This Is How It Begins


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Unlike some 'Republicans' who think we should take such suicidal actions as shutting down the goobermint or trying to impeach an unimpeachable Liar in Chief......

This is how Adults do things. This is what separates Leaders from followers.

This is how you win.

dimocraps have taken over so many of our institutions that, even when we win elections, they're just churning out more and more little dimocrap larvae. We have to go after the 'Queens' -- the things that support dimocraps, the things that fund them, the things you don't always see.

And here is their number one Queen that needs to be destroyed..... Not limited or taken down a notch -- Destroyed


Opting Out of Unions Gets Boost in States
More ‘Right to Work’ Proposals Are Expected as Republicans Capitalize on Statehouse Gains

A new wave of bills that would allow workers to opt out of joining unions is expected from Maine to New Mexico as Republicans look to capitalize on statehouse gains to put new limits on organized labor.

Nearly half of U.S. states already have such laws—called “right to work” measures by backers—which allow employees in unionized workplaces to refrain from joining a union and paying dues. But only three states have become part of those ranks in the past two decades: Oklahoma in 2001 and Michigan and Indiana in 2012.

Supporters of such laws say November’s election could provide new momentum as legislatures reconvene and Republicans have the largest number of state lawmakers since 1920. But such bills would face opposition from labor leaders and Democrats, while some Republicans see the often divisive issue as a distraction.

Backers say workers should be able to choose whether to join a union, and they say the laws can make their states more attractive to employers.


I didn't add a link because it wouldn't do any good. It's from the WSJ and you'd run into a subscription wall.

So what you do is C&P the title into google and when it comes up with a WSJ address in the search results, you click on that and you'll get a 'Free Pass'.

The WSJ don't mind. Seriously.

We need to win these battles or we're going to go down the drain with Greece, Portugal, France, et al.

Believe it.
America is circling the drain seems unlikely that with the current political leadership and the power elite in complete control, that going down the drain can be stopped.
Unlike some 'Republicans' who think we should take such suicidal actions as shutting down the goobermint or trying to impeach an unimpeachable Liar in Chief......

This is how Adults do things. This is what separates Leaders from followers.

This is how you win.

dimocraps have taken over so many of our institutions that, even when we win elections, they're just churning out more and more little dimocrap larvae. We have to go after the 'Queens' -- the things that support dimocraps, the things that fund them, the things you don't always see.

And here is their number one Queen that needs to be destroyed..... Not limited or taken down a notch -- Destroyed


Opting Out of Unions Gets Boost in States
More ‘Right to Work’ Proposals Are Expected as Republicans Capitalize on Statehouse Gains

A new wave of bills that would allow workers to opt out of joining unions is expected from Maine to New Mexico as Republicans look to capitalize on statehouse gains to put new limits on organized labor.

Nearly half of U.S. states already have such laws—called “right to work” measures by backers—which allow employees in unionized workplaces to refrain from joining a union and paying dues. But only three states have become part of those ranks in the past two decades: Oklahoma in 2001 and Michigan and Indiana in 2012.

Supporters of such laws say November’s election could provide new momentum as legislatures reconvene and Republicans have the largest number of state lawmakers since 1920. But such bills would face opposition from labor leaders and Democrats, while some Republicans see the often divisive issue as a distraction.

Backers say workers should be able to choose whether to join a union, and they say the laws can make their states more attractive to employers.


I didn't add a link because it wouldn't do any good. It's from the WSJ and you'd run into a subscription wall.

So what you do is C&P the title into google and when it comes up with a WSJ address in the search results, you click on that and you'll get a 'Free Pass'.

The WSJ don't mind. Seriously.

We need to win these battles or we're going to go down the drain with Greece, Portugal, France, et al.

Believe it.

Actually, public schools and public universities are what need to be taken down. The left gets to use public money to brainwash the entire population for 12-16 years of their lives. There's no way freedom can survive under such circumstances.
So you are saying that unions for workers is bad, what about public employee unions? Bad also?

Private sector unions are acceptable as long as they are not forced on people. Public sector unions are a threat to our country's fiscal health.
So you are saying that unions for workers is bad, what about public employee unions? Bad also?
Public Employee Unions are the absolute worst.

Even FDR, socialist scumbag extraordinaire, didn't believe in Public Sector Unions.

That all changed when JFK saw himself facing a tough re-election and issued an Executive Order allowing Public Sector Unions.

