Well now, I have to say that it is extremely likely I have much more diverse life experience than you, but who knows? As you say, it’s the internet.

...No, you don't have any real life experience outside of the US. ....

Oh boy, you’re not gonna like this, but I have to correct you again. You know, you should really stop making categorical statements when you don’t have any concrete information upon which to base them. It makes you look a little, well, stupid.

I'll risk it kid. You can't correct me on your best day
So it's OK for South Africa to elect a leader who will round up all whites and gas them like Hitler did the jews.

They've already done it and we haven't stepped in, should we? They are seizing lands and killing whites, I'd think you'd be happy.
Usually I like to explain my position. Most of the time I post links. But this time, with something so conspiratorial and nonsensical, all I can say is “liar“.

If anyone is doing any gassing, it’s Republicans gassing babies at the border. We’ve seen the video.

Democrats have aborted over 19mil black babie Gia Planned Parenthood since 1973. Well done, deantard
Spare me. We’ve seen how your kind put babies in cages. You don’t care about babies. You care about controlling women’s bodies. Legislating women and making them less than human.
People like me just want their meager earnings and stop paying for them. Let them take care of themselves and stop changing the standards for employment for quotas. You even destroyed males to do it.
Good, then you support a woman's right. You don't want to pay for unwanted babies.
Run with what? You said you were scared, didn't you? Why take issue with it now? Are you or aren't you scared?'ve no experience, you've no life....

Well now, I have to say that it is extremely likely I have much more diverse life experience than you, but who knows? As you say, it’s the internet.

...No, you don't have any real life experience outside of the US. ....

Oh boy, you’re not gonna like this, but I have to correct you again. You know, you should really stop making categorical statements when you don’t have any concrete information upon which to base them. It makes you look a little, well, stupid.

I'll risk it....You can't correct me on your best day

But I just did. Are you at all familiar with logical discourse?

Now, be more careful with those categorical statements and I won’t need to correct you again.
Time and time and time again, we see the racism of the left rear its ugly head. Joe Biden considers African American communities to be "the hood".

Biden brags about going to the 'hood' to teach 'women of color' how to code
Lol, funny stuff. You are terrified of going into a predominantly minority neighborhood.

Who's the racist?
Wouldn’t go into a predominantly minority hood shithole for any reason whatsoever. One man’s terrified is another man’s knowing it’s fuckin’ stupid to expose one’s self to a killing zone. Hell, call me chickenshit or anything else for it as it’s meaningless what assholes think of me. Period.
Lol @ "killing zone".

I mean, seriously?

If you're White try walking around the South side of Chicago after dark kid
Been there.

Cabrini Green specifically. Before they tore it down if course.
Time and time and time again, we see the racism of the left rear its ugly head. Joe Biden considers African American communities to be "the hood".

Biden brags about going to the 'hood' to teach 'women of color' how to code
Lol, funny stuff. You are terrified of going into a predominantly minority neighborhood.

Who's the racist?
Wouldn’t go into a predominantly minority hood shithole for any reason whatsoever. One man’s terrified is another man’s knowing it’s fuckin’ stupid to expose one’s self to a killing zone. Hell, call me chickenshit or anything else for it as it’s meaningless what assholes think of me. Period.
Lol @ "killing zone".

I mean, seriously?

If you're White try walking around the South side of Chicago after dark kid
Been there.

Cabrini Green specifically. Before they tore it down if course.

Tell us kid, on average how many die in South Chicago are killed on any given weekend?
Time and time and time again, we see the racism of the left rear its ugly head. Joe Biden considers African American communities to be "the hood".

Biden brags about going to the 'hood' to teach 'women of color' how to code
Lol, funny stuff. You are terrified of going into a predominantly minority neighborhood.

Who's the racist?
Wouldn’t go into a predominantly minority hood shithole for any reason whatsoever. One man’s terrified is another man’s knowing it’s fuckin’ stupid to expose one’s self to a killing zone. Hell, call me chickenshit or anything else for it as it’s meaningless what assholes think of me. Period.
Lol @ "killing zone".

I mean, seriously?

If you're White try walking around the South side of Chicago after dark kid

So much fear...
It would be funny, if it wasn't so sad.

