This Is How It Begins

Wage disparity and a shrinking consumer base. Harder and harder for working families to make ends meet. More and more wealth sequestered among the very few, and that wealth is not circulated through the economy.

And the Conservative approach? Eliminate unions!

When does that trickle down start?
Wage disparity and a shrinking consumer base. Harder and harder for working families to make ends meet. More and more wealth sequestered among the very few, and that wealth is not circulated through the economy.

And the Conservative approach? Eliminate unions!

When does that trickle down start?
And tje liberal approach: Make it worse!
Wage disparity and a shrinking consumer base. Harder and harder for working families to make ends meet. More and more wealth sequestered among the very few, and that wealth is not circulated through the economy.

And the Conservative approach? Eliminate unions!

When does that trickle down start?
And tje liberal approach: Make it worse!
Taking away the right to collective bargaining, taking away the power of the worker to strike for better conditions and benefits, taking away the buying power of the consumer (a power that drives better than 70% of our economy) is precisely what the Conservatives want to do. It ain't gonna get better with such policies.
To see the damage government employee unions cause, look no further than local streets and roads. Wages and benefits take up such a large percentage of local budgets, there is little left to actually make repairs.
For a real life example, you need look no further than Dee-Troit --


Did you know? That before dimocrap scum sunk their fangs into that once great City, that Dee-Troit had the highest per capita wages on the Planet earth?

It's a fact. Higher than New Yawk Shitty. Higher than Hollywood, Ca. Higher than Paris, Zurich or London or Hong Kong.

And look at where it is now, people. Just read something about a typical dimocrap scumbag criminal from Dee-Troit asking for a new trial -- FROM Prison.

And please, dimocraps. Spare me the sob story about Auto Worker jobs leaving. scumbag dimocraps were behind that, too. Unions made it impossible for our Companies to survive. Unions ran jobs overseas, Unions made the American Worker noncompetitive.

Trust me. I was there. I lived in Cleveland and watched it fall apart because of Unions.

Fortunately for me, I was smart enough to get out back in 1977 and haven't looked back.

dimocraps would fuck up a one-car funeral. Always have, always will

the dimocrap party is a criminal enterprise, not a political party.


Its dishonest to blame unions and Dems for everything.

Remember what the Republicans did when President Obama wanted to allocate funds for infrastructure ... ?
They did not turn this country in to Detroit. Accept it Liberals destroy everything they get their hands on.
I work in the power & paper industry and have worked with Union employees on projects for over 25 years. For the most part they are over paid and lazy. They do as little as possible and spend most of the day trying to fuck over the company they work for.
Wage disparity and a shrinking consumer base. Harder and harder for working families to make ends meet. More and more wealth sequestered among the very few, and that wealth is not circulated through the economy.

And the Conservative approach? Eliminate unions!

When does that trickle down start?

In the year 2000, the GDP was about $10 Trillion, now it's what? $17 Trillion? Something like that.

But the point is, the people that have the money now -- They created it. We have gained Seven TRILLION Dollars in Domestic Product.

Because -- Certain People Created It.

If you're on the low end of the wage scale, it's your own fault. Not mine, not anybody else's -- Yours.


The money is there. You just have to have the skill to go and get it.

Oh, I see. You've got a worthless degree in a worthless field and you think you're entitled to make 'X' number of dollars because you Bees edumucated and smart? Is that it? You feel entitled and the world is leaving you behind?

No shit. It will. It will until you learn that you have to have something to offer.

Which is -- What, exactly?

I retired 15 years ago at the age of 52. I don't have a College Degree -- Although I hired plenty of people with them. Most of whom were dumb as a box of rocks

I had one thing -- A work ethic. I succeeded but I didn't get rich. I did okay. But not rich. Not by a LONG shot. Not bragging. I think a lot of it was luck but luck is when opportunity meets preparedness. What I'm trying to tell you is --

First things first. Get a work ethic.

It'll do wonders for you
I work in the power & paper industry and have worked with Union employees on projects for over 25 years. For the most part they are over paid and lazy. They do as little as possible and spend most of the day trying to fuck over the company they work for.
I had the same problem when hiring non-union people also...
I work in the power & paper industry and have worked with Union employees on projects for over 25 years. For the most part they are over paid and lazy. They do as little as possible and spend most of the day trying to fuck over the company they work for.
I had the same problem when hiring non-union people also...

Yeah, being a night manager at Mickie D's is tough, moonie.
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I work in the power & paper industry and have worked with Union employees on projects for over 25 years. For the most part they are over paid and lazy. They do as little as possible and spend most of the day trying to fuck over the company they work for.
I had the same problem when hiring non-union people also...
Not me, The contractors I used were working mad men, they knew if they did not produce I would not use them again. When I had to use Union contractors required by the plant I had nothing but problems with them.
Wage disparity and a shrinking consumer base. Harder and harder for working families to make ends meet. More and more wealth sequestered among the very few, and that wealth is not circulated through the economy.