The deal with Private Sector Unions is simple.... If Union scum run their employer out of business (which they OFTEN do) they lose their jobs.

Are you THAT stupid to think that China and India and Indonesia and Brazil came looking for work and we just gave it to them?

You're an idiot. Companies got sick and tired of stupid Unions and went there looking for employees that wouldn't walk off the job over a ten cent raise.

But Public Employee Unions?

They're criminal.

Here's how it works:

Union Thug to dimocrap scumbag politician:

"Hey, Patrick. You get my boys a big fat raise and I'll get them on the street for you. They'll knock on doors and they'll tell people to vote for you -- If they know what's good for them. And not only that, but after you get us the HUGE raise, we'll make sure and funnel MILLIONS into your re-election campaign" (which they do. By the billions)

Patrick to Union Thug: "Sounds like a plan, Luigi. There won't be a Republican running this town for the next 100 years"

On that point, he was right.

Public Employee Unions are a criminal enterprise. Just like the dimocrap scum party. Birds of a feather.

We get somebody like a Scott Walker in Office? I think (more like HOPE) he issues an Executive Order to stop Public Employee Unions. Or, at the least, tell the Payroll people to stop deducting Union Dues automatically from Employee checks. You wanna join a Union? Go for it but don't FORCE people to join.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

And the people they elect aren't any better
To see the damage government employee unions cause, look no further than local streets and roads. Wages and benefits take up such a large percentage of local budgets, there is little left to actually make repairs.
To see the damage government employee unions cause, look no further than local streets and roads. Wages and benefits take up such a large percentage of local budgets, there is little left to actually make repairs.
For a real life example, you need look no further than Dee-Troit --


Did you know? That before dimocrap scum sunk their fangs into that once great City, that Dee-Troit had the highest per capita wages on the Planet earth?

It's a fact. Higher than New Yawk Shitty. Higher than Hollywood, Ca. Higher than Paris, Zurich or London or Hong Kong.

And look at where it is now, people. Just read something about a typical dimocrap scumbag criminal from Dee-Troit asking for a new trial -- FROM Prison.

And please, dimocraps. Spare me the sob story about Auto Worker jobs leaving. scumbag dimocraps were behind that, too. Unions made it impossible for our Companies to survive. Unions ran jobs overseas, Unions made the American Worker noncompetitive.

Trust me. I was there. I lived in Cleveland and watched it fall apart because of Unions.

Fortunately for me, I was smart enough to get out back in 1977 and haven't looked back.

dimocraps would fuck up a one-car funeral. Always have, always will

the dimocrap party is a criminal enterprise, not a political party.

To see the damage government employee unions cause, look no further than local streets and roads. Wages and benefits take up such a large percentage of local budgets, there is little left to actually make repairs.
For a real life example, you need look no further than Dee-Troit --


Did you know? That before dimocrap scum sunk their fangs into that once great City, that Dee-Troit had the highest per capita wages on the Planet earth?

It's a fact. Higher than New Yawk Shitty. Higher than Hollywood, Ca. Higher than Paris, Zurich or London or Hong Kong.

And look at where it is now, people. Just read something about a typical dimocrap scumbag criminal from Dee-Troit asking for a new trial -- FROM Prison.

And please, dimocraps. Spare me the sob story about Auto Worker jobs leaving. scumbag dimocraps were behind that, too. Unions made it impossible for our Companies to survive. Unions ran jobs overseas, Unions made the American Worker noncompetitive.

Trust me. I was there. I lived in Cleveland and watched it fall apart because of Unions.

Fortunately for me, I was smart enough to get out back in 1977 and haven't looked back.

dimocraps would fuck up a one-car funeral. Always have, always will

the dimocrap party is a criminal enterprise, not a political party.


Its dishonest to blame unions and Dems for everything.

Remember what the Republicans did when President Obama wanted to allocate funds for infrastructure ... ?
To see the damage government employee unions cause, look no further than local streets and roads. Wages and benefits take up such a large percentage of local budgets, there is little left to actually make repairs.
For a real life example, you need look no further than Dee-Troit --


Did you know? That before dimocrap scum sunk their fangs into that once great City, that Dee-Troit had the highest per capita wages on the Planet earth?

It's a fact. Higher than New Yawk Shitty. Higher than Hollywood, Ca. Higher than Paris, Zurich or London or Hong Kong.

