This is how Democrats see the African American community

This is how Democrats see the African American community

There is no such thing as an African American. You were either born in Africa or America. Which is why I am not a European American
We know what Republicans think of African-Americans. Look how they treated Obama. Look how they treated his wife. Look how they treated his kids.

We know how the left treats them... As little children who are to fucking stupid to get an I.D.
I’m in the hood. We won’t hurt you. Come on down
Lol, there is nowhere in the US I am afraid to walk down the street. What's more, I'll do it unarmed and probably end up making some new friends at the same time.

Come to Chelsea MA. You ll change your mind
No, I won't. Stop being frightened of people who are different. They really don't mean you any harm.
Al cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by democrats.. not republicans

I agree with the idiot. Aren’t you an ex con?

I agree with the idiot. Aren’t you an ex con?

According to one of his recent posts, he reported for a prison sentence a few weeks back? They give unlimited internet in Rikers? I think it was him? No i dont want to look it up....sigh...deeply sighing.
Lol, there is nowhere in the US I am afraid to walk down the street.
Listen to the Internet tough guy here... :rolleyes:
What's more, I'll do it unarmed
Of course you’re a leftists who is deathly afraid of inanimate objects.
and probably end up making some new friends at the same time.
You can’t even do that on USMB. How the hell is a racist like you going to pull that off on minority communities?
Been there done that and unarmed....You evidently represent a threatening aura when you interact.
This is how Democrats see the African American community

There is no such thing as an African American. You were either born in Africa or America. Which is why I am not a European American
We know what Republicans think of African-Americans. Look how they treated Obama. Look how they treated his wife. Look how they treated his kids.

We know how the left treats them... As little children who are to fucking stupid to get an I.D.
The left is made up of all races and ethnic backgrounds just as the far right:auiqs.jpg:
White conservatives who used to call themselves Dixiecrat‘s and now call themselves Republicans think they’re experts on African-Americans because they used to own slaves.

Nearly 20% of Trump Fans Think Freeing the Slaves Was a Bad Idea
They same racial protest that happens back then in democrat towns are still happening in democrat towns lol you are the racist haha
Democrats are a coalition party. African-Americans are important part of that coalition. Just like Hispanics and gays and women and other minorities.
No matter how much you try to smear Democrats, it’s Republicans who are the racist now. It’s Republicans who feel that we never should’ve ended slavery. It’s Republicans who put through tax cuts for billionaires. It’s Republicans who cage babies.

Those are the facts . They are protecting a lawless president and they know he’s lawless and they don’t care.


No matter how often they lie, sometimes you just have to believe what Republicans tell you.
Racial complaints and Oppression has always come from towns run by democrats.. NOT republican.. just facts.. democrats are destroying black lives
Except to the deep South is racial oppression central. It’s Republicans with the felony convictions. For voter suppression and election fraud. Not Democrats.

Another Republican Convicted for Vote Fraud
All cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by democrats.. not republicans..
I’m in the hood. We won’t hurt you. Come on down
Lol, there is nowhere in the US I am afraid to walk down the street. What's more, I'll do it unarmed and probably end up making some new friends at the same time.

Come to Chelsea MA. You ll change your mind
No, I won't. Stop being frightened of people who are different. They really don't mean you any harm.
Al cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by democrats.. not republicans

I agree with the idiot. Aren’t you an ex con?
What are you blabbering about?
Who's lying? Most conservatives are scared of minorities.

My grandma was a wop, BOO!!!

Most Liberals are scared of minorities that are independent individual voters vs. voters who vote along color lines.
I honestly never ask anyone about their political views while in public, just like I don't talk about their sex life or religion.
Don’t you want to know if you’re hanging around with somebody who’s dangerous or racist or Republican?
Even most republicans are really what you call dangerous.

Spying on people works. Tapping their phone lines, computers, etc. liberals justify this by saying a judge signed off on it.
Yet both parties are partners in the Patriot Act.’re going to double-down and declare that calling areas with higher minority populations “the hood” is ok?
Actually, the article you link says it's okay.
Aaaand....she triples down. You really want the USMB community to know just how racist you are, uh?

Democrats screeched about Racism, and Nazis, so Republicans joined them.
Republicans have no backbone.
The irony here is that these minorities you're appeasing, are voting Democrat, and thus not only are exterminating your way of life, and culture, but your political Republicans too.
This is how Democrats see the African American community

There is no such thing as an African American. You were either born in Africa or America. Which is why I am not a European American
We know what Republicans think of African-Americans. Look how they treated Obama. Look how they treated his wife. Look how they treated his kids.

We know how the left treats them... As little children who are to fucking stupid to get an I.D.
The left is made up of all races and ethnic backgrounds just as the far right:auiqs.jpg:

Race always on your mind? When did I mention anything?
White conservatives who used to call themselves Dixiecrat‘s and now call themselves Republicans think they’re experts on African-Americans because they used to own slaves.