And the Conservative approach? Eliminate unions!

When does that trickle down start?

In the year 2000, the GDP was about $10 Trillion, now it's what? $17 Trillion? Something like that.

But the point is, the people that have the money now -- They created it. We have gained Seven TRILLION Dollars in Domestic Product.

Because -- Certain People Created It.

If you're on the low end of the wage scale, it's your own fault. Not mine, not anybody else's -- Yours.


The money is there. You just have to have the skill to go and get it.

Oh, I see. You've got a worthless degree in a worthless field and you think you're entitled to make 'X' number of dollars because you Bees edumucated and smart? Is that it? You feel entitled and the world is leaving you behind?

No shit. It will. It will until you learn that you have to have something to offer.

Which is -- What, exactly?

I retired 15 years ago at the age of 52. I don't have a College Degree -- Although I hired plenty of people with them. Most of whom were dumb as a box of rocks

I had one thing -- A work ethic. I succeeded but I didn't get rich. I did okay. But not rich. Not by a LONG shot. Not bragging. I think a lot of it was luck but luck is when opportunity meets preparedness. What I'm trying to tell you is --

First things first. Get a work ethic.

It'll do wonders for you
That 'created' wealth is not from making things better but from making a killing in the market.

When we had innovators who created their goods right here in America, there was great wealth among the top earners as well as the vast middle class. There were ample opportunities for experienced and entry level workers to advance.

What's the more noble pursuit: making things here in America by American workers and then getting rich, or making a killing in the market and depositing that gain in off shore accounts?
To see the damage government employee unions cause, look no further than local streets and roads. Wages and benefits take up such a large percentage of local budgets, there is little left to actually make repairs.
For a real life example, you need look no further than Dee-Troit --


Did you know? That before dimocrap scum sunk their fangs into that once great City, that Dee-Troit had the highest per capita wages on the Planet earth?

It's a fact. Higher than New Yawk Shitty. Higher than Hollywood, Ca. Higher than Paris, Zurich or London or Hong Kong.

And look at where it is now, people. Just read something about a typical dimocrap scumbag criminal from Dee-Troit asking for a new trial -- FROM Prison.

And please, dimocraps. Spare me the sob story about Auto Worker jobs leaving. scumbag dimocraps were behind that, too. Unions made it impossible for our Companies to survive. Unions ran jobs overseas, Unions made the American Worker noncompetitive.

Trust me. I was there. I lived in Cleveland and watched it fall apart because of Unions.

Fortunately for me, I was smart enough to get out back in 1977 and haven't looked back.

dimocraps would fuck up a one-car funeral. Always have, always will

the dimocrap party is a criminal enterprise, not a political party.


Its dishonest to blame unions and Dems for everything.

Remember what the Republicans did when President Obama wanted to allocate funds for infrastructure ... ?

Have you forgot about the Shovel Ready jobs?
Wage disparity and a shrinking consumer base. Harder and harder for working families to make ends meet. More and more wealth sequestered among the very few, and that wealth is not circulated through the economy.

And the Conservative approach? Eliminate unions!

When does that trickle down start?

In the year 2000, the GDP was about $10 Trillion, now it's what? $17 Trillion? Something like that.

But the point is, the people that have the money now -- They created it. We have gained Seven TRILLION Dollars in Domestic Product.

Because -- Certain People Created It.

If you're on the low end of the wage scale, it's your own fault. Not mine, not anybody else's -- Yours.


The money is there. You just have to have the skill to go and get it.

Oh, I see. You've got a worthless degree in a worthless field and you think you're entitled to make 'X' number of dollars because you Bees edumucated and smart? Is that it? You feel entitled and the world is leaving you behind?

No shit. It will. It will until you learn that you have to have something to offer.

Which is -- What, exactly?

I retired 15 years ago at the age of 52. I don't have a College Degree -- Although I hired plenty of people with them. Most of whom were dumb as a box of rocks

I had one thing -- A work ethic. I succeeded but I didn't get rich. I did okay. But not rich. Not by a LONG shot. Not bragging. I think a lot of it was luck but luck is when opportunity meets preparedness. What I'm trying to tell you is --

First things first. Get a work ethic.

It'll do wonders for you
That 'created' wealth is not from making things better but from making a killing in the market.

When we had innovators who created their goods right here in America, there was great wealth among the top earners as well as the vast middle class. There were ample opportunities for experienced and entry level workers to advance.