And look at where it is now, people. Just read something about a typical dimocrap scumbag criminal from Dee-Troit asking for a new trial -- FROM Prison.

And please, dimocraps. Spare me the sob story about Auto Worker jobs leaving. scumbag dimocraps were behind that, too. Unions made it impossible for our Companies to survive. Unions ran jobs overseas, Unions made the American Worker noncompetitive.

Trust me. I was there. I lived in Cleveland and watched it fall apart because of Unions.

Fortunately for me, I was smart enough to get out back in 1977 and haven't looked back.

dimocraps would fuck up a one-car funeral. Always have, always will

the dimocrap party is a criminal enterprise, not a political party.


Its dishonest to blame unions and Dems for everything.

Remember what the Republicans did when President Obama wanted to allocate funds for infrastructure ... ?
What did the Republicans do? Nothing. They were in the minority and couldn't do anything.
Obama has been screetching about infrastructure funds for 6 years. He has spent billions on infrastructure and the only result has been a payoff to construction unions, who now hate him anyway for Keystone.

No, unions arent to blame for everything. But that doesnt mean they arent to blame for anything.
To see the damage government employee unions cause, look no further than local streets and roads. Wages and benefits take up such a large percentage of local budgets, there is little left to actually make repairs.
For a real life example, you need look no further than Dee-Troit --


Did you know? That before dimocrap scum sunk their fangs into that once great City, that Dee-Troit had the highest per capita wages on the Planet earth?

It's a fact. Higher than New Yawk Shitty. Higher than Hollywood, Ca. Higher than Paris, Zurich or London or Hong Kong.

And look at where it is now, people. Just read something about a typical dimocrap scumbag criminal from Dee-Troit asking for a new trial -- FROM Prison.

And please, dimocraps. Spare me the sob story about Auto Worker jobs leaving. scumbag dimocraps were behind that, too. Unions made it impossible for our Companies to survive. Unions ran jobs overseas, Unions made the American Worker noncompetitive.

Trust me. I was there. I lived in Cleveland and watched it fall apart because of Unions.

Fortunately for me, I was smart enough to get out back in 1977 and haven't looked back.

dimocraps would fuck up a one-car funeral. Always have, always will

the dimocrap party is a criminal enterprise, not a political party.


Its dishonest to blame unions and Dems for everything.

Remember what the Republicans did when President Obama wanted to allocate funds for infrastructure ... ?

Tell me, what did Republicans do? Inform us. Post a link.

I remember the Lying Cocksucker in Chief stealing HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS (almost a TRILLION DOLLARS) from the Porkulus Package for 'infrastructure' and 'Shovel ready' projects.

And I remember BILLIONS being frittered away and stolen. Remember Solyndra?

The tip of the iceberg.

Go try to fool some 3rd graders. They're on your intellectual level.
To see the damage government employee unions cause, look no further than local streets and roads. Wages and benefits take up such a large percentage of local budgets, there is little left to actually make repairs.
For a real life example, you need look no further than Dee-Troit --


Did you know? That before dimocrap scum sunk their fangs into that once great City, that Dee-Troit had the highest per capita wages on the Planet earth?

It's a fact. Higher than New Yawk Shitty. Higher than Hollywood, Ca. Higher than Paris, Zurich or London or Hong Kong.

And look at where it is now, people. Just read something about a typical dimocrap scumbag criminal from Dee-Troit asking for a new trial -- FROM Prison.

And please, dimocraps. Spare me the sob story about Auto Worker jobs leaving. scumbag dimocraps were behind that, too. Unions made it impossible for our Companies to survive. Unions ran jobs overseas, Unions made the American Worker noncompetitive.

Trust me. I was there. I lived in Cleveland and watched it fall apart because of Unions.

Fortunately for me, I was smart enough to get out back in 1977 and haven't looked back.

dimocraps would fuck up a one-car funeral. Always have, always will

the dimocrap party is a criminal enterprise, not a political party.


Its dishonest to blame unions and Dems for everything.

Remember what the Republicans did when President Obama wanted to allocate funds for infrastructure ... ?

Why should the federal government tell locals what needs to be fixed? The federal programs impose restrictions and rules which make projects more expensive, thus producing less infrastructure improvement.

Check with your county road commission and see how they sell federal program funds to the state and are returned a lower amount to accomplish more.

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