Nearly 20% of Trump Fans Think Freeing the Slaves Was a Bad Idea
They same racial protest that happens back then in democrat towns are still happening in democrat towns lol you are the racist haha
Democrats are a coalition party. African-Americans are important part of that coalition. Just like Hispanics and gays and women and other minorities.
No matter how much you try to smear Democrats, it’s Republicans who are the racist now. It’s Republicans who feel that we never should’ve ended slavery. It’s Republicans who put through tax cuts for billionaires. It’s Republicans who cage babies.

Those are the facts . They are protecting a lawless president and they know he’s lawless and they don’t care.


No matter how often they lie, sometimes you just have to believe what Republicans tell you.
Racial complaints and Oppression has always come from towns run by democrats.. NOT republican.. just facts.. democrats are destroying black lives
Except to the deep South is racial oppression central. It’s Republicans with the felony convictions. For voter suppression and election fraud. Not Democrats.

Another Republican Convicted for Vote Fraud

Whites treating half Black Obama bad = Racism automatically.
Blacks treating full White Trump bad = Anti-Racism automatically.

You can't make this cr@p up, basically there's one standard for Whites to obey, and another standard where Blacks can do whatever the hell they like.
Time and time and time again, we see the racism of the left rear its ugly head. Joe Biden considers African American communities to be "the hood".

Biden brags about going to the 'hood' to teach 'women of color' how to code
They hate Candace Owens. She speaks some painful truth.
You see the true colors of the racist left every time Candace makes an appearance. They resort to racial slurs and violence (typical of the KKK - which was founded by the Dumbocrats in Tennessee).

Sure, I'm against KKK for mass-murders.
But, KKK mass-murders are spit in the bucket, compared to the Ocean of mass-murders done by Democrats like FDR, Truman, LBJ,
or Republicans like Abraham Lincoln, and the Bushie Boys.

Why acknowledge that the KKK is evil, but not Democrats, or Republicans for even more mass-murder?

Because dumb, dumbos are brainwashed by Liberalism.

Far more Blacks were killed by their hero Abraham Lincoln, the ONLY Republican they admire, rather than by the KKK.
This is how Democrats see the African American community

There is no such thing as an African American. You were either born in Africa or America. Which is why I am not a European American

The USA has no real integral population.

African Americans aren't like White Americans, for example African Americans tend to say "@SS" rather than "Ask" and vote Democrat.

I see African Americans even looking at my American flag hats, and then giving me dirty stares, they're the fifth column.

Even a lot of White Southerners support the Confederacy.

Then there's Jews, and Muslims in the USA who usually put their faith above America.

Then there's Mexicans calling for Aztlan a Mexican homeland on US territory.

There's French Cajuns, Italians, Irish Catholics, Polish, yada, yada you get the drift.
Each tend to be different than Southerners.
You are terrified of going into a predominantly minority neighborhood.
That’s a bizarre things to say considering you have no idea who I am... :lmao:

Ask yourself this question, friends: why do all leftists feel the need to resort to lying?
Who's lying? Most conservatives are scared of minorities.

My grandma was a wop, BOO!!!

Most Liberals are scared of minorities that are independent individual voters vs. voters who vote along color lines.
I honestly never ask anyone about their political views while in public, just like I don't talk about their sex life or religion.
Don’t you want to know if you’re hanging around with somebody who’s dangerous or racist or Republican?

The most dangerous people on a civilian level at least, are African Americans, in the USA, they make up the majority of the murders, FACT.
That’s a bizarre things to say considering you have no idea who I am... :lmao:

Ask yourself this question, friends: why do all leftists feel the need to resort to lying?
Who's lying? Most conservatives are scared of minorities.

My grandma was a wop, BOO!!!

Most Liberals are scared of minorities that are independent individual voters vs. voters who vote along color lines.
I honestly never ask anyone about their political views while in public, just like I don't talk about their sex life or religion.
Don’t you want to know if you’re hanging around with somebody who’s dangerous or racist or Republican?

The most dangerous people on a civilian level at least, are African Americans, in the USA, they make up the majority of the murders, FACT.
Not where I live...It's drunk whites shooting drunk whites...
Who's lying? Most conservatives are scared of minorities.

My grandma was a wop, BOO!!!

Most Liberals are scared of minorities that are independent individual voters vs. voters who vote along color lines.
I honestly never ask anyone about their political views while in public, just like I don't talk about their sex life or religion.
Don’t you want to know if you’re hanging around with somebody who’s dangerous or racist or Republican?

The most dangerous people on a civilian level at least, are African Americans, in the USA, they make up the majority of the murders, FACT.
Not where I live...It's drunk whites shooting drunk whites...

We have enough problems with White trash, we didn't need to import Black trash.

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