This Is How Low We Have Become Under Biden

That is a male, man. I know all this ridiculous shit is confusing, but that is a male pretending to be a female.
NO ONE will convince me otherwise.
Not even...................................................ARNOLD.

Junior movie review & film summary (1994)​

Roger Ebert › reviews › junior-1994

Nov 23, 1994 — The wonder is not that Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a pregnant person in "Junior," but that he plays one so well. He has an uncanny idea of ...


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Ah...a second thread on this. Yeah, she's immature. But some of us are mature enough to not freak out. Some of us.
This is what Biden accepts in his White House. Where is the left in calling this person out and condemning them? Instead they defend "her" as if this is normal. That's actually the point the right are trying to make. You are trying to make us all, including children, that this is normal behavior.
I hate agreeing with transphobes like the OP but yea.

Stupid and classless
For the most part, those on the right don't give a shit if someone wants to be a tranny or not. But, you use the bathroom of your real sex, not your make believe sex, and you don't participate in women's sports if you are really a man and you don't have parades that are openly sexual and you don't indoctrinate young children with sexuality and that this type of behavior is in any way normal, and when 80% of children grow out of gender dysphoria, you don't encourage them to take puberty blockers and have surgeries that they will regret years later, and you don't allow parents do be kept out of the loop as to what is happening with their own children.
Naked Trannies prancing around the White House.

Hunter must be in town With a shit-ton of Chicom cash.
What are they, like 2% of the population? I do not think men should be able to participate in women sports but other than that the RWers are going crazy about a very minute topic. I think it is just because of the icky aspect. But hey, you fight the good fight, stop the trannys.
Democrats are pushing it down everyone’s throat. Hense the trannies invited to the WH for a lawn party.

Transgender Activist Rose Montoya Goes Topless And Holds Her Breasts At White House​

Biden and the left must go. The country has become a laughing stock with our children being taught that all of this shit is perfectly normal and acceptable.
I know other countries stopped kids Transforming. They actually care about the well being of them. Here teachers groom 8 year olds to do it.

Transgender Activist Rose Montoya Goes Topless And Holds Her Breasts At White House​

Biden and the left must go. The country has become a laughing stock with our children being taught that all of this shit is perfectly normal and acceptable.
Poor rubes.

Upset over some trans tits, but not an attack on the Capitol.

A new low, all right.
What is this, the fourth thread on this today?
In poor taste and classless....but still just a pair of boobies. :)
It is important because normal people do have enough taste, class, sense of decency and propriety to know this kind of thing is just wrong and degrades us as a culture. It should be acceptable to nobody and allowed nowhere in public unless it is a venue where people are forewarned such as a strip club or nudie bar.

Perhaps just a 'pair of boobies' but evidence of a larger cultural decline that erodes the sense of right and wrong that has served us well for many many generations. Perhaps not total depravity but certainly pushes us along the road to get there.
You guys need to get a hobby and quit thinking about this stuff all the time.
They had an event at the Whitehouse dumbass. Why does Biden want to flaunt this crap? This is a celebration of sexual deviance, if they want to do it behind closed doors fine. More power too them, but everywhere you look there they are. We cannot think how stupid all this is.

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