It's just another way of dehumanizing minorities.
Lol, funny stuff. You are terrified of going into a predominantly minority neighborhood.

Who's the racist?
Wouldn’t go into a predominantly minority hood shithole for any reason whatsoever. One man’s terrified is another man’s knowing it’s fuckin’ stupid to expose one’s self to a killing zone. Hell, call me chickenshit or anything else for it as it’s meaningless what assholes think of me. Period.
Lol @ "killing zone".

I mean, seriously?

If you're White try walking around the South side of Chicago after dark kid
Been there.

Cabrini Green specifically. Before they tore it down if course.

Tell us kid, on average how many die in South Chicago are killed on any given weekend?
Why ask me Junior? You can't use Google?
Time and time and time again, we see the racism of the left rear its ugly head. Joe Biden considers African American communities to be "the hood".

Biden brags about going to the 'hood' to teach 'women of color' how to code
Lol, funny stuff. You are terrified of going into a predominantly minority neighborhood.

Who's the racist?
Wouldn’t go into a predominantly minority hood shithole for any reason whatsoever. One man’s terrified is another man’s knowing it’s fuckin’ stupid to expose one’s self to a killing zone. Hell, call me chickenshit or anything else for it as it’s meaningless what assholes think of me. Period.
Lol @ "killing zone".

I mean, seriously?

If you're White try walking around the South side of Chicago after dark kid

If you are black try walking around in Clay Center Kansas after dark.

Or Harrison Arkansas.

Jasper Texas.

Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, western Nebraska, North and South Dakota. Most of Illinois outside of Chicago. Missouri, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee . Most of New York state and most of the boroughs of NYC. Boston suburbs. I can go on and on. You racists can only say 3 words, Chicago, Detroit and liberal. You're a joke.
Jasper Texas.
That is such a fucking lie.

Jesus. One random act of racist murder 30 fucking years ago, and the rest of us never hear the end of it and must forever share in the guilt.

Both of those fuckers were executed by the State of Texas. We don't put up with that shit here.

You need a new talking point.

Time and time and time again, we see the racism of the left rear its ugly head. Joe Biden considers African American communities to be "the hood".

Biden brags about going to the 'hood' to teach 'women of color' how to code
Lol, funny stuff. You are terrified of going into a predominantly minority neighborhood.

Who's the racist?
Wouldn’t go into a predominantly minority hood shithole for any reason whatsoever. One man’s terrified is another man’s knowing it’s fuckin’ stupid to expose one’s self to a killing zone. Hell, call me chickenshit or anything else for it as it’s meaningless what assholes think of me. Period.
Lol @ "killing zone".

I mean, seriously?

If you're White try walking around the South side of Chicago after dark kid

If you are black try walking around in Clay Center Kansas after dark.

Or Harrison Arkansas.

Jasper Texas.

Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, western Nebraska, North and South Dakota. Most of Illinois outside of Chicago. Missouri, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee . Most of New York state and most of the boroughs of NYC. Boston suburbs. I can go on and on. You racists can only say 3 words, Chicago, Detroit and liberal. You're a joke.

“Boston suburbs”? ??? Why would you be afraid to walk around the Boston suburbs after dark? That’s just weird.
Lol, funny stuff. You are terrified of going into a predominantly minority neighborhood.

Who's the racist?
Wouldn’t go into a predominantly minority hood shithole for any reason whatsoever. One man’s terrified is another man’s knowing it’s fuckin’ stupid to expose one’s self to a killing zone. Hell, call me chickenshit or anything else for it as it’s meaningless what assholes think of me. Period.
Lol @ "killing zone".

I mean, seriously?

If you're White try walking around the South side of Chicago after dark kid

If you are black try walking around in Clay Center Kansas after dark.

Or Harrison Arkansas.

Jasper Texas.

Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, western Nebraska, North and South Dakota. Most of Illinois outside of Chicago. Missouri, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee . Most of New York state and most of the boroughs of NYC. Boston suburbs. I can go on and on. You racists can only say 3 words, Chicago, Detroit and liberal. You're a joke.

LOL, sure Nigg*a. I'm the guy that will meet with you and discuss many whitey's you killed boy?
WTF is wrong with you man? What makes you think it ok to talk to another person like that?
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