What's the more noble pursuit: making things here in America by American workers and then getting rich, or making a killing in the market and depositing that gain in off shore accounts?
When democrats make it impossible to make a profit by forcing mindless regulations on everything and trying to unionize everyone, I don't blame them for going off shore. People own a business to make money, not to make sure you have a nice cushy union job to fuck them over with.
Unions are like so many other institutions in the U.S. In the beginning they filled a need that was very real. But many unions (maybe most) have grown far beyond filling that initial need.

When some of those unions started getting real power, they became intoxicated by that power and now spend 99% of their efforts maintaining and wielding that power without regard to that initial need.

If I own a business and I don't get to hire the employee I want - I can only accept the employee that the union sends me - then THAT goes waaaay too far.
I work in the power & paper industry and have worked with Union employees on projects for over 25 years. For the most part they are over paid and lazy. They do as little as possible and spend most of the day trying to fuck over the company they work for.
I saw the same thing in 25 years of public education.
Unions had their pluses and minuses; you got liability insurance with your membership, so no punk ass's parents could harass you in court, and, they protected teachers against principals and administrators run amok.
Wage disparity and a shrinking consumer base. Harder and harder for working families to make ends meet. More and more wealth sequestered among the very few, and that wealth is not circulated through the economy.

And the Conservative approach? Eliminate unions!

When does that trickle down start?

In the year 2000, the GDP was about $10 Trillion, now it's what? $17 Trillion? Something like that.

But the point is, the people that have the money now -- They created it. We have gained Seven TRILLION Dollars in Domestic Product.

Because -- Certain People Created It.

If you're on the low end of the wage scale, it's your own fault. Not mine, not anybody else's -- Yours.


The money is there. You just have to have the skill to go and get it.

Oh, I see. You've got a worthless degree in a worthless field and you think you're entitled to make 'X' number of dollars because you Bees edumucated and smart? Is that it? You feel entitled and the world is leaving you behind?

No shit. It will. It will until you learn that you have to have something to offer.

Which is -- What, exactly?

I retired 15 years ago at the age of 52. I don't have a College Degree -- Although I hired plenty of people with them. Most of whom were dumb as a box of rocks

I had one thing -- A work ethic. I succeeded but I didn't get rich. I did okay. But not rich. Not by a LONG shot. Not bragging. I think a lot of it was luck but luck is when opportunity meets preparedness. What I'm trying to tell you is --

First things first. Get a work ethic.

It'll do wonders for you
That 'created' wealth is not from making things better but from making a killing in the market.

When we had innovators who created their goods right here in America, there was great wealth among the top earners as well as the vast middle class. There were ample opportunities for experienced and entry level workers to advance.

What's the more noble pursuit: making things here in America by American workers and then getting rich, or making a killing in the market and depositing that gain in off shore accounts?
When democrats make it impossible to make a profit by forcing mindless regulations on everything and trying to unionize everyone, I don't blame them for going off shore. People own a business to make money, not to make sure you have a nice cushy union job to fuck them over with.
So the repression of consumer spending and the elimination of collective bargaining are both means to an end, namely uplifting the middle class?

Why do Conservatives hate working Americans so much?
Unions are like so many other institutions in the U.S. In the beginning they filled a need that was very real. But many unions (maybe most) have grown far beyond filling that initial need.

When some of those unions started getting real power, they became intoxicated by that power and now spend 99% of their efforts maintaining and wielding that power without regard to that initial need.

If I own a business and I don't get to hire the employee I want - I can only accept the employee that the union sends me - then THAT goes waaaay too far.

The big shift came when unions started to focus on maintaining head count exclusively, and stopped weeding out those would couldn't cut it. Now they look after the worst workers more than the best workers.
I love hearing folks clamor for a government that "works." We couldn't POSSIBLY stand on Constitutional principles if that leads to a gubmint "shutdown!" they advise us. (Put aside the fact that a so-called "shut down" is never a true shut down.)

Or, they claim that if there is no room for "compromise," then there will be no new legislation passed!

ZOMG!! What a disaster THAT would be, eh?

We have FAR too many "laws" already passed and signed. We CERTAINLY have far too many rules and regulations autocratically put into effect in the name of administering those "laws."

I know it won't happen. Shit heads like Boehner would need balls and a commitment to actual values to do it. But it would be a WONDERFUL thing if the damn GOP would find it in their hearts, minds, and gonads to suddenly give actual support to the CONSTITUTION which they have sworn to uphold, protect and defend. If THAT leads to legislative "gridlock," why would that be considered a "problem?"

Fuck it. I'd LOVE it if NOT ONE stinking bill got passed by Congress except, perhaps, a very LIMITED budget. Period.

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